Teen Titans Gender Bender Project

Would things turn out differently if our heroes were opposing genders?

Inspired by carrinth's TTGB comics on DeviantArt.

Author's Note: As you'll quickly notice, the genders of the Titans are switched to offer a different point of view on the series, and how things might've turned out differently were the heroes changed. It certainly opens new doors for later story arcs, and I hope to do the entire series if you guys'll have me. :) Not EVERYONE has been gender-bender, as you'll see as more chapters are posted, because some I just couldn't come up with, or it didn't seem right. Also, this is all inspired by the wonderful TTGB comics of carrinth on Deviantart so be sure to check her artwork out, as it's seriously wicked, kay? :)

For this chapter: TT - TTGB

Robin - Robyn
Starfire/Koriand'r - Blazefire/Korand'r
Cyborg - Cyber
Beast Boy - Beast Girl
Raven - Revan


Episode One: Go!

The girl slams her hands down on the dinner table, tipping over her glass. She fixes a heavy glare on the man across from her. "You can't do this to me! You can't!" she yells angrily. "What right do you think you have…you…you…who do you think you are?!"

He sits there in his pristine suit, blue eyes locked with hers, unfazed by her childish outburst. Frustrated, she pushes back her chair. "I'm not hungry anymore." Then, casting a sidelong glance at the old butler, her voice softens. "Dinner was great, Alfred."

Then, she storms from the dining room, leaving the two men alone.

"Excellent work, Master Bruce. That was handled most disastrously."

"Not now, Alfred," the man speaks, running a hand through his short black hair as he stands up. "She's sixteen—she doesn't know what she's talking about."

"If I may, sir," the butler begins as he picks up the girl's discarded dishes. "You aren't the most qualified to lecture on such things."

But his words are lost on the man as he spots the large bat symbol being projected into the sky nearby. He excuses himself from the room and Alfred can safely assume he's headed for the basement.

And it gives him an idea.


He knocks on the girl's door about ten minutes later, sundae in hand. He hears a faint and withering request for him to go away coming from within the room. Smiling, he holds his ground. "I must protest, Lady Grayson, you missed dessert and here I went through all the trouble to make this chocolate ice cream sundae with mint for—"

The door swings open and he's presented with a disheveled young woman, her black hair strewn about and her cheeks wet with tears. She takes the sundae from him, pushing hair behind her ears and smiling. "Thanks, Alfred."

"Always a pleasure, young Robyn," he bows a little, and she looks taken aback by the name, especially considering the fight she'd just had with Bruce at dinner. Glancing over her head, he spots the suitcase sitting on her bed and she reddens.

"Um, I—"

"Master Bruce has gone out for the evening and I suspect he will not return for some time, depending on the depth of whatever he has been called upon for."

"The bat signal…he…he went without me…," she trails off, free hand clenching into a fist. Alfred reaches down and presses something into her balled up hand—cold and metallic.

"I hear across the bridge, Jump City has been having quite a few burglaries this past week…," he comments as he turns away, and she looks down to see the keys to her motorbike—the ones Bruce had taken away, refusing to allow her to continue moonlighting, thus causing the entire fiasco at the table.

"Um, Alfred, these are the keys to my bike. I thought Bruce said I couldn't."

"Oh, are they? Silly me, I thought they were the set of house keys you'd forgotten the last time you went out. I guess I'll have to go find them now…all the way downstairs…out of earshot from the front door."

An ecstatic grin breaks out across her lips, and she dashes into the room, closing her suitcase and grabbing the mask off her beside table. Her bedroom door slams shut a moment, and opens a minute later as Alfred reaches the bottom of the stairs.

She comes rushing down, and he catches sight of the red, green and yellow bundle that is young Lady Grayson as she makes a break for the door, twirling the keys in her hand. He finds himself with an empty sundae platter in his hand as the front door opens down the hall. He'd forgotten how fast she was when excited.

"Rebecca," he calls after her, causing her to pause, frozen on the handle. "Good luck."

"Thank you, Alfred."


The door shakes, hinges groaning in protest to the violent beating it's taking. On the other side, four men stand at the ready, weapons in hand. One of them is shaking. "The door w-will hold, r-right?"

"It must!" another barks, before more yelling and banging is heard from the door.

"The alien will be delivered on schedule. Lord Trogaar has commanded it."

"And if this thing gets loose?"

