Just kidding. Late April Fools. My story isn't cancelled. I would not do that to any one of you.

I have been lazy. That is what I am going to say first. That is why it has been over a year since my last update and I am sorry. I tried many times to sit down and write, but I just couldn't do it so forgive me when I say that this chapter isn't as good as my previous ones, but that doesn't mean I didn't put any effort into it. I hope you find it satisfactory.
Next, I will come out and say that I am ashamed that it has been well over a year since my last update. I want to have many excuses lined, but they don't make up the fact that I have just been lazy. Though, I will say that I put a lot of blame into Borderlands 2, which was the most recent and most addictive game I have played. I recommend it. So for those who have put up with me, I want to thank you. You are the reasons why I still write and I hate disappointing all of you. I try to make sure my work is good because that is what you expect of me. Thank you for sticking by me.
Third, I am proud to say that I am also an uncle for the first time. My brother and his wife gave birth to their first child, a boy and I am just in love with him. Very exciting for my family.

Finally, I am also currently working on some new work that needs some work on, but shows promise. First of them is a rewrite of my StarFox: Styx Omega series. Well, I reread them and find the writing poor. That is why I am doing a rewrite and I am excited to say that I am happy with the improvement. The other stories are The Legend of Zelda and Spyro the Dragon. I am excited about those as well. I will say that I will not post any chapters of either story until this is completed. This is still my top priority.
Without further ado, after an extremely long wait. I bring you the next chapter of Pokemon: Chance of a Life Time. As always, I do not own Pokemon or anything related to it.

Ash was ready to go not even one hour later. He had a duffel bag that only carried, at most, three days worth of clothes. He knew that this wasn't going to be a long trip, but just in case that something is delayed or whatnot.

Dawn begged Ash to come with him, but he refused and wouldn't give in. Pikachu even tried to come with him and it even got to the point that he tried to hide in Ash's bag, but Ash just knew where to find the yellow mouse and prevented him from coming.

After a quick farewell to his mother and everyone else, who still didn't understand why Ash was leaving in the first place, he was aboard the plane and in the air one hour and eleven minutes later.

"Alright, Mr. Ketchum. This flight to Saffron City Airport will take about three hours. Then, your connection flight has been reserved for a first class seat. That's all we know." The pilot said, after take-off was successful and they were now at cruising speed.

"That'll be alright. I appreciate this guys. I might buy you both a drink when we land." He said to both pilots, both of whom spun in their chairs with a bit of excitement.

"That would be excellent, Mr. Ketchum." The co-pilot said, having a look on his face that he desperately needed a drink. 'Guess he hasn't had a drink in a while.'

And sure enough, maybe a little past three hours, thanks to a pilot of a big commercial liner took longer than he needed, Ash landed and grabbed his bag and was on his way to his connection flight.

"Alright, boys. Excellent flight, but sadly I have to get going. Here's a fifty and go buy yourselves a drink. You both earned it."

"Thank you. Have a good flight." The pilot said, as he shook Ash's hand. Then Ash shook the co-pilot's and made his way towards his jet.

Even though he was in Saffron, the weather here and below satisfactory. The sky was gray and there was a slight misting in the air. Ash flipped the collar of his coat and walked to the terminal.

"Can't believe I psyched myself into taking this trip. I know I need a new Pokemon, but this seems a bit out there. What if he doesn't join? He is a legendary after all. I did help him though so I guess I can say that 'you owe me a favor, pal'." Ash found himself laughing as he spoke to himself.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you Ash Ketchum?" A voice spoke from his right, as Ash turned to look at him.


"I've been assigned to escort you to your flight. With your private flight taking a little longer than expected, you're a bit behind schedule. I have a car waiting for you and that will take us straight to your flight, but we must hurry. We got less than fifteen minutes."

"Well, okay. You're the boss." Ash said, as he followed the man to his car. "I didn't realize that airports transport their passengers in Mercedes."

"Only out top passengers. Otherwise, we have Crown Victorias."

"I feel special." He said, opening the door and plopping down on the back seat. "I'm good, let's go."

"Hang on, I need to drive fast." The driver said, his foot stomping on the accelerator pedal and the car took off with the rear tires spinning.

The drive took five minutes and the driver led Ash to an entrance way that only airport employees get access to. "Go down the hall till you get to the stairwell. Take it to the second level and the gate will be in front of you. Gate Thirty-seven."

"Cool. Thank you….uhh?"


"Fernando! Thank you so much." And then Ash took off running down the hall. Even with the bag, he managed to get to the stairwell in less than 20 seconds. All the years walking is really good exercise apparently.

He ran up the stairwell and found himself on the second level and saw the gate was indeed in front of him. He saw the gate agent standing there, constantly looking back and forth, she was waiting for Ash.

'Huh? She's pretty cute.' He shook that thought and ran to the gate, the woman seeing him a moment later.

"Mr. Ketchum?"

"Yes, I'm sorry I'm late."

"It's okay, there is an assigned seat waiting for you. Go ahead and sit down and the plane will leave."

"Thank you, thank you. Have a nice day." Ash said, charging down the jet way, even with the carry-on bag, he wasn't exactly slow. Probably would give Usain Bolt a run for his money.

The flight attendant immediately heard Ash coming and got out of his way when he tried to stop, but sort of crashed into the bathrooms. He crashed through the door, but luckily no one was in it and there didn't seem to be damage.

"I'm Ash Ketchum, I'm here. Go ahead and take off."

"Okay, Mr. Ketchum. Take your seat and I'll tell the pilots." The attendant said, as she walked towards the cockpit and Ash couldn't help, but think that she was pretty cute as well. He realized what was becoming of him and shook his head with shame.

"I'm becoming too much like Brock." He said, walking towards first class and found the only empty seat available. He placed his bag in the overhead compartment and crashed into his seat.

The man next to him looked over and saw how red and sweaty Ash was. "Just made it, huh?"

Ash looked over and nodded at him. "Yeah. They were actually waiting for me to arrive and with my other flight running kind of late. I had to run to get here."

"Well, you made it. Now, you got some time before we land so use it to relax."

"They sell drinks, right?"

"Well, pass them out. They don't make a profit from passing out drinks."

"Well, I could use something."

"Ha-ha. Relax, son."

Ash smiled and rested his head against his seat and took big breaths to calm him down. He just laid there like that until the jet was at cruising speeds fifteen minutes later. Then, he unbuckled his seatbelt and went straight for the bathroom.

