Chapter 10

Blair attempted to lay low for a few days, watching movies, ordering in junk food that she wouldn't eat anyway, and sulking, pretty much hiding from everyone until her hair grew out and the rumors died down. Plus she wanted to regain her strength since the unexpected miscarriage she had suffered had been a painful experience in more ways than one. It had been physically draining that was for sure. Her womb still ached at times from the physical loss of the Waldorf-Bass, potentially Siamese twins...even if it had been for the best in the long run.

However, it was also emotionally draining as well because she kept remembering the fight she'd had with Chuck at the restaurant and how he'd assumed that she had gotten an abortion instead of having had an unexpected miscarriage of her pregnancy. This made her feel upset and angry over the whole incident, wishing that she could have a retake with some of the events in the movie that was her life so far. Retakes so that it could be the perfect, epic script of her life story...but unfortunately life doesn't often give you retakes.

What also was emotionally draining was the fact that she just plain missed Chuck Bass. Even if he was an immature ass sometimes, and certainly wasn't the perfect boyfriend she'd always imagined having, he was still a pretty cool guy. Powerful, influential, sneaky, and hotter than she'd realized before she'd ever hooked up with him. Sometimes she'd like in her bed and imagine that Chuck was there, laying naked in her bed, willing to let her do anything sexual with him...and she could imagine many things indeed...and then afterwards, she'd lay curled up against him with her head on his chest, and he'd hold her until all of her cares flew away. Even if that had rarely happened after her sexual encounters with Chuck, Blair always dreamed that they would every time.

Blair lay on her bed, languishing as she watched movies she rented from Net Flicks, and although she borrowed mostly classics, she'd also been sent 100 Feet, a horror movie about a woman who was trapped in her house by the ghost of her late husband, and Son Of Rambow, a movie about two British schoolboys with very active imaginations, and in both movies Blair felt like she was seeing 'Chuck Bass' in both films! 'Chuck Bass' as a Brooklyn pizza boy who sleeps with a widow and is brutally murdered by her husband's ghost? (The love scene was pretty good, though enough to make her jealous and horny. However the murder scene was too grotesque for Blair to watch...more than once...) 'Chuck Bass' as the scheming older brother of the one boy...and with a British accent? (Okay maybe he wasn't quite as suave as her Chuck Bass, and talked more like one of the Beatles than James Bond...but he was similar enough to make Blair miss the Chuck she knew, even more!)

Blair was laying in her bed, moaning and considering filming herself using her vibrator and sending the video to Chuck to tease him into coming over...or rub the whole thing in his face as a means of getting even (even if it'd be a stupid idea, like her last video), when her mother informed her that she was holding a fund raising gala in their great room/entry way downstairs that evening and that she was required to attend. She didn't want to attend, and tried to feign a way out of it, but her mother was insistent and since she didn't want to appear less than the perfect princess she'd been raised to be, Blair relented to go.

Quickly she threw together an out fit that consisted of a designer wrap dress, her favorite heels, and an impromptu piece da resistance...wrapping Chuck's monogrammed scarf (which just so happed to match her dress) around her head turban style to hide her hair. If it caused her to take on a theatrical air, Blair didn't care since her deserved what she got for forcing her to attend. Assuming that she looked better than a large number of the attendees, Blair finished getting ready, grabbing the antique cigarette holder she'd once bought at Sotheby's because it reminded her of Audrey in 'Breakfast At Tiffany's', then slunk down the staircase in what she hoped was a dramatic entrance, although hardly anyone noticed.

When she mingled through the party, attracting a few curious stares from the crowd, Blair suddenly was surrounded by Kati, Is, and Penelope who suddenly let loose with a barrage of questions and their feigned sympathy, when Blair let them believe she had been stricken by a disease or some other series of unfortunate events. Being the pampered pet of her peers was something that she loved for whatever the reason, since it at least temporarily put the spotlight of her friends' attention on herself rather than Serena.

Basking in her friends' attention, Blair noticed that everyone was there, even Serena, Nate, and Chuck. She tried to ignore them, but some of them were hard to be ignored, especially when Serena and Nate walked over to see how she was doing, while Chuck stayed in the shadows. Suddenly her mother, Eleanor swooped around and accosted her, saying "Ah there you are, dear! I wondered where you were at...and what are you doing with that thing on your head? I didn't realize turbans were back? I'll have to inform Casey..." as she swooped away just as quickly as she'd come.

"Wow B...interesting look...uh...are you doing okay? Are the rumors true that you have something wrong with you?" Serena asked.

"Well when haven't I had something wrong? Anyway...what are the rumors going around?" Blair asked, nonchalantly.

"Oh that you either have Alopecia now, or you tore your hair out after having an abortion or rehab...or its something worse..." she replied.

"'s not quite like can believe what you want...but..." Blair began but was interrupted by Nate's curious inquiry.

"Hm...Blair...Is that Chuck's scarf you have wrapped around your head like a turban?"

"Well actually..." she flustered.

"I can answer that question...Of course it is...My initials C.B. are right there under that fold. And I must say this is quite the look, Blair Waldorf. I don't know what you are trying to prove, walking in here dressed like Gloria Swanson, putting on airs. I know you have a flair for the dramatic, but isn't this a bit much even for you?" Chuck smirked as he stalked around her like a tiger stalking its prey, a snide gleam in his eye.

Blair just stood there with one hand on her cocked hip, her other balancing her cigarette holder between two fingers and her thumb, as she stared him down with a squinting stare that easily matched his in cockiness. "Oh you think I'm dramatical. Interesting comment coming from the boy who owns this baby blue scarf in the first place!"

"Mm...yes...thank you for reminding me that is my I will take back what's rightfully mine...especially since you aborted what else was mine." he teasingly hissed as with a smirk, Chuck reached out and snatched the scarf right off of her head, gave it a whip-like flick, then wrapped it around the back of his neck.

Stunned, Blair stood there for a beat just staring at Chuck, but it took only a moment to react as she launched herself at him saying "It was not an abortion!...And you didn't just do that! Gimme it back!" as she tackled him, in an attempt to get the scarf back.

Surprised at Blair's sudden venom, Chuck lost his balance and they both ended up on the ballroom floor rolling around in a wrestling match nay catfight for the scarf, in front of everyone at the party, while wearing their best clothes. Being the stronger of the two, Chuck easily got the advantage, rolling them over so that he was on top with Blair pinned underneath him, a position he sometimes preferred when their wrestling matches were far less public.

