"Mother? What do you mean you're dying?" The young daughter of the Harvest Goddess whimpered, tears pooling in her beautiful glowing sapphire eyes. The Harvest Goddess had all the sprites gathered around her, supporting her.
"It is true, my beloved Ever. Please don't cry sweetie. Things like these have to happen, rather we like it or not. Right now, I need you to be strong like I know you are." The Harvest Goddess said smiling reassuringly, holding her daughter's cheek. Ever sniffled quietly and nodded, looking as if she were about to collapse.
"What's going to happen?"
"What about Waffle Island?"
"What about us?!"
The sprites had started talking all at once, all frantic and desperate.
"Enough! Please, you're upsetting Ever." The Harvest Goddess said strictly, gaining her power back for a second. Everything got silent except for a whimper from Ever.
"Mommy, what am I going to do without you?" Ever whispered, using the name she used to call her magical mother when she was just a little child.
"It's alright, Ever. This always happens, and it's what happened to me and my mother when I was around your age. You will simply take my place as Harvest Goddess." The Harvest Goddess said sadly, but calm and soothingly like a mother should be.
"But, how would I do that? You know I don't have my wings or marks yet." Ever was nervous. How would she ever replace her mother? Ever looked around. They were in their home in the Mother Tree. She had never been outside it, but the sprites and her mother told her stories of how wonderful the island that they were on was.
"Neither did I, at your age, nor did my mother. We were both sent down to Waffle Island to gain our right to be called Harvest Goddess, and that is what you will do, too." Harvest Goddess said. Ever's eyes grew wide. She was going to go down there? With all those humans?
"What would I have to do?" Ever whispered, scared now. Her mother laughed, instantly calmingly Ever.
"That's up to you. It is never the same for any of us. But I will tell you this: you will have to do it before the next harvest moon. That's the only setback." Harvest Goddess said calmly, because she believed her daughter could and would do it. Ever was about to ask her mother another question, when she finally saw her mothers condition: Her beautiful aquamarine hair was growing dull. Her wings were also losing their shine.
Overall, her mother looked…tired. Except for her eyes, which were still going strong and bright. As she looked into them, Ever realized just how much her mother loved her and believed that Ever could succeed in becoming the new Harvest Goddess. Ever suddenly stood and looked more confident than she ever had.
"Ok, mother, I'll do it. I'll be the best darn harvest Goddess there ever was!" Ever said confidently, holding up her right hand as if she was promising an oath. The Harvest Goddess smiled proudly at her daughter.
"Just one thing: You'll have some help. The farmer that restored the rainbows and the Mother Tree that you are currently in, she'll help you." Harvest Goddess said.
"She's still alive? How does she know about me? How will she help?" Ever asked in curiosity.
"Of course!" The Harvest Goddess laughed. "It was only a couple seasons ago that she did those things. As to your second question, I have told her in her dreams, and she agreed to it. As to your last question, she'll give you a place to stay in her home and help you with anything you need."
"Oh ok. Well, I'm ready to go at anytime." Ever said confidently, puffing out her chest like a soldier about to go into war. The Harvest Goddess smiled and leaned forward and kissed her daughter's forehead.
"Be safe, Ever. I will always love you." She said quietly.
"I love you too mommy." Ever whispered, close to tears again. But she didn't get to cry, because everything went black for Ever.