Chapter 6


At first glance there seemed nothing amiss about the camp. It was quiet, nothing overturned or out of place, no sign of struggle. Closer inspection, however, indicated that the inhabitants hadn't intended to leave for long. A crust of burned caf at the bottom of the pot indicating the hot plate had been accidentally left on. Monitors left running and datapads unsecured in the makeshift command center. A Republic issued heavy blaster, disassembled for cleaning, rested on the workbench.

"Learn anything new?" Carth asked, ducking through the doorway of the prefab command center.

Jaelyn shook her head. "It's like they vanished into thin air." She gestured toward a datapad. "Alek mentioned in his logs that the soldiers and Padawans weren't coming back from assignments for a few weeks and he suspected Mandalorian involvement but gave no clue where they might have gone." She gingerly lowered herself into a chair, grimacing slightly.

Her careful movements did not go unnoticed. Carth frowned. "I thought you were medically cleared for duty."

"I'm fine. Just a little sore today."

He opened his mouth to press the matter but thought better of it. Her best friend was missing. Short of throwing her in the brig he didn't think he could keep her off the mission. "Okay kid but I want you to take it easy. No sense in pushing yourself. You underwent a lot of trauma and-"

"I get it!" she interrupted. "I don't need the lecture. I know my limits," she said, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

Carth chuckled. "Ah, I sounded like a mother Garu-bear, didn't I?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay. I promise no more lectures. Let's pull up the star charts and see where this Dr. Demagol might be hiding."



"This isn't going to work."

"It was your idea!" Zayne said, handing the Mandalorian his lightsaber. "Wait, why isn't it going to work?"

"They're not going to believe a single warrior captured a Jedi without a scratch." Dyre clipped the 'saber to his belt and fastened Zayne's wrists together with stun cuffs.

"Like I said, I think you overestimate my abilities, but I can beat you up a bit if you want."

"No, thanks," the Mandalorian replied, icily, "just keep your mouth shut and follow my lead."

A beep indicated hard seal. Dyre tapped the airlock control and gestured with his drawn blaster, "after you."

They were soon accosted by two sentries. "Welcome back, Dyre. You brought a present for the good doctor. He'll be pleased. I think that last batch are finally starting to bore him."

The dread Zayne felt from Dyre raised the hair on the back of his neck and his stomach dropped. Whatever the sentry meant by the scientist becoming bored he gathered it did not bode well for his fellow Jedi.

"Here. Put this on your Jedi." The Mandalorian sentry handed a metal ring to Dyre. "Demagol is calling it a force collar. Gives 'em a good shock when they try to do their tricks. You can use the controller if he gets out of line too." The sentry helped fasten the collar and handed Dyre the remote. "You won't even need an escort with this - it'll incapacitate any Jedi."


Jaelyn felt a stab of homesickness wash over her as she sat in the co-pilot seat of the light freighter. Not for Dantooine she realized but for the Sandpiper. She wondered when it was she had come to think of Revan's ship as home. Clearing her mind she double checked the hyperspace calculations. Jumping the squadron into Flashpoint system, practically on top of the station, was risky. There was no room for error. She glanced at Carth occupying the pilot's seat. Tension was rolling off him in waves but underneath it was the deadly calm of a true leader. He would get them in and out safely, of that she had no doubt. His soft brown eyes met her hazel gaze.

"You ready for this, kid?"

"Ready as I'll ever be, old man."

Carth huffed with good humor and then just as quickly his warrior mask slipped into place. She could feel the steel of resolve slipping into place as well, obliterating hesitation and doubt. He toggled the comms on. "Lance squadron, Lance Leader. You know what to do. Distract any defenses the station may have and cover for our entry as we dock and, if this intel is correct, extract our people. Be careful out there. Anyone who does not come back safely will answer directly to me." A chorus of chuckles and yes sirs responded. "Jump on my mark in three, two, one, mark!"


Zayne tensed for a fight as the station's klaxons began sounding an alert. Dyre laid a hand on his shoulder. "Settle down, Jedi, those aren't for us. It's a proximity alert. Enemy ships must have jumped into the system." Despite his assurances Dyre quickly uncuffed Zayne, removed the force collar, and returned his 'saber.

"A Republic rescue operation? Maybe we should get down to the control room, disable the defenses."

"We stick to the plan, Jedi. The Republic can handle themselves. Come on, the lab where your friends are being kept is through here."


"Four, you've picked up a tail."

"Thanks, five, anything you can do about that?"

"Hold tight, on my way."

"Frak he's good. Where are you five?"

Jaelyn winced. "Sounds like they're coming under heavy fire out there."

"It's hard to hear and not be able to do anything." Carth spared her a sympathetic glance. "Best thing we can do for them is get this clunker docked and find our people fast. Are you, uh, I don't know how this works but can you talk to them from here? Find out where they are?"