Pinning her hands above her head as she panted beneath him, Chuck stared down at her with a slightly sinister, teasing glint in his eye, as he licked his lips and said "Ah so the cat has I knew already...but now everyone else knows your true nature as well. All this for my scarf? Or is it me you want instead?"

Feeling Chuck's body heavy and hard above her, realizing that wrestling was obviously one of the many things that turned him on, Blair just stared up at him and muttered "You basstard!"

"Mm...isn't that right?" he smirked at her before his luscious, fiery mouth descended on hers with all of the passion he had for her, and like the young woman she was, Blair couldn't resist as she met Chuck's kiss bite to bite. A Bass had been on the loose and he certainly was hungry as he attacked her mouth with nearly everything he had. Lost in their own little world of passion, Chuck and Blair forgot they were laying on the floor in the middle of a crowded party, until they heard Eleanor gasp out loud.

"Blair? What are you doing with Chuck Bass in the middle of my ballroom floor?" Eleanor gasped as she freaked out a bit.

Shocked back into her senses, Blair pushed Chuck off of her and said haughtily "I can't believe you accosted me like that!!" as she slapped his cheek, pushed him away, stood up, and made a dramatic exit, her gown trailing behind her as she climbed the stairs.

As Blair collapsed on her bed in a fit of tears, her friend Serena entered her room and sat down beside her on the bed, rubbing her back in an effort to comfort her from her woes as she let Blair cry it out. After a moment, Serena said calmly "Oh Blair...I'm sorry that Chuck was such an idiot to you down there...

"ASS...Chuck Bass was being a total ASS!" Blair moaned.

"Okay...but anyway, you were doing a decent job of scrapping with him yourself, I don't think Chuck is the only one to blame for what happened down there..." Serena chuckled aloud, then went on "...Although if you want to lay the blame on him, that's up to you. Anyway B, if you want to get out of here...we can go back to my family's new apartment, now that we've moved out of the hotel room we'd been in."

"Okay...that sounds good. Anything to get me out of here and away from that party crowd downstairs. I'm definitely game. Can we do cocktails and sundaes?" she asked.

"Sure...B." she laughed, then added "I like your haircut B...very interesting..."

"You think so? You don't think its too short?" she asked cautiously.

"No...though if you comb this part sort of look like Nate...or even Chuck..." Serena teased.

"WHAT? Serena!" Blair gasped as she tried to throw her hairbrush at her friend.

"I'm just kidding, B! Ha ha! I know, let's go and we'll have a styling party at my place. Come on, lets go, it'll be fun!" she laughed as she pulled her friend along.


The girls went to the new apartment that Serena's family had moved into and soon progressed into their slumber party of sorts, watching moves, making cocktails, eating gourmet ice cream, coffee, and desserts, then taking turns styling each other's hair. Serena was able to show Blair some ways to style her hair so that she looked as chic and gamine as possible, even in her nightgowns and such.

They were just sneaking into the living room to mix a few cocktails at the bar, when to Blair's surprise there was a young man who she didn't expect to see, standing in a robe and seemingly little else, mixing his own drink at the bar.

"Chuck? What are you doing here? Dressed in your robe? You weren't invited to this slumber party, if you didn't know." Blair piped up as she stared him in the eye.

"Ha ha...lovely to see you too, Blair! I didn't need an invitation to this little soirée, since I already live here now. My father, Bart, is marrying Lily Vander now Serena and I are one big family...aren't we now sis?" Chuck mused as he flashed them a cocky grin.

"Omigod, S! Is that true?" Blair gasped, turning to her best friend.

"I'm sorry to say, but it's true, B. Chuck's father is marrying my now that slime ball is my..." Serena paused.

"Call me brother! Although it's not yet it wouldn't be illegal if we..." he teased.

"Oh brother!" Blair sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah well close enough...I'm not going to risk it...because you're still no Adonis, Chuck Bass." Serena laughed.

"You don't want a piece of this? Your loss...because I know my body still holds appeal to some people. Right, Blair?" Chuck teased, as he opened up his robe to flash the girls and show that all he was wearing was a pair of jockey shorts underwear and nothing else. His body might hold little appeal to Serena, but when Blair got a peek of his nearly nude body she couldn't help but go weak in the knees...and wet she remembered all of the fun she'd had with Chuck and his body.

"Perhaps...but I'm going to stay strong and try to resist!" Blair huffed as she tried to exude a guise of strength even though she was melting inside as she realized that a nearly naked Chuck was so close to her now.

"Yeah right. Well...I'm off to beddie bye now. If anyone cares to join me, I'll be under the duvet." Chuck flippantly said as he sauntered off to bed, giving the girls one last look as he nonchalantly walked back to his bedroom, a drink in hand.

"Blair...where are you going? Come on, you can stay strong. Remember, you came here to my slumber party for a little girl time...not to sleep with Chuck Bass...okay." Serena teasingly admonished her friend, as she drew Blair back from where she'd started to follow after Chuck.

"Oh yes...stay strong! Yes I came here for your sleepover and a visit with you...not to...Oh I can't help it if my one true weakness comes in the form of a five foot nine inch, 140 pound, sneaky, sexy, boy who was briefly the father of my children...and can do remarkable things with his mouth and fingers and cock..." Blair babbled as she started to reminisce again, going into a daze of pleasant memories until Serena interrupted her.

"Okay B, that's enough...Ha ha I get that you think Chuck Bass is the best thing since free croissants from 3 Guys, but come on you can stay strong." she laughed.

"Warm croissants...with Nutella spread on them...Mm...Nutella spread...he he..." Blair seductively giggled as she suddenly remembered a time when she and Chuck had gotten creative with the Nutella spread one night when they ran out of chocolate body paint.

"Earth to Blair..."

"Uh sorry S...just remembered something...he he..." she paused then went on "All right, let's get those cocktails, then we can go back to our movie marathon...and to see who would be the best guy to ask to be your date to your mother's wedding. You know you've got to choose between Nate or Dan one of these days, Serena."

"I know...I know. How about if we draw straws or something?" she suggested.

"I don't know, Serena. I wouldn't mind going with Nate...but if I get stuck with Dork won't be pretty, let me tell you." she warned.

"Ha ha...I can just imagine, Blair." Serena laughed as they went back to her room with their drinks for the movie marathon.


Blair and Serena watched their movie marathon late into the night, ending with the original 1930s version of Love Affair staring Charles Boyer and Irene Dunne. Serena wasn't as into classic films as Blair was, but she went along with it because she liked classic stories too. Still, by the time that film had ended, Serena was fast asleep, leaving Blair still awake...and alone. Briefly she considered mixing another drink, but then she got other ideas, as she slipped out of the bedroom.

