A/N: Thank you for reviewing, makes me happy :) And inspired. R&R and any suggestions are loved. Btw this is very short, not really a chapter but more like the ending of chapter 1. Will get more action into the story in the next chapter.

Arthur only heard half of what Merlin was saying. He watched his friend tell his story, not just with words and his mouth, but his whole body. Arm movements and hand gestures painted the world that he was describing, and his eyes, though it was dark, were gleaming with a hint of gold. Unconsciously, Merlin was propping himself on the bed next to Arthur, sitting on one of his legs, the foot of the other leg on the floor. He spoke with cadenza; softly, as it was late at night, but with emotion in his voice. Arthur felt his body relax for the first in a long time, his mind clear while watching his servant - who, in the way he sat and used is body to tell his story, was quite graceful in contrast to his usual clumsiness - and listening to his soothing voice in undeniably sexy irish accent.* He never felt his eyes droop, did not hear Merlin's voice stop talking, or feel the weight on his bed shift and lighten; he was fast asleep.

"and then the King said..." Merlin trailed off, mid-sentence, to look at his master. He had sensed that he did not listen any longer, and seeing the sleeping prince sent a rush of affection through Merlin's heart. He smiled. I should probably go. He needs his sleep. But he's already asleep, and if I move he might feel it and wake, right? Best to stay still. Merlin sat and stared at Arthur's figure for a couple of minutes. At least, what was visible of him under the sheets - mostly it was his tousled blond hair, his forehead and the arch of his nose. The moonlight that cast a silvery shadow across the room highlighted Arthur's locks and Merlin found himself thinking about stroking the hair out of the prince's eyes to be able to see the light eyelashes better. Stop it for God's sake, Merlin told himself off. He shifted uneasily, suddenly uncomfortable with being so close to Arthur, in his bed. He knew he was more than a servant to Arthur but he could only ever dream about being more than a friend to him. Merlin yawned, and stretched. He nearly lost his balance, being perched on Arthur's bed, and the prince shifted suddenly in his sleep. Merlin froze at this movement and begged that he did not wake Arthur up - it seemed that he was safe though and slowly he lifted himself off the bed and tiptoed across the room. Merlin cast one more look towards this master. With a flash of gold in his eyes he pulled the blankets more snugly over the prince's shoulder, which had become exposed. In his sleep, Arthur sighed. Merlin shook his head at some of his thoughts and backed away through the door, closing it gently.

* Who agrees with me that Colin's accent is the best? Btw awesome skill that he changes it for the series! Shame though...