"Then Zorg help us a—" the small window on the door breaks, glass shattering to the floor, and two furiously glowing green eyes rise into view. Taking a few steps back, the guards brace themselves. One last yell rings out and the door blows outward off its hinges. From the total blackness, the eyes flare to life, and their owner steps out into the light, large silver boots pounding the metal floor.

The prisoner smirks, green eyes blazing, standing up straight in his black clothing, silver armored undergarments and metal-colored accents. His red hair sticks out beneath a silver spiked face-framing crown, and his hands are encased in thick, rigid cuffs connected at both ends.

"Zengtha ru maka! Kek zengtha ror!" he barks angrily, lunging forward. He's far smaller than his lizard-like alien guards, but it doesn't seem to stop him as he swings both forearms in a wild roundhouse and knocks one of them to the wall. "Zengtha ru maka! Kek zengtha ror!"

Another big swing and two more are down for the count, and he reels, trying to uppercut the fourth left standing. Blocking it with his spear, the guard attacks, but the redhead smashes his shackled fists up, snapping the shaft in two. Roundhouse kicking it in the head, he sends his captor into a control panel—a feat which he regrets a moment later when red lights and sirens start up.

"Heska vo."

Turning to the wall of the ship, bright green energy springs to life around his tied hands and a second later, he releases it, blowing a hole in the ship's hull. Leaping through the hole, he flies out through the smoke and flame, quickly putting distance between himself and the ship. Directly ahead, he spots his most obvious target—a round world covered in clouds, with blue and green masses spanning out beneath.


Sirens wail in the distance as a man clad entirely in black runs along the sidewalk and ducks into an alley. Clutching a bulging sack close to him, he looks back towards the mouth of the alley, just in time to see the squad cars race past. He slows down a little, smugly eying the sack in his hands. He doesn't walk much further before a shadow quickly passes over him, and he freezes in his tracks. "Huh?"

With his free hand, he brandishes a crowbar, hesitant. From the darkness of the alley comes a red and yellow projectile in the shape of a bird-headed boomerang, slamming into the crowbar and knocking it from the man's hands.

"I-I…I don't want any trouble, okay?" he raises his voice, eyes darting around the alley, trying to find the boomerang's owner. Forward from the darkness drifts a menacing voice, female he safely assumes.

"You should've thought of that before you committed the crime," a young woman states, stepping forth, half shadowed in the alley, her long black hair now tied up. She is clad in a red shirt adorning a yellow "R", black tights and matching green gloves and boots. Her eyes hidden behind a mask, she pushes her black and yellow cape aside as she comes closer. "Or is it crimes? I hear this isn't the first place you've hit this week…"

"I...I—" his protest turns into a yelp of pure fear as a stream of bats that surge forth around the girl. He throws up his arms to protect his face, standing his ground as the girl groans, her lips pursing sourly.

"Of course, vicious little spies follow me everywhere," she hisses, turning to glare at the bats as they fly away. Curling her hand into a fist, she yells: "I can do just fine on my own, thank you! Be sure to tell him that!"

Using this distraction, the burglar clutches the bag closer to his chest and begins tip-toeing away, only to find a metal staff slam into the ground, blocking his path. The man chuckles nervously before the girl's foot collides with his chin, sliding him back five yards or so. Growling, he gets up, rushing towards her.

She easily parries the wild punches he throws her way, before swiftly delivering a powerful kick to the chest. Down goes the burglar and she rushes for the nearest wall, bounding up and pushing off for an upward boost. Soaring over the criminal's shoulders, she grabs them for a solid body slam.

He crawls to the wall, half-collapsing against it as he glares up at her. "Hey! This isn't your town! Aren't you supposed to be with—"

"Just moved here," she quips, cutting him off. "And from now on, I work alone."

Something zooms by overhead, drawing her attention to the sky, where she watches a green streak slice through the night sky above the buildings. It traces an arrow-straight path away from them, disappearing behind the buildings on the far side of the street. A muffled explosion goes off and a pale emerald haze rises from ground level.

Still watching the emerald haze, the young woman pulls coiled rope from her belt, finally turning to look at the beaten criminal. He groans a soft protest, before she makes quick work of tying him up, leaving him hanging upside down as she darts away.

It takes her just under a minute, weaving through the alleys and backstreets, to find the source of the disruption. The intersection is plagued with damage, balconies in shambles and cars ready for the junkyard. In the center of it all is a man with fiery red hair, standing at the base of a balcony, slamming the large metal shackles joining his wrists together onto a large pillar.