Walking stealthily down the hall, she soon made it to the door of another bedroom, and quietly opened the door to slip inside. Quickly she walked across the room until she stood at the side of the king sized bed in the center of the room against one wall. The lump on the far side indicated that it held a single occupant who appeared to be laying on his side facing away from her, a tuft of his dark hair sticking out from under the duvet, as he slept on. This was a good thing perhaps, although Blair was still nervously excited about going through with it.

Biding her nerves, she slipped off her gown and slipped into the bed, relaxing as she felt the cool, high thread count sheets caress her bare skin. She only lay there a moment it seemed, until Blair felt the bed shift slightly, and an arm snake out and grab her, pulling her into the middle of the bed, as a warm, male body suddenly rolled on top of her, seductively trapping her in place.

"Mm...who do I have in my bed tonight? Let me see if I can guess..." he seductively growled as he trapped her arms above her head and tied her wrists to a hidden hasp in the headboard so that she was trapped in his bed, seemingly defenseless. Then he kissed her neck, rubbed his body against hers, and traveled down her body with his hands and his mouth as he went down on her, making her moan in pleasure.

"Ah...yes...I deduce...that my partner in bed is my partner in crime...who loves to have a good time...Blair 'fucking' Bass...who's come back for more..." he growled angrily bemused.

"Bass?" she asked as she caught how he'd said her name.

"Yes...Bass...because that's what your surname will be...once I'm done with you..." he mused seductively.

"What? Are you asking me to marry you?" she joked.

" punishment." he mused.

"Punishment? For what? How would marrying your sorry ass be punishment?" she hissed as she bucked under him to try to fight him off, but only succeeded in turning them both on even more.

"For rejecting my heirs and me...I'll make you mine...and you can expectant to satisfy my urge...whenever...and wherever..." he growled as he seductively held her in place with himself.

"Really? What about Nate? What if he still wants me?" she inquired.

"You were never Nate's...Never have been...Never will be..." he replied.

"You won't end up with anybody." she countered.

"'ll end up...with you...and you'll end up with me!" he responded by bending down and kissing her, taking her in one swift motion that first silenced her, then made her moan in pleasure. Allowing that to be all the answer either would require, as their bodies melded into one swarthy, undulating blur of motion and heat. Chuck loved how he could make Blair succumb to his charms so easily, while Blair loved how acting coy and rubbing her naked body against his in mock protest could drive the young womanizer wild enough that he was spouting off proposals of marriage to her, at not yet seventeen years old. ('Hm...marriage to Chuck Bass...maybe that wouldn't be so bad after all? He's certainly great in bed, if a little rough." she pondered as she mentally succumbed as well.)

Chuck made love to her then, while she was tied to the bed keeping it slightly rough to make her 'pay'...but inwardly she loved. Blair didn't mind Chuck's heated, sexy body on top of hers as he grunted and perspired and had sex with her, but to be unable to run her hands along his back while being with him was torture. After awhile Chuck seemingly grew tired of having sex, after making them both cum several times, then rolled away from her to fall asleep...but thought she heard him sigh...or cry?

"Omigod...Chuck Bass is...crying? Ooh! I wanna...hold him...but I'm still tied to his bed! The basstard!" Blair thought as her inner monologue played in her head for a moment, until she spoke aloud, though only in a loud whisper. "Chuck...are you crying? Untie me so that I can...touch you!"

"No..." he sniffed. "You killed my selfish I took what you offered to relieve my ache and am leaving you there as punishment."

"I'M SELFISH? Chuck Bass, you're the cold hearted, selfish one! Tying me to your bed, having your way with me, then leaving me tied here while you roll over and cry! You're not only torturing me, you're torturing yourself as well. And furthermore, I'm not Bobbie Barrett!" she moaned and scolded as she tried to slip from her bonds.

"Who's Bobbie Barrett? I don't remember sleeping with her?" he mumbled.

"You didn't...because she was Don Draper's married lover on Mad Men, who eventually pissed him off so he tied her to a bed in a hotel room...and left her there!" she replied.

"Oh...but you still killed what was mine." he mumbled and sniffed.

"But I didn't! Oh Chuck, you basss...I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but I didn't get an abortion! The miscarriage just...happened! Maybe it was because of the fight between you and Seb Cat? Or maybe it was because the fetus was Siamese twins? Or maybe we'll never know...but still just because it happened doesn't mean I'd wanted it to! It was a painful experience for me too...physically and emotionally...yet you weren't there when it...happened." she frustratingly replied as she pulled at the knots.

"I'm sorry..." he mumbled quietly.

"Thanks...but can you help me by untying these bonds?" she asked, as he rolled over and swiftly untied her bonds, pulling the scarf away and pitching it across the dark bedroom, as he rolled over and tried to stifle his still morose mood.

Even though she wanted to pummel him for tying her up and calling her names, Blair couldn't help but feel bad for Chuck too because his actions were an obvious reaction to the pain he felt inside at the loss of what could have been their first child. Not only had she been hurting (albeit slightly relieved to some degree...was that wrong?) from the miscarriage, he had been too? Unbelievable! Despite still inwardly questioning how much he'd really wanted the responsibility of being a parent, Blair was still slightly shocked that even Chuck Bass must've wanted this child far more than she'd ever realized. Feeling upset herself, yet compassionate, Blair couldn't help but be drawn to comfort Chuck right then, as she rolled over to hold him, slipping her arms around his body from behind, rubbing his chest and belly as they both fell asleep with tears on their faces.

After awhile Blair woke up, unaware that she'd spent most of the night in bed with Chuck, which made her feel a little guilty, since she hadn't meant to her brief visit to be that long. Although after the moments they'd had last night, she didn't feel quite as guilty to still be in bed with Chuck. Yet, she'd come to the Vander Woodsen penthouse by request of Serena, who had only wanted to have a slumber party to make her feel better...but of course this wasn't the type of slumber party either had imagined, even if it did make her feel much better.

She was pondering the best way to slip out of Chuck's bed without disturbing him, an especially hard task given that his arm was wrapped around her, when he suddenly woke up and pulled her against him suddenly hard and ready to go with his morning erection.

"Mm...Chuck...I've gotta go...Serena..." she mumbled in protest.

"...Can wait...Right now you're in my my" he seductively mumbled.

"Oh really?" she asked skeptically.

"Yes...Rule number one...No talking..." he growled, his voice heavy with sleep, but his body still fully ready to give and receive pleasure as rolled himself on top of her and proceeded to a quick yet satisfying round of early morning sex that left them panting afterwards.

