Lily and James Potter looked at their baby.

"James, he looks just like you!"

"Yeah Lils, but he has your eyes…what do we call him?"

Lily, of course, remembered everything.

"Harry. Harry James Evans Potter." She added, remembering the name that Ginny yelled when she first burst into the Great Hall.

"We're naming him after the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we ever had? Cool!"

Lily smiled at him and her son.

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Lily screamed as she saw James fall down on the floor after he got hit by the Dark Lord's curse. She took Harry and entered the nursery, where she placed him carefully in the crib and turned around just in time to see him break open the door. She shielded her son with her body and tried to find her wand before remembering that she left it in the kitchen.

"Not Harry, please no! Kill me instead…" she pleaded.

"Stand aside, silly girl. Stand aside, now!" came the cold voice.

Lily was about to just sob hysterically when she remembered what Harry will grow up to be. She remembered the man who taught her most of the defensive spells she knew, the man who would use the Dark Lord's name in vain, the man who inherited her wit and James' sense of humor, the man who made sure that the future would happen as it is by not wiping her memory…

"NO! Not Harry, please, take me, kill me instead…"

"This is your last warning---"

Lily felt love for the man who died trying to protect her and the man who helped her in her sixth year who turned out to be her son. She felt pride for her son's future achievements. She felt fear as the Dark Lord raised his wand. She felt apprehension as a green light rushed for her. Then, she felt no more.

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Sirius ran after Peter. He can't believe it, his best friend betrayed by his other friend. At least his godson was alive, he thought. He saw Peter facing hima t the end of the crowded street.

"Lily and James, Sirius! How could you!"

There was a loud bang, and Sirius found a crater, a bunch of dead bodies, a cut off finger and a black rat scampering down the drain. Peter had gone off to join the Dark Lord. Then, he remembered that Harry would destroy the Dark Lord for good. So, he laughed. He was still laughing by the time the Ministry officials came for him. Nothing can spoil his happiness. Not even the Dementors could suck out that memory from him, so that in his famous escape twelve years late, he is not as drained as he is supposed to be after being in the company of those foul creatures.


Thanks for those who reviewed and for those who stuck by me until the end. I have another plot idea, tell me if its worth anything. Sort of like a sequel, starts after the final battle, cuts off at Harry's time travelling for a year, then continues on with their life after they get back.

Didn't really want to end it yet but I was running out of ideas. =))