The balcony has already suffered damage, and the support pillar appears ready to break. The people on the balcony are wide-eyed and frightened, and they'll soon come crashing down. As the mysterious young man raises his arms for another swing at the pillar, the girl swiftly scrambles onto the roof of a parked car for a better viewpoint, and lets loose another boomerang—one that connects directly with the shackles, knocking the redhead completely off balance.

Straightening himself, he turns slowly to glare at the girl, fixing a pair of haunting green eyes on her. Standing on the car, she throws her cape back and braces for action. "Who are you?" she demands.

Rather than answer, the young man breaks into a run, covering the entire intersection in one leap and bringing down his manacled hands in one huge sweep. The girl jumps clear in the nick of time and touches down in a backwards skid. But she hasn't the reward of a pause, as the mysterious attacker leaps forward and she's forced to dodge and weave from the blows.

Barely visible in an alley they pass, locked in combat, is a young man in a blue cloak, face entirely hidden beneath a hood. The figure watches as the girl leaps high over the former prisoner, launching a handful of grenades forward.

They explode in his face, but the smoke which drifts forward cannot hide the glowing green eyes. When the smoke clears, the girl's eyes widen when she sees he has hooked his foot under the chassis of a nearby car.

"Hm. Pretty strong," she comments as the car is effortlessly kicked into the air and booted towards her. She throws herself flat, avoiding being smashed in the face. It explodes in the side of a building down the street, and she stands, turning slowly.

Thank god for reflexes, she ducks just in time as large metal shackles come whistling past her head. She rolls away, extending the metal staff and blocking the second shot hurled her way. She slides back, out of the redhead's reach, landing a shot on the side of the metal crown that propels her adversary into a car parked fifty yards away.

Breathing heavily, the girl pushes herself to her feet, gripping her staff tightly—only it crumbles from the earlier hit. She gasps. This is not good. The angry redhead pulls away from the car wreckage, glaring in her direction again. "Zota!"

"Huh?" she blinks, unable to react as he leaps forward for another strike. Just as she's about to be pounded into dust, a green bighorn sheep rams into him a full speed. As the redhead goes flying, the sheep suddenly shifts form into that of a shorter girl with pale green skin, her pointed ears sticking out beneath dark green hair. She looks the newcomer over, from the sleeveless magenta and black spandex suit, the black leggings, the purple and grey boots and finally, the magenta and black mask.

"Ex-Doom Patrol member Beast Girl, ma'am! How can I help?" She salutes her.

"You can start by not calling me ma'am," she rolls her eyes softly, and the green girl's eyes nearly pop out of her head.

"Wowzers! You're Robyn: Girl Wonder, aren't you, ma'am?" she gasps, eliciting another eye roll in her favor. "Let me just say that it's a real honor to be—"

"Beast Girl, was it?"


Emotionless, Robyn points off to one side, and they spot the redhead, who has recovered from the bighorn charge and is straining to lift something over her head—a bus. The bus is launched towards them, and yelping, the two girls scatter in opposite directions. Standing in their place is a tall figure in black pants and a grey sweatshirt, hands outstretched towards the oncoming vehicle. The girls watch in awe as the stranger catches the bus and digs in their heels, backing up slowly until the bus comes to a stop. The stranger hurls the bus off to one side.

"Yo! Who's here messing up my neighborhood?" the stranger yells, clearly identifying herself as a female by the sound of her voice.

"He started it!" Beast Girl points towards the redhead, who has raised his shackled arms high, slamming them down onto the pavement to create a wave so strong it knocks the girls onto their butts. Finally, the metal restrains that had been keeping his hands locked away fall to the ground, dented and smoking, although his forearms are still locked.

He points his hands straight ahead, and fires of a series of lightning-quick green starbolts at the trio. Racing through the hail of green blasts, they separate, and his starbolts rip into the surrounding buildings, parked cars, neon billboards and everything without at least half a mile as he follows the trio.

Exhausted, the redhead finally falls to his knees, allowing the girls to catch their breath. Behind the smashed bus, which is now on fire due to the starbolt barrage, the girls have taken cover.

"Girl's gonna wreck the whole city," the tall girl curses.

"I won't let him," Robyn vows, slamming her fist into her other palm with determination. "I won't lose this fight."

The other two nod, and together, they rush out from behind the bus. They make it ten yards before a black energy barrier springs up from the ground to stop them. It takes the shape of a large screeching raven and a young man steps forward through it, concealed in a dark blue cloak, hood over part of his face. "Perhaps fighting is not the answer." He steps aside and lets the raven fall, revealing the redhead is still kneeling, smoke drifting up from his hands where they touch the pavement.

