Post sectionals. Sorry there isn't much Puckelberry action, I'll try to work that in later

Disclaimer: I sadly do not own Glee in any other place then my dreams. Sigh, you can't always get what you want.

"Even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight, you're a candle in the window on a dark, cold winter's night…" Finn's voice echoed across the room as Mr. S looked on proudly.

Kurt glanced at the other glee members faces. Rachel's eyes were lit up with excitement, looking as if he had basically admitted his was singing to her. Kurt scoffed, but then fairly decided that basing on the look in Finn's eyes he might as well have said that he was.

Finn ended the song, his eyes locking with Rachel. Kurt made a small gagging noise that did not pass unnoticed by Mercedes. She gave him a weird look. Was everyone else completely oblivious to the obvious connection being made right now? But then it dawned on him. The rest of the glee club didn't spend as much time staring at Finn as he did.

But his thoughts were interrupted by the sudden realization that someone was staring at him. He shifted uncomfortably in he's seat, and then quickly glanced over his shoulder. Just as his eyes looked over, Quinn's seemed to travel slightly back to Finn's, her eyes darted between him and Rachel.

She sees it too. He thought helplessly. How could she not? Her eyes were small and sad, until she turned to Rachel and scowled. Then suddenly her eyes met Kurt. He didn't know what gave him the impulse, but he suddenly found himself mouthing, I know! She gave a sad little smile as Kurt turned away again.


Mr. Shue gave a satisfied smile as Finn took his seat next to Rachel, his hand barley brushing hers. Her heart fluttered a little as he flashed her a small smile. She returned it, wondering what the song could have meant, if anything.

"Thank you for that solo Finn. Alright guys, today we have another challenge. It's obvious that teamwork is key, so I will be pairing you all up for the week." Rachel gave a slight grimace and glanced around the room, searching for the hat. Puck must have been thinking along the same lines as her because he asked, "Do we get to pick?" Mr. Shue nodded, the look on his face a little devious. The club glanced at each other suspiciously.

Mr. Shue smiled. "No seriously guys pair up!" They all shrugged and turned to each other. The pairs were obvious.

Puck and Quinn

Matt and Mike

Kurt and Mercedes

Tina and Artie

Brittany and Santanna

Rachel and Finn

After Mr. Shue finished writing them all down, he looked up smiling.

"There's a catch." No one looked surprised. He continued, "Kurt, Mercedes, Puck, and Quinn please come up here." They all glanced at each other and did as they were told. Once the four had come front and center he said, "Now, Kurt and Puck, switch partners."

Mercedes stared at him incredulously. "Excuse me?"

Mr. Shue grinned widely. "I wanted to get everyone out of the normal groups. Have them make friends with other people. So now the pairs are Kurt and Quinn, Puck and Mercedes. You can return to your seats now, but make sure to sit next to your partner." Mercedes grumbled something about being stuck with Puck again then sat down next to him reluctantly. "Now, you'll all be switching partners," Mr Shue explained.

Rachel felt her heart leap out of her chest. But she was paired with Finn! The first time she actually gets a partner she wanted they had to switch?!?

"Okay, Rachel, Finn, Brittany, and Santanna get up here." He smiled smugly as the slowly climbed out of their seats. "Finn and Santanna, switch partners." Rachel had to stop herself from groaning as she realized that someone up there had it out for her. She was partners with Santanna. While Santanna didn't look pleased with this arrangement either, Brittney looked ecstatic, and Finn just looked relived.

"So that just leaves Matt and Tina, then Artie and Mike." Everyone quickly shuffled around to sit with their partner. Rachel shook her head.

"What are these partners for anyway Mr. Shue?" She asked in a pained tone.

"It's a long term teamwork exercise. You see this person will be your buddy for the rest of the week. You'll spend a little quality time with them, in and outside of Glee. We'll rotate partners until you have done this with every person in the class. It will help build a stronger team." His eyes flashed to Finn.

Finn's mouth fell open. It wasn't hard to tell what he was thinking; it was the same as everyone else. They would be doing this with everyone.


Everyone. Every-fucking-one.

Finn didn't look up as he heard a small sob. Instead, he looked at Rachel. Her face was a mirror image of his own, shock and pain. But somewhere underneath it all he found himself smiling. She cared about him. She really did.

Her head swished back and forth, causing her hair to cascade all around her face. God, she was so… beautiful. He thought as he stared at her for a moment longer than necessary. Her mouth twitched, as if she was wondering whether or not it be appropriate to smile.

But he just smiled at her, and slowly her lips turned up. He wanted to kiss those lips.

A hand roughly patted his shoulder. He turned to see Kurt and the rest of the glee club staring at him. He quickly wiped the idiotic smile of his face and flushed in slight embarrassment. Kurt turned back, with an annoyed look on his face.

He was soon reminded of the current matter at hand.

"Mr. Shue?" He glanced up at Finn. Finn was sure of what to say, but he shouldn't have to say anything. It just wasn't fair. "Everyone?" He could feel them staring at him. But he didn't care, they knew what they'd done.

"Umm… well. I understand the circumstances but…" His face scrunched up, trying to decide what to do. "It's important that we get past all that and start working as a team again."

Rachel gave her best you've-got-to-be-kidding-me glare. But before the topic could be discussed farther the bell rang, and everyone was excused.


Rachel slammed her locker shut and was surprised to find Kurt standing right behind it.

He didn't waste any time. "What's going on between you and Finn?"

Rachel grimaced inwardly. "I don't know what you're referring to." She said with a much pride and integrity as she could manage.

Kurt didn't even blink at the denial. "I am referring to the fact that his whole damn face lit up when you smiled at him." He said through his teeth, his voice dripping with acid.

Rachel opened her mouth to speak, then closed it. So instead, she merely shrugged her shoulders during her brief moment of speechlessness, and walked off.


Kurt didn't believe it for a second. There was something going on between them. There had to be. Kurt phone buzzed. He flipped it open revealing a text from Mercedes.

Busturwindows: Where r u?

Beyonce: Just questioned Rachel. Txt u the details. Hold on.

Kurt made his way to the bathroom so he could text in peace. He walked over to the girls room, he hadn't used the boys sense the third grade. The girls were always cleaner and nicer.

He sat up on the sink, planning to text until his fingers were sore but instead he was interrupted by someone crying in the closest stall. The sobs sounding vaguely familiar, like someone who spent most of their time crying.

"Quinn?" The sobbing stopped.

"If it's you Rachel just go away." She sobbed. Kurt was somewhat offended. His was nothing like Rachel.

"Quinn, it's me Kurt."

Silence. She didn't even question the fact that he was in the girls bathroom. No one ever seemed to mind.

The stall door opened, and Quinn stepped out with streaks of mascara across her face. She sniffed loudly. "Hi Kurt."

He frowned. "Tough day?" She nodded.

"I know that I…" she couldn't seem to say the words. She tried again. "I know what happened… but couldn't he at least try not to be all over her? Can't he see that it was a mistake." The tears overflowed again. Kurt opened his arms and walked over to her.

"It's okay. If it helps, I'm disgusted by it too." She smiled a little.

"I can't believe were the only ones that can tell. It's so obvious. I could tell from the beginning. That's why I joined Glee you know." She confessed quietly. "I could feel him slipping away."

Kurt nodded. "Honey I'm on your side."

Quinn sniffed again. "Thank you Kurt."

He just smiled. "Alright, now let's fix your makeup."


Review it even if you hate it! Seriously. Please. I'm desperate!