"It doesn't exactly work that way but the short answer is yes, they're on that station but I don't know their exact location," she said, her voice strained.

"Are you okay? Does it make you tired?"

"No, I mean yes. Yes, I'm okay. Extended deliberate manipulation of the Force can be taxing but no, that's not it. There is just so much pain and frustration and fear." She shook her head. "Let's just get them out of there."


Before the hatch had fully recessed the sting of antiseptic and sharp stench of fear assaulted Zayne's nose. He shuddered and stepped through. The room was in chaos. There were a couple guards standing just inside the door. Dyre had them on the ground, unconscious, before they had even turned around. The maelstrom of emotion was deafening and he drew his awareness back so he could focus on the task at hand. He heard Dyre growl something about getting the hut'uun and saw him making a beeline for the armor clad Zeltron working feverishly at a research station. He ignored the other white robed scientists running from the room with boxes of datapads and slapped the release on the nearest force cage.

Zayne pressed the remote to the force collar and it opened with a beep. "Quick!" The Jedi pulled Zayne away from the row of force cages. "We have to help Ferroh!"

The Jedi from Cathar was laid out on the operating table in the center of the room and looked to be in bad shape. Zayne could hear his labored breathing over the cacophony. "Here, take this remote and release the others." Zayne turned his attention to the battered Cathar, using force heal to stabilize him. He carefully lifted the unconscious Jedi, wincing at the moans the movement elicited. Alek appeared at his side and reached out, sending Ferroh into a deeper, hopefully painless, sleep. Zayne breathed a sigh of relief at seeing his friend relatively unharmed.

"This way, we have a ship nearby."

"We? Did the Council send a rescue party?"

"Ah, no. I'm afraid not. It's just me and Dyre." His eyes cast about but couldn't find the warrior. "Huh. He must've secured the scientist and headed back to the ship. We'd better get moving. There does seem to be a Republic rescue op underway, though. It provided excellent cover."

The rescued Jedi moved toward the hatchway, following Zayne as he retraced his path back to Dyre's ship. "Who is Dyre," Alek asked. "Is he with the Republic?"

"Mmm. Not exactly," Zayne sighed. "Look, he's a Mandalorian but he's the one who came to me with your location. This rescue op was his idea."

Alex's deep blue eyes narrowed. "I don't like it."

"Well like it or not I wouldn't be here without him. Wouldn't even have known you needed rescuing. Now, let's get these people out of here. Keeda," he turned to the Rodian who was a disconcertingly pale shade of green, "are you okay to walk?"

"With a little help, yes." Her voice was weak and strained but she leaned on William next to her and gestured toward the hatch. "I'm ready to leave this party."



Jaelyn tuned out the noise of the alert klaxons and focused on slicing the computer terminal. Computer skills weren't her strongest suit. She knew the basics from working on ships but security slicing wasn't exactly taught at the Jedi academy. "I'm in. Looks like they're being held in the lab. Northeast from our location. I think I can get the security doors between here and there unlocked, it will just take a moment. There," she logged off and pulled out her computer spike. "Good to go."

"Good work. Do I, ah, want to know where you got that?" Carth asked, gesturing toward the highly illegal computer spike.

Jaelyn grinned in response. "I didn't think so," he said. "Lead the way, miscreant."

They ran into surprisingly little resistance as they made their way toward the lab. Jaelyn raised a hand, cautioning Carth as they approached a bend in the corridor. Carth paused and heard the slight scuffling sound ahead. He raised his blaster and nodded readiness. Jaelyn ignited her 'saber as she rounded the corner. "Don't move." She ordered the armor clad Mandalorian bending over a similarly clad figure slumped against the wall.

"Don't shoot!" The Mandalorian raised his hands in surrender, a datapad in hand.

"I'm going to relieve you of your weapon.

Keep your hands where I can see them." She pulled the heavy blaster rifle out of his side holster, checked the safety, and handed it off to Carth who was covering her with his own modified blaster pistol. "What's going on here?" She asked, gesturing toward the Mandalorian on the ground.

"The name's Rohlan Dyre. I'm here with the Jedi Zayne Carrick on a rescue mission. We got separated when I took off after Dr. Demagol here." He gestured at the unconscious Mandalorian.

"That's Demagol," Carth confirmed. "I recognize the armor from the mission holos."

Jaelyn narrowed her eyes suspiciously but deactivated her 'saber. "Where is Zayne now?"

Dyre gestured up the northbound corridor. "Just a little farther up in the lab where they were holding the Jedi. Now, if you don't mind I want to get this hut'uun secured on my ship."

