In The Moonlight
By The5thMarauder2010
The Discovery underneath the Full Moon

One night, in late September, in their seventh year, at about seven o'clock it was already getting dark. The Head Boy, James Potter, who was supposed to be patrolling the corridors with Lily Evans, the Head Girl, but he had said he had urgent homework to attend to.

Pfft. What good Head Boy he is. And a fine example for the current prefects too! She thought sarcastically.

She would have picked Remus Lupin, a prefect, but he had said he was feeling ill when she asked him.

So now she was patrolling the Charms corridor all on her own, her thoughts to herself and her footsteps echoing off the thick walls and the high ceiling.

Earlier that day she had thought it was strange how two of the Marauders were out on the same night. She hadn't given it a second thought until she heard that Potter had cancelled Quidditch practice for that evening after returning from Astronomy, and not even giving his team the reason why, but just rescheduling it for two after.

When she had questioned Sirius Black, James' brother in everything except blood, she saw excitement briefly cross his eyes before he quickly muttered something about last minute homework and rushing away as fast as possible in the other direction. Peter Pettigrew had just shrugged and walked away.

Yes, something was definitely going on here. Now that she thought about it, the Marauders were nearly always missing at least once a month for nearly as long as she could remember!

After not being able to get a conclusion out of it, she reluctantly just let it drop for a while, and her mind wandered back to the Defence Against the Dark Arts class she had had earlier that day.

It had been about werewolves, and she still had an eighteen inch essay about them to complete. She thought back to how she would identify someone being a werewolf.

She mentally went over everything she would need to complete the essay. And then there was also the most obvious one, they would be missing at once a month on the full moon, when they would turn into a werewolf.

At this point she was passing by the window, and she looked up into the light of the pale, white, complete moon. Talking about full moons…. she thought to herself.

She froze. Suddenly her mind was whirring. The Marauders were missing once a month, and now that she thought about it, it was only on full moons! But surely all four of them couldn't be werewolves! And again, she thought back to earlier that day.

Peter, James and Sirius always looked excited the night before the full moon, but Remus always looked really pale.

And the four Marauders had nicknames. They were Wormtail for Peter, Padfoot for Sirius, Prongs for Potter and… Moony, for – Remus Lupin.

So? What do you think?? I'm not sure about it, is it too short? And I need your Review! Please! I want your opinion on this, its my first ever chapter.