Disclaimer: Zip. Zero. None. Nada. Ninguno Is MIO. No such Twilight character is mine.

A/N: Okay, done with testing and back to writing. You guys will enjoy this chapter full of a twist introducing our villain vampires once more. Thanks for waiting. Also, I have a poll on my profile, check it out and vote please. You will be pleased with the outcome

I Will Always Be There For You

In Summer… Everything Changes.

Seth POV

"Don't go…" I said as I kissed Jacob in his spot, that strong jugular of his. I wrapped my legs around his as to emphasized my need for him.

"Seth… you know the rules, Sam will…" he moaned as I pressed me against him, "Ugh, Sam will get mad…"

"No he won't" I looked at him with my killer puppy eyes and he whined.

"Seth, don't play dirty," he chuckled.

I kissed his chin, the stubble tickling my lips as he hadn't shaven thanks to his patrols, "Make me."

"Come here you little-"Jake grabbed the back of my head and drove my lips crashing down on his. His swaying pink lips wrapped around my mouth as if they were a present. I pulled my arms up to the back of his neck and I pulled at his short, cropped hair. He groaned in me and I pushed my tongue into his, asking for entrance. He gave me the key and he ground his bulge against mine. Neither of us had noticed that we ha djust gotten some company.

"Oh come on!" Quil's voice said, "Now I know why Embry didn't want to come after you. I feel him now!"

I separated from Jacob and saw Quil cover his eyes with his arms. Jacob started laughing while I blushed to a bright pink. This wasn't the first time we have been caught by someone in the pack. You see, Jacob is taking the daylight hours so he can spend all night with me. Him along with Quil and Embry move around La Push all morning so that at night they can all go with their mates. Sam had been very helpful with our relationships, so Jared, Paul and he ran around during the night.

The thing is, Jacob should be out and about as soon as I woke up and said goodbye. He had been late only once and that was because of a similar act like today, only that it had been Embry the once who was victimized.

"Come on Jacob, or else Sam will-"a howl was heard coming from the forest, "Oh he's mad…"

I looked at Jacob and took both my arms and legs away from him and gave him a love peck on his cheek, "Go on Jacob, I will see you later."

He stood up, accommodating his new hard-on so it wouldn't be noticeable, and kissed my forehead, "See you later baby…."

I really enjoy the summer… when I have something to do! I was at home, watching TV when I heard the phone ring.

"I'll get it," I yelled to Leah as I walked into my small kitchen and pressed the answer button, "Hello?"

"Hey, Seth! There's my favorite buddy!" a husky voice said.

"Emmett? How's it going?" The Valentine's Day event was long gone. Jacob admitted, through that hard head of his, that he was jealous about what happened but he promised to let it go. Emmett apologized to me very sweetly, by sending me a sorry teddy-bear to my porch on morning and I called him to let him now that I received his apology. I usually saw him with Edward down here whenever they decided to come to the beach and play some ball.

"It's all good here, but I wanted to ask you something, you want to go to the mall with Alice and me? But you can't invite Jake," my brows went up and I blew my left cheek up, ne noticed the silence. "It's not anything bad; it's just that Alice saw something… No Alice! Don't!" I head the phone exchange hands.

"Hey, Seth, it's me Alice, Emmy's lil sis," with her squeaky voice.

"Oh, hello there," I spoke with much awkwardness, "Um, what did you see?"

"Well, I was hunting this morening when I saw Emmy, you, me and a girl which I guess is your sister at the mall picking out various outfits. It's at my understaning that your going out with Jacob Black, right?" Alice spoke too quickly but I managed to get everything.

"Oh, um yes,"

"Alice-!" Emmett said from behind, "Don't be a bother!"

"Shut it! Emmett. Anyway, well I have one more question, has Jacob ever taken you out on a date?" I thought about her question. Well he had bought us pizza the other night and he has taken me to the movies… but before we went out.

"Well, no Alice he hasn't," I head her gasp.

