It was Christmas Eve. Daiyu was asleep with her head against Eric's chest. The day had been filled with games with her cousins and eating more food than she usually did. Horatio and Eric had been invited over to Eric's sister Maya's place for a Christmas dinner and family time. All of Eric's sisters had been there with their children, so it was no surprise that Daiyu had fallen asleep in the car on the way home. She had whimpered when Eric had put her in her crib and well, since it was Christmas, Eric and Horatio had decided that she could sleep in their bed between them.

"Can you believe how lucky we are?" Eric asked.

"Luckiest men in the world." Horatio grinned.

Everyone who knew Eric and Horatio knew that they were happier than people could imagine. There was no doubt in anybody's mind that they would stay together forever. People used to say that Daiyu was lucky to have such wonderful fathers, but Eric and Horatio always said it was the other way around; they were lucky to have such a wonderful daughter.

"Can you believe we soon get to meet Simon?" Eric smiled.

Simon was a five-months-old baby that child services wanted Eric and Horatio to adopt. They knew what good parents they were to Daiyu and that Simon would grow up with a big happy family if they adopted him. Just one day before child services had called and asked them if they were interested in a baby boy to adopt, Daiyu had asked for a little brother or sister.

"I can't wait. If we get to adopt him, Daiyu will be all over him." Horatio chuckled, "She will be the protective older sister."

"Yeah, she's only seen him from photos and she already adores him." Eric smiled.

Simon's father had passed away several months before he was born, the mother was unfortunately in jail after she had sold drugs and neglected her son after her husband had died. Poor woman was so traumatized that she couldn't even remember her son's name.

"How many kids can you imagine having?" Eric asked.

"Ten, a hundred, doesn't really matter. You?"

"Four or five." Eric said, "I really hope Daiyu or Simon don't grow up hating us because we're gay."

"I don't think they will. I know a lot of people worry that Daiyu and Simon don't have a mother, but Alexx, Cal, Valera, Nat… all the women we know are willing to be a mother-figure." Horatio said, "I don't think we have to worry about it."

"Yeah, you're right." Eric smiled and gave Horatio a kiss.

Eric and Horatio decided to go to sleep. It was already around midnight and their daughter would most likely wake them up early the next morning to open her Christmas gifts. Eric and Horatio didn't know it yet, but the next Christmas they would have two children to buy gifts too. One little girl and one little boy.

The End

AN: I've decided to end this story because I've lost all my interest and inspiration for it. There might be a chance that I'll write a one-shot every now and then. But for now, it's the end of this journey with Eric and Horatio.

It probably won't be my last H/E story, but if/when I write a new story, it won't be a sequel to this.

Thanks very much for reading and reviewing on this story!