Sorry I have never put one of these up before. I figured it was obvious.


The gorgeous man introduced himself "I am Draco Malfoy and this here is my lovely wife, Hermione" he stated with a smile/smirk.

Hermione sat down and spoke in a kind but grave voice, "We know about your…unusual…condition-"

"Vampire. You can say it. I know what I am. And it's not a monster."

"Okay then. We know you are a vampire and I am here to help you live here without major incident."

"What all is this going to entail?"

"I am the Professor of Ancient Runes and also Head of Gryffindor and now Mentor of Sandra Jude. You will be required to meet with me at least once a week and can come to talk to me whenever you need help or just a friend. Draco, Professor Malfoy, is also available to talk to if I am, for some strange reason, unavailable."

"Okay, so in order to maintain my studentship at Hogwarts I am required to talk to you?" What and when am I to eat and what am I going to do at meal times and should I tell my class mates?"

Okay. Here are the answers: No, we want you here so we are going to help you, you will eat what you normally do-animals, you will eat when you are not in classes and you will go to the island to the north or the one to the north-west, you may do whatever you like during meal [within reason] and telling others is up to you. I cannot tell you what to do there."

Draco butted in, "You are under the same rules as everybody else except for the ones about leaving the grounds and leaving potentially dangerous areas: class, parties, dinner or sleeping quarters. If something does happen and there is not a way to conceil what you are, a vampire, you will have to do public to at least some people but you know that if people find out that way you are going to loose a lot of trust but if you openly tell people they are not going to trust you to begin with for quite a long time. The choice is all yours."

"That's awfully encouraging." I grimaced

"I try." He smirked back.

Hermione cut into our bicker, "Okay, it time for us to be getting back to our house. You would not want to be to later in getting to know your classmates." And the trio started off down the hall towards Gryffindor.

AUTHOR"S NOTE: My first:D yay. Ok here it is. Yes, Draco sleeps in the Gryffindor Head's room he is married to Hermione. REVIEW!!!!!!