Thanks for the idea svenjen.. ;-)


It was the Spring of 2006, and Chuck Bass was turning 15 and because of that he had invited his old friends to spend the weekend hanging out at his suite in the Palace Hotel. It had actually started out as a lost weekend, where he had mostly invited Nate and some of his new party-hungry friends, but somehow via Nate, Blair and Serena had wheedled a way into the party...however Nate was unable to attend it the first night, so Blair and Serena had spent the night on the sofa in Chuck's suite after the party.

Feigning their old 'Non-Judging Breakfast Club' childhood pact, Chuck, Blair, and Serena just kept it as friends...albeit friends with benefits, sort of.

Blair, who was still a virgin, was insanely curious about sex, and thus was contemplating about giving Nate his first bj, wanting it to be perfect. Serena had laughed and told her that nobody's first time is perfect, so Nate shouldn't be surprised if her skills were a little weak.

"I am NOT weak! I won't let anyone think that I'm weak! I...uh...just need a little practice!" Blair declared, from her seat on the sofa.

"...Hmm, yes practice...but how?" Serena admitted.

"Maybe we can use something in this suite? Like a banana?" Blair suggested.

"You already tried that, remember when we ate banana splits and made chocolate covered bananas at Kati's slumber party? Been there, done that. No B, you need the real's totally different, believe me." Serena pondered.

"Girls, girls if you're looking for the real thing, all you have to do is ask..." Chuck seductively teased from the bar from where he'd poured himself a drink.

"All right, S. You've had more experience. You show me how it's done...with Chuck...and I'll watch." Blair teased.

"You want me to demonstrate...on him? He's slimy!" Serena gasped, slightly disgusted.

"Look in the mirror yourself, S!" Chuck teased.

"I bet you won't do it!" Blair challenged her friend, thinking her friend would never take it.

"Oh you two! I'm not touching Chuck Bass! Blair, you're the one who wants to learn, so you should be the one to have a go. I'll give you pointers and tell you what to do. It'll be strictly professional." Serena sighed.

"Oh yes, strictly professional. I won't feel a thing. But first I have to get ready." Chuck admitted as he stripped off his pajama top and started to pull down his pajama pants, until he kicked them off. "So girls, this is the male body. If you haven't seen it before, its about time you did." he said as walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down, giving them a sly smirk.

"Ha ha Chuck Bass, you're just a 15 year old boy, no body Adonis! I've seen better muscles on most of the boys on St. Judes' lacrosse team!" Serena laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh I bet you have, haven't you, slut? Well I'm man enough for most girls, wouldn't you agree, Blair?" Chuck laughed as he stared her in the eye.

Blair, who'd seen Chuck in various states of undress before, being a long time friend and all, just stared. It had been a few months since she'd last seen him that undressed though, and in those few months, his slender frame had just started to fill out a bit more, with the sprinkling of dark hair that was just starting to grow on his chest and various parts of his body which made him all the more appealing in a slightly dangerous way. To Blair, Chuck's body didn't look so bad at all, even if his stomach was already going a little soft...but it was his love trail of dusky dark brown hair, from just above his navel downward that made it look all the more cute. ('Cute? This was Chuck Bass, junior womanizer. He wasn't supposed to be cute, he was supposed to be dangerous.' she mentally dismissed.)

"Uh yeah...uh all right you two, what do we do to perform this demonstration." Blair said with a nervous gulp, feeling herself go a little warm, and surprised that her friends were actually going to help her go through with it.

"Why don't you put on these rubber gloves first, B. That way we can keep it strictly professional. All right, this is how its done. You grasp him like so and just move your hand up and down like this...until its ready...It's sort of like milking a cow, or so I've heard." Serena said as she and Blair sat on the foot of the bed, beside his legs, and handed a pair of rubber gloves to Blair, and began to demonstrate with her hands in mid-air how to do it, keeping it all business-like.

