A/N:LA-DEE-DAAAA! So I know it's been a whole forever since I last updated my actual fic, and I do apologize for that; it will be updated eventually I promise. Ths little bitty list has been in my notebook since forever! I wrote for a friend of mine who is fourteen which is why it's only fourteen points long, but if I think of more I may add on to it. You can also reveiw and include maybe something you want me to add to this and I will.

For those of you who want to you can also visit my 'homepage' on my profile. Just click the thingy above (is it above or beside?) my profile picture. The page invloves more pictures of characters and cars, outfits and whole whack of stuff. I just started it though, so it doesn't have that much on it yet. Eventually it will have playlists for my stories and deleted chapters and everything. I think it's pretty nifty.

I hope you guys enjoy this and it holds you over until my next update for those of you who are waiting for it, and those of you who just clicked on this randomly; thanks! I think you're awesome. :)

Disclaimer: Come on! As if I actually get paid to write this, or even own the covenant! No my friend, let's be serious. It's not even like I do all the stuff written belowq. Nor does my friend. This is clearly just a joke for sport. Only eight of the below apply to me.

1.) You've picked up the habit of playing with your bottom lip. realized it, and now you can't stop.

2.)You're often uncomfortable in the shower.

3. When you see a spider you look around for a hot guy.

4.)You think all school fights should happen between two hot guys. . . And they should be shirtless or otherwise exposed.

5.) You know that Toby Hemmingway is a Brit, and Sebastian Stan has a role on Gossip Girl alongside Chase Crawford.

6.)Warren Peace. 'Nuff said.

7.) When people talk about Harry Potter around you, you immediately giggle and think "Can kiss my ass!"

8.)Jealousy is cute to you.

9.) You know that nobody could ever say "No man, I'm cool," as hot as Taylor Kitsch.

10.) Pogue is a completely normal name. . . . .

11.) SLASH! .......... You're smiling right now, aren't you?

12.) Hogwarts letter? Sparkling vampire? Hell no! Ipswich here I come!

13.) You've choked on your food, beverage, or even your owen saliva at least once when the locker room secene came up.

14.) You think guys with fingerless gloves are hot. Or you have/want a pair yourself. Maybe both?