"Stand down," Robyn breathes, suddenly taken by the sight. He looks exhausted, peaceful, and above all else, vulnerable.

"What do you think, you the boss or something?" the girl in the sweatshirt scoffs.

"Just give me a chance..." She doesn't wait for an answer, merely starts towards the redhead, slowly, calmly, delicately. He looks up, watching her as she crosses the battle zone towards him, and she noticed the redness around his wrists where the shackles had been. Suddenly, he hauls himself to his feet, charging his fists with starbolts and charging for her.


"Easy. Easy!" Robyn pleads, calmly holding one hand up in defense. She eases towards him, one hand moving towards her utility belt. "My name is Robyn, and I don't want to hurt you. I just want to help." She makes it to him, toe-to-toe, and her hand reaches for the lockpick she knows is hidden there.

She sees the shift in his demeanor, as he prepares for her to attack, and spots his hands curl into fists, muscles in his arms coming to life. Muscles, she notes, that trail up his arms, and no doubt the rest of his torso, clearly built. He clenches his jaw, glaring at her, and it dawns on her, this close and not in the heat of battle, that he's rather handsome, with the chiseled jaw and—

"Gokta! Gokta buhovna!" he snarls, and it snaps her from her reverie. She shakes her head, muttering at herself to focus, and holds up the lockpick.

"It's okay, look." She makes quick work of the shackles, smiling as she goes, trying ever so hard not to think about how close she is, and how their noses almost touch if she were to look up at him. Her smile widens as the shackles fall and her eyes trail up to his, triumphant. "There, see? Now, maybe we can be—"

She gets no further as the redhead dips down, one of his hands finding the back of her neck, and pulling her up against him, kissing her full on the lips. She drops the lockpick in her shock, and relaxes into the kiss, feeling her cheeks heat up the longer they stay pressed together.

But it's over just as quickly, and the redhead pulls away, opening his green eyes, and pushing away from her. Robyn is stunned by the kiss, confused by this series of events, and silently wonders whether she should've just stayed at home after all.

"If you wish not to be destroyed, you will leave me alone!" he snaps, now suddenly speaking in English, stunning the group. Turning away, he kicks off and soars into the air, gaining enough altitude to disappear into the night sky.

Robyn stands there, breathing heavily, absolutely puzzled. The others, equally confused, gather behind him. There is a long silence, but Beast Girl dutifully breaks it, looking up at the girl in the sweatshirt and grinning. "So…I'm Beast Girl. Who are you?"

"Victoria Stone; not interested," the girl states, backing away slightly. So the green girl focuses on the dark newcomer, who merely shrugs.


"Revan, huh?" Beast Girl giggles. "That's an odd name. But cool! Like that bird thing you made! That was awesome! How did you do that?"

"Doesn't matter. What is important, is who that stranger was," Robyn comments, pulling her cloak tighter around her shoulders.

"Whoever he was, boy sure knows how to make an impression," Victoria whistles.

"I think we made a pretty good impression!" They turn to look at the green girl. "Crazy space boy's gone, the city's saved, mission accomplished, right ma'am?"

"Seriously, stop calling me that," Robyn sighs, causing Beast Girl to salute her yet again. She rolls her eyes, starting to walk off. "Looks like I'm done here. I appreciate the help."

"You're going to track down the alien," Revan points out.

"I have to find out if he's a threat."

"More like find out if he'll give her another one o' those steamy kisses!" Victoria whistles even louder, and Robyn continues to march, her steps louder, trying to ignore the blush in her cheeks. It doesn't take long for Beast Girl to catch up.

"Hey, ma'am…uh…I mean, Robyn? Do you maybe—"

"Sorry. I just went solo," the black-haired heroine declares. "I'm not really looking to join a team."

"Need a sidekick?" she calls after her, but she vanishes into the darkness of an alley. "Man, for a former sidekick herself, you think she'd know how it feels…" Then, a brilliant idea comes to mind, and she turns to the other two. "You guys wanna get pizza?"

"No." A dark cloud enshrouds Revan, and moments later, as it dissipates into the ground, he is gone, leaving Beast Girl and Victoria alone.

"Just you and me then, hm? Sweet," Beast Girl smiles excitedly. "I-I haven't really had anybody to hang out with since I quit the Doom Patrol. This is gonna be fun. Can we play video game—"

The taller girl whips off her hood, revealing that half her head, and she assumes the majority of her body as well, has been replaced or encased in bright blue cybernetic technology. "There! Take a good long look! I had an accident, and now I'm a freak, 'kay? A Cyborg!"

