Sadly, this is the last one shot in this series. It was one hell of a ride, but I assure you loved everyone minute of it. I'd like to thank every single one of you for your reviews and support along the way. So I really hope you enjoy this last one! And please, if you enjoyed this story check out my sequel which should be updated within the next twenty four to thirty six hours. Thanks again!

This last one is from Callie's point of view, because I thought it was appropriate for this song. Also the italics are a flashback but I just broke it up into pieces.

Ten. Happiness

"Happiness is like the old man told me…
Let it go, live your life and leave it.
Then one day, wake up and she'll be home."
- Happiness, The Fray

Before her I had given up on happiness; I'd let the thought of love leave my mind. I was too busy trying to forget about Erica; and failing miserably. But I'm thankful for that, if I hadn't been upset that night and went into that dirty bathroom at Joe's my life and future would be completely different. I never would've had the most breathtaking, awaking kiss I've ever had in my life. I had woken up that morning thinking that today would be just as bad as yesterday or even worse. But she turned my day around, just like she did with my entire life.

But this morning was different; today I didn't wake up Callie Torres, heartbroken bad ass orthopaedic surgeon. Today I woke up as Calliope Robbins, loving compassionate wife of the most amazing, awesome woman in the world. I woke up knowing I wasn't going to wake up alone. I woke up knowing that I'd wake up and come home to her everyday for the rest of my life. I knew that when I open my eyes I would find Arizona sound asleep in my arms.

As my eyes slowly open my thoughts are proven correct. The light from the morning sun is shining on her natural blonde curls; creating a glow on her face. I can't help but smile, light snores fill the room. I never had much of a tolerance for snoring but that all changed after the countless night's Arizona stayed over. A lot of things changed because of Arizona.

"Arizona, why are you waking me up so damn early it's not even freaking nine o'clock?" I grab her pillow and pull it down over my head, trying to block out the sunlight.

Arizona plumbs down on the bed and pulls her pillow off my head. "Wake up, sleepyhead! Time for breakfast!" She pulls the sheets off me, making me even more annoyed.

"I very well know that you have no cooking abilities and therefore," I turn around to finish my sentence but I'm unable to. Arizona's lips are pressed against my own; I automatically smile before kissing her back.

"Now what were you saying?" Arizona says with smirk as she pulls away.

"Oh, nothing. Just wondering what's for breakfast." I smile back as if I hadn't said a thing.

"It's a surprising, okay? It'll be ready by the time you're up." she smiles and pulls herself up out of the bed.

I grab her hand as is about to stand up. "Arizona?"

"Yes, Calliope." her voice is drowning with curiousness.

"I love you."

I can't wait any longer, "Wake up, sleepyhead." I say before placing kisses down her face until I finally reach her rosy lips. "Good morning, beautiful."

Arizona's eyes flutter open to reveal her beautiful bright cerulean eyes before she begins to kiss me back. I loved how she always kept her eyes open when I kissed her.

As she pulls away a smirk appears on her face. "Good morning, Mrs. Robbins."

"Hmmm, I like the sound of that." I chuckle.

"Good morning, Mrs. Robbins." She repeats before giving me a smile. Her dimples are showing. God, I hope at least one of our children has her dimples. "Why are you waking me up so early lately?"

"Well," I whisper into her ear as I pull her closer. "I had an epiphany that if I wake up early that means I get to spend more time with you, and that's a good thing. As a result, waking up early equals a good thing." I kiss her again quickly before she gets to say anything.

"See, now you see things the way I do. So, now what's for breakfast?" Arizona is one of those people who think breakfast is a very important part of your day and she can barely function without eating something, even if it is just an apple.

"I was thinking we could switch this up today." I couldn't help but leave her hanging. Curious Arizona is always so cute to watch.

Her eyes light up, like an intern about to scrub in on their first surgery. "Really?"

"Yes, really. I was thinking I could teach you how to make your favorite." Her smile spreads evens wider across her face. "Cinnamon French toast, because we all know that your idea of making breakfast is terrible."

"Hey! I am not that bad!" she says in joke anger.

I walk into the kitchen to find Arizona sitting at the counter finishing pouring the milk into a bowl of Trix cereal with a proud smile on my face. How I my girlfriend ended up being so childlike I would never know.

"Arizona, are you kidding me?" I can't help but laugh at her.

"No, I'm not kidding. I told you breakfast would be ready when you got up and here it is." Before I know it the smile is wiped away and replace with a frown that looked like it belonged on a four year old rather than Arizona. "What would you call this, if it's not breakfast?"

I take the seat next to her because something tells me I won't be able to continue standing due to the laughter. "I would call this a diabetic coma waiting to happen not breakfast. Plus silly Arizona, Trix is for kids."

At this Arizona bursts into laughter. She's laughing so hard I actually have to put a hand on her leg to stop her from falling off her chair. After she stops laughing she finally speaks "God, I knew there was a reason I fell in love with you."

Then her lips are on my own, and before we know it the cereal is long forgotten.

I kiss Arizona's forehead before replying, "Yes, you are. Besides I'm not having my wife and child eating crappy sugary cereal when I can make them a healthier breakfast, and teach at the same time."

"Well aren't I the luckiest woman in the world?" Arizona's voice is back to it's usual breathtaking cheery self. I just laugh it off as Arizona climbs out of bed, because I would have to disagree with her.

I know that I'm the luckiest woman in history because she's made me happier than I ever thought was humanly possible. She made me believe in a type of love I thought only existed in fairy tales and legends. All because she found the person behind all the charades; she found me.