Okay, here is the final chapter, sorry that it was a few days late. I have been very busy! Hope you like it, and don't forget to Read and Review!

In The Moonlight

By The5thMarauder2010

After The Fullmoon

Remus Lupin was her friend.

She hadn't believed it at the time that he was a werewolf, but now that she was sure of it, she couldn't stand it.

She knew that it hurt a lot to be a werewolf, and she didn't like seeing her friends get hurt.

After she had gotten her senses straight from the shock of hearing that her friend was a werewolf, and from hearing that the other three were animagi, Lily had gone down to the Great Hall to get some food. After that she had questioned Sirius a little further in the Common Room.

She knew that, as his friends, the other Marauders had just wanted to help him, and this was the best way they could find.

Then after a week of thinking, she talked to Lupin.

"I want to help." She announced to him, in the Common Room, while Sirius and James were at Quidditch practise. Peter was probably in the stands, watching, she thought.

"What? Help? I'm already done my homew-" He started, with a very confused look on his face, but Lily interrupted him.

"No, not your homework, I know you have no trouble with your homework. I want to help you with you're being a – erm – a – werewolf."

"Lily SHH! Sorry, but don't talk about it here!" He quickly said. "And what do you mean help? How do yu know about this?"

"I figured it out. How you're always gone on full moons, how you're nicknames Moony, and after I thought about that, it made more sense, because of what Sev saw in 5th year. I didn't believe him then, of course, but then i managed to get Black to confirm it." She said.

"And I know that your friends want to help you. You're my friend to, so I want to help you too. How do they become Animagi?" She finished. Remus wasn't quick to answer. He took a deep breath, and said,

"Lily, you don't have to help me. You should know that. They guys, well they're enough. I don't like them getting hurt at full moons, but they're my friends, and they just want to help me. It would be a LOT harder without them. But I don't want you to get hurt, so I'm not letting you come. And anyways, it takes 3 years at least to become an Animagous."

"But I want to help! How else can I help!?" She exclaimed. He looked in her eyes, and saw that she wouldn't have no for an answer.

"Well, if you really have to help, you should just do what you do best." He said. She wasn't sure what he meant.

"What do you mean?" She said, very confused. "What is it that I do best?"

"Well, I always thought that you would make a good healer. You've healed lots of people in your time here."

Lily was still confused. Remus continued.

"If you really have to help, well, the boys get very hurt after a full mopon, and we can't go to Madame Pomfrey, the new school healer, because she'd find out easily that they were werewolf injuries. And, well, you are very good at healing, so..." He was looking hopeful.

Lily got where he was coming from. "Of course! I'd love to help with that! I wouldn't want you to be discovered, so of course I'll help!" Remus let out a sigh of relief.

First they went to Professor McGonagall. (Who had the two years previously asked what she wanted to be after Hogwarts, as they always did in 5th year, but Lily hadn't said, because she hadn't known). Lily said what she that she finally knew what she wanted to be, and asked her to help get some books on it as they never covered it in the school program. She thought over it for a few moments, before saying that Lily would make a very good healer, and gave her permission to ask Flitwick and Slughorn for some books on Healing spells and potions.

Later, as she read through her new books, she marked some pages with spells and potions that she thought might be useful.

She had found some handy spells to get rid of bruises and minor cuts, some potions to get rid of infection and more serious cuts, she even found a very diffuclt spell to get heal broken bones!

She practised in her free time, and, before she knew it, it was full moon again.

"Evans" said a voice behind her. As she turned around, she already knew who it was. Expecting the worst, she faced James Potter.

"Yes, Potter?" She tried to keep her voice as emotionless as possible.

He looked serious. Worried, even. This was strange to her. She couldn't even think of a time when he didn't have the trademark Marauder smirk on his face.

He ran his hand through his hair, which meant that he was nervous.

He took a deep breath, and said, "Moony told us about what you're going to do. I just want to thank you for it. I'm relieved to know that my broken bones are going to be fixed properly this time."

He gave her a smile, not the normal smirk, but a real smile, that seemed to light up his face, and Lily felt her stomach squirm. She nearly gaped at his sudden amazing good looks.

"Lily? You ok?" Jame's voice brought her back. "Oh, yes erm, well yeah, thanks..." she spluttered. She quickly added, "I have some homework to finish." and ran upstairs.

She couldn't believe what had just happened. Why, of all times, did she have to start liking him now!? That stupid smile of his. But he seemed so much more mature, maybe he wasn't that idiot from 6th year anymore. After all, he hadn't asked her out in a loooong time.

She prepared that night. They had said that at 3 O'clock, they would meet at the lake with her.

She ran over all her spells and potions in her head, making sure she had the right ingredients and could make them properly, before going to bed. She went to bed realy, at about 9 O'clock, and set her alarm for 2:30. She would need at least a little sleep, so that she wouldn't be tired when the time came.

But she couldn't sleep at all. She lay awake for awhile, and then suddenly her alarm woke her, but she could never remember falling asleep.

She got dressed again, checked she had everything, grabbed a few last-minute items, and went down the stairs to the common room.

As she made her way to the lake, she went over the spells and potions again in her head. She could heal everything. Well, nearly everything. Bruises, fractured and broken bones, minor and major cuts, twisted ankles and legs, she even knew a potion for energy.

When she was out in the grounds, she saw the four boys in the distance. She ran the last bit, then greeted them.

"Hey. Rough night, huh?" she said, seeing Sirius' very sore looking shoulder, which was standing out at a weird angel.

"Yeah." said James. His shirt was stained with blood too.

She quickly started on Sirius, and after about five minutes, she was ready to move onto Peter. She went deliberately slow, and she wasn't sure why, but she wanted to delay herself from reaching James.

When she finally reached him, he took off his shirt, and she nearly gasped as she saw his very perfect, very obvious muscles and chest. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, and when she readied herself, she started work on the deep cut going through hthe left side of his chest.

She tried not to think that she was touching the chest of the boy who she once loathed, but now longed for. But she wasn't even sure that he liked her anymore. He had barely paid attention to her this year, except during patrols and heads meetings and such.

When she was finished, Remus said that they better go inside and get some sleep.

They were about to leave, when James said "Lily". She turned around to face him, her heart quickened when she saw him. She saw Remus motioning the rest to leave the two alone, and looked up into his eyes.

They were full of a mixture of mischief, tiredness and gratitude. He moved closer to her, so that their bodies were almost touching. She could feel his body warmth.

"Thank you" he whispered. He started lowering his head towards her, and her mind started screaming. He was going to kiss her! She thought. She had no idea what to do. Before she knew it, her eyes were already close, her mouth slightly open and she was raising herself towards him, expecting the kiss.

But it didn't come. She heard a whisper in her ear. "I knew it." he said. She opened her eyes, and saw him kiss her on the forhead, then start moving away quickly.

She couldn't believe it. She quickly ran after him. "James!" she said when she caught up. He smiled a mischievous grin down at her. She stopped him with his arm, and knew that it was now or never.

She raised herself up to him, and placed her lips on his. It took a moment, but then he reacted, and she knew that this was meant to be, and she knew that this was the best kiss she ever had. It felt like the kiss went on forever, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, into his hair, and his went around her waist and on her back.

She never wanted the moment to end, and when he broke away, she knew that he was perfect.

Thanks for reading, this is my first story, and I won't be writing non for a while, if ever again. It was quite hard, and I don't even think that it was very good. So please tell me what you think about it, and be honest, I will be delighted to hear everything, including negative comments, but if so, please say what it was so that I know never to do it agaqin, or maybe if I can fix it. Thank you!