"Milking a cow? You must be daft! Anyway Serena, I always knew your experience with men would be put to good use someday! I could hook you up with these two girls I know who could teach you where to go to make a little money on the side." Chuck laughed, amazingly keeping his composure as leaned back on his elbows and watched Serena's mid-air demonstration.

Ignoring Chuck's comments, Serena demonstrated another moment, until she said "Blair do you see what I'm doing?"

"Yes I think so." Blair cautiously said as she watched Serena, then glanced at Chuck.

"With those gloves on...I know B, let's have a little fun with playing doctor, and having Chuck as your patient. Slip two fingers under his sack and tell him to turn his head and cough!" Serena teased.

"Uh...okay S..." Blair said as she reached to slip her gloved fingers under him, but was interrupted by Chuck's pathetic gasp.

"I'm too young for a prostate exam!" Chuck bellowed.

"Ha ha, Sorry about that, Chuckles! But it's only fair after the comment you made. Uh you don't have to do that Blair, if you don't want to." Serena laughed.

"Uh okay, but what do you want me to do?" Blair asked, slightly frustrated.

"Just take him in your hands and go up and down, like I told you." Serena sighed.

Still a little perplexed, Blair stared down at Chuck and gingerly lifting him up, she asked with a perplexed expression on her face, as she examined his member like they'd had their dead frogs in Biology class. "Why does the end of it look...different?"

"See B, Chuck's an 'un.' That's a surprise." Serena laughed with a cough.

"An 'un'? What's that?" Blair asked.

" just means he never had a bris..." Serena explained.

"Damn straight!" Chuck barked.

"So you have a bit extra to work with...right here. You just push it back with your thumb until you get to the real tip." Serena sighed, ignoring his comment as she explained to her what to do.

" that why he looks different?" Blair asked curiously.

"Yes. You don't see that on many boys any more. Most are circumcised as babies." Serena laughed.

"That's interesting that he has" Blair gasped.

"All the more to pleasure me with, my dear." Chuck seductively teased.

As she tried to hold him in her hands, she realized the gloves were slightly too big for her small hands, making it difficult to grasp him, so she commented, "Oh it's difficult to do anything with these gloves on! He's sort of slippery. Can...I try it without? I said I didn't want to be weak!" Blair squeaked as she stared down at Chuck's most private part.

"Slippery? Hey I'm Chuck Bass for a reason." he teased.

"Uh...Sure B, if you want to to, be my guest. Remember it's Chuck we're talking about." Serena laughed as she watched Blair release him and remove the gloves, surprised her friends were going to go through with this.

Blair stared at it a moment suddenly nervous. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, so that it flowed across Chuck's body, until he commanded her with a nervous but slightly seductive edge to his voice "Why don't you come to me, Blair? I don't have all day." as he stared at her with hooded eyes.

Gingerly, Blair took him into her bare hands and began to gently stroke him, as Serena had told her she should, up and down. Not wearing the gloves, she could feel him so much better, as the part of him she was grasping, suddenly came alive in her hands. Chuck was bigger than she realized, as she felt his pulsating strength in her hands, his skin smoother and more silky than she ever thought he'd be. She ran a finger up and down along a pulsating vein, almost feeling the blood flow through it, just under his skin as she glanced up at Chuck who wore a pained, yet luxuriant expression on his face. She was reveling in the power she felt as she gave him pleasure, and heard him bite his lip and suck his breath between his teeth, in a vain attempt to control himself.

Blair then turned to Serena and asked "So how am I doing?"

"So good so far..." Serena said a little nervously.

" what do I do next?" Blair asked as she stared down at the object she held.

"Do what comes natural..." Serena suggested cautiously as she stared at them.