"Cyborg? Sweet! You're kind like Robotman 2.0! Cyborg…can I call you that? Kinda like Beast Girl, or Robyn, it's a codename!"


"Aw…," spirits dampened, the green girl gets to thinking. "Cyborg… Cybarg… Cyberella… Cybernetic… Cyber…"

"Cyber. Not bad. I kinda like it."

"Cyber it is!" Her little jump for joy causes Cyber to raise an amused eyebrow.

"You're a weird little chick, you know that?"

"I know," she beams proudly just as a large round shadow passes over them, and the entire area. They look up to see a huge ship flying overhead, headed towards the bay. With one sidelong glance at one another, they take off, following it as quickly as they can. Within moments they reach a small landmass on the bay over which the ship is hovering. And watch as a large hatch opens, allowing a cylindrical capsule to be launched into the water, embedding itself into the landmass' rock.

"Looks like Space Boy has friends," Cyber comments, and stiffens as another voice joins them.

"Or enemies," Robyn adds, stepping up to join them. Clearly, she'd seen the ship as well (who wouldn't?) and had come to investigate. Suddenly, a bolt of energy leaps forth from the capsule, swiftly taking the image of a large lizard-like creature. He blinks a few times, then focuses on the trio and the city behind them.

"People of Earth We come to your planet hunting an escaped prisoner—a very dangerous prisoner!"

"Understatement of the year," Beast Girl mutters under her breath.

"It is not polite to mock," a stern voice tells her and she can already see the scowl on Revan's face before she turns to see he, too, has joined them. Before she can say anything to him, the lizard-alien continues.

"Do not interfere, and we will leave your city with only minimal damage. But if you attempt to assist him…your destruction will be absolute."

The hologram retracts into the capsule, and the ship begins to move. "Wonderful." Revan rolls his eyes as the hatch on the ship swings open, and there stands a massive pack of lizard-alien troops in full view of Jump City Bay and the shore.

"Double-wonderful," Beast Girl gulps. The troops exit the ship, gliding out in all directions with the help of their wings. "No wonder they told us not to interfere. Creepy dudes."

Robyn makes an indignant 'hmph' and the other three turn towards her, questioning glances painted on their faces. Cyber is the first to speak up. "You're still going after him, aren't you?"

"Can we come too?" Beast Girl grins ecstatically.

"I suppose I could team up, just this once," Robyn smiles, apparently contagious. Beast Girl's grows, and Cyber catches the bug, lips curving upwards. They glance towards Revan, who eyes his feet interestingly. "You in?"

"I'm not the hero type. Trust me. If you knew what I really am…you wouldn't want me around."

"I know enough," Robyn says softly, placing her hand on his shoulder. A ghost of a smile etches onto the pale boy's features.


"Alright," Robyn begins, head poking out of the alley. "We need some way to track—"

"He's near." Three heads swivel towards Revan, and he looks anywhere but at them. "I can sense things."

"I'll see if I can pick up his scent." Seconds later, a green Bloodhound is before them, sniffing anxiously at the ground. Revan watches her, perplexed, while Cyber rolls up the sleeve of her sweatshirt to reveal the circuitry of her bionic forearm.

"There's a sonic analyzer built into my arm. If he's around, I'll hear it."


The Bloodhound shifts back to human form, and Beast Girl begins walking away at a sped-up pace. "I've got his trail!" Then, the Bloodhound is back and Cyber's fiddling away at the panel on her arm.

"And I can hear his heartbeat."

Within minutes they make it to a video store, finding the entrance has been blasted apart, the edges of the jagged hole still glowing red-hot. They clamber in, moving quietly, led by Beast Girl, who has resumed human form again. Cyber covers her forearm again just as they round the corner to the candy counter near the back, watching as the redhead from earlier wolfs down a bucket of popcorn, a few chocolate bars, and several other snacks.

"Uh…those taste better without the wrapper, y'know," Beast Girl speaks up, and he whirls around to glare at them, eyes glowing green again. A snarl escapes his lips and a starbolt forms in each hand. Revan sends the green girl a glower.

"It's all right," Robyn steps forward calmly, hands up. "We're friends, remember?"

"Friends?" he barks. "Why? For what purpose did you free me?"

"Just…trying to be nice."

"And get some more action," Cyber snickers, and the masked girl sends her a glare, shutting her up.

"Nice? We do not have this word on my planet. Closest is rutha. Weak!"