Just to make sure, he went into the bathroom that he ran into and found the door was still working, but the lock felt a little loose. "I may have to pay for that." He muttered, closing the door and relieved himself.

He returned to his seat a few minutes later and took a seat and just stared at the seat in front of him. He would've liked a bit of silence, but not on this jet and its constant humming. Plus with the people around him who was either laughing at the in-flight movie or just talking to the person next to him. That didn't seem like it was going to be possible.

He leaned forward and reached for the back of his belt and unclipped a pokeball. Only this one was different, it was purple. It was the Master Ball Gary had given him when he spoke with Kurt from Azalea Town.

"So apparently, that rare purple Apricorn that grows in very rare parts of the world, just happens to grow outside the lab. We are going to be millionaires." Ash smiled when he remembered his conversation with Gary and pressed the button to make it full-size.

"I am going to use you. I just hope he accepts it. Luckily for me, I have a couple others I could ask, just in case." He said to himself, but loud enough for the man next to him to hear.

The man's eyes widened in disbelief, "Where did you get that?"

"It was given to me. I probably shouldn't say more."

"I like to buy that from you. How much would you like for it?"

"I'm not selling it. I plan on using this thing in the near future."

"You don't understand. I am willing to make you a very rich man." He said, pulling his checkbook from out his pocket, ready to start writing some numbers.

"Listen, I don't need the money, but…..wait a minute. Who are you and why do you need this so much?"

"Oh, forgive me please. Name is George Caplin. I am the CEO of Sliph Co. in Saffron City."

"Sliph Co.? I thought Giovanni of team Rocket ran Sliph Co.?"

"He did, up until when he made a couple bad business decisions and the company went bankrupt. He was fired, I was hired and the company has slowly coming back since."

"You guys make a lot of interesting products. You also make the Master Ball."

"That is correct, that is why I want to buy it from you. You see, Master Balls these days are astronomically expensive. Only the best of trainers are able to buy it, but even then. They could buy only just one. I want to lower that price by figuring out a way to make them cheaper to make, but at the same time maintain all its capabilities like it is suppose to."

"Well, I still can't sell mine, but I'll make you a deal. You know Professor Oak of Pallet Town?"

"Of course. One of the world's greatest scientists."

"Here." Ash said, writing down a number on a napkin and handing it over to Caplin. "Give him a call, but I am afraid he isn't at the lab right now, but that's a number you can reach him. Tell him your preposition and see what he says. He might just have an offer for you."

Caplin looked like an angel had just spoken to him and he looked at the number with great excitement. "Thank you….uhh?"

"Ash Ketchum." And then he froze.

"K-k-ketchum? Ash K-Ketchum, as in the world's greatest trainer?"

"I would say world's greatest, but I am certainly up there."

Caplin was still in shock and just reached for Ash's hand and shook it violently. "Mr. Ketchum, it is an extreme honor to meet you. Please, here is my number. If my deal with Professor Oak goes as well as I am hoping, I would like you to be my spokesman for the new Master Ball. I will pay you a lot of money…"

"Money isn't an issue for me, friend, but I will consider it. Give me some time to think about it."

"Of course, of course. Here, here. Here is my card with my personal numbers."

"Thank you, Mr. Caplin." And that was it. The conversation had ended and Ash had felt he just made a man's day a lot better than it should've been.

He looked at the card and sure enough. Home, cell, fax, office. They were all on the card. He reached for his wallet and stuck the card on top of his ID. As a reminder that he should call Caplin when he had spoken to Oak. I wonder if they will do business together?

That was pretty much the entire flight. Ash and George would once in a while would say a few words to each other. He'd put on his headphones and would watch a few movies, one he found to be entertaining and the other boring.

Ash didn't know what happened next, but he felt a jolt and he soon realized that the jet had just landed. He didn't know when he fell asleep, but he did and found himself a little shocked that he managed to sleep five hours undisturbed.

He walked off the plane and gave George a final handshake before he went his different ways. Sadly, after spending so much time on a jet that he wanted time to walk around, but he had another flight to catch and sadly. This one wasn't a commercial liner or a private business jet flight, but he needed to go the rest of the ways on a seaplane.

He approached the part of the airport that held the seaplanes. Looking out at the ocean, it was just gorgeous and a wonderful sight. With the sunset filling the sky with its brilliant rays of light, Ash approached the plane and was immediately greeted by the pilot.

"Mr. Ketchum? You are the one I have as a passenger?"

"That's correct."

"Wow, I am a huge fan. What a real treat. My name is Leonard, I am your pilot for this part of the trip."

"Pleased to meet you, Leonard."

"It is an honor to meet you." The pilot said, shaking Ash's hand.

"So, this is the plane we will be flying, huh?"

"Yes sir, it is. She won't be ready for about another thirty minutes or so. Last minute flight checks and so on so I got a cooler in the plane with some food in it. You are more than welcome to help yourself to some of it."

"That's fine with me. I could use a sandwich."

"Excellent. Why don't you just relax and enjoy the scenery. I choose this dock because of provides the best view of the ocean. Just look at that view."

"It is pretty something, Leonard."

Ash couldn't help, but smile at the ocean. It truly was a beautiful sight to see. In the distance, he was able to make out a family of Dragonairs and Dratinis. They looked like they didn't have a care in the world and he felt envious of it.

"If life were only that simple." He spoke to himself, lowering his head slightly. He didn't know what he was going to do after this. What if this legendary said 'no', what would Ash do? He shook his head and forced himself to believe that he was going to head back with a legendary.

Ash approached the plane and opened up the cooler and pulled out a club sandwich. He wasn't much of a drinker either, but he saw a beer in there and couldn't resist.

He popped the bottle and began to drink the brown liquid. He cringed at the bitter taste, but went back for another drink. This time, he pulled the bottle away from his mouth, a smile on his face. "Nothing better than a cold beer to calm yourself."

With all the last minute checks done and Ash secured tight in the back of the seaplane and with Leonard at the controls. The plane was in the air in a matter of minutes and he immediately wished there was an proper airport to this island he was heading to.

He looked out the window of the plane and just watched the clear water below him. Once in a while, he would see a family of water Pokemon below him. Apart from the occasional jump of turbulence or almost being hit by a rough gust or flying Pokemon.

The seaplane landed on the water perfectly and slowly made its way towards the sea docks. Ash couldn't help, but look at the island that was going to be home for the next day.

