Author: She's My Morphine

Genre: romance

Full of Bella X Alice- y goodness!

Rated M for this chapter and later chapters.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, or any references made. All credit belongs to Stephanie Meyer I do not own the song that this fic is named after.

I'm not necessarily a Twilight Saga fan so you'll have to excuse my lack of third and fourth book knowledge and the occasional slandering of Bella's likeness.

We go out to a party somewhere
The moment we walk in the door
People stop and everybody stares
She don't know what they're staring for

She don't know she's beautiful (never crossed her mind)
She don't know she's beautiful (no she's not that kind)
She don't know she's beautiful
Though time and time I've told her so

"Isabella Swan we are going out tonight!" I protested to my lover, looking so amazing with her arms crossed on her chest. She was wearing one of my T-shirts and some red silk pajama pants. Those delicate arms, that wrinkled nose. She's so cute when she's being stubborn.

"NO!" she shook her head, her beautiful long brown hair bouncing as it shook. "I just want to stay home." She threw herself under the covers and refused to surface.

"I get it," I sighed. She surfaced from the sheets giving me a very puzzled and slightly angry look. "It's been exactly one year since Edward left."

"Please don't say his name," she hissed; her eyes squinting as though the name itself burned her. A look of sympathy overcame my face as I cupped her face in my hands.

"Baby girl...please just forget about him. I have. It wasn't easy either because he was my brother and I loved him."

"It's different with me." She pushed my hand away and buried her face into the pillow. Her words stung me hard. I longed to understand my lover's pain. More so I wish my lover would forget the man she used to love. It was just us now.

"Baby!" I began indignantly. I took a deep breath. "Baby, we're going out tonight okay?" She shook her head. "C'mon!"

I grabbed her hands and forced her gently out of the bed and into the chair in front of the vanity. "Please Alice, I look like a mess," she frowned at her tangles of hair.

"I'm going to go fetch that sexy skirt I like so much!" I giggled skipping to the dresser. Opening her drawer I plucked out a little black and gray checkerboard mini skirt. I love that skirt on her, it shows off her beautiful creamy legs. Mmm-mm-mm! My girl is sexy! In her shirt drawer I plucked out a black camisole with a skull on it. I would let her wear my leather jacket over it if she got cold. I even thought about those gorgeous heels I bought her for her birthday, in the closet.

I threw the clothes onto her lap. "I have to get all dressed up? Where are we going anyway?" she asked eyeballing the camisole unhappily.

"Jessica's having a party tonight and there is no way you're missing out. We got invited, remember baby?" I reminded her as I held her shoulders. Those pale pink lips enticed me. I kissed them gently and she closed her eyes. I practically melted then and there. I tried my hardest to hold back a sigh. I pulled away regretfully. "Get dressed, beautiful." She actually smiled!

She stood up to leave for the bathroom, I smacked her on the ass and she looked back at me. "Come on baby I've seen it all before." I assured her. She blushed and left to dress in the bathroom anyway her eyes glowing.

I looked down at the vanity at the various lipsticks and powders, concealers and mascaras alike. Why couldn't my girl understand that she was flawless without even trying. To cover up her natural beauty was a crime against nature itself. I picked up a tube of lipstick labeled "Vampire Mascaraed" Opening the tube it was a brilliant shade of red, luscious and very delicious looking. I found it kind of funny and ironic.

She stepped out of the bathroom with her arms stretched out. She twirled for me and asked, "How do I look?" My jaw dropped. "I knew it! I look terrible!" she cried out as she sat in the vanity chair and held her hand in shame.

I picked her chin up with my left hand. "Baby, you look amazing, beautiful, perfect, delectable!" I reassured her honestly.

"Why are you holding that? I thought you didn't like my makeup," she asked me pointing to the tube of lipstick neglected in my hand. I blushed automatically handing it to her.

"I do...but it's a really pretty color."

"You can borrow it if you'd like," she told me trying to hand it back to me.

"No! I want you to wear it." I explained.

"Me? But you don't like it when I wear make up..." she tried to rationalize cluelessly with me.

"Yeah? But I know you like it. I want you to have as much fun as possible tonight, and to feel as confident as possible." I told her opening the tube of lipstick and holding it to her beautiful mouth. The color was shimmering, blood red. She put on some mascara and then let her hair down (she had tied it up in the bathroom so she could put on the makeup of her choice with out any problems.) Her full, thick, bouncy, healthy, shiny brown locks fell around her, perfectly framing that gorgeous jawline. She looked like an absolute sex-kitten. How could I let her leave the house like this? How could I let her leave the bedroom like this?