"Well, around here, 'nice' means 'nice'. And if you want us to keep being nice, you better tell us why the Lizard King took your prisoner," Cyber demands, thought not unkindly, her mood fouled by the rude Space Boy.

"Not prisoner. I am…prize. The Gordanians deliver me to the Citadel, to live out my days as their servant."

"And the Citadel are…?" Revan trails off, the name registering a little in his mind.

"Not nice."

"Then you're not going with them," Robyn states simply, crossing towards the redhead. "Not if I have anything to say about it."

"Um, don't you mean we—"

The wall nearby explodes, cutting Beast Girl off and hurling everyone to the floor. When the smoke clears, several Gordanians are standing just outside a freshly blown hole in the wall. "Seize him!"

The aliens charge the room, meeting the teens in the middle. A green rhinoceros pummels three Gordanians into the wall while Cyber slams some out of the way with her bare, albeit bionic, fists. Robyn uses a new staff, replacing the one the redhead dusted, to dent a few heads alongside the former captive, who needs only his bare hands and strength to knock the Gordanians flat. Lastly, Revan hurls a hang of them back towards the hole with shadowy telekinetic power, blasting them onto the street outside.

The redhead flies out, trailed by Gordanians, and the other teens follow, locked in combat. He finds himself facing two of his captors, mid-air, and although he beats one away, the other slams him down to the pavement, severely cracking it. He dives, spear point headed for the boy's head, when a staff slams into his side, knocking him away from his former captive. The redhead looks up, smiling slightly at Robyn.

Moments later, he leaps up, starbolts blazing, taking out two Gordanians headed to snuff out the Girl Wonder. Nearby, a green pterodactyl airlifts a Gordanian into the air, dropping him from an unhealthy height. Beside him, Revan hovers, ripping a streetlight from the ground below with shadows and flooring three aliens.

Soon enough, the street is littered with Gordanians, either passed out or stumbling, and the stragglers and remaining troops pause, exchange glances, then fly off, getting out of their before being torn apart.

"I believe your expression is 'thanks'," the redhead states, his eyes finally losing their ethereal green glow to reveal soft green pupils.

"Aw, hell, my suit!" Cyber groans, eyeing her shredded clothes.

"So?" Beast girl grins. "You look way sweeter without it."

"Yeah. Like I'm taking fashion advice from the girl in the dorky mask."

"Dorky? My mask is cool. Isn't it? Revan?" She receives grim shakes of their heads. "But…what about my secret identity?"

"What secret identity? You're green."

"Uh…um…right…," she sighs, taking off the mask just as Robyn and the redhead arrive.

"This isn't over," the Girl Wonder says grimly. "Now that we've interfered…"

"Trogaar will strike harder," the alien boy finishes. "It is only a matter of—" On the nearby island, the hologram from the capsule springs to life again.

"Fools! The Earth scum were warned. Your insolence will be punished. Your city shall be destroyed!" As a fearful city stares up at the hologram, it disappears, unveiling the huge ship sailing in, massive gun on the front end revving up.

"Triple-wonderful," Revan groans. "We've managed to destroy a pizza store, a video store and now, a large space lizard is furious and wants to vaporize our entire town…"

"Go team," Cyber comments wryly, and the redhead whirls around, fists clenched, to glare at Robyn.

"All the fault is yours! I commanded you to leave me alone, but you insisted upon the being nice!"

"My fault?" she shrieks, eyes narrowing as she steps up to him, facing off despite the obvious height difference. "You blast me, you…you kiss me…but you never stop to mention that they have a gigantic particle weapon?"

A shouting match sparks to life, and Beast Girl fearfully backs away from the bickering duo, finding herself hiding behind Revan slightly. Cyber, meanwhile, attempts to stop the argument, but winds up getting involved, and their three voices rise.

"This isn't what I wanted…," Beast Girl whimpers, placing her hands over her sensitive ears. "This is just like what I left…I just wanted friends…a team…" A whimper escapes her lips again, and she recoils from Revan's touch when he tries to place a hand on her shoulder. Realizing the coldness of such an act, she opens her mouth to apologize, guilt swimming in her large green eyes, but he turns away, back to the fighting trio.

"QUIET!" Revan roars, his yell echoing in the silent street and shutting up everyone else. Four pairs of eyes—three angry, one astonished—turn his way for a moment as he stands silently. "It does not matter how we got into this mess. We're in it, and we will get out of it—together."

The small green girl beside him smiles widely, standing up straight, while the other three nod grimly. "Come on," Robyn steps forward. "We've got a city to save." Seconds later, a bubble of Revan's black energy envelops them all.