He remembered the first time he came here. The island looked different back then because of the terrible storm that had surrounded it, but now; in this beautiful sunlight. The island just looked like heaven.

"Alright, Mr. Ketchum. Here we are, sir. Let me tie the plane up and I'll help you out."

"Much appreciated, Leonard, but not necessary. I can get it." He said when he opened the door and jumped out onto the dock.

Ash took a few minutes to stretch out his body. Being cooped up in a plane for over half a day made him extremely sore and stiff. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his bag hit the dock.

"There you go, sir. You are all set."

"That's great, Leonard. What time do we leave out tomorrow?"

"Anytime you wish. I'll have the plane all gassed up and ready to go by the time you want to leave."

"Very good. Excellent flying. See you tomorrow." Ash said with a big smile when he shook the pilot's hand. Ash swore he saw a bigger smile form on Leonard's face after hearing the compliment.

He lifted his bag and made his way down the dock and took in how many people were on the beach. Had to be hundreds, if not thousands. He guessed that this must be the busiest time for this island. He didn't quite know why, but whatever was here attracted a lot of people.

He sighed with content walking down the dock, feeling his joints loosening up. He was in pretty good shape, but he felt like an old man as he walked. "I need to exercise more. Walking just isn't enough to stay in shape."

"Welcome!" Ash jumped when a random girl with reddish/brown hair came up to greet him by putting a flower necklace around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Somehow, that kiss seemed all too familiar to him.

He took a step back from her and gave her an once over. She was definitely shorter than him, but taller than Dawn. Maybe standing at around five feet seven inches. She was pretty slender and was not modest about her body, which probably gave her enough reason to wear a bikini that would make a guy turn his head and walk right into something.


"Is this your first time here?"

"No…." Ash said with a smile, looking up at a peculiar cliff ledge about five hundred feet above the sea. "I've been here before. Maybe ten years ago."

The girl looked up at the cliff and slowly started to put two and two together. She turned to look at Ash again and even though he wore a thick beard. It was his hair that made her realize this who he was. She kicked herself for not knowing sooner.

"I still think you are the most 'handsomest Chosen One' in years." The girl said, earning a chuckle from Ash as he turned to look at her.

"And I still think you had a huge crush on me. How would've things ended up after our adventure if Misty wasn't there?" The girl blushed at the comment.

"She was a bit jealous that I was so flirty with you, wasn't she?"

"I think that's an understatement." Ash smiled at her, the two looking into each other's eyes before the girl closed the distance and embraced him in a hug. "Good to see you too, Melody."

"Has it really been ten years since you were last here?"

"Just about."

"Well, come on. Let's go get a drink. We got many years to catch up on."

"Aren't you the welcoming committee?"

"No. I just stand at the docks, waiting for some hot guy to walk down the dock. Today just happened to be you." She winked at him in a way that Ash found himself becoming attracted to her all over again.

"Oh goodie. Aren't I lucky?"

"Very much so. Come on." She said, grabbing his hand and leading him down the dock. "So tell me, Mr. Pokemon Master in six different regions. What has been up with you?"

Ash looked down at his hand, seeing Melody's finger intertwined with his. She began to rub his hand with her thumb and he slowly pulled it free from hers. Much to her disliking. "I'm engaged."

She looked at him with a bit of disappointment, but soon smirked. "I always knew you and Misty would get married one day."

"It's not Misty."

"What? Then to who?"

Ash dug into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone, which he stood frozen for a second. He couldn't remember when he got the phone. He had the PokeGear, but a cell phone? He shrugged it off. He's used it before, but never took the time to remember when he first got it.. He began to look through his pictures and found his favorite picture of Dawn.

They were in Mount Coronet area just after a snow storm had blown through the night before. They were sitting on a hill, looking out at the area when Ash decided to pull out his phone to take a photo of her. She turned to look at him and she didn't do anything at all to look as corny as possible. She just turned to look at Ash and she smiled at him. It wasn't a big smile either, but every time Ash would look at this photo. He knew that he was in love with her. This was four years ago.

He gave the phone to Melody to see. "Oh my. She is so beautiful. Who is she?"
"Do you guys get Pokemon Contests out here?"

"Only on TV? Is she a coordinator?"

"She is. Her name is Dawn Berlitz."

"Oh!" She looked back at the phone and immediately recognized her. "I thought I knew who she was. I am one of her biggest fans. You are engaged to her?"
"I am."

"How did you managed that with that thick-headed brain of yours?"

"Why does everyone continue to call me thick-headed? I am not thick-headed….as much anymore." Ash complained to her, which earned him a smirk.

"Anyway, she's my best friend. We used to travel together back in Sinnoh, but we parted ways and did our own thing afterwards. A year later, our paths crossed once again and we haven't been away from each other since."

"So why are you here and not her?"

"I am here to see someone."

"Well, Ash. I am flattered." She said as a joke, earning a laugh from Ash. But soon his face turned serious. She looked at him in confusion for a few moments, but then looked back up at the cliff they looked upon earlier. "Lugia."

"I need his help."

"Why? What's going on?"

"No no. There is no trouble or anything. I just need to ask a favor of him."

Ash quickly looked at the time on his watch. He had to guess that by now. Goodshow would be advertising the upcoming match that will be here in a week and he said we would be showing the previous matches on TV.

"When does the news come on?"

"The news? Well, it's always on, but the new stuff won't be for another half hour. Why?"

"Let's go get that drink and you'll find out then." He said, walking down the dock with Melody close behind him.

They walked about maybe one hundred yards when Ash brought up another question. "How's Slowking?"

Her face saddened, "He passed about two years ago. It was just his time. He lived longer than the expected life of a normal Slowking."

Ash slowly nodded his head in understanding and found that he couldn't think of anymore words to say. The mood just seemed grim now, but Ash knew it wouldn't last forever. "You look great."

"You don't look too bad yourself. How long have you been working out?"
"I don't work out."
"Really? How did you get to be so ripped?"

"It's just staying active while training. I guess I kind of lied. While training, I train myself and that does require some lifting sometimes. I figured if my Pokemon have to do some heavy training. I might as well join them."

"Well, I am going to be honest right now. If you weren't engaged, I'd take you to my home and screw you right then and there."

Ash looked down at her and smiled. "I probably would've been too dumb to figure that out. I was extremely thick-headed after all."

"Yes, you were, but you were a gentlemen and I liked you for that. Sort of a shame now. Was hoping I would meet you again one day."