Nodding, Blair leaned down and instead of blowing on him, she began planting light baby kisses along a vein that ran up one side, from base to tip, eliciting a slight moan from him. She even thought she felt him jump slightly, but was unsure since she closed her eyes. When she got to the tip, she pushed back the bit extra skin with her thumb, noticing a tiny drop of fluid had formed, and by instinct, pressed her lips to him there, sticking the tip of her tongue out slightly to lick it off in a kiss, as her eyes riveted to Chuck's surprised yet fiery gaze. In the second she did that, it seemed as if a bolt of electricity and a moment of fierce intimacy passed between them, shocking them both slightly, as Chuck let out a strangled cry and jumped off the bed slightly. Taken aback, she sat up and licked her lips, tasting him for the first time as she turned to Serena, who just stared at them.

"Uh...okay Blair...but you have to use your whole do it right." Serena slowly said, as she nervously stared at them. She would've said more, but her cell phone rang, so as Serena walked out of the suite and into the the hall to answer the phone. Blair turned back and stared at what she held, then stared at Chuck, who was staring right at her.

"Are you okay up there, Chuck? I'm not hurting you am I?" Blair asked as she tried to read the expression on his face and regain her composure.

"I'm fine! I won't break. Just quit breathing on me! It isn't supposed to be that type of blow job." Chuck sighed, slightly frustrated.

"Oh it isn't is it? So you don't think Nate would like it if I did this?" Blair asked as she breathed a hot breath on him.

"Nnnooo..." Chuck stammered as he tried to retain his composure.

"How about this?" she asked as she breathed a cool breath on him.

"Nnoo...Blair, that's enough! Just do it, or the lesson stops here!" he barked angrily.

Teasing Chuck like that made Blair less nervous, so she became willing to try more.

"All right, Mr. Testy! Let's see if this is what you mean..." Blair teased as she leaned down and slowly went down on him, reveling in his silky skin and how he tasted, watching his stomach muscles clench at the contact. As payback for him getting angry, she worried his extra skin between her teeth like her lip and licked what he gave her as he seeped out, in the strangest kiss she'd ever had. She locked eyes with him as she did it, expecting to see him scowl, but Chuck slyly grinned and seductively bit down on the bottom lip of his own mouth, mimicking her actions, hoarsely growling approval.

" he likes a little pain with his pleasure? I'll have to remember that for the next time we...Ack what am I thinking? I'm here for Nate...Nate...gotta concentrate..." Blair briefly thought as she continued her efforts becoming far more comfortable in what she did. She closed her eyes and felt his fullness fill her mouth, trying to prevent a gag. Blair was concentrated, that soon she became aware only of the moment and the person she was with, and all thoughts of Nate left her brain as she felt Chuck's lithe body tremble, and she watched his chest rise and fall with each rapid breath, suddenly finding the visual contrast of the soft brown hair already growing on the slightly pale skin of his body to be very intriguing and manly for a boy his age. She then noticed Chuck curl his lips and throw his head back in ecstasy in a vain attempt to regulate his breathing and stifle a moan, as she manipulated him with her mouth and one hand, nonchalantly rubbing his thigh and hip with her other hand. Feeling her own body clench in that moment, Blair reveled in the power she suddenly held over Chuck Bass. (For a young man of his reported reputation, he was certainly losing control right then.)

Oh how she hoped that someday her experience with Nate would be this perfect, Blair briefly thought, as she focused on her activity with Chuck, subconsciously learning what they both preferred, feeling the desire and excitement of the moment wash over her like a wave from the sea, as she began to shatter along with him. Blair didn't realize the intimacy of the situation with Chuck until she felt his hand on her head tangling his fingers into the hair on her scalp, making her suddenly aware that whatever she did was in time to his body movements, their mutual shallow breathing, and the little noises they both made in tandem from deep within.