"I KNEW it!" Alice gave the phone to Emmett and I heard a car start up.

"Oh no… Seth, get you and your sister ready. Once Alice's mind is made up, it's made up."

Emmett hung up before I could say anything and I walked into Leah's room, whom was studying.

"Yea?" she said as he took one piece of her headphones off.

"Get ready, we're going shopping!"

"Okay, so care to explain what's going on?" Leah asked semi-annoyed from the backseat where she sat next to Alice.

"Well, do you know about…" Alice started

"Yes, yes I do, that's why I feel a little uncomfortable but I wouldn't be sitting next to you if it wasn't for Seth okay, so just say it straight to the point,"

"Okay, Okay," the petite girl frowned a bit, "Well, I saw all four of us going shopping to Port Angeles at the mall and we were buying Seth many great clothes for what seemed an important event. I don't know what but I think it might be-"

"- a date," I finished off, "But Jake hasn't mentioned anything!"

We began pulling into the parking lot when Emmett spoke, "That's what I told Alice, what if we buy him the clothes and Jake decides to change his mind, but no…"

"No, I think Alice is right, a guy would NOT change his mind about a date if it's with the guy, or girl, he loves," Leah responded.

"Thank you, Leah," Alice commented.

We walked into the mall and it was just huge, Emmett got close to my ear and he whispered, "Welcome to Alice's Hell…" I sighed. Today was going to be a long day.

Jacob POV

I don't know man, it makes me nervous!

Oh come on dude, its how can you feel nervous on asking your

You haven't taken Seth on a date yet! What's wrong with you!

Yeah, I mean I took Embry on a date before we ever had…

I don't want to know that much Quil, but I get it,

"You're going to have to take him on a date eventually, or else he's going to think you're not so serious about your relationship…" my dad's words echoed in my mind.

Your dad is right,

Shut up and-

! Did you guys smell that? I said as I sniffed in the air, Guys, come here!

Embry and Quil ran to where I was and sniffed the area, too. The much too familiar scent made my nose wrinkle.

Get Sam, we have three vampires on our turf…

Third Person POV

"Hmm… he's not here, what a shame," a lean, blonde man muttered as he picked up Seth's pillow and took the scent in his lungs.

"Do you think you can track him down?" Victoria said as he hugged James from behind.

Laurent chuckled, "When do we ever underestimate James, V…?"

"Come on you guys, we got a little pup to catch," and the three pale figures ran out of the house, heading toward Port Angeles….

Seth POV

"Oh my gosh, Leah, I told you I like this shirt," I pointed a certain tee of the big bunch both Leah and Alice had handed me over.

"No, no, no," my sister ignored, "you look good in this shirt."

It went on and on for about four hours going from store to store. Even Emmett helped me pick out some formal clothes because he says that they will be necessary at least once.

"Don't combine stripes with plaid and your tie should always match with your shirt," he said as he helped me choose a suit. [A/N: These clothes can be seen in my profile! I have visuals for you ^_^)

At the end of our shopping spree, all four of walked back to the car and drove to the movies to watch Ironman 2 as it had come out a few weeks prior and my dance crew said that the movie was great. We sat like this: Alice, Leah, me then Emmett. The big brown haired vampire would put his arm around me whenever there was an explosion or something made me jumped.

"Oh wow," Emmett said, "Why do you jump? It's not a scary movie,"

"I know, its just that I hate the sounds of shots or any loud noise like that, it reminds me of when my dad used to go hunt and I've never been fond of killing animals," BOOM and I jumped again. Emmett chuckled as he raised the arm of the seat and sat closer to me, I thought that from the corner of my eye I saw Leah eyeing me.

"Then if you dun want to get scared you can always lie on me so you fall alseep," he said as he pulled me closer to his cold body. His honey eyes mesmerizing to anyone. Jake.