"Well, here I am. Just not how you wanted to turn out."

"Nope." She said, a hint of depression in her voice and he knew that deep down. He had a thing for her too.

"I offered for you to come with me."

"Mistake, I admit, but I was needed here. I just wasn't quite ready to leave my home. Heck, I don't think I still am. I'm still here for crying out loud. I just could never get enough for that beach."

Ash stood for a moment to look at the main attraction of this island. The sand looked like it would stretch for miles, but it only lasted about nine hundred yards. The sand was so white, it was almost like snow. The water was a deep blue and so clear.

Melody turned to look at Ash and saw that he wasn't next to her. He was about five feet behind her and was looking at the beach. She slowly approached him, but he never turned to look at her.

"One of the best looking beaches I have ever seen and I have been on some pretty amazing beaches."

"It truly is." She gazed upon the beach, watching the people enjoying themselves in various ways. "Looks to me that you are quite warm." She said when she took notice of what Ash was wearing.

"Yeah. Doesn't help that I came from an area that is very cold, even in the summer."

"Where about?"
"You'll know soon. Come on. I could use that drink." He said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and leading her down the boardwalk.

They made little chitchat about what each other them have been up to the past years they've been away from each other. Melody does various jobs around the island and continues to be the Festival Maiden every year. She admit that all she does is attract guys, lay by the beach and drinks, but won't admit she is an alcoholic.

As Ash watched her take her seventh shot; one for each year that they have been apart from each other, he grew concerned. "I think you got a problem."

"It's only a problem if you admit it is a problem." She said, as she went to go take her eighth straight shot. She was about to drink it when a hand covered the glass and pulled it out of her hand.

"You're done."

"The fuck I am. Give it back." Reaching out for the shot, only to have Ash grab her wrist, squeezing it hard enough to get her to realize he was very serious. She saw his eyes and immediately gave up going for the shot.

"Enough." She slowly retracted her hand and did not make another sound. They both sat in awkward silence until the news turned on and everyone focused on the television sets throughout the bar.

However, it didn't start off like it normally did. The news started with actual highlight footage from Ash's previous Gold Four battles. The crowd was in awe at what they were watching. Especially after the first battle with Ash fighting Paul.

Ash took his eyes away from the television and looked at Melody. She was entranced at what she was seeing and didn't realize how strong Ash had gotten over the years. "My God. This is incredible."

She finally took her eyes away from the screen ten minutes and couldn't help, but look at Ash with a new found respect. She knew he was a strong trainer, but not this strong. "I am at a loss for words, Ash."

"Now you know what I have been up to."

"Hello. I am Valerie Smith and I am speechless right now. The footage you have just seen is actual footage provided by the CEO of the Pokemon League; Charles Goodshow. Those groups of trainer that you saw are an extreme elite group known as the Gold Four. A group of trainer so secret, the whole world wasn't even aware of its top secret stadium known as Ganymede in the Orre region.

The challenger of the Gold Four as you may have already recognized is the Pokemon League champion in six different regions is none other than Ash Ketchum. He is the first ever challenger to face these powerful trainers as clearly is doing an excellent job at that. At the current moment, we do not know where Mr. Ketchum is, but we are about to have an actual word with Mr. Goodshow himself." She paused for a moment, bringing a hand to her ear.

Actually, I am having word that he is on the phone now and ready to have a few words with us right now. Mr. Goodshow; welcome to our show and thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to us."

"Not a problem, Valerie. Happy to speak to you."

"First off; The Gold Four. A group of trainers so secret and more powerful than the Elite Four. How did you decide these trainers?"

"Well, I can tell you it wasn't easy, but it was more of an interview process than anything else. Though, I did not personally question these trainers. What I did was discreetly watch them battle after battle and decide just if they were worthy of becoming a member of the Gold Four. Took seven years of research and traveling all over the world, judging trainers on how they care for their Pokemon and how they battled compared to others."

"Well, this is certainly a marvel, but you are preparing to sell tickets to an upcoming match, even though Ash defeated all four members."

"That is correct. Like the Elite Four, there is a fifth member; the champion, but unlike the Elite Four. This person isn't the champion of a region, but the entire world."

"So essentially, this upcoming battle is Ash against the world champion?"

"That's correct."

"Who is the world champion?"
After a long decision making process, I concluded that there is no better world champion than Lance, the dragon master."

"So Lance versus Ash Ketchum. That is going to be a very exciting battle to watch."

"I do believe that the entire world is going to shutdown, just to watch this one event."

"I wouldn't doubt it. Now, why did you choose Ash compared to all the other trainers in the world?"

"I think that his accomplishments speak for themselves, but above all. His love for his Pokemon, his determination to be better than he already is. These are qualities that he shares just like the Gold Four."

"I would like to question one thing, if I could, Mr. Goodshow."

"Of course."

"There is footage of Ash and the first…"

"I know exactly what you are going to say, Valerie." Goodshow interrupted her before she could finish her statement. "As the world already knows, Ash and Paul; the first member of the Gold Four, have been rivals for many years now and if anything, has gotten worse as time presses on. At the end of the match, which was a complete upset in Ash's favor, the two got into a serious fight. I fear though that I am now going to have to do some more research I am afraid."

"What do you mean?"

"Paul has lost his privilege of being a Gold Four. That fight is something I wouldn't tolerate, even after I gave him a warning. He still chose the initiative of starting a fight with Ash."

"Why were there no consequences for Ash?"

"He was merely defending himself and I know he didn't want to fight. It was something he had to do. I can't blame him for that."

"Well, Mr. Goodshow. The final round. When is it?"

"Well, Valerie. It is going to be a little bit. Some of the footages you saw weren't detailed enough, but the stadium is in a bit of disrepair right now. I want to make sure the stadium is in top condition for a final battle. The last thing I need is to worry about is the fans' safety. They are coming here for watch the match of the century, not to get injured."

"That is very considerate of you. Do you have a timeframe of when you think the stadium will be repaired?"

"The field has to be repaired, as well as a few holes in the ceiling, but I do believe that the place will be ready within three weeks. I am pushing back my original schedule. I originally planned to have this match by next week."

"Not everything turns out the way you want them to."

"Ha-ha. No, I am afraid not. In the mean time though, starting tomorrow evening. I will be showing each match on television. Tomorrow will be match one, the following day will be match two and so forth. At seven o'clock Indigo Plateau time."

