Summary: It's about a videophone that would appear in random places at random times, giving the user a glimpse of what their lover is up to during the past, present or future.

I do not own squat. I know that I'm The Hopeless Wanderlust, but… oh well.

All Pairings: Romantica, Egoist, Terrorist, Minimum and Mistake…and probably threesome. EACH CHAPTER IS A ONE-SHOT! Enjoy!

Caller 01 is on the line.




This chapter is rated T.

Chapter's Betareader: Easily Written





By The Forbidden Wanderlust




Caller 01

Junjou Romantica




A ray of sunlight managed to find its way through the tiniest gap of the closed window's master bedroom in a certain maisonette, brightening a spot on the red carpet. A little toy train was passed through, appearing from the dark. The faint sound of drums played in the still black room along with a soft hum of the music box. Through the single rivulet, a little dust particle shone brightly amongst the others that was waltzing lazily. That glimmer found its way to the side of a pillow where a grown silver-headed man lied fast asleep. With a speck of light, the dust turned into a black videophone, lying innocently beside the man.

Akihiko Usami stirred in his bed as the light flashed for a moment on his face. He grunted grumpily and shifted to the other side. It was then, the videophone started to vibrate, before bursting into a song of a marching band and the demon lord woke with a terrible start.

He growled as he threw the sharpest glare at the videophone in disgust.

"Fuck," his hoarse voice grumbled, his head throbbing madly due to the sudden jolt. He laid his hand on his face and closed his eyes in chagrin. He looked at the videophone, feeling puzzled, though his face creased in absolute abhorrent.

"Whose fucking phone is this?" he muttered grudgingly, picking up the phone from his pillow side. Every cell in his body screamed for him to smash the phone on the wall, but the splash screen intrigued him. The screen wrote:




Video Calling…

To Usagi

From Misaki

If you love me, pick up the phone.




His brow rose questioningly. He had never seen a phone that had this kind of settings before, nor had he seen this phone model out in the stores. He gave a tap on his chin, feeling impressed by the elegant design.

Just as he was about to press on the screen, the splash screen changed.




This videophone will show you the past, present and the future of your lover's life.




Usagi blinked in disbelief. "Huh?!"

The video call started.




"I told you, didn't I?" smirked a brown-honey haired boy, almost seductively. Usagi went baffled at first as he tried to understand the situation he was in.

His hands were cuffed up by the wrist to the bed. He was lying on the bed, half naked, with only his pants on. His lover, Misaki Takahashi, was wearing a black tight shirt that exposed some part of his body with black tight shorts; standing on the bed with a whip in his hands.

"I did tell you that I will get you first." His olive eyes shone in amusement, tapping the whip on his palm. This time, it was Usagi who smirked.

"Oh… I'm so scared," he said alluringly, which didn't even sound afraid at all. "Come and get me if you can." The boy chuckled, giving him a knowing dark look. He smacked the whip on Usagi's body and he groaned in pain and pleasure.

"Don't underestimate me, you naughty rabbit."

Call ended.

Time duration: 45 seconds.




Usagi lavender eyes widened in disbelief; his gaze never shifted nor blinked a wink at the screen, his jaw dropped slightly. His brilliant head couldn't comprehend what had happened. All he knew was the fact that he was absolutely turned on, thinking how ingenious Misaki was doing something so erotic like that. His chest blazed in happiness.

He threw his comforter off him, running toward his laptop and began surfing on eBay for sex toys. He was so absorbed that he didn't notice that the videophone vanished in thin air.



A few hours later

Ding. Dong. Ding. Dong. Ding Dong.

"Coming, coming," Misaki called out, running lightly toward the door. With a twist on the knob, the door swung open.

"A delivery for Misaki Takahashi," informed the delivery boy in a cheerful tone.

"That's me," replied Misaki with a smile, though he was confused who would be sending things to him. He froze as he remembered about Usagi's elder brother, Haruhiko Usami.

"Err, who is it from?" Misaki laughed nervously as he took the parcel from the boy and signed. The boy took a look on his file, his pen tapping his cheek.

"It's from…" he began, his finger scanned on the paper, "Ah… it's from Akihiko Usami," Misaki sighed in relief.

"Oh," he said gratefully. 'Not Usagi-ani,' he thought, and then realization panged on his chest. "WHAT?!"

The latter startled.

"Sorry, sorry," Misaki apologized with a tense laugh. "Thank you," he said before he closed the door.

Misaki wondered why Usagi would want to buy things for him.

"If it's expensive, I better find the receipt and get a refund!" he mused, placing the parcel on the table.

Little did he know that Usagi walked out of the room and leaned against the wall, watching him from above of the maisonette with his hands folded over his chest. A smirk played on his lips.

"I wonder what this is all about this time," pouted Misaki as he ripped the parcel opened. His jaw dropped in horror at once.

Amongst the shredded papers, there was a head of sex toys. His face blushed crimson.

"I'm ready when you are, Misaki," his voice husked, sending goosebumps to the lad. He swiveled and threw a disgusted look at the man.





Call Ended.

Junjou Romantica





Review would be nice.--TFW