They lay together in the afterglow of their round as Blair looked over at Chuck and chuckled "Mm...this was fun exercise but now I'm unless you have something to eat in here...I'll have to go..."

" you're in my're not have to stay..." he protested as he tried to prevent her from leaving his bed.

"Chuck! You can't be can't leave me trapped in your bed!" she laughed, then added "What if I scream?"

"Oh you bet you will..." he replied.

"Chuck! All right then, were you serious about your whole marriage proposal last night? Because that's the only way I could stay in your bed..." she teased, although he suddenly gave her a strange look.

"I don't know?" he muttered sheepishly.

"So you were just horny and confused...I should've guessed. You are quite the boy, Chuck Bass. All I wanted was a simple 'I love you' but instead you're spouting off proposals of marriage, as a form of retribution? I don't know what to think anymore." she sighed. "What about last night? I never knew you wanted to be a father so badly, or is it still about impressing your father?" she asked, inquiringly.

"That...I can not say. Except that I don't want to be the last one in my I thought it was brilliant that I wouldn't have to be, and fate that you were the girl who was the mother." he admitted, cautiously.

"I sort of wondered. So you've wanted me to be the mother of your children? And your wife?" she asked skeptically.

"Perhaps..." he mumbled.

"So you were sincere? I should refuse you on the principle of being a pain in the ass...but ah you're so cute though...I don't want to leave you or your bed. Oh I wish we could make our own rules and live as we like...whatever that entails." she continued to sigh as she looked at Chuck with his cute little pouting scowl.

"Mm...You don't think we can?" he replied in a question that came out like a challenge, as he gave her an infamous, dangerously seductive stare.

"Well maybe someday...but now..." she replied, trying to stay strong, but Chuck Bass was such a dangerously seductive package, with his strong facial features, epic jawline, his strong brows, his seductive chocolate brown was terribly difficult to resist going for another round...and another...and forget that life existed outside of Chuck Bass and his king sized bed.

" said you had food, right, Chuck?" she nonchalantly asked.

"Mm...I'm all out of Bouillabaisse...but I do have some Nutella...although I'd have to order the croissants." he seductively commented.

"No need...we'll just play body spa...Would a body pack suit you?" she suggested, coyly.

"Of course..." he replied, devilishly bemused.

Blair went to work spreading the Nutella spread on her favorite parts of Chuck's body as he lay back and relaxed, glancing down at her with a look of seductive bemusement on his dark eyes. After finishing his pulse point body pack, Blair just couldn't resist the temptingly delicious boy that was Chuck Bass and proceeded to fling herself into his arms as she pushed him back on the bed to attack him with kisses and to lick off the hazelnut spread she'd rubbed on him...when Serena suddenly barged into the room, comically holding her eyes.

"Sorry to interrupt up the party Chuck, but I'm just looking for B...Oh there you are! Omigod...B! What are you doing to Chuck?" Serena gasped as she glanced at the pair.

"Playing edible spa...Care to join us? As you can see...there's plenty to go around when it comes to the Bassman!" Chuck seductively teased as both he and Blair glanced toward Serena.

"Thanks for the offer...but I'll take a rain check!" she replied sarcastically.

"Oh good! Then more for me! Oo...I think I missed a spot!" Blair chuckled as she leaned down and began to go down on Chuck to lick off the Nutella, but make him emit a painfully seductive whimper in the process, which he tried to stifle in vain by biting his lip and clutching his sheets. Blair just couldn't help but love how she could overpower Chuck Bass so easily, with a few playful bites and licks.

Serena stood there momentarily staring in disbelief, until she hesitatingly cleared her throat in interruption. "Well despite finding the sight of you nibbling Chuck's nuts to be interesting entertainment...I doubt my mother would agree. So you two better lay off before Lily comes back...or Bart."

Blair could sense Chuck was getting close because she was so attuned to his body...and because knew she was starting to come too, as she gripped his thighs and could feel and hear his panting breath, when she suddenly felt him change tempo and his erection begin to change a little for the worse, as the named 'Bart' penetrated through their passion induced haze. Not wanting to deal with a grumpy, dissatisfied Chuck Bass (or herself for that matter) she began to knead his thighs with her hands, rub his stomach, and do almost anything to get him turned on again...deciding in the end on a double blowjob...climbing around to present her backside to him so that he could eat her out, while she ate him.

Even with her past experience with men, Serena still couldn't believe she was a first hand witness to Chuck and Blair's pornographic routine, as she soon left the room in a series of gasps and "Omigods!" as she ran out into the hall and met up with her two favorite boys Dan and Nate, who had both come to see her and asked about the pair getting down and dirty in Chuck's bedroom.

"Hi Serena...I came here looking for Chuck...He asked me to critique his homework...although when he said 'critique' he meant 'write' by threat of being I just thought I'd give it to him...Also if we could talk, Serena..." Dan said as he stared longingly at Serena.

"Chuck's busy right I'll make sure he gets that...I though would love to both of you as a matter of fact." Serena breezed as she slid the paper into a folder and left it on the counter as she led the boys to the living room to chat.

Chuck and Blair meanwhile finished up their latest sexual encounter, collapsing in a panting heap, as he playfully smacked her ass and teased her about what they'd just done. "Mm...That was quite the snack. Blair Waldorf pie...I haven't had that for awhile. It was delicious...until you let one rip in my face."

"I didn't pass gas in your face Chuck. That is so gross!" she chided.

"Queef then?" he mused.

"What?'re disgusting! You probably burped and thought it was me!" she scolded, playfully smacking at him.

"Perhaps. Although you chewed on me, I felt it." he retorted.

"You don't like that anymore?" she playfully mused, as he chuckled and replied "Touche!"

"Well I'm going to take a shower. Care to join me?" she mused as she climbed out of bed and sauntered over to the bathroom.

"Do you think I should?" he replied, cocking a brow her direction.

"If you want to wash off the rest of that stuff I spread on you, you should. I'll make sure to give you a thorough scrub down in the meantime." she coyly replied.

"Mm...sounds better every second." he mused as he climbed out of bed and followed her into the bath, where they proceeded to do just that.

After the bath, they dressed, then joined Serena, Dan, and Nate in the living room, where the other three were discussing their plans for the weekend, with Serena holding court over both boys, trying to determine which was the better candidate. Blair thought that Serena's chances were about even with both guys, so she decided to devise a plan with Chuck to help them with their make sure that the trio would have a lot of fun on their way or another.

As they were sitting off to the side, Chuck whispered to Blair. "So who do you think will win Serena's attention in this little tet a tet?"