Suddenly she vaguely heard Chuck muffle a gasping groan that sort of sounded like her name and glanced upward to notice another look of ecstasy on his flushed face, as she felt him flex his hips and thrust himself one final time as she fully tasted him. "Oh my god.." Blair thought as she stared up at him. The image of Chuck Bass panting in total euphoria as he collapsed back on the bed, brought there entirely by her efforts, caused a sudden, fierce desire to ravage through her, rocking her very core with the realization that this was the image some deep part of her needed to see every day for the rest of her life. Something that she didn't want to have to surrender. Taken aback, she gasped and moaned slightly, closing her eyes as she took it all in, tears flooding her eyes. She glanced up at him a moment later to see Chuck staring down at her with his hooded eyes that seemed to radiate a hypnotic electricity that drew her to him like a magnet.

Breathing heavily herself, Blair released him from her mouth, cradled his package in her right hand and lay her left hand nonchalantly on his thigh, as she kept her eyes locked with his, seeing raw desire, satisfaction, vulnerability (and her future) in his hypnotic stare as he lay bank on the bed. Sensing that he needed more and suddenly feeling overheated herself, she climbed onto the edge of the bed to kneel as she removed her baby doll night gown over her head and leaned down, keeping their gazes locked to read his expression for approval, as he gave a slight nod. Blair reverently kissed Chuck's soft belly along his love trail from the navel downward, feeling the hair tickle her nose and her breasts, his stomach muscles clench under her lips, and his heartbeat under her left hand, simultaneously thanking him and subconsciously preparing for another round.

Through pursed lips, Chuck softly groaned, letting out a slow breath and closing his eyes utterly amazed, as he felt her damp lips against his skin, as he silently whispered "Thank you..." over and over. The sight of a topless Blair clad only in a bikini, as she knelt down to kiss his stomach was a turn on in and of itself. Reaching out his right hand to caress her bottom and his left to stroke the top of her head, Chuck watched with hooded eyes, as Blair give baby kisses down his belly, suddenly pausing to turn her head, lay her flushed cheek on his belly and ran a hand up his chest, locking eyes once again to read each other's faces, both lost in the terribly intimate moment, wondering what would happen next. Blair lay the entranced, just staring into Chuck's flashing dark eyes which seemed to stare into her very soul, though still radiated a touch of if he knew exactly how she felt. She had just noticed a coyly but satisfied genuine smile spread across his flushed face, as she heard his stomach growl in her ear.

They lay like that for awhile as Blair became entirely entranced by Chuck, and he by her. Staring into his eyes, she began to acquiesce to his touch, messaging her scalp with one hand and her bottom with his other hand, until she felt the tips of his fingers slip under her La Pearls and begin to lightly touch her. Taking that as an unspoken signal to continue on her thankful quest of his body, she kissed him along his love trail, until she got to the base of his member and started kissing and biting him from the base upward in a similar manner as before. When she got to the tip, she worried it between her teeth, watching the expression Chuck gave as he groaned, and she began her assault again, taking him between her lips as she could feel, smell, and taste him.

As she was doing that, Chuck could feel her moisture coat his fingers, so he briefly drew his hand to his lips to taste it before he brought his hand back to her and pushed aside her La Pearlas to slip a long warm finger inside to the source of the moisture, as she began to assault him with her mouth. Blair gasped at first at the intrusion, but Chuck just whispered "Sh...mmm..." as he petted the top of her head and continued to toy with her until she was flexing against his other hand and purring.

Knowing that he was getting payback of sorts by fingering her, Blair didn't care and just let herself receive the attention he gave her, submitting to him until her body clenched his finger and she let out a muffled whimper because her mouth was full of him. After their quick few moments of torture and ecstasy, they were both panting and spent as they came simultaneously. As Chuck relaxed, closing his eyes with a satisfied groan as he was spent. Blair released him and wiped off her lips, and followed his lead as he drew her up to collapse against him. She rested against him, curling her body against his, as he whispered "You're mine...all mine now." as he dozed off. She lay her head against his shoulder, tracing his collarbone, as she ran a hand over his chest and traced his belly button, before she started to drift off to sleep, reveling in how perfect it felt laying beside Chuck like that.