They come up into a hallway in the ship, just barely missing a group of Gordanians running by. As the bubble of dark energy dissipates, Cyber mutters something under her breath, shivering, and Revan seems to notice. Robyn sticks her head out around the corner, spotting the coast is clear, and nods to the others. "We have to get to the firing controls. There isn't much time."

The redhead follows him, then Cyber and Beast Girl, and then, a far ways back, Revan. He, however, does not follow, and instead drops his eyes to the floor, fists clenched. Tiptoeing back to him, Beast Girl frowns. "You okay?"

"Fine. I'll…watch the hallway…"

"But you can get us out wherever we are with those powers of yours, right? Why watch this spot?"

"You missed what was said after our travel here. Apparently my powers are creepy. I don't exactly fit in." The green girl moves closer, popping up in Revan's lowered line of sight, and smiles softly, one hand on his arm.

"I heard what Cyber said," she states. "But you know what? I'm green, half of her is metal, and alien boy over there? From outer space. I'm starting to think fitting in really isn't a problem with us."

"You can be smart when you want to be, you know that?" Revan replies, ghost of a smile appearing on his pale lips. She giggles.

"Heck yeah!" Pulling on his arm, she resumes her childish and outgoing energy, and he allows her to bring him towards the others. They've stopped at the end of the hall, waiting, and the redhead has turned towards Robyn, looking calm for once.

"I bring you…apology."

"Don't worry about it. I'm sorry I yelled, too."

"And again, you are…nice. On my world, only my k'norfka has shown me such kindness."

Robyn turns a deep shade of red, looking away a little. "Well, things are different here."


"The Earth scum shall learn," Trogaar hisses, watching the massive weapon with pride. "It takes more than five juvenile heroes to defy the mighty Lord Trogaar! They—"

The door behind him blows open, the pieces flying around the ship's bridge. When the smoke clears, there stand five teenagers, Robyn at the front. "We're not five heroes. We're one team."

Every Gordanian deckhand moves towards them as the teens leap into the room. Robyn lands the first hit, he foot connecting with one's neck, nearly snapping it, while beside her, Cyber slams both fists to the floor, throwing out a sheet of energy that knocks several others off their feet. Beast Girl morphs into a kangaroo, kicking two in the gut with full force, and the redhead delivers a supercharged uppercut that sends his enemy crashing to the deck.

Moments later, Trogaar slams his arms against the deck close enough to send the green girl flying backwards with a yell. She slams into the wall, whimpers, and slides down to the floor in a heap. The Gordanian lord roars, headed straight for her, but is halted when Revan glides up through the floor and throws up a dark shield. Punch after punch, the shield takes hits, and Revan is forced backwards by the pressure, knees buckling. He is brought to his knees beside Beast Girl as the shield falls, and fear shines in his eyes.

But Trogaar doesn't make it to them, as Robyn leaps onto his shoulders. The Gordanian stumbles backwards, manages to grab onto the Girl Wonder, and tosses her across the deck, where she turns the tumble into a flip and lands safely, crouched.

She leaps back up; delivering a powerful blow to Trogaar with her staff that knocks him off his feet. But he doesn't hit the floor, since she spin-kicks him, sending him in a new direction. She's about to deliver the third blow, but he wraps his hands around her midsection and hurls her backwards through the air. She lands behind the captain's chair in a heap, the redhead nearby, gasping. "Robyn!"

Trogaar sets his sights on him next, but doesn't quite make it that far as a string of powerful starbolts rip across the deck towards him. He rushes through the barrage and grabs him, slamming him against the floor. He lifts him up high, prepared to repeat the process, but the redhead lets loose a huge starbolt that forces him to be dropped.

Cyber leaps over two smaller Gordanians to join the redhead, and together, they carry out a series of punches and hits at top strength. But even this isn't enough to put him away. He retaliates and they land in a heap beside Robyn. Upon crashing to the deck, Cyber's right arm jolts open, the wiring from the sonic analyzer coming to attention.

"Can you rewrite that into some sort of weapon?" Robyn asks her.

"I can try." But she doesn't get the chance as Trogaar and the remaining Gordanians have moved in, trapping them in an uncomfortable circle. Trogaar grins savagely.

"Hey!" they hear a girl—in an exhausted tone—yell, and turn to see Beast Girl not far off, supported by one of Revan's arms. The latter is glaring venomously.

"Get away from my friends." Trogaar laughs rudely, taking in the sight of the tiny humans, and Revan leans down to whisper in the changeling's ear. "Hold on."