"I think they're evenly stacked, although I believe Nate has a bit of an advantage...being from the Upper East Side and all." she replied.

" to make a wager?" he questioned.

"Maybe. What's at stake?" she pondered.

"A grand...and a reservation at The Lion." he proposed.

"All're on. But let's make it interesting and spy on the dates in the meantime." she countered.

"All right...may the best man win." he replied.

"Or woman!" she replied with a handshake.


A few days later, Chuck discovered where the dates would be and went around to pick up Blair in his limousine, even though she thought it was a bit of an extravagance, she liked it. The first date was Nate and Serena's, which Blair thought would be easy, since it was starting off at the Country Club, where the two blondes started their date off playing tennis on indoor the courts. Blair was tempted to join them for a game of mixed doubles, but Chuck had a better idea and set themselves up on another nearby court, and unbeknown to Blair, set up a pair of good looking male and female actors to go up to ask to play mixed doubles tennis with Nate and Serena and act as a potential distraction for the pair.

As Blair and Chuck watched on, Chuck's distraction technique began to work as their friends began to slightly lose attention of each other...and began to become jealous of the attention the other was paying to the other people.

"Oh this is unfair! Their date is being ruined because they keep getting distracted by the other couple who asked them to play mixed doubles tennis with them. I think that other woman is making Serena jealous at Nate, and thus ruining her date. We should've just played tennis with them ourselves." Blair moaned as she spied them through a window in the hall of the Country Club.

"Wouldn't that have been an unfair advantage to you? Anyway, from the looks of it, Serena seems to be holding her own...though not with Nate...which makes our bargain..." Chuck slyly mused.

"I will prevail, Chuck Bass, even if I have to break up that genetically blessed foursome myself!" she proclaimed.

"Ah...but didn't you say no interfering?" he replied.

"We'll see about that." she replied, mischievously.

The date progressed on, and Blair was able to get her advantage by sneaking over to where the anonymous couple had their gear, and hid most of the tennis balls except one that she spread ragweed pollen she knew Nate was allergic to on it, then tossed it out on the court so that the others would think that it was their tennis ball. As soon as Nate began to sneeze in a fit, Serena went over and comforted him, while the other couple dismissed themselves.

Delightfully, Blair pointed out to Chuck the turn of events and laughed. "See! Serena's now turning to help Nate in his time of need. I am so going to win this bet, Chuck."

"We shall see, lover. We shall see." he replied.

The blonder pair then headed out to dinner at Le Cirque, where they were met by their parents for a connubial dinner for the club that both of their mothers belonged to. Apparently at one point Lily and Anne had gone to school together, so they were chatting it up, having a fine time as their children sat side by side at the table, holding hands and then some.

Chuck and Blair sat off to the side, hiding behind a large potted fern and their menus, as they watched their friends dine. For awhile everything went as according to usual, being somewhat boring so that Chuck started to mess around with Blair under the table, much to her annoyance.

"Chuck, we're here to watch Nate and Serena's date...not to mess around! Get it?" she scolded.

"Aw...I just wanted to have a little still remember that don't you?" he mused.

"Oh of course but..." she replied.

"Hm...I know, speaking of fun, how about this. The service here could be better, wouldn't you agree?" he asked.

"Oh but of course!"

"Well then, I aim to improve it. I'll bet you fifty that I can seat that couple who just arrived, guess their order, make sure our dinner arrives on time, and not be kicked out in less than fifteen minutes." he challenged.

"You, play waiter? I'd love to see that one! You wouldn't last two minutes." she skeptically replied.

"Not waiter, maitre' d...there is a bit of a difference. All right, if you agree to the challenge, then we're on." he winked as he slid out of his chair and sauntered over to where the middle aged couple were still waiting to be seated.

With the easy charm and confidence that he naturally possessed in public, Chuck was swiftly able to convince the couple that he was the new maitre'd at the Country Club's restaurant, as he seated them at one of the best tables, then went on to order the wait staff around as if he owned the place. He was even sneaky in that he slyly ordered shrimp to be included in the main course to be served to Serena Vander Woodsen, knowing full well that she was allergic to it. Serena having an allergic reaction over dinner would certainly ruin her date, thus giving him an advantage in his bet with Blair. He could almost taste the lobster dinner he planned to order when he won the bet.

Blair was slightly astonished that Chuck was able to handle the role of maitre'd so easily and with such aplomb that she was dually impressed and slightly suspicious. She found it slightly unusual that a boy most thought of as lazy and pampered would be able to trick most of the Country Club's staff into believing that he was now in command of them. She had to hand it to him, though, he was pretty good at convincing people he was boss...and he certainly didn't look bad doing it either. Sadly, she could feel the fifty bucks she'd bet Chuck slipping through her fingers now.

When he arrived back at the table and sat down, just as their meal arrived, Chuck gave a smirk as Blair scrunched up her face in bemusement, as he asked "So how did I do? Make it on time?"

"Fifteen minutes on the dot. Two couples seated, orders taken, two waiters admonished for a dress code violation, a trip to the kitchen, and back at our table in record time. I think you even had the opportunity to flirt with one of the waitresses. I must admit that I'm impressed. You were so was as if you had done it before. So have you?" she commented slyly.

"Who am I to say, but I'm Chuck Bass..." he slyly replied.

"Oh yeah, that's your answer to everything. 'Ooh I'm Chuck Bass.'" she sarcastically teased. "Come on Chuck, confess...or I'll reveal one of your deepest, darkest secrets to Gossip Girl."

"You wouldn't dare!" he growled.

"Oh but I do!" she laughed as he pouted.

"Hm...if you must know the know I've grown up around hotels all my life. Well to alleviate boredom, sometimes when no one else was around I'd go down to the kitchen and boss everyone around, make them do my bidding...even mimicking the maitre' was amusing lets say." he slyly admitted. "And made me consider going into the restaurant business myself, as owner of course."

"So is that how you treat your staff at Victrola?" she pondered.

"More or less...though there I'm more concerned about how the female employees treat my you know what I mean?" he mused coyly.

"Oh you are a sexist pig Chuck Bass!" she gasped.

"Oink oink..." he teased.

"Mm...that sound familiar. Just like the last time we...had sex..." she commented, her voice trailing off.

"I do not grunt when I fuck!" he snapped.

"Oh yes you little Bassian piggy...Trouble isn't the only thing you sniff out with that nose of your's either." she teased as he just glowered at her.