"What?" she asked as if she had no idea what she was doing to me. She smiled at me. "You know I do feel a little bit better," she said fluffing her silky brown hair into place. She stood up. "Who's car are we taking baby? Mine or yours?" She asked standing up. I put my leather jacket around her shoulders.

"It looks so good on you." I smiled as I held her hand in mine and kissed her soft, supple irresistible red lips. The magic lipstick didn't smear one bit. "I'll drive tonight."

We got in the car and I turned it on. The stereo started blasting "Twisted Transistor" by Korn. My girl began to head bang, those waves of dark brown hair fell all over her face and then neatly around her neck again. She smiled and giggled probably feeling silly. She kissed me on the cheek realizing that I'd been sitting slack-jawed smiling at her this whole time, I put the car in drive. I peeled quickly out of the driveway and sped down the empty roads of the little town of Forks.


We pulled up at Jessica's house and the room was already pumping with music as I turned off the car leaving Bella dissatisfied that I didn't let the song finish. I opened the door for her, she rolled her eyes at me and stepped in. We were automatically greeted by Jessica dancing with a guy we'd seen around school. "Darlings you made it!" she blew us both kisses and told us to go ahead and have a drink.

There were strobe lights and colored lights strewn about the place and the speakers were huge, sitting in the corner of the room. People were dancing and drinking and mingling. The scene was really pumping as loud as the bass. "Baby come dance with me!" Bella's new found confidence was rather astounding. The song "Get it up" by Mindless self indulgence was just reaching it's end on the speakers as Bella began to grind against me. This woman was going to drive me crazy tonight, I could just tell.

The next song was painfully slow. I could feel every curve of her body against mine. Why God why did I let her leave the bedroom?

The next song? "Take me on the Floor" by The Veronicas. Her dancing picked up pace and her grinding against my body, my hands on her hips...the atmosphere was way too raw...too carnal. I didn't know how much longer I could bite my lip and watch her dance like this. Watch her dangling her darling little body in front of me like that. Bold she was; like a juicy little roadrunner running circles around a paralyzed, dying, hungry vulture.

Suddenly she gripped my hair in her hand (not violently but affectionately...almost possessively) "Mm baby I wanna go home," she whined needfully.

"Why? What's wrong baby, I thought you were having fun."

She placed her index finger against my lips. I could see her own juicy red lips shimmering under the lights as they formed the words "I need!"

The car ride wasn't memorable at all. Just screeching tires as we sped without regard for the law towards our little house. The heels got kicked off as soon as we stepped through the door and slammed it behind us. I pinned her body against the closest wall and she wrapped her gorgeous creamy legs around my waist. She gripped my shoulders tightly as I began kissing and biting her sweet vanilla neck just so softly resisting the temptation to drink. She let out sighs and gasps that made it difficult for me to maintain hydration. Most of my body's moisture was directed towards other things.

"Ah please baby we'll never make it to the bedroom if you keep teasing!" she begged breathlessly as my hands rubbed her thighs coming oh so close... just so close.

"Mm...that's right all our supplies are upstairs in our room right? Tell me baby how much do you want it?" I stalled teasing my precious little rag doll a little longer.

"GOD DAMMIT BABY GIVE IT TO ME!" she screamed sending echoes through the foyer. I carried her upstairs just like that. Every step creaked under my feet making it longer and more agonizing. I opened my door slamming it behind me while managing to kiss her with my tongue at the same time. I threw her onto the bed and her eyes glowed at me. She took off her shirt revealing a lacy black and red bra. Her supple breasts so appetizing ready to pop out of the confines of the man-made torture device that is the bra. I took off my shirt and threw off my jeans. "Baby I can't wait much longer..." she cooed. I looked up to see my beautiful little love goddess smirking at me. Her sweet succulent, naked body spread across my bed. I licked my lips and let my panties fall to the ground. I mounted my lover. She smirked at me and put her hands behind my back and unhooked my bra. "Mm...Make love to me Alice." she cooed.