"Um, Em, we both know that you're not very comfortable," I mentioned as I nudged his chest and shrugged his arm off, "not to mention cold,"

"Shhh," someone said from behind.

"It's okay, just close your eyes and you'll get used to it," Em smugly said. This guy just didn't give up and I didn't want to have problems with him so I decided to head out for a bit.

"Guys, I'll be back, I'm going to the restroom," I whispered to the girls.

Suprisingly, Emmett didn't follow, I walked into the restoom and it was empty. I got up to the farthest urinal and let all the soda just unfill from my bladder. Then I heard the door swing open and it closed rather harshly. No one came in though.

"Emmett, is that you?" I called out to no one. ... Silence.

"Hello, Emmett?" I said, louder. This time I heard a little chuckle, but not Cullen's chuckle. I zipped my pants and I slowly began walking close to the mirror, that way I could see who had come in. I walked to a certain point where I could see 2 guys, one with dirty blonde hair and the other with dark, long dreads. Both had their back to the mirror.

"Hey, Laurent," the blonde one spoke, "What did the little pup howl before he got his blood sucked?"

"I don't know, James, what did it say?" the guy named Laurent asked.

"He didn't, he was too much in pain to even yell for help." the guys turned to see the mirror and they I saw, my last seconds before I died, their dark, blood-red thirsty eyes ready to take me as their meal...

Jacob POV

Crap, fuck, shit...

Jake, stop cussing,

Sam, don't fucking tell me what not to do right now? Can't you realize there are three freaking bloodsuckers that are following my imprint?

Jacob, you really expect us not to know that?

Jared, this in a "a" and "b" conver-

Very mature, Jake,

Shut the fuck-


Yes, sir!

Once we all got to the borders of the city we transformed and put on clothes as we didn't want to stand out. I just brought an under-armor and some shorts and sandals. We all ran to the same direction as the scents but they seemes to cross in and out all overl Port Angeles. As I got closer to my boyfriend's scent I could catch Leah's, and two other's.

"Oh hell no..." I said as I slowed down in the parking lot, right in front of Emmett's Jeep.

"That mother fucking, blood sucker, wait" I sniffed the air and I caught on to another scent. It was the same smell from the other vampires! I ran into the mall and went followed where the scent was strongest... the movies. When I walked in I closed my eyes and used my ears to find Seth, I could heard his heart beat coming from the restroom. But his heartbeat was abnormally fast, too fast. Gasp.

"Seth no!" I yelled and ran to the restroom but someone had already won...

Seth's POV

I laid on the ground, fidgeting in pain. I was shaking, I felt two flames that were slowly disspating. One in leg and the other in my chest, near my heart. I tried opening my eyes, but m whole body was numb. I could hear some faint, velvet breathing close to me and soon I heard a faster, rougher one. I recognized that one right away.

"J-J-Jacob-" was what I think I said

Sam used his alpha voice, we are just a few miles away from Port Angeles and you guys need to concentrate. I know it's not the first time you guys have hunted vamps but it is going to be hard in the city, you guys are only going to be able to transfor when you see a vampire and you guys have to be quick. I will always stay in wolf form just so I can catch up with you just in case you guys transform and need help. Jared, Paul and Jake, you guys will be on foot and follow the vamps scent, except for Jake who's going to follow Seth's scent. Okay?We all responded at the same time.
Paul butted in
Jared commented.

Quil butted in.
I ran along the mountains and cliffs making sure everything were fine. I never asked Seth on a date because, well, it never came into my mind until my dad mentioned it to me one day. He talked to me about when he took my mother to her first date back when they were in high school and how that was just the best day of his teenage life. He then asked me if I ever took my Seth on a date. When I answered he looked and sounded just as surprised as Embry.
Embry said surprised.
boyfriend on a date. It's not you haven't taken him to one before… Quil replied. Embry read my mind to quick for me to respond
I shared with Quil.

Disclaimer: Zip. Zero. None. Nada. Ninguno Is MIO. No such Twilight character is mine.

