A/N: I know I haven't updated in forever and I bet most of you thought this was dead. To be honest I had no plans to ever update it again. I never knew where I was going with it to begin with. The only thing I knew was that the world needed some Monk/Psych goodness and I felt like attempting some. But due to the lovely feedback I've been receiving and the private messages asking me to please continue, I've decided to write a little something-something for you all as a thank you. After two years there is a new hopefully decent chapter and it's dedicated to everyone who has reviewed or messaged me asking me to add another chapter. Now I started this fic a long time ago, so the time lines might not match up. And I'm not good at mysteries or anything like that, but -shrugs-. It's all just for fun.

Disclaimer: I do not own nor do I take credit for any the characters or anything like that. They belong to their respective owners.

Mr. Monk and the Muuuurder?


Shawn and Gus arrived at the crime scene a little after everyone else due to the fact that Shawn's non-existent low-blood sugar was acting up and the only thing that could save his life supposedly was a smoothie. The two of them skipped up the stairs slurping their drinks loudly until they reached the door.

"Well this is new," Gus said, pausing at the entrance. The caution tape which was normally crisscrossed was now in two parallel straight lines.

Shawn looked impressed. "Finally. They've come to embrace my love of limbo," he said with a straight face, bowing his head in gratitude. "How low can you go, Gus?" he asked, smacking his friendly lightly in the chest with the back of his head before he bent backwards and shimmed underneath the yellow ribbon.

While Gus tried to do the same it only resulted in a stumble where he almost fell backwards. He decided to be more serious about the matter at hand and simply bent underneath the tape (though he made sure to swat at it angrily in an act of defiance before it was completely out of his reach once he was underneath it).

"You're late," Lassiter said with a stern expression on his face. He was clearly unimpressed and not amused with the two of them as they entered the room.

"Oh, Lassie," Shawn mused. "You're just jealous you don't have a delicious icy-cold beverage made out of real fruit by the King of smoothies."

Shawn took another loud slurp of his drink while Gus lifted his own plastic cup as if giving a toast. He added after Shawn, "You know that's right."

Natalie, who happened to be standing on the other side of the room beside Detective O'Hara, leaned forward a bit in order to get a look at the two late arrivals. She scoffed, crossing her arms at the two of them. Shaking her head, she leaned back in the line while asking incredulously, "You actually brought smoothies to a crime scene?"

Taking a few long strides over to stand beside the woman, Shawn fell in line beside her and leaned in close. He spoke in a soft tone though it was still loud enough for those around him to hear. "You know I would have gotten you one, but I was hoping that maybe we could get one after this. Or dinner. Together. The two of us. Mano-e-smoothie."

"Wow," Natalie chuckled, her mouth hanging open slightly as she was fascinated by the audacity of the man (though she was a bit flattered by the type of attention she was receiving). Her reply was none other than a simple 'no'. Juliet looked relieved with that answer though her attempts to hide the fact that she'd been worried in the first place by keeping her eyes forward were rather paltry at best.

Meanwhile, Monk was trying to carefully examine the crime scene, however, the loud noises made by Shawn's slurping proved to be a great distraction for the detective. "C-could you please stop that?" Monk asked, tilting his head to the side, hoping that his shoulder would cover his ears enough to block out the sound. "It's really distracting."

"Sorry!" Shawn exclaimed loudly with a laugh before repeating more quietly in a whisper, "Sorry." Turning over to Gus, he lowered his voice so only his best friend could hear. "World class detective distracted by a straw? Come on." He scoffed while rolling his eyes.

After a few minutes of standing there, Monk stopped. "Did you find something, Mr. Monk?" Natalie asked as she walked over by his side to see where he was pointing to.

"That rug," he said. "It's unraveling." Monk lifted his head curiously as he asked, "Does anyone have a sewing kit or anything? To just patch that up there…" His voice trailed off as he looked from each face and noticed the strange looks the others were giving him. He rolled his shoulders slightly in an attempt to shake it off before saying, "But it's not a big deal, really." Every so often though his eyes would wander back to the rug to show that it was actually a bigger deal for him than he was trying to pretend it was in order to be accepted.

Shawn was now examining the crime scene in his own unique way. The first thing he happened to notice was a yellow wrapper peeking out from underneath the couch. He noticed it right away because it just so happened to be the wrapper for a snicker doodle-and he ate them himself. It had no relevance to the crime, but he couldn't help but turn to Gus and point it out to him if only because he was entertained by the fact that he had something in common with the deceased.

He became more serious as he noticed a picture on one of the tables of the young woman with the major. Shawn looked over to see Monk getting closer to the frame. As the man neared, Shawn called out quickly to get everyone's attention, "I'm getting something!"

Almost everyone's attention turned to him. The only one who didn't was the skeptical Monk and he simply continued to see the world through the picture frame he made with his hands before they finally rested upon the picture.

"Did you know that the victim knew the mayor?" he asked the officers. Shawn's thunder was stolen as the attention was back on Monk again. The young man gripped his hair before he dropped his arms with a frustrated sigh of defeat. "It just seems odd with what you told me about the mayor in the car and now discovering she has ties to him," Monk continued as he edged closer to the picture. "He has his arm around her waist. And his hand there…he's not wearing his ring."

Even Shawn had to do a double take on that one. While he'd noticed the fact that the mayor was in the picture, he hadn't noticed those smaller details and he wondered how he could have missed them. Normally he was on top of such things! Then, as if to rub salt on the wound, Monk stood back up and looked over to Shawn. "I'm sorry for interrupting. You were saying?" It was obvious by the infliction in his voice that he didn't believe that Shawn was a psychic at all.

"Just…" Shawn said, kicking his feet against the floor as he tried to think of something to say. He couldn't say the same thing that Monk had said and he was a little peeved about that. His delivery would have been much better, he thought-it would have had pizzazz! Failing to come up with anything, he said the first thing that came to his mind. Solemnly bowing his head, he told them all, "The victim enjoyed Snicker doodles." Natalie snorted, covering her mouth quickly at the revelation. She certainly hadn't expected that and she'd found it humorous. In fact she found their nontraditional ways of doing things entertaining. Shawn however was still upset that Monk had beat him to it. "I'm getting spiritual blockage," he said after a minute. "I need some fresh air."

"Well find it on the way to your car, Spencer," Lassiter ordered him as he pushed past. "This is the biggest lead we've got. We'll be stopping by to ask the mayor a few questions. You can meet us over there." Then with a huge smile, he added, "Or you don't have to come since we have Monk here."

"Oh no," Shawn said. "We're coming," he exclaimed as the others filed. Shawn went after them as he called out loudly behind them, "And you can bet that we're going to be the ones to solve this case!"