This just popped into my head when I was brain-storming for my other stories, so enjoy.

"You're an idiot, Kakashi." Naruto said in a calm voice that no one thought would come from the supposed dead last idiot.

"Naruto! Don't insult someone with a higher rank than you!" said Sakura, "Besides you're the real idiot here!"

"Hn, she right dead last." Sasuke said.

"Actually in accordance to Section 6, Subsection C, Page 2, Paragraph 7 of The Nidaime's Laws: 'If the orders of a Commanding officer or a Ninja of higher rank seem to be faulty and the situation is not life threatening, then a ninja of lower rank can question the orders of a superior and if the orders seem to endanger the life or career of a shinobi then the orders can outright be defied.'" Naruto recited and continued with, "This situation fits it perfectly as my status as a genin is determined by a test that forces a group of kids that might not know each other or a might actually be hostile to each other to work together with no indication that they must and orders that out right create a void thus destroying any chance of teamwork. You're lucky neither me nor sasuke actually eliminated Sakura or that neither Me nor Sasuke decided to eliminate the other, because that would lead to a full out fight and the possibility that Sakura could try to interfere and get killed. So try to argue with that."

"You have a point." Kakashi

"You couldn't keep up with Sasuke." Sakura

"Why?" Naruto

"You can't make a clone and you wear orange!" ,Sakura replied smugly.

"1. I can make a Shadow Clone so I don't need a Clone. 2. At least I don't wear Bright Red and have Neon Pink hair.", Naruto retorted

"You have Blonde hair so don't be talking!" Sakura yelled.

"So did the Yondaime, the entire Yamanaka clan, and a good amount of Kumo, and that seems to work out fine for them." Replied Naruto, "And any pink haired Ninja with pink hair have died as Genin on their first mission out of village and none have ever made it to Chunin."

They all just sit there thinking about what Naruto said.

"Well I got to go." Naruto said as the ropes fell off him,"Sasuke want to know what really happened with the Uchiha Massacre?"

"Why not?" Sasuke replied wondering if Naruto did know something about it.

Takes place after Kakashi explains the concept of the Bell Test.

What do You think, I liked it, but I wrote it so can I have your opinion?