Chapter 1

Almost Lover

disclaimer: I don't own one tree hill and any of the characters from the show, any scene, dialogue you might recognize from the show i don't take credit for, only this story's concept.

For the last time I try to appraise myself in front of the long mirror. My mom said I look precious with my white gown, and looking at myself for the last time, I kind of think I do too.

My long naturally wavy hair is pulled up in a semi messy bun being held up by cute little butterfly clips with a few strands intentionally falling on the sides, my sister -my best friend Brooke Davis said I should have it styled this way, I liked it.

Still standing in front of the mirror I brought the beautiful arrangement of red roses in my hands to my face and smell them… they smell as amazing as they look. Perfect I smiled to myself.

"Lucas looks dashing in his suit" I heard my mom gush from the end of the room; I giggled a little, oh my mother… Lydia she'll never change.

Lucas… Lucas Scott, yes that's the groom, that blonde, tall and squinty eyed boy. We met 3 years ago in Stanford where I graduated from; he was in my English literature class.

He's amazing. He's perfect. We share a lot of things in common, the books I like he likes, we admire the same authors, we can talk for hours… he just gets me… we just get each other.

Still smiling I look up and I saw Brooke standing behind me… also in her gown, with her dimpled self smiling up at me with excitement.

"I love you Hales" she said through glassy eyes… I smiled back at her, our eyes meeting in the mirror in front of us.

"I love you too Brooke… I always will… nothing's going change that" I whispered back to her trying to calm myself… I can't start crying now or I'll never stop.

I'm not usually emotional, but when you have Brooke as your best friend you can't help but be thankful, she's my sister… though not by blood she's in every way part of our family…

We used to be neighbors, Brooke's parents divorced when we were both ten, I remember her being around me and in our house all the time, I was not complaining though she's my best friend after all.

Turns out her mom decided to leave her in the care of a nanny while she enjoys her newly single life.

It started with Brooke sleeping over a couple times a week, until my mom decided to talk to Victoria, B's mother and suggested we take her in. To my mom's surprise Victoria was quick to say yes. And she's been a "James" ever since.

The four years I wasn't with her was the hardest, Brooke decided college wasn't for her, she instead opted to stay in Tree Hill with my parents as she continue designing clothes, something she's really gifted at, while I was away in Stanford.

"Oh Hales… don't start crying now… cause then you'll get me crying and then we'll have to redo our makeup" Brooke said trying to calm me as I try to blink the incoming tears away.

"Well stop being such a drama queen then" I teased she giggled.

"Girls… It's time" I heard my mom spoke.

"It's time" I said as I turn around to face Brooke. We gave each other a long hug as if not wanting to let go. "You promised nothing's going to change" she said to me "Nothing" I replied back.

We were all lined up at the back of the huge door waiting for our cue, a few minutes later I heard the wedding march playing.

Finally the doors opened and the isle came into view… with rose petals spread all over it. Everyone looked happy to be here… that's a good thing I said to myself. God knows how many weddings I've attended in the past where I was bored out of my mind. Everything inside the church is grand, it's definitely a girls dream wedding...Come true.

And then it was my turn to walk down that long carpeted floor, I heard the door behind me closed… all at once everything came rushing back to me… everything that lead me to this day…

I kept walking… as I remembered all of it…

"Hey Luke" Haley greeted cheerfully as she sat down… on their usual table at the coffee shop just outside our campus.

"Hey Hales" he said as he smiles at her.

"So what are you doing for thanksgiving? Any plans? Are you coming home to Tree Hill?" Haley asked all in one breathe. She's so nervous, and don't even know why, they've been hanging out nonstop for the past 3 months; "I should be able to ask him anything" she coached herself.

"Hey slow down" he laughs "well… to answer your question, I Lucas Scott have no plans for thanksgiving, I usually celebrate it with my mom but she's out of the country at the moment and my brother but he's too busy with school and basketball… I think we're both staying at our separate campuses" he finished with a smile.

"Well… I have a suggestion and this is just a suggestion, bear in mind that you can say no, and I won't take it against you" she rambled.

"Okay" he said yet again with a chuckle.