A/N: Guys, I'm sorry I haven't posted but it is AP Testing time and California standards test were a few weeks before so my schedule is tight and have tried to fix the plot of the story. So you guys can see that I have been working, here's a sneak peak of the next chapter!

I Will Always Be There For You

In Summer… Everything Changes. (Sneak peek)

Seth POV

"Don't go…" I said as I kissed Jacob in his spot, that strong jugular of his. I wrapped my legs around his as to emphasized my need for him.

"Seth… you know the rules, Sam will…" he moaned as I pressed me against him, "Ugh, Sam will get mad…"

"No he won't" I looked at him with my killer puppy eyes and he whined.

"Seth, don't play dirty," he chuckled.

I kissed his chin, the stubble tickling my lips as he hadn't shaven thanks to his patrols, "Make me."

"Come here you little-"Jake grabbed the back of my head and drove my lips crashing down on his. His swaying pink lips wrapped around my mouth as if they were a present. I pulled my arms up to the back of his neck and I pulled at his short, cropped hair. He groaned in me and I pushed my tongue into his, asking for entrance. He gave me the key and he ground his bulge against mine. Neither of us had noticed that we ha djust gotten some company.

"Oh come on!" Quil's voice said, "Now I know why Embry didn't want to come after you. I feel him now!"

I separated from Jacob and saw Quil cover his eyes with his arms. Jacob started laughing while I blushed to a bright pink. This wasn't the first time we have been caught by someone in the pack. You see, Jacob is taking the daylight hours so he can spend all night with me. Him along with Quil and Embry move around La Push all morning so that at night they can all go with their mates. Sam had been very helpful with our relationships, so Jared, Paul and he ran around during the night.

The thing is, Jacob should be out and about as soon as I woke up and said goodbye. He had been late only once and that was because of a similar act like today, only that it had been Embry the once who was victimized.

"Come on Jacob, or else Sam will-"a howl was heard coming from the forest, "Oh he's mad…"

I looked at Jacob and took both my arms and legs away from him and gave him a love peck on his cheek, "Go on Jacob, I will see you later."

He stood up, accommodating his new hard-on so it wouldn't be noticeable, and kissed my forehead, "See you later baby…."

I really enjoy the summer… when I have something to do! I was at home, watching TV when I heard the phone ring.

"I'll get it," I yelled to Leah as I walked into my small kitchen and pressed the answer button, "Hello?"

"Hey, Seth! There's my favorite buddy!" a husky voice said.

"Emmett? How's it going?" The Valentine's Day event was long gone. Jacob admitted, through that hard head of his, that he was jealous about what happened but he promised to let it go. Emmett apologized to me very sweetly, by sending me a sorry teddy-bear to my porch on morning and I called him to let him now that I received his apology. I usually saw him with Edward down here whenever they decided to come to the beach and play some ball.

"It's all good here, but I wanted to ask you something, you want to go to the mall with Alice and me? But you can't invite Jake," my brows went up and I blew my left cheek up, ne noticed the silence. "It's not anything bad; it's just that Alice saw something… No Alice! Don't!" I head the phone exchange hands.

"Hey, Seth, it's me Alice, Emmy's lil sis," with her squeaky voice.

"Oh, hello there," I spoke with much awkwardness, "Um, what did you see?"

"Well, I was hunting this morening when I saw Emmy, you, me and a girl which I guess is your sister at the mall picking out various outfits. It's at my understaning that your going out with Jacob Black, right?" Alice spoke too quickly but I managed to get everything.

"Oh, um yes,"

"Alice-!" Emmett said from behind, "Don't be a bother!"

"Shut it! Emmett. Anyway, well I have one more question, has Jacob ever taken you out on a date?" I thought about her question. Well he had bought us pizza the other night and he has taken me to the movies… but before we went out.

"Well, no Alice he hasn't," I head her gasp.

"I KNEW it!" Alice gave the phone to Emmett and I heard a car start up.

