
What really goes through Coricopat and Tantomile's heads at the ball?

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Oh yeah, I was going to do the full version of this song, but then I couldn't find my TSE book, and my stupid internet was down when I wrote it, so we'll have do go with the shortened version

Disclaimer: Me no own Cats!

Chapter13: Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer Part 1

[Okay – that was a false alarm…]

{You never answered my question!}


{What's a Macavity?}

[OMOD! Macavity! The bad guy, the one who's trying to overthrow Old D-]


[The evil cat who raped Demeter, Quaxo's father, Tugger and Munku's brother, Old D's son! Which ever clichéd fanfic plot-line floats your boat!]

{Oh, right…nope, not ringing any bells.}

[You're a moron…]

{Wait, didn't you just tell me not to read fanfiction?}

[Hey! –music! The next song has started!]

{What the hell is with that weird giggling}

"Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
We're a notorious couple of cats,"

{I've never heard of them!}

[That's because as soon as the 'Junkyard Daily' arrives, you shred it to pieces and put it in the soup pot!]

{Oh…that's what that is. I wondered why our food had an odd texture…}

"As knockabout clowns, quick-change comedians
Tight-rope walkers and acrobats,"

{See, this is what I don't get – WE can do all that, but do they sing songs about us? NO!}

[Once more, get over it!]

"We have an extensive reputation,"

{I've never heard of-}

[Please, I beg of you, STOP REPEATING YOURSELF! Sheesh, I can feel my IQ dropping just by being in contact with you…]

{That is physically impossible, a person's IQ is not a physical thing that can be felt, it's merely a numerical representation of a person's intel-}

[I swear to the Everlasting Cat, DO NOT go all hyper smart on me!]

{*Blinks rapidly* Wha-what happened I b-blacked out!} (1)


"We make our home in Victoria Grove
This is merely our centre of operation
For we are incurably given to rove!"

{You know, I wish all these songs wouldn't use such big words!}

[*Sigh* Which word don't you understand?]

{Promise you won't laugh}

[*Eyeroll* I promise.]


[*Hysterical laughter*]

{You promised you wouldn't laugh!}

[I lied…] (2)

"When the family assembles for Sunday dinner
With their minds made up that they won't get thinner,"

{What does someone's weight gain or loss have to do with a dinner? And what's the difference between a normal dinner and Sunday dinner?}

[I am seriously beginning to believe Jellylorum when she says you were dropped on your head at birth...]

"On Argentine joint, potatoes and greens,"

{Can I ask another question?}

[Sure, provided that it isn't 'What's the difference between Argentine joint and normal joint?']

{Oh, nevermind...}

"And the cook will appear from behind the scenes
And say in a voice that is broken with sorrow,
"I'm afraid you must wait and have dinner tomorrow!
For the joint has gone from the oven like that!"
The family will say, "It's that horrible cat!""

[Why do they always blame the cat, huh? What's WITH that? What are they gonna do, if, one day, the cat is dead or has run away or something? What, are they going to point and say 'The cat did it! The cat did it! Hehe, honest...'?] (3)

{Tanti! You said that if I came, I'd only have to ask questions!}

[Yeah, and I'm beginning to regret that!]

"It was Mungojerrie or Rumpleteazer!"
And most of the time they leave it at that,"

[Well, I suppose that's better than finding the cat and punishing it...]


[Ja, mein bruder?] (4)

{Wow! You can speak French too!}

[Oh Dio perché?] (5)

{And Spanish too! You're so smart sis!}

[Tell me something I don't know, Cori.] (6)

"Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer have a wonderful way of working together
And some of the time you would say it was luck
And some of the time you would say it was weather
We go through the house like a hurricane
And no sober person could take his oath
Was it Mungojerrie or Rumpleteazer?
Or could you have sworn that it mightn't be both?"

{Gah! This song doesn't make sense! Luck? Weather? What about 'em?}

[Jeeze Cori, calm down. Remember what happened last time you tried to make sense out of something?]

{Are you referring to the 'Jabberwocky Incident' or the 'Waltzing Matilda Incident'?}

[The 'Finding Nemo Incident'...]

{Oh yeah...I still can't make heads or tails of that!}

'And when you hear a dining room smash
Or up from the pantry there comes a loud crash
Or down from the library there comes a loud ping
From a vase that was commonly said to be Ming,"

[Wow, they strike even weirder poses than we do!]

{I like our poses...}

[My point exactly.]

"The family will say: "Now which was which cat?
It was Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer!"
And there's nothing at all to be done about that!"

[And they're back to blaming the cat!]

Well, there's another chapter. A really, really late chapter...oh well.

1. My friend says this every time she does something out of character...

2. Yeah, yeah, I've already used this quote. I can't help it! -I love Sister Act!

3. Guess what this is off. (Hint: It's a really old TV add)

4. Okay, this is German. 'Yes my brother?'

5. This is Italian. 'Oh God why?'

6. Guess the movie this is out's probably out of a few things, so the one I'm referring to is a children's Christmas movie.