"Well I was thinking if maybe you want to come home to Tree Hill with me, you know Tree Hill… my hometown down in North Carolina? I mean, no one should be alone for thanksgiving" Haley looked at him with hopeful eyes and a timid smile. Hoping to God he'll say yes.

"Are you sure Haley? I mean I don't want to impose in your family celebration, I really would just be fine here alone… no big deal" he smiled.

"No… really I insist, come on Lucas, just come with me to Tree Hill, I promise you'll have fun, plus my mom cooks really well, you might want to come again next year after you've tasted it" she crossed her fingers behind her back hoping he'll say yes, She really don't want him to be alone for thanksgiving and It wouldn't hurt that she won't have to miss him during the long weekend.

"Oh ok… when you give me that sad puppy look, you know I can't say no to you" he finally gave in.

He took her hand that was laying flat on the table and gave it a tight squeeze "thanks hales, you're the best" and just like that she felt that familiar tingling down her spine… and those butterflies in her stomach… the same reaction she's been having for the past couple of days whenever she's around him. Haley doesn't know when it changed for her, but all she knows is Lucas Scott is special. He 'might' just be it for her.

"Yes!" the petite girl happily exclaimed, she threw myself at him and enveloped him with the tightest hug, she felt his arms tightly engulfing her… and she smiled savoring the is going to be the best thanksgiving ever! She screamed inwardly.

I finally reached the end of the aisle… I finally saw what my mom was gushing about earlier before the wedding march began… Lucas does look good in that suit… I locked eyes with him and he gave me a grin… and I grinned back. We probably look like fools grinning from ear to ear… as if sharing an inside joke that only the two of us knows… well that's how it's always been with me and him. Easy… he gets me… I get him.

I noticed the music stopped playing and for the first time I gave everything around me a once over… everything is just beautiful.

Lucas deserves this. He deserves to have this day.

Still smiling at each other…we all heard a new song playing… and the huge doors opened again for the second time that day… I look at Lucas and I saw his eyes light up instantly… like that time I brought him to Tree Hill for thanksgiving.

And that makes me happy, it appeases me. To see the same excitement, from his eyes… up to this day…

I know I made the right decision…

"Mom, Dad this is Luke… he's a friend from Stanford and Lucas these are my parents Jimmy and Lydia" the three of them shook hands while Haley try to stop the huge smile that's about to grace her face, She'll never hear the end of it from her crazy mom, she loves her but she is crazy, always have and always will be.

"Haley James!!!" she heard Brooke bellowed from the kitchen, she hurriedly pulled Lucas in there to introduce him to her best friend in the whole wide world, what could be more perfect than having your boyfriend, ok future boyfriend is more like it… and your best friend become close friends? Who wouldn't want that right?

They found Brooke at the end of the long dining table… reading a magazine. The brunette looked up and squealed as she ran straight to Haley almost knocking her down when she threw herself at her with a hug.

"Haley James! I've missed you!"

"Ditto" Haley said as the two pulled apart.

"Well Brooke I'd like you to meet a friend from school, Lucas Scott, and Lucas Scott meet my sister/best friend Brooke Davis" I said.

"And before you wonder why we don't have the same last name that's because we have different parents but we're sisters and she's a James in every way that counts" I explained.

The two shook hands as they share matching grins… "Brooke Davis"…. the brunette smiled showing her dimpled cheeks.

"Lucas Scott"… he smiled as his eyes sparkled.

We all turned to look at the stunning young woman before us… walking down the gorgeously decorated aisle with flowers in hand… her beautiful off white gown flowed across the carpeted floor with grace.

I can tell that girl's eyes are watering just about now, despite the vale covering her face, I can picture her dimpled face behind it… I know that girl so much… I know her inside and out.

I love that girl… and she deserves this day… this special day… just like Lucas does. They deserve each other.

She finally reached the end of the aisle we're me and her soon to be husband are standing… she handed me her bouquet of flowers and enveloped me with a bone crushing hug.

"I love you… thank you for introducing me to Lucas, I'll always be grateful to you for that" she whispered to me.

"Be happy Brooke… I love you both" I said back.

I knew from the instant those two touched as they shook hands the first time I introduced them that Lucas was special… and he became more than that when I saw how easily he brought smile on Brooke's face.

