AUTHORS NOTE: So this is the final chapter of this small series. I'm hoping you liked it! I'm actually sad to see this one go. I liked the emotion I managed to write in both of the first two chapters *sighs* all things must come to an end!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own the characters


[I Made A Mistake]


She sighed as she stood at his front door, her heart turning in her chest as she realised that she didn't have any idea what she was going to do if he turned her away. She took one final deep breath and rapped on his door, a smile plastered onto her face for when she heard his footsteps stop at the door. She closed her eyes before focusing her attention to the peep hole, the dark shadow showing that he was looking at her.

And he was. He stood inside his flat and stared at her. She was so beautiful when she was nervous. He had always thought that. She fidgeted with her top that always caused the material to strain over her beautiful breasts, her teeth worried into her bottom lip and she had no idea how much he had always wanted to move over and lick the bleeding spot because he believed that was so sensual, she ran her hand through her hair and he was always reminded of how mussed her hair got after they'd made love. He took one deep breath and turned the key in the lock before pulling the door open. "And what do I owe this pleasure?"

The sarcasm in his voice hurt her as much as a slap around the face and the sad thing is she knew she deserved it. She had hurt him knowing full well that the one reason Robbie didn't do relationships was because he feared that he would get hurt! He'd never been able to have a long term relationship without the woman running away with another man or just telling him that he wasn't lovable, he was just there for a good fuck and to have fun with. "Robbie, I came to apologise."

The words were said so seriously and Robbie just stared at her for a moment. Jackie never apologised. She was one of those women that could make you forgive her without ever saying the magic word that made you realise she was actually apologising. He went to say something but realised that this wasn't a conversation to be having in the hallway so the rest of his neighbours could listen in. "You'd best come in then." He said gruffly moving away from the door, his body slumping down on his couch where he had been living the past couple of days.

"Robbie," she said softly before freezing at the state of the living room. She had known that he wouldn't take the rejection well but it looked like he hadn't eaten a square meal since she'd finished him. Instead he'd been living off grease and alcohol. "I hate knowing I managed to do this to you." She whispered moving over to stand beside the couch and looked down at him.

"Are you sure that's how you feel?" He spat and she could finally smell the alcohol that either escaped through his breath or even his pores because she couldn't work out when the last time he'd had a shower. He looked up at her. "Do you not get some sort of sick satisfaction knowing that you're probably the first woman in the world to have ever made Robbie Ross think that he was in love to then rip out his heart, trod on it then maybe spit on it to then add salt to the wound to hand me it back?"

She stared at him in shock because she hadn't ever realised that was how Robbie had ever felt about her. He had actually loved her and then she had literally hurt him but she realised now that there was absolutely nothing she could do about that now apart from try to make things better but she was pretty sure that he wasn't going to let her do that easily, "I'm sorry, Robbie. I never intentionally meant to hurt you. I made a mistake."

"So did I," Robbie admitted looking over at her with his bloodshot eyes and a look that could have brought the dead back to life. "I trusted a woman so much, I forgot that there is no such thing as love or being happy."

She now decided that she'd rather him be sarcastic because that statement was like a punch in the gut. She felt tears stinging her eyes as she looked at him, her fingernails digging into the palms of her hand and she was sure that it would leave a mark. "Robbie, please don't talk like that. There is such thing as happiness and love. I shouldn't have left you because I do love you and I always have!"

"So why did you end it?" He demanded to know angrily as he pulled himself off the couch so that he could be standing with her. "What did I ever do to hurt you that caused you to say those things to me and then actually manage to work through the door?"

"I was afraid, Robbie! We had such a beautiful thing and then we started bickering. I know what that bickering can lead to, Robbie. Do you not remember that I've been married and that..." she stopped talking as a embarrassing sob had taken away all powers of her talking. "I didn't want to lose you in hatred and anger like I did Brian; I love you too much to make the same mistake!"

He stopped dead and looked at her, his jaw slackened lightly as he stared. He didn't know what to say anymore because he'd never really shared anything like Jackie had shared with Brian. The only person he had ever felt that love for was her and he remembered how he had felt when she'd said I do to Brian and he hadn't been brave enough then to let her stay with him. Did he want to make that same mistake and let her walk away again? Did he want to live another day without her in his arms or without her happy laughter whenever she was laughing at him. He sighed. "I can't let you make that mistake, Jackie."

"What do you mean?" She said thinking that he was actually going to let her walk away even though she was stood right in front of him begging for his forgiveness, begging for him to love her again.

"I watched you walk away once and I'm not ready to let you walk away again." He whispered moving towards her, his hand cupping her cheek lightly as he wiped away the lone tear that still remained on her cheek. "I love you too much to let you go through any more hurt so if you really want to live you have five seconds before I start to kiss you." He warned. "5. 4..."

She listened to him count and stared him straight in the eye to show him that when he got to one there was actually no way she'd walk out. She smiled as she pressed her hand against the one he had to her cheek before whispering, "one," along with him and then reached up to meet him halfway.

They might make mistakes in their relationship but their love would always make sure they stay grounded.