Lol Okay this is my first time writing an Axis Powers Hetalia fanfic though I've been admiring them from afar for a while. XD RussiaXAmerica and some FranceXEngland. I own nothing. Inspired by a little incident with my siblings. Mainly official names used, but occasional human names. 8D

It was as normal a day as any as far as Russia was concerned, well except the buckets of rain that were falling from the sky. He glanced at the other allies who had taken to pacing the room rather than discuss important matters. England glumly drank his tea in his usual fashion ignoring the advances of a certain blond French man. China simply sat by the window watching the rain drops fall sighing now and then at that argument of the other two. Russia opted to smiling childishly as always at the remaining allies since America, his favorite person to harass, had run off claiming he would find something to do.

"Really England and France, do you honestly have to argue. Can't you just enjoy the peace aru?"

China stated glancing at the other two nations. England's eyebrow twitched, "If a certain Nation would stop trying to get into my pants then maybe I would oblige!" France gasped in mock pain and dabbed at his eyes.

"Angleterre, how could you! I was only suggesting we do something more interesting than just sitting here in this room. It's too droll mon ami lets do something fun!"

England slammed his tea cup down and jumped to his feet, hot tea sloshing in a dangerous manner, "Your idea of fun is sick and twisted you old frog!" France simply chuckled and wrapped an arm around his waist. "That's not what you said last week when you were a little tipsy at the dinner."

He grinned at the blush that engulfed England's face and detached himself and ducked just as the tea cup went flying at his face.

"I-I did no such thing you git!"

He tried his best to compose himself.

"Oh, so that's why you and France left the dinner early."

Russia placed a gloved hand under his chin and smiled innocently at the pair of blonds. Really, they were all just too easy to tease. They were amusing…but not as much as Alfred was when he pouted and flushed at the insults thrown at him.

China jumped in just in time to restrain England from tossing an item in Russia's direction which he knew would not end well. "Stop it aru! Calm down we're all a little edgy from the rain, but that doesn't mean to act rationally."

Desperate to find some distraction that would hold off England's wrath he glanced frantically around the room. He got his answer when the door was kicked open the culprits face covered with a stack of board games.

"Hey did you guys miss me?"