I knew right then and there that whatever feelings I have developing for Lucas won't go anywhere further than what we have right now… It did hurt, I felt the pinch, again I was left doubting myself, doubting if I'll ever get a chance to bring that same sparkle Brooke has brought in Lucas' eyes to someone else's or if I'll ever get to smile the way Brooke was smiling that moment and the way she's smiling right now as the two of them say their vows. I wish that, I long for that.

And before you all crucify my best friend, she didn't jump into a relationship with Lucas right away, I have to say she did give him a hard time, and she was reluctant to give him a chance, afraid that she might hurt my feelings.

That's what I love about my friendship with Brooke; she's willing to do anything for me the same way I would do anything for her.

I had to assure Brooke that I'm ok with the idea of him and Lucas; surprisingly I got over my feelings for him as fast as they came, and I knew right then that Lucas will always be in my heart but not the one holding it.

I knew it was true love for those two when Lucas after only a few months of dating decided to leave Stanford to be near Brooke, he then transferred to Duke University to finish his last year of college.

I was sad but at the same time happy that he won't only get to be near Brooke, but he'll get to live with his brother again.

Speaking of brothers, I've been friends with Lucas for the past 3 years, though the last two years we rarely saw each other, I have yet to meet the infamous "other" Scott.

I looked around the church looking for a guy who has the same blonde hair and the same blue eyes as Lucas. But the only ones I saw that matches that description were either too old or too young to be Luca's younger brother. Maybe he didn't make it, but what kind of brother would miss his brother's wedding? I thought and scoffed.

Remembering the ceremony is still going on, I giggled for embarrassing myself to myself… as I looked up to focus back to what's happening in front of me I caught the best man's eyes… I felt myself blush did he saw me giggling at myself? I gave him a sheepish smile and he nods his head acknowledging it.

"You may now kiss the bride" the priest announced… the new Mr. & Mrs. Exchanged an intimate kiss… and the whole church were filled with applause and cheers for the happy couple.

I smiled at the guy across me, he offered his arm to me as we meet in the middle and I hooked mine to it as we walk down the aisle as little flower girls throw rose petals in the air, I smiled happily and giggled when few of the petals went inside my dress.

"You sure love to giggle don't you?" I heard him say. I look up at him my cheeks heating up a little "oh so you saw me earlier?" I asked feeling myself getting redder by the minute, he nods his eyes filled with amusement.

"Well I'm not normally like this, I guess I'm just happy, two of my best friends got married, I guess that's reason enough to be happy" I said avoiding his gaze.

"Of course" he said as we continue to walk to the end of the aisle our arms still crossed together.

As we reached the other side of the huge doors where we all came out from earlier before the ceremony I hesitantly untangled my arm from his.

"Well… thanks for keeping me standing on my feet, I've been known to be a klutz sometimes" I babbled and he just smiled.

"You're welcome I guess" he said.

And then I saw him turn around about to leave, I had the urge to ask him where he's going …

"Hey… leaving already? Aren't you going to the reception?" I inquired.

"Nah, I have a flight to catch in an hour" he said now facing me again.

"Oh I see, well at least you're here, I mean Lucas' brother didn't even make it to the wedding" I said bitterly as I scrunched up my nose. I probably look ridiculous doing it when I heard him let out a low chuckle…

"Really he didn't?" I nodded. "What an ass" he said, speaking my mind.

"Well I don't know him, so I wouldn't call him that, it's just sad though that he didn't even make an effort to come today… I mean I'm not surprised that his dad isn't here, he on the other hand I know is an ass" I said as I sat on one of the sofa. "Sorry I had to sit, my feet are killing me, these shoes are amazing looking but real torture, I tell you!" I took the said shoes off and started rubbing my now aching toes.

"Really?" I saw his eyebrow arched up… "So you've met his dad then?" he asks, I was surprised when he sat right next to me. I thought he has a flight to catch?

"Of course I have, I mean I'm not one to judge a person without meeting them, and I have met his father, and he's not very nice. He gave me a hard time when he thought me and Lucas were dating" I saw his ears perked up I ignored it and went on my rant

"and then he was a complete jerk to Brooke when the two decided to get married, my best friend cried on the phone to me for a whole day, he's evil" I whispered as if I'm telling him a very important secret. We were both quiet for a couple of seconds until he finally spoke,

"So did you and Lucas date?" he inquired casually.