"Oh no… Seth, get you and your sister ready. Once Alice's mind is made up, it's made up."

Emmett hung up before I could say anything and I walked into Leah's room, whom was studying.

"Yea?" she said as he took one piece of her headphones off.

"Get ready, we're going shopping!"

"Okay, so care to explain what's going on?" Leah asked semi-annoyed from the backseat where she sat next to Alice.

"Well, do you know about…" Alice started

"Yes, yes I do, that's why I feel a little uncomfortable but I wouldn't be sitting next to you if it wasn't for Seth okay, so just say it straight to the point,"

"Okay, Okay," the petite girl frowned a bit, "Well, I saw all four of us going shopping to Port Angeles at the mall and we were buying Seth many great clothes for what seemed an important event. I don't know what but I think it might be-"

"- a date," I finished off, "But Jake hasn't mentioned anything!"

We began pulling into the parking lot when Emmett spoke, "That's what I told Alice, what if we buy him the clothes and Jake decides to change his mind, but no…"

"No, I think Alice is right, a guy would NOT change his mind about a date if it's with the guy, or girl, he loves," Leah responded.

"Thank you, Leah," Alice commented.

We walked into the mall and it was just huge, Emmett got close to my ear and he whispered, "Welcome to Alice's Hell…" I sighed. Today was going to be a long day.

Jacob POV

I don't know man, it makes me nervous!

I shared with Quil.

Oh come on dude, its how can you feel nervous on asking your

boyfriend on a date. It's not you haven't taken him to one before… Quil replied. Embry read my mind to quick for me to respond

You haven't taken Seth on a date yet! What's wrong with you!

Embry said surprised.

Yeah, I mean I took Embry on a date before we ever had…

I don't want to know that much Quil, but I get it,

I ran along the mountains and cliffs making sure everything were fine. I never asked Seth on a date because, well, it never came into my mind until my dad mentioned it to me one day. He talked to me about when he took my mother to her first date back when they were in high school and how that was just the best day of his teenage life. He then asked me if I ever took my Seth on a date. When I answered he looked and sounded just as surprised as Embry.

"You're going to have to take him on a date eventually, or else he's going to think you're not so serious about your relationship…" my dad's words echoed in my mind.

Your dad is right,

Quil butted in.

Shut up and-

! Did you guys smell that? I said as I sniffed in the air,

Guys, come here!

Embry and Quil ran to where I was and sniffed the area, too. The much too familiar scent made my nose wrinkle.

Get Sam, we have three vampires on our turf…

Third Person POV

"Hmm… he's not here, what a shame," a lean, blonde man muttered as he picked up Seth's pillow and took the scent in his lungs.

"Do you think you can track him down?" Victoria said as he hugged James from behind.

Laurent chuckled, "When do we ever underestimate James, V…?"

"Come on you guys, we got a little pup to catch," and the three pale figures ran out of the house, heading toward Port Angeles….

Seth POV

"Oh my gosh, Leah, I told you I like this shirt," I pointed a certain tee of the big bunch both Leah and Alice had handed me over.

"No, no, no," my sister ignored, "you look good in this shirt."

It went on and on for about four hours going from store to store. Even Emmett helped me pick out some formal clothes because he says that they will be necessary at least once.

"Don't combine stripes with plaid and your tie should always match with your shirt," he said as he helped me choose a suit. [A/N: These clothes can be seen in my profile! I have visuals for you ^_^)

At the end of our shopping spree, all four of walked back to the car and drove to the movies to watch Ironman 2 as it had come out a few weeks prior and my dance crew said that the movie was great. We sat like this: Alice, Leah, me then Emmett. The big brown haired vampire would put his arm around me whenever there was an explosion or something made me jumped.