I held my index finger to her sweet little lips. "nah ah ah," I scolded teasingly. She frowned at me but did not object as I pulled her into a passionate lip tingling kiss. I played my tongue across her sweet little mouth and she gasped granting me access as I skilfully teased one of her nipples, cupping her breast in my free hand. Our tongues battled for the win, the win would be mine as long as I knew how to have my way. I broke the kiss and played my tongue on her neck, being careful once more. I worked my way down her breasts cleverly bringing my attention to her nipples getting them perky and alert with my tongue. I made my way down her tummy and finally I put my hands on her hips and embraced her enticing, delicious pussy savagely with my tongue. Her sudden moan of pleasure filled the quiet dusty room.

She gripped my hair in between her delicate little fingers urging me, practically begging me to "OH GOD Alice go faster!" I rapidly played with her little clit in my mouth sweeping it with my tongue for a good two minutes before releasing it and licking the very top of her pussy all the way to her cute little belly button that she got pierced on Christmas. "Mm baby I need you!" she sighed breathlessly. "Oh take me Alice! Take me!" she moaned rocking her head from the right to the left. I cupped her breasts in my hand and sat so our groins matched. I kissed her fully on the lips, her tongue danced across mine, tasting herself. "Take me..." she whispered. Stunning

"There, there," I assured her. I reached under the bed (she smacked my ass as I did this) and retrieved a briefcase. I flipped up the silver clasps. A clear double ended dildo lay peacefully amongst the red velvet interior.

"Mm...give it to me Alice," my Bella whispered seductively making a come hither motion with her finger that I could see on my peripheral vision. I pulled it out of the case and let the case lie on the floor. I let her end enter her first...being gentle as half of her end slipped in slowly and then jamming it into her hard causing her to let out a loud moan that was almost a scream. I mounted my end and gripped the whole thing in the middle. I made a pumping motion, thrusting it deep and hard into her pussy and having it come back to me equally rough hitting just the right spot! We moaned in unison. "OH GOD ALICE HARDER!" She screamed gripping the sheets with both her hands, her toes were already curling in preparation for the orgasm that was to come. Her hair was everywhere as she thrashed her head, bouncing and screaming "OH GOD YES ALICE MORE! ALICE!"

I reared the dildo back into me hard holding back a scream as my eyes rolled back. I thrust it deep and meaningfully into her making her cry out, her back arched. "FASTER!" she begged. I picked up the pace though it almost ached trying to keep from releasing until I was sure that she had. I was getting close to the edge as I plunged deep and quickly back and forth between the both of us. I let out a satisfying scream of pleasure and my eyes caught her eyes rolling back as her back arched high and she crashed her hips against the force of my thrust. "OH GOD!" she screamed as it hit her G-spot.

My luscious little rag doll likes it rough. I was going to give her rough! She reared back once again and I gave a much harder unexpected thrust into her increasingly wet pussy. She screamed, tears forming in the corners of her eyes she gripped the sheets in away that made them look like they were getting sucked into a vacuum in her hands. She thrashed her head to the right. Her toes clenched hard and then released. I reared the dildo back into me hard hitting the spot directly and let out a loud inevitable moan. I released all over the dildo so hard that it dripped onto the sheets nearly soaking the place the cum fell. I was absolutely breathless. She was panting on the other side of the dildo "I can't take anymore..." she breathed.

I got up the energy to put the dildo back in the case to be cleaned after cuddling. I tucked Bella in next to me and held her sweaty body in my arms. "Oh Bella your blood!" I sighed. pushing her away from me to get some air. The air was filled with the humid scent of sex and the floral scent of my lover's blood. How I longed for just a taste.

"Alice please turn me," she cooed sweetly in my ear gripping my shoulders.

"Wh-what?" I asked. I knew what she said and I comprehended but I didn't quite understand.

"Alice. You make me the happiest I've ever been. I don't want to leave you in death. Alice I want to be with you for eternity...I never want to be apart please Alice, hear me out. Turn me into a vampire," she begged me.

"What are you saying? don't know what that's like Bella. Just a century is absolutely devastating. To spend it with one person. I'm sure you'd end up regretting it," I stayed slightly pessimistic as I had tried to be when my undeserving brother had her in his grips and refused to turn her no matter how she begged to be by his side.

"Alice, I am absolutely certain about this. Alice Cullen...I want to be your bride. Forever and always!" My girl's determined...and looking at her sweaty, tempting, gorgeous goddess body laying naked beside me...the enticing aroma of her could I refuse my little rock future bride?

"Aaah!" My beloved screamed as my fangs penetrated her creamy vanilla neck line. Tonight I killed my beloved...dragged her into a life of immortality. Tonight my beloved queen became my vampire bride.