"I certainly look forward to watching them and I know the entire world is as well. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us."

"Oh, it was my pleasure, Valerie."

"Thank you. Good day."

"Good day."

"And there you have it…" At that point, Ash stopped paying attention to the television and looked at Melody. She was still shocked at what she just listened to and was unable to make words.

"Say something."

"I don't know what to say. Only thing I can think of is that I never wanted you so badly before until now."

Ash just hid his face in embarrassment and drank Melody's shot that he still had in his hand. "Melody…."

"I'm sorry, but it's true."

"Oh lord."

Melody just kept staring at Ash and he was getting more and more uncomfortable. It got to the point that he got up and walked out of the bar and headed for the beach. His feet dug into the sand and came to a stop where the waves ended. He just looked out at the ocean, the clear blue water that stretch as far as the eye can see.

He heard her coming and didn't flinch when she put her hand on his shoulder, but didn't bother to look at her. "Our lives happen for a reason, Melody. You chose to stay and I chose to continue my journey and get engage. Nothing can happen between us."

"I know, Ash. I can understand what she means to you and I am envious of her, but I am also very happy for both of you and I am so proud of what you became. This is just so exciting."

Ash finally turned to look at her, but with a smile. "Thank you and times are very exciting, but what am I suppose to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"You heard Goodshow. He said that it will be within three weeks. Today is the sixth. What am I suppose to do until the battle?"

"When was the last time you took a vacation?"

"That day I spent on the Aqua after my Johto victory."

"Well there you go. Why don't you stay here for a couple days? Take some time to relax."

"Where do I sleep?"

"Where are you sleeping now?"

Ash took a moment to think about his answer, but his thoughts always came out the same. "I don't know."

"You haven't thought this through completely, have you?"

"No, can't say that I have."

"You are staying with me, then."


"I have a small cabin on a secluded beach about a mile from here."


"Now when you say secluded, you walk around and lay on the beach naked, don't you?"
"Why do you ask?"

"Stop trying to seduce me."

"I'm not. I am trying to be a gracious host."

"You keep your clothes on, okay. I will stay."



"Alright! Fine, we will do things your way."

"Good. Thank you."

"Okay, just go finish our drinks and I will help you move in."

"How many beds you got?"


"I'll sleep on the couch."

It took them about twenty-five minutes to finish their drinks and walk the short distance to her cabin. She was right, she had a small cabin about seven hundred square feet in size, but it was cozy and warm on those rare cold nights.

The water here seemed to be even more blue here than on the beach he was standing on a short time ago. He never understood that, but maybe it was just an illusion because you had your own beach.

The one thing he loved most about this location was the silence. Besides the occasional bird and the waves crashing onto the beach, it was dead silent and he had to compliment Melody for choosing such a nice location.

"Wasn't easy at first. I wanted peace and quiet and when I came upon this place, I immediately felt at home. The first night I was here, I slept in a sleeping bag and laid on the beach, just out of range of the tide. I woke up the next morning all relaxed with a smile on my face. I immediately had my cabin built and two months later. I was home."

Ash smiled and looked up at the cabin. It was buried about twenty feet into the trees, so it was pretty well hidden from the ocean or from the small road that led here. Only one floor, but it had everything needed to feel at home.

"I have a feeling this may be a nice little getaway." He looked at his watch and looked at the sun, which was just about to dip below the horizon. "What time does this island seem to go to bed?"

"Uhh… maybe about eleven. There are some night owls, but otherwise. As a majority, everyone is in their homes by eleven. Why?"

"You know why."

"Do you have to do it tonight?"

"I want to get it done. I traveled all the way here just for this reason. I need an answer. I know I have been given a few weeks now, but I need as much training as possible before I go into battle."

"So you are leaving tomorrow, aren't you?"

"Maybe. Day after at the most. I know you want me to stick around for a while, but this isn't a vacation. This is business."

"Same old Ash. Business before pleasure."

"That's why I am the Chosen One. The Chosen One doesn't just sit around on his ass, waiting for the good to happen. He's got to work hard to achieve it. That was a hard couple of days."

"But it was fun."

"In a way, it was."

"You hungry?"

"I could eat something. What do you got?"

"Oh, I can make us some bratwursts if you like."

"That would be perfect."

"Perfect. Come on, let's head inside. Make yourself at home. I got satellite television, internet. You name it."


So they walked inside and Ash immediately threw his bag next to the couch. It wasn't all that impressive. Enough to seat three people, but due to Ash's height. It was a bit smaller than he would've wanted, but what other choice did he have?

He turned on the television and immediately found all the news channels talking about Charles Goodshow and the Gold Four. It was a good thing no one knew where he was otherwise he probably would be talking nonstop to these reporters.

He flipped through the channels and found nothing exciting on. He eventually came across a channel that played nothing, but the greatest Pokemon battles in history and found himself hypnotized by it until he felt Melody's hand on his shoulder.

"Dinner's ready."

"Oh good." He said as he got up from his seat and sat down at the table set for two. Though, he immediately gave her a look. "Candles. Really?"


"What? What?!" He was about to say something more when he turned his head and looked at the kitchen counter. "You forgot something."

"Huh?" She said, turning around and found what Ash was looking at. "What? I thought a little wine would be perfect for this."

"I'll just take a soda. Put that crap away and stop trying to get in my pants."

"I'm not trying to get in your pants. I am trying to pull you out."

"Oh for fuck sakes. This is your last warning or I am going to stay in a hotel."

"Alright. Fine! We will do things your way."

"Thank you." Ash concluded, stuffing his mouth with the biggest bite Melody had ever seen. She thought for sure he was going to choke, but it never happened and before she knew it. He was grabbing a second.

"How do you eat like that?"

"Like what?"

"Taking such huge bites and managing not to choke from it."

"It's all about breathing, Melody."

"Sure it is." She didn't bother to say anything more. She just continuing to watch Ash eat his food with fascination. She couldn't believe anyone could eat like this.

This was how it was between the two. Just waiting for the proper time to head out to the shrine. They waited till about midnight just to be on the safe side. Things were very bored between the two and Ash just could not get the feeling that any second, Melody was just going to launch herself on top of him and try to make out, but surprisingly. She managed to restrain herself.

They reached the pier a little after midnight and gazed out in all directions and found little to no one standing around. "Alright, stay with me, but stay out of the light. Keep within the shadows and we should make it undetected." He whispered to her, which she only replied with a nod.

