A/N: Alright, this series is a collection of all the drabbles or ficlets i wrote in the months proceeding the release of the new movie. The lj comm holmeswatson09 would post a new fic prompt, revolving on anything from the trailers, every so often and we'd all try to answer them. So these are all "movie inspired", but actually not really movie-canon.
Prompt 1: Response to the quote, "It does make a considerable differenceto me having someone I can thoroughly rely on."
There are many things to which I can rely on Watson to do.
I can rely on him to always remember to bring extra bullets and that our weapons have been properly cleaned and oiled. I can rely on Watson to—not exactly tidy because he is a bachelor as well, after all, but organize my things in a way that they are neither in my or anyone else's way while still being easily locatable. I can rely on him to remain calm in the face of danger and courageous in the face of adversity (as I discovered once when a heckler sneered at my casual touches of him when I had wished to merely deduce where he had been and when I quickly pulled my hand back, he merely held it tightly within his and folded his arm around mine as he led me away from the loathsome man and continued to do so even though the man had passed well out of sight). I can rely on him to berate me to eat because on occasion I do need it and I can rely on him to protest vehemently against my use of cocaine because I need that too.
And that is one more thing I have come to rely on of Watson, to be exactly what I need. He is a business partner when I require one, a fighter when my back needs covering. He is my light when all I can see is dark. He is my morale and confidence when we have been sitting in the rain for several hours with no sign of our quarry. He is my heart when my brain is too busy to bother, his soft words either directed to our emotionally wrought clients or to me on occasion when I forget, forget that…
I can thoroughly rely on Watson to love me, though I am a despicable creature at times and merely an entertaining faculty for brilliant deduction at best.
I can thoroughly rely on Watson to find something else in my capricious soul and act as a mirror to reflect the good he finds in there by proving its existence through the utter loyalty he devotes to me.
I can thoroughly rely on John H. Watson because I love him as well.