Jaelyn turned to Carth. "I don't trust him," she murmured low enough the Mandalorian couldn't hear over the blaring alerts. "You okay with splitting up? I want-"

"Jae!" Her senses flared and she reignited her 'saber just as Carth shoved her to the side. Off balance she wasn't able to deflect the three blaster bolts meant for her that slammed into him instead.

"Carth, no!" The Mandalorian dropped the datapad he'd been holding onto the lap of the other and took off toward the east airlock as Jaelyn dropped to the deck beside Carth to assess his injuries. Why hadn't she checked the Mandalorian for a holdout blaster? Stupid nugget mistake.

She forced a smile. "Hey now don't go falling asleep on me, old man."

"Can't breathe," Carth said, his breath coming in short gasps. Even before reaching out with the Force Jaelyn could feel his heart racing dangerously fast. She cursed the cheap Republic issued armor as she peeled off the blackened chest plate. Blaster wounds, like those from a lightsaber, had the benefit of cauterizing so she didn't have blood loss to deal with but that didn't mean they weren't life threatening. As she reached out with the Force to begin healing the most serious wound, the one that had burned through one of his lungs, she felt like a dewback was sitting on her chest. She gasped for breath as pain battered her senses. She was dimly aware the pain was not originating from herself and tried to use that knowledge as an anchor but it was as if all the air had been sucked from the room. She turned all her energy toward knitting the damaged tissues back together and sealing the sucking chest wound. She felt a stab of relief as she heard him take a normal breath before she succumbed to the blackness.


Zayne led the rescued Jedi south away from the lab. They were nearing the east junction that would take them toward Dyre's ship when he felt Alek and Keeda both go rigid beside him.

"Jae!" Keeda exclaimed, her fingers tightening around Alek's arm.

"I felt it too. At the junction ahead." Alek reassured the anxious Rodian. "She's in pain but alive."

They arrived at the source of the disturbance to find Jaelyn unconscious, slumped over a Republic soldier. A Mandalorian in full armor, also unconscious, sat leaning against a bulkhead. Alek helped Keeda along as they hurried toward their friend. The Republic soldier seemed to be stirring as they neared the pair.

"What happened?" Alek demanded, kneeling beside them. Mindful of potential injuries he gently shifted Jaelyn off the soldier. A quick probe with the Force revealed no injuries.

Foust had stepped forward to help the soldier up. "That Mandalorian scum, said his name was Dyre, shot me. I guess the blast crushed my armor or something because I couldn't breathe. Last thing I remember was Jae telling me to stay awake as she pulled the armor off. I don't know what happened after that. Is she going to be okay? Did that fraking Mandalorian come back for her?"

"She's fine," Alek assured him.

"Are you sure it was Dyre that shot you?" Zayne asked, carefully transferring Ferroh to the arms of William beside him. He moved to examine the unconscious Mandalorian. He picked up the datapad and activated it. "This is the intel Dyre gave me on Taris. I wonder," he tugged the helmet off the Mandalorian. "Ladies and gents I present to you Rohlan Dyre."

Carth gaped. "If that's Dyre then the guy who shot me must have been-"

"Dr. Demagol," Zayne finished. "Must've swapped armor. Took off in Dyre's ship too, I imagine. Wish I knew how he got the drop on Dyre. Couldn't have been easy. Though it seems he got the drop on you, too." Zayne shrugged, ignoring the murderous look Carth shot him.

"Well now that we've sorted that out we need to get moving. You need to get the injured back to my ship docked at the south airlock," he handed Alek a datapad. "You can see it marked here on this map of the station." He gestured toward Jaelyn who was just beginning to wake. "With my wingman down I could use some help getting the soldiers that were with you on Suurja out of the brig."

"We also need to go after Demagol," Alek added. "He is developing a chemical weapon that targets Jedi."

"I'm sure he's long gone but I'll take you,"

Zayne said.

"I'm going with you," Jaelyn said.

There was a chorus of negatives from the rest of the team. Alek and Zayne took off east toward the airlock where Dyre's ship was hopefully still docked.

"Sorry kid, but you look like death. What happened to you, anyway?" Carth asked.

"I'll explain later. Let's get our men out. Keeda can take the wounded back to our freighter, right, Keeda?"

"Jaelyn you are one of the wounded." Carth said.

She snorted a laugh. "Look who's talking! Carth, you were basically dead a few minutes ago."

He shrugged, spreading his palms. "I feel fine now. We're wasting time. I'm your superior officer and I'm ordering you to get these people back to the ship." He tried to soften the words with a lopsided grin but the order still stung.

"Yes, sir." she said, not quite hiding the sarcasm. With Keeda leaning heavily on her and William carrying Ferroh she led them toward Carth's ship.

That left Carth and Foust to rescue the rest of the party. "Damn. I gave Alek the map." Carth turned to Foust. "Don't suppose you know your way around this place?"