It was then as they started to eat and Blair teased Chuck about being a pig again as he ate his food, when suddenly something seemed to be ary with Nate and Serena's date as she suddenly noticed her friend begin to seemingly choke on the main course she'd been served. Blair gasped and was about to rush over to help then, but Chuck held her back with a look, and Nate, the ever knight in shining Armani got up and came to Serena's aid, administering the Heimlich Maneuver to her as she was then able to catch her breath and recover.

"Chuck, did you see that? Serena nearly choked on that seafood platter someone had given her! She shouldn't have even had that to eat since she's allergic to shellfish! You should have caught that when you were playing maitre'd a few moments ago, Chuck!" Blair gasped as she became excited with the drama and concerned for her friend.

"Oh I know she's allergic to shellfish. I still remember what happened at the seafood bar during my fourteenth birthday. Interesting times indeed!" he mused aloud.

"What? You knew about it? Chuck! Serena could've gone into anaphylaxic shock or something! Sheez!" Blair upbraided him.

"But she didn't. Still I wonder how she'd rate this date? Probably not a perfect 10 I would think." he mused.

"Oo're swimming in shallow water there! We still have one more date...then we'll see who wins the bet." she fumed schemingly.


A few days later, was Serena's second date, this time with Dan. Serena had ten a few days to recuperate from her date with Nate, which had seemingly been wrought with issues, even if she'd still had fun in the end because Nate Archibald was always fun to hang out with and definitely a hottie. Dan though had his own ideas fore a date, which he hoped would impress Serena, since it appeared that she had turned her love life into a contest of the fittest, which he thought was ridiculous...but if he had to play that game, he'd play it. Little did any of them realize that their actions would be shadowed by a conniving pair with an agenda of their own.

"A beat poet pub crawl? What do they think this is, Greenwich Village circa 1965?" Blair skeptically exclaimed in response to what Chuck had told her.

"I have it on good authority that is what Humphrey's date with Serena will consist least in part." he replied bemused.

"Oh really? Well I'm sure S will have 'oodles of fun' jumping from dive bar to coffee house or wherever those poetry readings are held at. She probably won't last a minute. I know I wouldn't!" she haughtily replied.

"So do you agree to concede on our bet?" he replied.

"Concede on our bet? Oh no, I'm still going to win this bet, Bass...even if I have to crawl through every smoky cafe from here to the Village." she challenged.

"Hm...all right...although the image of you crawling to me through a smoky cafe certainly holds an appeal as little kitten." he teased, his voice a seductive growl.

"Mm...get your mind out of the gutter Bass...although perhaps we can save that for later..." she mused back in retort.

The time came for the start of the date, where Serena met Dan outside of a basement cafe in the Village and followed him inside. Blair arrived a few minutes later, dressed mostly in a tight black outfit, a beret, and retro shades in an effort to look classically beatnik and she hoped inconspicuous. She slid into a side table over in the corner, the perfect place to observe without being noticed. She opened up a packet of cigarettes and took one out to put in her cigarette holder mainly for effect, but was soon approached by a character who held out an engraved lighter to her.

"Need a light madame?"

"Hm...I don't make it a habit of talking to strange men, but perhaps I'll make an exception with you." she mused as she glanced at him out of the corner of her cat eyed painted doe eyes.

"Ah yes indeed...Audrey a'la Tiffany Funny Face...interesting combination." he mused as he lit what she offered, then slid into the chair next to her's.

"Yes...I just thought I'd mimic the classics...And speaking of classics, that's quite the look. What are you doing dressed like Toulouse Lautrec, Chuck Bass? You didn't need to go that classic." she pondered.

"All the more to be inconspicuous my dear. Let's just say I'm here for the inspiration. Perhaps I'll sketch the girls on stage...or perhaps I'll sketch you?" he mused.

"Girls on stage? This isn't Victrola, Chuck. So far they've only had this lame comedian and now they're going to start with the poets. This should be a bore." she replied sarcastically.

" never know. Well then, if no dancing girls...then perhaps I will sketch you...naked on my all your glory.." he seductively mused.

"Seriously? Well then I'll have to do one of you. That would be interesting." she replied, teasingly.

"Ha're on!" he mused as they sat back and listened to the poetry that both thought was pretty lame.

Despite the lame poetry, Serena and Dan seemed to be having a good time, much to Blair's chagrin, since she wanted to win the bet against Chuck concerning the dates, so she decided to take matters into her own hands and begin to scribble one of the dirty limericks Chuck would sometimes quote when they were together. Whether they were phrases he thought up on his own or the result of too many visits to the Irish pub she knew he frequented on the sly, thinking that she was unaware of (but she was), Blair didn't know...but it did give her an intriguing idea as well.

She jotted down one of her favorite and most dirty onto a piece of paper, then feigning that she had to go to the restroom, Blair sneaked into the back and noticed that the list of poets those work was to be read aloud that night included something by Dan Humphrey, along with the copy of a poem he was going to recite. Seeing that it was a piece of drivel meant to flatter Serena, Blair slipped the lines of her limerick in between the pages to be read. "This will be quite the interesting experience for Serena, once this work of literature was read aloud in public." Blair thought deviously, as she slipped back into the chair beside Chuck, acting as if nothing was amiss.

Soon it was time for Dan's poem to be read aloud by one of the cafe's employees, as the guy took the stage and Serena and Dan seemed to settle in, getting cozier as they slid closer together in their seats to listen. Blair just stared at them slyly, knowing full well their cozy moment would be interrupted once the additional page of the poem was read. The reader began in a dramatic, faux theatrical voice as he began reading the poem as if it was a great piece of literature (which it wasn't) although Serena still seemed flattered over it.

Finally after a page of the original stanzas, the reader came to the page with the limerick, which made many in the crowd chuckle, but from where they were sitting, Blair and Chuck noticed that their targeted couple was looking slightly uncomfortable indeed. When Blair pulled out her opera glasses for a closer look, she noticed Dan seemingly mouthing the words "But I didn't write that!" to a slightly pissed Serena, much to Blair's greedy joy as she thought "Ha no he didn't! Those stanzas are courtesy of Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass...thank you very much! He he..." with sneaky glee.

Chuck noticed the poem as soon as he heard it and slyly chuckled aloud "Hm...I know I've heard that before...and I'm impressed...Dan Humphrey's stolen a line from O'Shanghnassy's pub...I didn't think he had it in him...Of course if certain people knew a Brooklyn hipster was stealing their limericks..." then started to text someone he knew as Blair glanced his way.

"What did you say Chuck? Something about poetry? Yes I would say that if that was some of Humphrey's is far more colorful than I'd ever imagined! Poor S! Her date's not quite turning out to be everything she thought he'd be, I'd imagine." Blair mused aloud, then noticed Chuck and added "Hm..who are you texting Chuck? Are you going to inform Gossip Girl of this literary debacle?"

