"Amber…hey, what's wrong?" Tommy asked as Jake helped her inside and she fell into his arms as she cried on his shoulder. She had held it together while they were riding back, but just barely. "Amber…"

"Hi," Jake said as Tommy awkwardly shook his hand as he focused in the sobbing woman in his arms. He wanted to be furious with Jake, but his concern for his girlfriend outweighed his need to get answers from the man. "How long have you known?"

"That she was my wife?" Tommy asked as Jake just nodded and he was quieted as Amber kissed him and he allowed himself to be pulled into that moment before she pulled away from him and just clung to his chest. "For a bit."

"I'm sorry," Jake said as Amber pulled back from Tommy and she then turned to look at him. "I'll never…"

"Jake, I have to learn how to live in this body, as this person, as someone that I never was," Amber said as he rolled his eyes. That sounded absolutely crazy, even with the things that he had recently found out. There was no way that she was going to be able to learn all of those things. "My family can't just leave this place and people, some people know Amber here. I had a conversation in a grocery store with a woman that I don't even know, who told me I was giving him a pity relationship. All I know is how I would respond- I don't know how Amber would have."

"You're asking me to teach you to be Amber?" Jake asked as Tommy gulped. He knew just how risky that idea was, but he also understood how important it would be to do that. There were bound to be people in Reefside that knew her before this incident. "I don't know how I could do that."

"Maybe not that, so much as being willing to help me with some things at times. You know, when people expect me to be at some event or for who I would invite to my wedding and such- I can't just abandon everyone I knew," Amber said as Jake smiled over at her as he gave her a hug.

"You don't really have to worry about that. You were pretty much abandoned by everybody after Garrett died," Jake said as Amber gave him a shocked look. "Only a few people hung around. You had been through so much tragedy already and, well…a lot of people just gave up."

"Seriously?" Amber asked as Jake just nodded and she looked back at Tommy.

"I think it was easier for a lot of people, so that they would not have to think about…about it all," Jake said as Amber just shook her head as Tommy wrapped his arms around her. "But I'll help you where I can- I owe that much to my friend."

"I'm sorry about this," Amber said as Jake forced a smile and looked over at her, settled in the arms of another man. He knew that this was something he would never get used to, but there was no way that she was going to walk away from him.

"So am I," Jake said as he shook Tommy's hand again and headed towards the door. "Call- any time that you need me, I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

"It works both ways Jake, if you need help with something…" Amber trailed off as Jake just shook his head. He was not sure that she would be able to help him with the things that he needed the most. He didn't really know if he would ever be able to move on, but he was going to have to try to do that.

"She told you all of that?" Tommy asked as Amber explained the events from earlier to him and he just shook his head. He could not believe that the woman had been able to see through so many things, without the slightest problem. He was a true believer that all psychics were quacks, not that there were some people that actually possessed this distinct talent.

"Yeah, I had a hard time believing it," Amber said as she turned around to face him, carefully moving Adam and Ty to more comfortable positions. The boys were draped over the two of them and she could begin to feel"I can feel things changing though."

"How?" Tommy asked as the boys snuggled in next to him and he pulled Amber over and across his chest. It was hard to have her further than arms length away and difficult to believe that she had been gone for so long.

"Some things about the past, when I was in my other body, they're starting to seem fuzzy," Amber said as Tommy gently ran his fingers over her scalp and she sighed. "That feels good."

"Hasn't changed," Tommy muttered as she let out a quiet laugh and snuggled in closer to him. "We do have a lot to talk about- how long do you really want to wait for marriage?"

"I think…I think that the others should know first. It isn't exactly going to be easy for most of them to get used to that or the fact that you are going to get married," Amber said as Tommy nodded. He had already considered just how badly the rangers might take this. "I know this may sound crazy…but what ring…"

"I buried…they went with you," Tommy said as he looked down at his wedding band and forced a smile. "I couldn't take it off though. I didn't know how to."

"Are you…are you going to get a different one?" Amber asked as she reached down and played with the ring on his left hand. She had a hard time believing that Tommy would be able to take that ring off any time soon. "We don't have to talk about it."

"Do you want me to?" Tommy asked as Amber shrugged and he gave her a long look. "I probably should though, shouldn't I?"

"It's really up to you, but I'm sure that some people will not appreciate it. Especially those that knew…know me," Amber said as Tommy slowly pulled the ring off and handed it over to her. "Tommy…Tommy please don't."

"It belongs to you. I really shouldn't continue wearing it, considering…" Tommy trailed off as he looked down at the children and then back over at her. "Maybe we should get them to bed."

"You mind taking them up? I just need a few minutes…" Amber trailed off as Tommy barely nodded as he lifted Adam up in one arm and Amber carefully placed Tyler in his other arm.

"You'll be up in a bit?" Tommy asked as Amber barely nodded her head and she leaned back against the couch. She had had a very long day and she knew that things were going to be extremely rough over the next few weeks. She knew that Tommy was not going to change and that this relationship was going to work, she just worried that people were not going to accept the truth. She was going to have to tell all of them everything and that really worried her- much more than anything else.