"Oh wow," Emmett said, "Why do you jump? It's not a scary movie,"

"I know, its just that I hate the sounds of shots or any loud noise like that, it reminds me of when my dad used to go hunt and I've never been fond of killing animals," BOOM and I jumped again. Emmett chuckled as he raised the arm of the seat and sat closer to me, I thought that from the corner of my eye I saw Leah eyeing me.

"Then if you dun want to get scared you can always lie on me so you fall alseep," he said as he pulled me closer to his cold body. His honey eyes mesmerizing to anyone. Jake.

"Um, Em, we both know that you're not very comfortable," I mentioned as I nudged his chest and shrugged his arm off, "not to mention cold,"

"Shhh," someone said from behind.

"It's okay, just close your eyes and you'll get used to it," Em smugly said. This guy just didn't give up and I didn't want to have problems with him so I decided to head out for a bit.

"Guys, I'll be back, I'm going to the restroom," I whispered to the girls.

Suprisingly, Emmett didn't follow, I walked into the restoom and it was empty. I got up to the farthest urinal and let all the soda just unfill from my bladder. Then I heard the door swing open and it closed rather harshly. No one came in though.

"Emmett, is that you?" I called out to no one. ... Silence.

"Hello, Emmett?" I said, louder. This time I heard a little chuckle, but not Cullen's chuckle. I zipped my pants and I slowly began walking close to the mirror, that way I could see who had come in. I walked to a certain point where I could see 2 guys, one with dirty blonde hair and the other with dark, long dreads. Both had their back to the mirror.

"Hey, Laurent," the blonde one spoke, "What did the little pup howl before he got his blood sucked?"

"I don't know, James, what did it say?" the guy named Laurent asked.

"He didn't, he was too much in pain to even yell for help." the guys turned to see the mirror and they I saw, my last seconds before I died, their dark, blood-red thirsty eyes ready to take me as their meal...

Jacob POV

Crap, fuck, shit...

Jake, stop cussing,

Sam, don't fucking tell me what not to do right now? Can't you realize there are three freaking bloodsuckers that are following my imprint?

Jacob, you really expect us not to know that?

Jared commented.

Jared, this in a "a" and "b" conver-

Very mature, Jake,

Paul butted in

Shut the fuck-


Sam used his alpha voice,

we are just a few miles away from Port Angeles and you guys need to concentrate. I know it's not the first time you guys have hunted vamps but it is going to be hard in the city, you guys are only going to be able to transfor when you see a vampire and you guys have to be quick. I will always stay in wolf form just so I can catch up with you just in case you guys transform and need help. Jared, Paul and Jake, you guys will be on foot and follow the vamps scent, except for Jake who's going to follow Seth's scent. Okay?

Yes, sir!

We all responded at the same time.

Once we all got to the borders of the city we transformed and put on clothes as we didn't want to stand out. I just brought an under-armor and some shorts and sandals. We all ran to the same direction as the scents but they seemes to cross in and out all overl Port Angeles. As I got closer to my boyfriend's scent I could catch Leah's, and two other's.

"Oh hell no..." I said as I slowed down in the parking lot, right in front of Emmett's Jeep.

"That mother fucking, blood sucker, wait" I sniffed the air and I caught on to another scent. It was the same smell from the other vampires! I ran into the mall and went followed where the scent was strongest... the movies. When I walked in I closed my eyes and used my ears to find Seth, I could heard his heart beat coming from the restroom. But his heartbeat was abnormally fast, too fast. Gasp.

"Seth no!" I yelled and ran to the restroom but someone had already won...

Seth's POV

I laid on the ground, calm I was shaking before but now I wa fine, I felt two flames that were slowly disspating. One in leg and the other in my chest, near my heart. I tried opening my eyes, but m whole body was numb. I could hear some faint, velvet breathing close to me and soon I heard a faster, rougher one. I recognized that one right away.

"J-J-Jacob-" was what I think I said. I felt very, very warm hands touch my abdomen. I flinched. My ears started to ring once I got my hearing back.