They ran behind all the bars and homes and kept to the shadows within the trees. Everything was going to plan until about halfway through their journey, a light filled the forest and they laid flat on the ground. Things finally got awkward for Ash.

He was about to say something when he saw a couple figures step out of the home and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Ash could only hope this wouldn't take long, but people smoked at their own preference.

It took them about five to ten minutes to finish their cigarettes and the entire time, Ash and Melody did not make a sound. They waited about one minute after hearing the door close and Ash was now angry. "Get off my back!" He whispered harshly, not at all happy that Melody decided to lay herself on top of Ash.

She slowly slid off of him and he glared at her. A look that actually made her scoot backwards about five feet to get away from him as far as possible. "When we are done, I am going to a hotel."

He didn't wait for a response as he took off in a silent jog. She sighed sadly to herself and knew that she pushed the limit. She took off in a jog, but didn't bother to try to keep up with him. Her depression began to kick in and wasn't in much of a mood to do this anymore.

It took her about six minutes to meet him at the end of the tree line. After that was a short exposure to the open world before they could ascend the staircase that took them up to the shrine. "What kept you?" His tone not changing all that much from a few minutes ago.

She did not answer and he was about to turn around to yell at her until he saw the look on her face. She had been crying and looked really ashamed of herself. He could only sigh. "What's eating you?"


"Bullshit. I know that look anywhere and it's about time you felt ashamed of yourself."

"Shut up."

"You shut up. You are going to get us caught."

"I am not!" She said, a little too loud and Ash immediately slapped his hand on top of her mouth. She squealed in pain, but Ash didn't care. He looked around, waiting for a change in the scenery, but it never came. It remained quiet and he sighed with relief.

"Try that again. I dare you."

She didn't. More tears fell from her eyes and couldn't make any eye contact with him anymore. "Get your act together and let's go." He said, releasing her face and took off running up the stairs. She fell in line about five second later.

Ash had forgotten how long it took him to run up these stairs. Actually, his remembered that he was following Pikachu all the way up and time didn't matter to him. Now that the only thing that mattered to him was reaching the top, he wished for an elevator.

He would once in a while look behind him to see if Melody was still back there, but he didn't see her. One of two options, she gave up and went home or she was just a bit slower than he was. He chose the latter of the two and he couldn't blame her. He was much more fit than she was and with all the walking he does. Well, he could be an Olympic sprinter and would have enough time to start the race, grab a drink of water and still finish the line first without even trying.

What took what felt like hours to him, only took about ten minutes. Even with him running almost full speed, it took him that long. What shocked him most was the view. He remembered looking over the cliff at the sea below him and times were different then. The world was in trouble. Now, with the sky clear with millions of stars above him. The three islands of Fire, Ice and Lightning out on the horizon, the occasional breeze and the lapping of the sea.

Ash just smiled and calmed his heart rate down. This was a very nice place to be, but something began to nag at him. That something led to depression and he felt his eyes beginning to water. He turned around and stared at the mountain in front of him. He slowly began to approached the mountain and took a moment to glance at the shrine.

The seven pillars standing tall like the last time he was here, the grooves made in the floor to allow the green liquid to flow. He remembered this place just like he was here yesterday. Which caused to wipe a tear and wipe his nose with his arm.

He turned back towards the mountain and saw a little hole built into the rock. It didn't look like it went that deep, but far enough to keep the rain out.

He took a knee at the entrance and looked inside, expecting to find someone.

It was empty…..

The moss that laid on the ground looked undisturbed for quite some time. Dust accumulated everywhere, which really wasn't that hard. The place was a dustbowl, but it was a nice little hole to sleep and live in.

Ash straightened his back a little when he felt a hand land on his shoulder and he couldn't hold it in anymore. The floodgates opened and he began to weep.

Melody kneeled beside him and held him close as she wept as well. They both were going to miss their friend, but it was harder for Ash. He never got to say farewell to him. Only the 'goodbye' from ten years ago. Melody was with Slowking until he finally past.

"His grave is about fifty feet from here. It's pretty well-hidden unless you know how to find it."

Ash lifted his head and turned in the direction the grave was in and turned around to look at Melody. Her face was red and wet from tears and his face was no better. "Show me."

Just like she said, it was around a hundred feet and Ash couldn't find it until Melody pointed it out where it was. The ground was smooth, but the only disturbance you could see and it was barely a disturbance was a lone rock sitting on top of the grave.

Ash took a knee in front of the grave and began to say a silent prayer. Melody stood off to the side, not wanting to bother him. She couldn't hear what he was saying except for one sentence. 'I'm going to miss you, old friend.'

With that, he stood up and turned to look at the sea. Quietly, she approached him and stood at his side, afraid to do anything other than look out at the horizon. She nearly jumped when she felt a couple of arms wrap around her and bring her into a hug. "I'm sorry."

She wanted to cry, but she already cried so much when she was insulted moments earlier. She couldn't keep them in and unleashed her tears. "I'm sorry too."

They stayed like this for several minutes, the only sounds being made was the breathing and the waves below them. But eventually they did let go and just stared at each other for a few seconds before turned his gaze back towards the shrine.

"Come on." He said while heading in that direction, with Melody only a step behind him.

They stood in front of the monument and Ash couldn't believe how well maintained everything was. Not one spec of dirt touched this ancient marble and stone.

"I usually come up here about once every two weeks. Just to keep everything looking pretty. Slowking did just about everyday he lived up here. It felt fitting that I did the same."

"You have good house-keeping skills. When was the last time you were up here?"
"Yesterday. With the wind blowing, it's hard for dirt to stay still."

Ash didn't respond verbally, but he gave her a silent nod and slowly walked up the stairs and stood before the statue of Lugia. It continued to shine a brilliant white, even in the moonlight. Ash could've questioned how Melody did all this work, but some things are best left unsaid. Separates the truth from the imagination and sometimes the imagination is better than the truth.

He turned around and saw she had the flute ready in her hand. With a smile, he nodded to her and she reciprocated. Pressing the flute to her lips the first time in almost a year, she began to play the sweet song that Ash remembered perfectly.

The silence was broken by the song and Ash, for a moment, found himself escaping the world and losing himself into the sweet melody of this tune. The song brought him back in time for when his ordeal came to an end.

He had returned all the glass orbs and brought back to this very shrine he stands in front of now. The world around him was destroying it with cyclones as far as the eye could see and thousands, if not millions of Pokemon standing by, waiting to be helpful in any way possible.

Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos; all of them had fallen from exhaustion because of their nonstop battling against one another. Lugia had failed and was sinking deeper into the depths of the ocean before him. Yet, everything had a sense of calm to it and it was because of this very tune that Melody was playing.

Ash slowly reopened his eyes and turned to look at Melody. Her eyes were closed as she used all of her focus and concentration on the song she was playing. She look like she didn't have a care in the world. She looked like she wasn't even trying. This song means so much to her that it is effortless to play it.

He smiled at her and hoped she would open her eyes. She never did.

He soon remembered what he was waiting for and turned around and hoped Lugia was right behind him. There was no Pokemon in sight and the ocean remained to be undisturbed.

He slowly walked towards the edge of the cliff and looked down at the dark, black ocean. All he could see were waves lapping up against the cliff face, but nothing was disturbing the ocean. "Maybe he just isn't around anymore…." He said to himself sadly.

He shook his head sadly and jumped a little when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at Melody and he could only shake his head with a sad sigh. She nodded to him and started to walk away from him.

"Chosen one…"

Ash froze, feeling a chill travel through his body. He knew this feeling before. It was so long ago since he felt it, but to him it only seemed like it was yesterday. He slowly turned around and approached the edge of the cliff again and looked down at the ocean. Again, it remained undisturbed apart from the lapping waves, but Ash knew something was down there.

"Lugia?" Then it happened almost in an instant because the ocean started to ripple and bubble and slowly began to spin like it was forming a whirlpool. "Oh fuck!" He yelled as he dove as far away as he could as a giant cyclone appeared out of nowhere. Shooting high into the sky and dispersing as quickly as it formed.

Ash slowly uncovered his face, his body drenched from the ocean water. Melody ran up to him and held him, checking for any injuries. "I'm fine." He said, gently pushing her hands away as he turned to look at the ocean.

A giant white Pokemon that looked to be part bird, part dragon landed gently on the ground and looked at Ash as if he has known him for years. "Chosen one, it is good to see you again."

Ash stood up and smiled at his old friend. He walked over to him and gently rubbed his nose, with much appreciation from Lugia. "It's good to see you too, Lugia."

Melody was shaken by the sudden appearance of Lugia, but once she calmed down and saw that it truly was him, she approached him and showed him the same amount of affection that Ash showed him. The giant Pokemon purred from their touch.

"Miss Melody, it is good to see you as well."

"Like-wise, Lugia. You look like you've gotten bigger since I last saw you."

"Unfortunately the true reason for that statement is for the fact that I am getting older. I am not as quick and strong as I used to be."

"I find that a little hard to believe, Lugia. You look like you haven't aged a second."

"I appreciate the kind words, but they do not hide the truth." Ash only smiled and gave Lugia another rub on his nose. "You two, on the other hand, have grown up a lot since I last saw you."

"Ten years does that to you."

"Ten years? Has ten years really gone by so quickly?" Ash nodded his head in response. Lugia shook his head in disbelief. "Where has time gone?"

Neither Ash or Melody responded, but they felt what Lugia was talking about. Ash couldn't believe that he stood in this very spot ten years ago. That day was still fresh in his mind like it just happened a second ago.

"Well, it is wonderful to see both of you again, but I sense that this isn't a social visit."

"You would be correct, Lugia. I have a problem and I need your help."

"Who is in danger?"

"No no. It is nothing like that. Everything is fine. There is no danger. It is something else I need your help with."

"Well, I can try to assist you in anyway possible. How can I help?" So Ash explained everything about the Gold Four and what had happened to Venusaur and how he needed his help to fight in his final challenge against the dragon master, Lance. Lugia remained quiet throughout the explanation, not once looking like he was confused. If anything, it looked like he understood all too well.

When Ash finished explaining, Lugia looked off into the distance and stayed that way for many minutes, not once making a sound. He finally spoke about four minutes later, slowly returning his gaze back to the duo. "I haven't been in an actual battle in so long. I do not know I am capable of such a feat anymore."

"I disagree with you, Lugia. I think you are more than capable of not only being stronger than any of Lance's Pokemon, but enough to decimate them."

"I appreciate the kind words, but I am far too old to be battling."

"But Lugia…."

"I also cannot leave."

"What? Why?"

"Though the fighting may have been cleansed ten years ago and since then. Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos have been at peace with one another, a tiny spark could start this disaster all over again and I need to be around to end their quarrel."


"I am sorry, Chosen One, but I cannot come with you. I am needed here."


Ash and Melody quickly began scanning all the directions because they did not know where that new voice came from. It sounded almost as matures as Lugia's, but almost had an adolescent sound to it.

Lugia just calmly turned his head towards the ocean, just as another cyclone formed right behind him. Ash felt threatened by this new presence and calmly started pulling Melody behind him, just in case there would be trouble.

He sighed a breath of relief when the cyclone dispersed and another Lugia appeared in front of them, though this one appeared much younger than the Lugia Ash and Melody remember very well.

It calmly approached the elder Lugia and there was a remarkable size difference between the two. The smaller was about maybe two-thirds the size of the elder and not as strong, but it being a legendary. It was very strong.

"Father. You can go and fight. I will watch over the three islands for you."


The elder Lugia calmly turned towards the duo with a smile. "Ash. I do believe you are familiar with my son."


"I believe you may remember him as being called Silver."

And Ash quickly turned towards the adolescent with shock. He remember his adventures the first time he was in Johto and remembered when he was in the Whirl Islands and how he had to save an adult Lugia as well as its child.

Before Ash knew what hit him, the adolescent was standing in front of him with a smile. "I remember you. You saved my mother and myself from those horrible people."

"It's hard to believe you are the same Lugia, Silver. It's been what, eight years?"


Ash smiled and rubbed the adolescent's nose. Happy to see an old friend once again. "I didn't know you were a father, Lugia. Why were your mate and son over in Johto?"

"They were exploring the world. When they came home from that incident, I forbade from going to Johto even again, at least until that problem with Team Rocket is taken care of."

"That could be a while."

"Indeed. Now, Silver. You are still too young to watch over this area. The three birds are something to be taken lightly. Even when I was in my prime, I still could not quell their fighting alone."

"Father! I am one day going to have to take over and watch the islands. That much is clear. Why not let that day be now?"

