"Just…give me a few minutes," Penelope said quietly, making her way back to the room at the church that she'd used to get ready for her wedding. She closed the door behind her and put her hand on her stomach, taking deep breaths. Derek wasn't here. And Penelope knew she shouldn't be thinking about that, but she couldn't help it.

"Hey," came his unmistakable voice. It was as if she'd conjured him from her thoughts.

But still, she felt like she'd jumped out of her skin and her hand flew to her throat in surprise. "Derek," she said breathlessly, her eyes flying to the chair near the window. "How did you—"

"You really think I couldn't get in here if I wanted to?"

"I didn't realize you wanted to. You really shouldn't be in here."

"What are you doin', baby girl?" he asked as he stood.

"Don't call me that," she told him.

"Are you marrying him to punish me?" he asked.

She laughed bitterly. "Punish you for what? You didn't want me, remember? We split up because—how did you word it, Derek? You'd met your 'Penelope Point?'"

"Maybe I was just scared," he said.

"Maybe you were. But I don't care anymore," she lied. "It's been a year and a half. What you do…that's your business, Derek. It doesn't concern me. It hasn't for a long time."

"He's cheating on you," Derek said.

"You're lying!" she spat.

He shook his head. "I wouldn't do that to you," he said softly.

"Do you have proof?" she asked, hoping he didn't. But she knew better.

He held out the file in his hand that she hadn't noticed before.

She took it and flipped it open, an 8 x 10 of her fiancé with a woman she recognized from his office was staring her in the face. He was wearing a shirt she'd bought him less than a month ago, so she couldn't question its authenticity. And they were kissing.

She choked on a sob. "Why would you do this to me?" she asked.

"To save you from a life of lies," he told her.

Her eyes filled with tears—angry tears—and she threw the file at him. In true Derek Morgan style, he caught it effortlessly.

"How long have you known?" she asked, looking away.

"A few months," he admitted.

"A few months?" she said shrilly. "A few months. And you waited until my wedding day to tell me?" she asked.

"Penelope," he said, reaching for her.

She shrunk back as if he was going to hurt her—he suspected he already had. "Don't you touch me!" she said angrily. She pointed to the door. "Get out!"

"Penelope," he said softly.

She turned around and grabbed the first thing she saw—a lamp on the side table. One solid yank and it came unplugged from the wall. She threw it at Derek—her aim was right on, he had to duck to miss it. It broke the window and fell to the floor.

"What in the hell are you doing?" he asked, eyes wide.

"Trying to get you the hell out of here!" she yelled.

The door flew open and JJ and Emily burst in wearing their bridesmaids' dresses, guns drawn.

JJ sighed in relief at the sight of Derek, her hands falling to her sides.

Prentiss aimed her gun at him. "What are you doing here?" she asked angrily. Their work relationship was one thing, but he'd broken her friends heart, and that was something that nixed a personal relationship altogether.

"I just—"

"The wedding's off," Penelope said miserably, plopping into the chair behind her.

Emily and JJ exchanged a glance.

"Penelope," Emily said softly.

Penelope lifted her eyes to JJ. "Isn't this right up your alley?" she asked.

JJ nodded. "I'll take care of it," she said softly, leaving the room.

"Derek, you need to leave," Emily said. Her gun hadn't moved.

Derek didn't say anything, just nodded. He walked over to Penelope and knelt down in front of her. "I'm sorry for this," he said. "I didn't want to be the one to tell you, and I had hoped you'd find out before now. That's why I waited." He gave her a sad smile. "I wish...things could have been different for us," he said.

Her eyes—full of doubt—lifted to his.

"As it turns out we both wanted the same thing," he informed her.

"Yeah? And what's that, Derek?" she asked bitterly.

"For you to be happy," he said softly.

She glared at him. "Well, I think this certainly did the trick, don't you?" she said after a moment.