"Seth!, Seth, can you hear me, baby! Please, don't leave me!" I felt warm tears hit my cheek. I wanted to touch Jacob's face, kiss him, tell him everything was fine. But that would be a lie, wouldn't it? I mean, I can't move for a reason.

"I sucked all the venom out, I know it, because if I hadn't he would be screaming and yelling in pain, but I think the venom had a different effect on him," Emmett's voice said.

"Where's Alice and Leah?" Jake asked.

"They're outside waiting."

"We have to go, Jared, Paul and Sam ran back to La Push to tell the elders, but I can't take Seth like this to poor Sue... not after," Jake sobbed.

The flames finally went away and my heartbeat began to slowly go back to its regular pace.

"Emmett, I want to thank you, if it wasn't for you who killed those filthy, those filthy-"

"Bloodsuckers?" Emmett interrupted and I could hear Jake chuckle.

"Yeah, bloodsuckers, I promise to forever respect your family and to never understimate you again," Jacob said, more tears hitting my skin.

A few moments passed.

"Jacob, hear, it's Seth he's waking up,"

I regained, little by little, my muscle movements. It began from my feet and hands and slowly moved up. Once I felt the feeling reach my head I opened my eyes with a gasp.

"Seth-!" both fire and ice said.

"Oh my goodness, Jake!" I said as I hugged my protector wold instantly, tears began falling and the warm touch was now inviting. "Oh my gosh, Jake, I love you so much"

"Seth, it's okay, baby, it's okay," he said as he petted my hair and I clutched to his back.

"Jake, I-I- I was so scare and then, they bit me and then, oh gosh it hurt so much," I said with more sobs.

"Seth, it's okay, you can tell me when you get home," he said as he picked me up in his arms and took me out, Emmett following. I turned to look at him with his face down and I nudged Jacob to let me stand up. Gladly I didn't fall

"Jake, can I talk to Emmett in private for a few minutes...?" I said to him. He nodded and walked out, I knew he would plug his ears for me, but it wasn't necessary.

I turned to look at Emmett and he just looked up and smiled.

"Emmett, sweet, sweet, Emmett," I slowly got up to him and I touched his face. "You don't know how thankful I am right now, I know I love Jacob from the bottom of my heart, but at this moment YOU are my hero,"

"It was nuthin," Emmett said as he shrugged his shoulders. I got close to him and smiled.

"This is for saving my life," I stood on my tiptoes and slowly and carefully met my lips with him. I felt a shock run through my body, just like the one Jake told me he had felt with me. I tasted Emmett's sweet, fruity flavored lips and I parted with a smile. Emmett was shocked, too.

"Come on Emmett, let's go," I said to him with a hug. and so we left.

Jacob POV

"I was so scared something had happened to you," I said to my pup as I slowly wrapped my legs around his and kissed the back part from his neck.

"Jacob, I was scared too, I was scared that I hadn't said how much I love you yet..." Seth whined.

"What do you mean?" I turned him around and began to butterfly kiss his cheeks and forehead, "I already know how much you love me,"

I took in his scent as he frowned, "I know, but I haven't shown you the time's worth of how much I do," I chuckled, "What's so funny?"

I stopped laughing as I saw Seth's frustrated face, he just looked so cute, "It's funny because I'm the one who's always leaving you and you say that YOU haven't shown how much YOU love ME, if anyone hasn't shown their love so much it's me,"

Seth sighed and he digged his face into my bare chest.

"Jake, why are you so sexy?" Okay, that was random.

"Ugh, Seth, are you okay?"

"Yes, but seriously, why are you just so freaking hot?" he began kissing my jugular and I moaned. Today was turning out weird. I think it might be an aftercome of the effects. But we all know where this would lead to, and so out night was spent with our bodies close to one another...

Thanks peeps for reading this chapter and thanks for waiting. BTW GoingGaga and I are co-writing a story called "University Affairs". It's a JacobXSeth and it's an AU and you guys will enjoy it.

Hasta Luego~!