"Silver. I admire that you are ready for this kind of task, but this is something not to be taken lightly. The last time this happened, the world ended up in chaos. Were it not for the Chosen One, none of us may be here right now."

"Father, I know what is involved and I am ready. Why can't you trust me?"

"My son, I do trust you. It is more to it than that."

"Then why?"

"I don't want to admit that you are ready?"

"Why not?" Silver said, getting slightly irritated with his father's vague answers.

"Silver? What do you think is the hardest thing for a parent to do?"

Lugia just stared at Ash for several moments, trying to figure out the answer. Sadly he shook his head. "I do not know."

"Letting go of their child because it means to them that they are getting old and almost everyone doesn't want to admit that."

Silver looked up at his father as Lugia was looking at the ground. "Father?"

"You have grown up to be a strong Pokemon that one day will surpass me, my son. I just can't believe that you are of this age that soon I will have to pass down the power over to you. You make me very proud, my son."

Silver was at a loss for words and began to nuzzle his head against his father's chest. Lugia looked down at his son and could feel tears burning his eyes. "Oh Arceus, I am old."

"No, Lugia. You are a father."

Lugia smiled and looked down at Ash. "It appears my decision has been made."

"Don't worry, Lugia. Once this is all over, I will release back to your family."

"That was never my concern, Ash."

Ash smiled and pulled out the Master Ball from his pocket and threw it at Lugia. The ball opened and sucked Lugia inside and pinged just about immediately. That was the beauty of this pokeball, no Pokemon could escape.

Melody placed a hand on Ash's shoulder and looked at the Master Ball in his hand. "You just caught a legendary."

"Indeed, I did." Ash smiled at her, then looked up at Silver. "I promise to take excellent care of your father, Silver."

"I know you will, Ash. I just don't know what mother will say when she finds out he has been captured."

"Don't let her be too mad at me."

"I think she will be okay, as long as I tell her that you were the one who caught him."

The sun rose the next morning and Ash found new vigor knowing he caught a legendary. Though, he couldn't believe that he had to wait three weeks before his match with Lance. He didn't know what he was going to do with himself, but this did give him time to train everyone.

He stood on the beach, looking out at the ocean and began to think about everything that has happened to him as of recently. All the battles, Venusaur being out of commission, his engagement with Dawn. There was so much on his mind that he didn't notice Melody walk up behind him.

"You okay?"

Ash didn't move, but stiffened slightly when he felt Melody place a hand on his shoulder. He sighed at her, but not in annoyance, but more along the lines of not knowing how to answer that question.

He looked out at the vast ocean and watched the horizon ripple from the constant moving of the waves. He felt at peace here. This is a wonderful place to be.

"Yeah. Just thinking."


"These past couple months have been a lot to take in. Just hard to believe everything that had happened has happened. I didn't think I would be in this position to become world champ nor the fact that I would be in engaged. I literally was thick-headed a couple months ago, but it seems that just out of nowhere. I became an adult and I just have been making lots of decisions that has been changing my life."

Melody didn't respond, but she did smile and shook Ash a little. "Come on. I made breakfast. Let's eat before it gets cold."

Ash thought about it for a second, thinking about how he really wasn't in that big of a mood to eat, but soon he couldn't deny food. With one last glance at the ocean, he followed Melody indoors.

The home smelled of eggs and toast and the smell made Ash's hunger double in a matter of seconds. He took a seat, dumping a large portion of eggs onto his plate and took four pieces of toast. Combining everything, he made himself a couple eggs sandwiches.

Melody looked at him and was surprised she never did that before. So she took a couple pieces of toast and dumped some eggs onto them and took a bite from her sandwich.

Her eyes lit up, "this is good. When did you think of this?"

"Did you ever see 'The Fugitive'?"


"The scene near the beginning that he is in the hospital, changing his appearance and eats the man's breakfast."

"Oh yeah. I have seen that movie many times and never thought of doing that."

"It's a good breakfast when you are on the move." He said, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

He turned his gaze towards the window and looked out at the ocean again. Melody caught on and looked out as well, but she wasn't seeing anything out of the ordinary. "You see something?"

"No. Just can't looking at that ocean."

"I know. It's so beautiful here."

"I may just stay here another day."…

And that's what Ash did. He stayed another day in that beach home. He did everything he could that was relaxing and when the time came that he wanted to go back. He felt like all of his problems have been lifted from his shoulders.

He stood on the dock, just outside the plane and took one last look at the island. It truly was a beautiful island and it didn't get much credit. Hopefully with the new contest stadium was going to put this place on the map.

"It was good to see you again, Ash. I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Melody. I hope everything with the stadium will continue to go smoothly."

"Things have been going very smoothly right now. It'll will be quite some time still before the stadiums are ready. Close to eight months."

"Wow. Well, take care of yourself. Continue to watch over Slowking for me."

"I will, Ash. Thank you for allowing me to see you again." She said, hugging him so hard. She didn't want to see him go, but she knew she couldn't have him.

Ash returned the hug and they stayed like that for many moments. He then surprised her by kissing her on the cheek. She placed a hand on the spot he kissed her and winked at her goodbye as he got in the plane. "Alright, Leonard. Time to go."

"Very good, Mr. Ketchum." The pilot said, as he pushed the throttle forward and the plane soon began to move away from the dock.

Melody watched the planed take off and disappear from sight and soon found herself depressed. If she went with Ash, who knows what could've happened between the two of them, but she liked to think that he and her would be together.

She let out a sad sigh and looked up at the sky again. Hoping to see the plane, but it was long gone. "Hello miss." She jumped from the new voice.

Melody turned and looked at the gentlemen that said it to her as he walked past. She gawked and quickly caught up with him. "Hello yourself. My name is Melody."

"Hello Melody. My name is Richard."

"It's very nice to meet you, Richard. Did you just arrive here?"

"I did actually a few moments ago. I took a charter flight from Valencia Island. I heard this was a nice island to visit and I am in need of lodgings. Do you know where I might find somewhere to stay?"

"I think I might be able to help you there. We have a few very nice hotels on the island."

"Oh excellent. Would you care to show me?"

"I think I can open up my schedule to help you out." She said, wrapping herself around his arm. He smiled in return as he looked down at her.

"That is very kind of you. I just may have to buy you a drink for your assistance."

"I would like that very much."

Well, what did you think? Please tell me you thought it was good. I try very hard to make sure my work is entertaining. Until next time, which I hope is soon, I am Krieger Aurelius. Thank you fans for reading.