"Well long story short, I met him in Stanford, I thought he was the one for me, but we never really dated, it's like we shared this special bond, and I guess I read too much into it and I started to feel like I could actually fall in love with him, I invited him one time for thanksgiving, I introduced him to Brooke sparks flew instantly and now they're married, and I'm the maid of honor talking to the best man" I finished all in one breathe. I realized how I blurted everything out to a total stranger I felt like hitting my head with something hard.

I didn't even want to look into his face again, gosh why do I always embarrass myself like this?!

"So that's it? You're okay with them getting married? A little martyr I see" he commented his voice even. I raised an eyebrow at him and sighed.

"Yes I'm ok with it, besides I was never really in love with Lucas, and I was never in a relationship with him, like I said I read too much into whatever bond we have. I'm over it, and now I have two best friends and the best part is… they're married!" I said indignantly.

"Well you are better than me then" his voiced impressed.

"Nah… I think it's because my feelings for Lucas weren't really that deep to begin with, it might be a different story if I was head over heels in love"

"That makes sense… have you ever?" I gave him a confused look and he continued "been in love?"

"No not really… have you?"

"No. I don't do love" he said in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh, that's sad"

"For whom?" he asks looking at me with a dare expression on his face. "Cause I can tell you, my night's are never lonely"

"Well good for you then" I shrugged trying to hide my disgust.

"That means I should be expecting a lot of heart aches in the future eh?" I try to sound casual to hide my disappointment.

"Why do you say?"

"Well if every other 'single' guy out there thinks the same way you do, then I guess I'm looking into a future of heart aches, infidelity and loveless relationships, Brooke is really lucky then" I said looking down at my hands as I play with my fingers idly my voice sounding bitter, no point in hiding my feelings now.

"How do you know Lucas isn't going to mess up things with Brooke?" My head snapped up and I saw him smirking at me like he's intentionally trying to agitate me.

"You know how I know? Because the first time I asked him if he's ever been in love… you know what he said?" he just shrugged. " he said no, but I want to be…and that's how I know why he's not going to mess up, and even if he does mess up let's say in the future, I doubt it'd be intentional, and I doubt he'd let what Brooke and him have go without a fight" I said defensively.

"Hey no need to bite my head off, I was just being honest here. I don't do love but I didn't say everyone else does"

"Whatever! You are so agitating" I huffed as I rolled my eyes. This guy really is something else.

Again we both turned silent for a few minutes, tension engulfing the whole room…mostly coming from me…the silence was broken when his cell phone started ringing, he stood up and took the call, and I took the opportunity to leave. I don't want to be in the same room any longer with that guy any more than I have to.

He sure is a waste. How come all the good looking guys are jerks? I asked to myself.

"So are you happy now?" I asked Lucas as we dance, we're now at the reception and everyone is having fun.

"I've always been happy hales, I have you as friend and then you brought Brooke into my life, but If you must know, I'm over the moon, I can't believe Brooke really is my wife now" he excitedly exclaimed.

"I'm glad. You both deserve to be happy" I said sincerely. I laughed when I saw Brooke doing some goofy dance with my dad.

"Oh and btw you hurt her, I'll kill you" I said seriously.

"I'll keep that in mind" he laughed.

"So… your brother really didn't make it today? I'm sorry Lucas" I said looking him in the eye.

"What?" he asked confused. "What are you talking about hales? Of course he was here"

"Oh… really? Well you said 'was' so that means he's not here anymore? Well that was quick, I mean I didn't see him during the ceremony and I don't think I left the reception long enough to actually miss that infamous brother of yours.

"Well Haley James, you did meet him actually" I looked at him like he's some crazy person.

"No I didn't… I was looking for him the whole time during the ceremony but the blonde guys I saw was either too old or too young to be the other Scott" I defended.

"hmmm… let's see… tall, raven haired, blue eyed, wearing a suit, standing right next to me during the ceremony also known as the best man? The one you walk down the aisle with after? Ring any bell? Well that guy hales, that was the infamous other Scott you've been looking for" he smirked at me.

"But he's not blonde!!!" was all I was able to say as Brooke came to take him away.

Omg! That was him! But he's an ass!