She does as she's told, taking refuge beneath his cloak, just as his free hand reaches up, glowing. "Azarath…Metrion…" The black glow expands at super speeds, his spell causing it to keep going until it hits the walls of the bridge, and creeps away, wrapping around a good part of the ship. "Zinthos!" he utters the last word and a mighty explosion rips the ship to pieces, causing it to spiral out of control and plummet towards Jump City Bay. It hits the ocean and rocks nearly everyone to their knees, most of the bridge's walls coming apart.

Slowly, the five heroes push themselves to their feet along with the dazzled Gordanians. Trogaar is the first to stand tall, looming over Beast Girl and Revan. He claws out; face contorted in twisted anger, but never reaches them as a flash of brilliant blue hits him squarely in the back. He falls in a heap, revealing Robyn, the redhead and Cyber in the background, the latter of which has managed to rewire the sonic analyzer into a cannon.

"I'ma say this once, and that's it," she grins proudly. "Booyah!"


Sun shines on the crash site; the only part of the ship left is the bridge, creating a lopsided "T" at the peak of the small island. Four teenagers stand on the shore, looking up at it, happy the threat of the Gordanians has passed. Revan breaks their silence first.

"That's quite a view."

Cyber nods. "Somebody oughta build a house out here."

"Yeah, if you like sunshine and the beach," Beast Girl giggles, elbowing their cloaked companion. He pulls the hood away, for the first time revealing his messy, dark, bluish-purple hair, his bright blue eyes and the diamond-shaped blood-red stone on his pale forehead. "You took your hood off!"

"You know, you're kind of funny," he chuckles softly.

"You think I'm funny?" her smile widens significantly, her eyes shinning. Robyn and Cyber chuckle at the sight.

"Please," a voice interrupts them, and everyone turns to see the redhead has joined them finally, having changed out his prisoner garb. He has replaced it with a violet sleeveless shirt, metal armbands, silver gloves with green gems, and violet pants tucked into metal boots. "This looks…nice?" The teens nod, smiling, and a blushing Robyn steps forward, trying in vain to not think of how handsome he now looks, having ditched the aggressive outfit and hostile demeanor.

"I still don't know your name."

"Korand'r. In your language, it would be Blazefire."

"Welcome to Earth, Blazefire."

"I thank you for all your bravery and help, and I wish to ask permission…to remain here. Where the people are most strange…but also most kind." This elicits another blush from the Girl Wonder, who smiles.

"You don't need our permission," Cyber points out.

"But if you want our friendship, you've got it."

"I suppose we could all use some new friends," Revan nods.

"Besides," Beast Girl grins widely. "We kind of made a good team."

At the mention of the word team, Robyn and Cyber exchange a smile, and while the latter nods, the former reaches into her utility belt, fishing out three yellow devices. "I thought we might want to keep in touch, so Cyber and I designed these."

"Made these babies outta my own circuits," Cyber grins as Robyn distributes the circular communicators to each of the teens, who seem impressed.

"When there's trouble, you know who to call."

There is a long silence as they stare at the communicators, at each other, and at the island they stand on. It is evident no one wants to be the first to leave. In light of that, Beast Girl bounces on the balls of her feet, grinning. "Um, I don't know about you guys, but I don't have a place to stay. And, well…I know a really good interior decorator. Redid the Dayton Manor for me and the Doom Patrol once."

"I'm not half bad of a cook," Cyber admits. "And if rewiring my arm into a sonic cannon shows you anything, I know electrical."

"With my powers, it shouldn't be that hard to lift building materials," Revan adds.

Robyn smiles softly. "As long as we're not adding a cave, I know a thing or two about secret bases."

"I do not understand these declarations. Why are we sharing? Is it an Earth thing?"

"No…," Robyn plays with the communicator in her hand, her grin widening. "It's a team thing."

Author's Note: So, I'm hoping you guys liked the first episode. I realize I didn't start with the series' first ep, but I felt, with the change in characters genders and the idea that efffectively their lives would be altered because of this, even in little details, I wanted to start with how the team had been formed. Especially, because it gives me a chance to explore the interactions of the gender-bended team with one another from the very beginning.

Look forward to more crazy gender-bended characters and storylines next time!

Episode Two: One Final Test

"The HIVE is proud to present this year's top graduates..."

"Robyn? Where is Robyn? I do not understand."

"Teen Titans? Pathetic. We'll wipe the floor with the noobs. They won't live to see the end of their first week as a team!"