"Sorry sir, only place I've had the dubious pleasure of visiting is the lab."

"Can you slice a computer terminal?"

"I can try!"

Foust didn't get to test his slicing skills. They came across a pair of sentries that were dispatched easily enough and carrying access cards on their person. With the access card it was quick work downloading a new map and they were off in the direction of the brig. They ran into two more patrols and the obligatory guard outside the cell block but soon were swiping the access card outside of each cell, releasing the prisoners. In addition to the Republic soldiers they rescued a half dozen emaciated Cathar.

Carth tapped his comlink. "Onasi to Lance squadron. Status."

"Still under considerable fire, sir, but they seem to be withdrawing. We lost Five."

Carth swore under his breath. "Copy that. Hang in there, boys, we've retrieved our people and are heading back to the ship."

Carth and Foust arrived back at the freighter just behind Alek and Zayne. They had a groggy Dyre in tow but no mad scientist. Jaelyn appeared at the top of the ramp looking as angry as Carth had ever seen her. "You're not bringing that garbage on my ship." She said, crossing her arms and adopting a wide stance.

"What the hell, Jae?" Zayne asked. "We've gotta get out of here."

"Not with that Mandie we're not."

"What is your problem? He helped rescue our people!"

"He's the reason they were here to begin with!" She hurled a datapad with dangerous force at Zayne. "See for yourself. After we got Ferroh and Keeda comfortable I did some mucking around in the station's data files. Surprise! Mr. Hero here commanded the team that ambushed them on Suurja. Of course he knew where they were being held - he brought them here himself! You can throw him out the airlock as far as I'm concerned."

Alek's face darkened. "That's not a bad idea."

"Now hold on a second." Carth stepped in between the Jedi and instantly wondered if that was a good idea. "No one's throwing anything out an airlock, even garbage." He gave Jaelyn a pointed look. "He's coming back with us to stand trial for his crimes."

Alek and Jaelyn grudgingly acquiesced and they all boarded the freighter, Mandalorian garbage in tow. Jaelyn and Carth headed for the cockpit while the rest of the able bodied Jedi and soldiers helped strap the new passengers in.

Carth slid into the pilot's seat, pulling his headset on as he did so. "Engine's hot. You've been busy."

"Just anxious to get out of here," she replied.

"Onasi to Lance squadron. Get ready to cover our jump to hyperspace and then make your own jumps to the rendezvous coordinates."

"Acknowledged. See you on the other side."

Carth toggled the comms. "Everyone strap in back there. This may be a rough ride."



Revan left navigation in Bellarke's capable hands and sat down at the ship's small comm station. She downloaded the stored subspace messages and ran them through the ship's military grade decryption. A short message from Captain Karath asking her to contact him as soon as they were out of the Japrael system was a little disconcerting but the message from Master Vrook felt like a punch to the gut. Alek and his team had been captured!

"You will find them and bring them directly back here. No diversion, no delay!" She could just imagine his red face. "There was no place for the Jedi Order in the wrangling over the Outer Rim, and there is certainly no place for it in a wider Mandalorian war!"

Revan sat staring at the words for a moment, feeling like she was spiraling down a black hole. Fear crushed her chest but it was the white hot fury that spurred her to action. She punched in the codes for the holonet transceiver, a new and very expensive piece of military tech Karath had ordered installed on her ship before the mission.

Less than a minute and she was patched through on a secure line to the Courageous. "Jedi Revan Vaetes for Captain Karath, please."

"Of course, Jedi," the comm officer said. "One moment."

"Karath here." A miniature hologram of the Captain appeared on the comm station. "Good to hear from you, Jedi Vaetes. I trust your mission went well?"

"Yes, no trouble. Sir, I need to ask you about some disturbing news I received upon returning from the Mid Rim. Is it true Jedi Alek and his team have been captured?"

"I'm afraid they were captured and imprisoned on Flashpoint Station but they've since been rescued. I just received word from Lieutenant Onasi and Jedi Vallore that they are safely away and en route to rendezvous with the Courageous."

The weight on her chest lifted. "Thank the Force," she breathed.

"Apparently there was another rescue team present. A Jedi by the name of Zayne Carrick and a Mandalorian. They are in Onasi's custody as well."

"I know Zayne. He's a good man. Why he's keeping company with a Mandalorian I have no idea but I'm sure he has good cause." Revan yawned. "Excuse me, Captain, it's been a long day and it sounds like things have been interesting on your end as well."

"That they have, Jedi Vaetes. Get some rest and we look forward to your return."

"Revan out."

Author's Note: Hey there! We've picked up a few more followers which is nice. Y'all are awfully quiet though ;) Sorry about the ridiculous delay. Work on chapter 8 has begun and I'll post seven once eight is finished unless I am persuaded otherwise!