"No...not quite. Just taking care of business...let's say..." he nonchalantly replied.

"Oh all right, then I'll tell Gossip Girl the scoop on this one..." she laughed as she typed out her message to Gossip Girl.

Dan and Serena soon began to leave the cafe, grabbing their coats as they made their way out, prompting Chuck and Blair to make a quick exit as well. The one pair stealthily followed the other from one cafe or club to another, which seemed to get dingier as they went, much to Blair's disgust. As they made their way from one locale to the next, Dan and Serena were soon being followed by a pair of toughs, one which had the Notre Dame 'Fighting Irish' mascot tattooed on the back of his neck. These men's presence soon became present to Blair who had a keen eye for noticing people, just like Chuck. Thus she inquiringly asked him "Chuck do you see those two men? The guy with the Red Socks cap and the other with the Notre Dame tattoo? They've been trailing D & S for two clubs now...I wonder what they want? Though surely someone from Notre Dame wouldn't..."

"I know them...and they have their reasons for following them. I don't think either ever attended Notre Dame." he mused.

"Oh...okay." she replied as they continued to observe Serena's date with Dan, until it seemed like it had reached it's least for C & B, who soon left, just as a blast came out over Gossip Girl.

'Spotted: D & S at a poetry reading at Cafe Blue. From the sound of it, D certainly had some interesting things to say about S and her body. His foray into Irish limericks seems to have sparked the interest of a select few even from the outer boroughs...'

"Hm...interesting but vague. It looks like Serena's date was I guess I win!" Blair laughed slyly.

"Mm...we'll tally it up tomorrow and see how it goes." he replied slyly as well.


The next day, Chuck and Blair both went together to question Serena about her two dates, asking which one she preferred best.

"Oh my dates were both so interesting, you two! I went with Nate to the Country Club where we played tennis in the indoor courts until Nate developed a case of hay fever, poor baby! Then we ate dinner in the restaurant and somehow I accidentally ate a shrimp salad and had to go to the infirmary...but Nate was such a trooper! He was there for me the whole time, like a Knight In Shining Armor! And he even bought me two dozen roses and took me to Serendipity for frozen hot chocolate! Then I went on my date with Dan and had so much fun! We went to all of these weird poetry readings and there was one point where Dan's poem to me became a bit embarrassing...but we got over that after the McRay brothers kept following us...then we had to escape through a back alley and up a fire escape...and Dan was so brave, protecting me from those we were two fugitives on the run...Honestly I can't say which date was better because I loved them both!" Serena enthused.

"So which boy did you pick to be your boyfriend?" Blair asked.

"I...don't know? It is sooo hard to decide...because I love them both!" Serena giggled as she then added. "I'll let you know when I make up my mind! Oo I've gotta run! See ya later, you two!"

"So I guess we're back to square one, and no one won." Blair sighed frustratingly.

"Or we both did...which means..." Chuck began.

"Dutch at the Lion and..." Blair added.

"I get to paint you..." he quipped.

"...and I get to paint you." she concluded speculatively.

So later that even, Chuck and Blair went to The Lion and ordered lobsters thermador, grilled sea bass, creamed spinach, and a crème brulee, with each paying for the other's meal. Afterwards they went to the cocktail bar at the Palace Hotel for a late cocktail...which then led to a trip to the Bass Family Suite at the Palace Hotel, where Chuck had arranged to have art supplies there for their little multi-media duel.

Realizing that Chuck was seemingly serious about painting her in the nude, Blair stripped down for him and lounged on the couch, feeling much like Rose from Titanic, laying there exposed to the greedy eyes of Chuck Bass.

"All right, is this good? I can't believe I'm doing this for you or that you have any talent, but a deal is a deal." she sighed, propping on her palm as she bent her elbow and planted it into the sofa, staring at Chuck with an aloof manner.

"Indeed...and don't be embarrassed because we've seen each other naked before." he said, his voice a silky drawl.

"Yes...but how would you know I might be embarrassed?" she quipped.

"Because of the blush you're sporting...and not only on your face." he mused.

"Oh you bass..." she hissed, throwing a pillow at him.

"Yes..." he drawled.

"Uff...well if I have to be naked, then so should you! It was part of our deal, if you must remember." she challenged him.

"Oh...but of course..." he said as he removed his robe and stood in front of her, naked. "There is this satisfactory?" he asked, turning around in a circle, giving her a full view of his nude body in all of it's Bassian glory, before he sat down.

As always, the sight of Chuck's naked body had its affect on Blair. Oh he might not frequent a gym very often so he didn't have washboard abs or bulging biceps, but the site of his naked body that was lean in some places, and a little soft in others, yet covered in an reasonable about of body hair, and was definitely all man already...was so cute...and was definitely a turn on to her. She almost started to pant as she caught the slight whiff of his musky, male scent, and began to remember how good it felt when he held her against his body while they... "Omigod I'm going crazy! Thinking about Chuck Bass and his cute, sexy body...and sex...and...I've got to control myself!" Blair mentally chastised herself as she gazed at Chuck.

"Ah..y-yes...satisfactory enough. You better sit down before you put an eye out with that thing." she nonchalantly scolded him as she glanced away from the part of his body she'd just noticed.

"Oh yes indeed!" he chuckled as he glanced down at himself, giving it a quick stroke before sitting down. "You see what you do to me...though I'm nowhere near your eyes."

"I didn't mean that...I mean your drawing pencil! You should quit waving that around so much! You might break off the lead or poke out someone's eye!" she sighed.

"Oh? Somehow I don't believe you. You should know I have plenty of lead in my pencil...and I'll prove it to you later." he seductively teased.

"Ha funny I forgot to laugh." she sarcastically chuckled, as he blew her a fake kiss and got to work.

Lounging on the sofa, posing for Chuck Bass, who sat across the room from her, sitting equally nude in a club chair, as he studied and seemingly sketched her nude form, was quite the experience for her. Blair never felt so utterly exposed in her life, as she glanced around the room, then back at Chuck's eyes as he studied her, then back at the paper. Back and forth, squinting at times, his eyes flew as he glanced at the paper, then at her, licking his lip in the process. Blair began to become self conscious until she couldn't take it anymore, wild thoughts and nerves mingling together until after nearly fifteen or twenty minutes she just had to interrupt.

" are you coming along, Chuck? I want to see!" she exclaimed as he continued to draw.

"I'm not done yet..." he mused as he scribbled on.

