Author Notes: Well, this isn't the first time I tried writing an FMA story. But I hope you all like it. It's going to go rather slow. I mean I tried looking for stories similar to the concept of the one that I wrote below and they all went pretty fast. And I know I'm not good at writing so please, I need constructive criticism as the story goes on. Thank you! Please review!

Chapter 1

The anguish and pain never left her.

She was taking it much better than the first time he had left her but the second time made her feel worse inside. He had knowingly left her behind. And that will always be in her mind, until the day she died. But she was alive, and so she was consumed in a disease that you couldn't treat.

She loved Edward Elric. Even now, with him deserting her forever, she loved him. And Winry knew that she would always love him. Granny was always telling her that she needed to move on, but it was hopeless. After all, it was only 3 months since Ed and Al went to the other side. It was impossible. It was impossible to heal this hole inside her when they were gone.

Only 3 months. Instead, it has felt like 3 years to me. She thought this as she climbed down the steps only to be greeted by a bright light of the morning sunshine. Winry groaned and hurried to pull down the curtains. The outside seemed to happy for her tastes.

She munched on some oatmeal but after a couple of bites she quickly lost her appetite and threw the rest away. I'll eat something later. She hurried to her basement to finish the automail of Mark Gusiel, one of her regulars. She flicked on the light and breathed in the smell of metal and oil. She loved those smells.

He was visiting her again. Of course, he had crushed her precious automail and he wouldn't even tell her how he did it. She had been furious with him earlier but now as she looked at him sleeping on her couch, all the feelings of anger evaporated. She picked up his trademark red coat and examined it. "How tacky." She remembered saying. But then, she pressed it up against her face and breathed in deeply and smelled Edward's scent. It was more lovely than the smell of oil and-

She shook her head. She was trying to get rid of all those idiotic memories. Forget them, Winry. Just like they forgot you. Forget them. Erase them from your memories. She chanted these words as she wrapped her bandana across her forehead to keep her hair out of the way. Forget them. She picked up her wrench and sat at her workbench and worked.

A couple sat opposite of each other in a train. One of them was a man; his shaggy dark hair obscured his eyes as he leaned back in the cushion and slept soundly. The other, a woman, her wide eyes were observing her environment. Her blonde hair neatly pinned back and her military uniform was neatly ironed and did not consist of a miniskirt. She looked out the window and saw nothing more than grassy plains and mountains. What a contrast from Central, she thought, it was a city were you could hardly see the stars at night and there were hardly any flat surfaces that did not have a building built upon it.

The train hit another bump and she internally flinched at the bruises that would soon form from the uncomfortable train ride.

Attention all passengers headed for Resembool. Attention all passengers headed for Resembool. The train will arrive at approximately 10 minutes. Please gather you're belongings and prepare to arrive.

"Colonel," the woman said to the sleeping man," We're here."

The man opened one eye and looked outside.

"Yeah, it sure looks like it."

"What do you think we will find?"

The Colonel mussed his hair with his hand.

"Well, hopefully, she has gotten better from the last time that we saw her."

She was sobbing uncontrollably and punching Roy's chest.

"They're gone! They're gone again! They left me again!" He felt her pain. Literally and emotionally. She had to let her grief out somehow and he would rather have her punch her then blow her pretty little brains out with a handgun at her local gun shop. But just as that thought crossed his mind she ceased punching him and buried her hands into her face. "I have nothing to live for. I have no one to live for anymore." She whispered. Roy and his group were all present. Most knew who she was, and even those that didn't, were still shocked at her words. Winry suddenly looked up and Roy. She made eye contact with him even though tears were still profusely streaming down her eyes.

"Kill me, Roy Mustang. Kill me just like you killed my parents, you bastard."

"Alright. That's enough, Winry."

Riza had stepped in.

"I think you should rest now."

"Colonel. The train stopped."

Roy blinked away the memory and looked away from the window, noticing it had stopped moving.

"Alright. Let's go."

Both looked anxious as they stepped off the train and headed for the Rockbell house.

Winry stopped working and took off her goggles to wipe her brow. She glanced at the time. It read 3'oclock in the afternoon. She had woken up at around 7 AM. And she remembered that she hadn't eaten all day except for some spoonfuls of oatmeal. Then she grew worried due to the fact that she still wasn't hungry. She brushed her worries away with a simple "I'll eat later." Winry snapped her goggles back on, when she heard stiff pounding on the door. Sighing, she took off her goggles and was starting to get up when Granny Pinako opened the basement door.

"I'll get the door. You finish that automail." She said and then closed the door.

Gratefully, she snapped her goggles back on again. She wasn't ready to go out into the outside world just yet.

She wasn't as young as she used to be but she still managed. Pinako walked to the door, not sure who it could be. She had opened her door to everything that she could imagine. From a suit of armor carrying his brother, who was bleeding profusely, to Hoenhiem. I can't be surprised anymore. She chuckled inside as she unlocked the door and swung it open.

It was those military people. "Hello Ma'am," the Colonel said," Sorry to disturb you but we would like to talk to Winry if that won't cause you too much trouble."

She took a puff of her pipe and exhaled.

"Winry is working on some automail that needs to be done by tonight. I can't disturb her at the moment. But you've come a long way. Come in."

She held the door open wider for them to step in. As they both walked into the house, she noticed the ever present handguns on the woman's hips.

All three sat down at the dinner table and there was a pause before Roy broke the silence.

"How is Winry holding up? The last time we saw her was three months ago when Edward and Alphonse left."

Pinako took another puff from her pipe and exhaled again. She held her pipe in her hand as she thought about these past three months. These people, they cared about her. 'Course they only cared about her because they knew how much Edward meant to her. She stuck the pipe in her mouth.

"I don't know what to tell you. I can count the times she has gone outside into the sunlight on one hand. And I can also tell you that she hasn't been eating. And the last thing I can tell you is, do not mention those boys in front her of her." She took another puff.

Both Hawkeye and Roy were silent as they digested what the elderly woman had said to them. Roy sighed and stood up motioning for Hawkeye to do the same.

"Thank you for your time. We should really get going now. It's a long way back to Central." Roy walked out the front door and Riza gave the old woman a handshake before following him and closing the door with a slam. The elderly woman stood by the door smoking her pipe wondering what just happened. Those two weren't here for no more than 15 minutes and they left as quickly as they came.

Winry came out from the basement door looking exhausted.

"I finally finished the automail. Who was it at the door?"

Pinako paused for a moment before answering.

"Just the neighbor asking for some flour. Nothing else."

And the house was silent.