"Aw come on, I want to see. Anyway, I'm getting bored and a little bit stiff in this position." she yawned.

"All right then, I know the perfect way to help you loosen up. Take your right hand there and move it lower...lower...lower...all right good. Now take your index and middle fingers and slip them between your thighs..." he instructed, his voice a silky, seductive draw.

Blair started to follow his instructions until she realized what he was having her do, causing her to gasp indignantly. "Chuck Bass, I am not going to masturbate in front of you, especially while you're drawing a picture of me. Thank you very much!"

"Oh...but why? You said you wanted to loosen up...and what about the champagne bottle incident?" he mused.

"I was drunk and horny...and a complete idiot, I realize now. So I decided to turn over a new leaf!" she haughtily proclaimed.

"Aw...that's too bad...and speaking of horny..." he teased, igniting her ire such that she got up from the sofa and ran over to him and grabbed his sketch pad from his hands, while he laughed and gave himself a teasing stroke to his cock.

"What? Is this all the better you can do? This looks like just a bunch of scribbles or something!" she fumed as she glanced at Chuck's drawing and doodles.

"Hey I never said I was Renior or Manet!" he continued to chuckle.

"Clearly! More like Pablo Picasso...if even that! Here, I'll draw you!" she suggested as she tried to sketch a picture of Chuck sitting nude in a chair. Even if her effort was better better than Chuck's, after a few minutes, Blair realized that she wasn't much of an artist least with drawing. Instead, she whipped out her cellphone with its built it camera and took several photographs of Chuck, smiling, scowling, contemplative, and occasionally rockstar-like. Not all of the photographs were perfect, but some were pretty interesting and rather epic, giving her happy chills.

Chuck suddenly realized she had taken several photographs of him, and then wanted to see them for himself. " Let me see, my little Annie Liebowitz..." he requested, holding out his hand.

"Aw are you sure? In some of them you do look like a rockstar! But in look so silly!" she giggled, holding her phone to herself.

"Chuck Bass is not silly!" he scowled.

"Ha ha...oh yes he is! Especially while he's attempting to grit his teeth in anger!" she laughed, causing him to jump out of his chair and chase after her as she skipped away to the bed. They soon commenced into a wrestling match for the phone on the bed, but they soon realized that they were both naked, so they naturally progressed to making out and then some. They teased each other with their bodies, but before they progressed to intercourse, Chuck pulled away for a condom and attached the camera above the bed, though Blair didn't realize it.

The two soon progressed on to full on love making, uniting their young bodies the best way that knew how, reveled in the state of satisfaction they always felt when they were together. Blair loved the feeling Chuck gave her when he filled her up with his body and his presence, filling her up emotionally as well as physically, even if he wasn't one to share his feelings very much. Even if the emotional was not quite even with the physical, at least on Chuck's side, the physical he gave more than made up for it. Just feeling his pulsating length inside of her, hitting her G spot, was more than enough to send the both of them to a blissful orgasmic oblivion for a few minutes at least.

To Chuck, being with Blair just felt right. She caused more than butterflies to flutter, but instead an emotion he figured must be love to bubble up inside of him...and the more that he was with her, the more he wanted to admit it. Still the physical outweighed the emotional often too since physical pleasure always came first. To him, Blair was like the friend he never had, the other half of a whole, and the lock to fit his throbbing key. Even to a young man as experienced as Chuck Bass, the feeling of being inside Blair Waldorf and feeling her body pulsate around him as he so obviously gave her pleasure was enough to send him over the edge too, as he began to come.

Blair was just starting to come down from her orgasmic high, realizing then that Chuck was still a bit momentarily behind her. She clung to him as she made the sudden realization that sex could be reduced down to a series of sounds. The sound of the mattress creaking, Chuck's heavy breathing, the little grunts and sighs they both involuntarily made, skin rubbing against skin, and the tiny squeak of latex from the condom Chuck wore as he thrust in and out of her. Despite the physical, slightly unromantic quality of it all, Blair couldn't help but still feel love for Chuck Bass. Being with someone wasn't all chocolates and wines and Vivaldi and perfumed candles, and the perfection of climaxing simultaneously, but instead was grunting, groaning, musky body odors, and waiting for your partner to come a few moments after yourself...but still loving him fiercely despite it all...or perhaps because of it all.

This realization struck Blair suddenly that she still could feel so much love for Chuck despite the situation not being absolutely perfect. It made her realize too that perhaps she was growing up more than a little bit. She pondered on this as Chuck reached his climax with a resounding gasp, then collapsed on top of her, before mumbling an apology and rolling them onto their sides to face each other still connected. Still panting, trying to catch his breath, he pressed his sweaty forehead to her's and while lazily running a hand down her back and around her bare butt, he mumbled something that Blair insisted he repeat.

"Chuck Bass...what did you just say?" she asked anxiously, brushing a lock of hair out of his eyes.

"I love" he mumbled then tilted his face to hers and repeated "I love you."

"You do? You love me? Did you mean it? It's not just because we just...had sex is it?" she asked cautiously.

"No...I meant it...with all my heart...I love you..." he said as he stared her right in the eye to try to read her reaction to his declaration and learn if she still felt the same way.

"Oh I love you too, Chuck. So much! I'm just glad you've admitted how you feel too." she enthused as she caressed him too, running her hands down his body as well to touch her man.

"Yeah...well I hope it doesn't make me seem weak that I could love someone." he shyly admitted.

"'re not weak. Admitting that you are capable of love makes you strong...and sexy." she mused as she playfully pinched at him.

"Oh really? Mm...I think that could give me a second wind!" he teased as he flexed his hips for a quick thrust causing her to laugh hoarsely.

They proceeded on to have a quick round together, before collapsing together and nestling in a tangle as Chuck sleepily declared "Mm...just where I want you...Ha...perhaps someday I'll make you my wife...though a life with me probably won't be easy." to which she replied "Mm...the best things in life never are...I know I can rely on you to give me a 'hard' time...but I wouldn't want it any other way, my love." as they both fell asleep.


'It looks like our perfectly imperfect pair have found the perfect way to get into MoMa (the Metropolitan Museum of Art). Who knew artistic sensuality was making a comeback in photography?

-xoxo Gossip Girl'

The Gossip Girl blast declared as it was accompanied by a slightly sensual, yet epically artistic b & w photograph of Chuck and Blair laying side by side, leg over hip, bodies still connected, as they stared intently at each other. The camera having captured them in the moment they'd admitted their mutual love, preserving it for anyone who cared to see. How it ended up at MoMa and on Gossip Girl is a secret I'll never tell...;)