I do not own Inuyasha nor profit from the writing of this in any way.
Rating: T
Warnings: Language
Genera: Mystery, Romance
Note: Set in the future
Kagome didn't look back as she left with Sango back to the facility where she was made. Her heart was in shambles. Her mother had betrayed her in a way that Kagome never anticipated, and it ripped her apart. Kagome didn't even see Inuyasha or Kagura one last time. They were both at the station where Kikyo was. Kagome resisted the urge to leave a letter for Inuyasha as she packed her few things. It would be better if she just became nonexistent again, and that was exactly what she planned to do.
Kagome stripped slowly. Her fingers were still painful from the burns, especially since she hadn't had them treated; in her mind there was no point to. Kagome let her fingers drift over the small pin pick that was left of the microphone. Then, naked, she climbed into the even blue warm gel. She sat down, and waited. The doctor and technicians came in.
Sango had opted to not be present for this. She had become attached to Kagome, and couldn't bear to watch her fractured.
Kagome waited until the doctor had filled the syringe with a drug to put her to sleep, and then lay back, and took a deep breath. The warm fluid filled up her lungs quickly, and then Kagome nodded to the doctor. Through the blue gel Kagome watched as he pushed the needle into her skin, and then pressed the plunger. He released Kagome's arm, and she rested it beside her. Kagome closed her eyes, and let the serenity the drug inspired wash over her. Then the drug took full effect, and Kagome drifted into nothingness.
Kagome woke. Her mind was bleary, and her body was so heavy. She struggled to comprehend anything through the haze that permeated her mind. She was supposed to be fractured. She wasn't supposed to be aware. Had something gone wrong?
Kagome groaned, and became distantly aware that her hand was bandaged, and her other was restrained. Did they think she was going to kill herself? She groaned again, and felt the weight lift off her arm.
"Honey?" Kagome heard someone ask softly. 'What the Fuck?' Her mind was demanding, but her body still wasn't responding right. "I think she's coming around."
"She will likely be a little disoriented."
'No shit,' she thought. She wanted to go back to eternal slumber, where nothing could hurt her anymore.
"Kagome, it's Inuyasha, can you hear me?"
Inuyasha? Why? What? There was too much she didn't understand. What had happened after she had gone under? Why was she still whole? Why was Inuyasha here?
"Inuyasha?" Kagome muttered weakly. It was the only thing she could get out.
"Yes, I'm here." He responded instantly.
"We should have left her in the bath." The doctor said from somewhere further away than before.
"Kikyo didn't trust any of you to not fracture her." Tomas shot back.
"Genetically Kikyo is the owner even if it was her parents that paid for the clone. Kikyo gets to decide what happens to her clone." The doctor informed him.
"But it would be convenient that Kagome was 'accidently' fractured, and a nice settlement was reached?" Inuyasha shot back with venom lacing his words.
Kagome opened her eyes, and saw how disheveled Inuyasha was. He must have slept here with her. Kagome looked to where his gaze was directed, and saw the blustered doctor that had injected her.
"We don't operate that way. There are laws and we follow them. No pay off would be enough for us not to." He retorted hotly.
Inuyasha was about to respond, but Kagome interjected stopping him. "Inuyasha, what's going on? Why am I still here?"
Inuyasha' gaze focused on her, and softened considerably. "Kikyo is with her parents. She's pissed to say the least, but for now you're safe."
Inuyasha nodded with a smile, "Yes, you're safe."
"But why?" Kagome didn't understand. Why wasn't she fractured? Why wasn't Kikyo having it done?
Inuyasha's expression turned into pain, and then went cold. "You want to be fractured?"
Kagome closed her eyes. "I did what I was made for. What else is there for me?"
"Just because your original purpose was fulfilled doesn't mean you can't be left alive. You could have a life." Inuyasha told her. Why was she being so resistant to living?
"It was a supplemented desire that was imprinted along with Kikyo's mapping to insure she didn't try to run. The clone would be compelled to perform the actions needed to find Kikyo, and then she would welcome her decommission. Don't be too hard on her." The doctor said softly.
It made Kagome wonder if she would have wanted this to begin with if not of that. If she was who she thought she was. Had she gone to such extremes just because an imprinted command told her to?
Inuyasha sighed heavily. "Can it be removed?"
"Yes, but she will have to go back into the tank. She can be awake for it though."
Inuyasha looked at Kagome, and kissed her hand. He didn't want to lose her.
Inuyasha was woken by a rough shaking. He looked up, and saw Kagome awake in bed. She wasn't looking at him, and looked rather pissed. What had happened while he was sleeping? He turned to the one behind him, and was confronted with equally pissed looking Kikyo. Inuyasha glanced in the direction of the doctor which he saw looked rather surprised. He turned back to Kikyo.
"So what's the verdict?" He asked followed by a yawn.
"She's mine, and my parents have agreed to my plans, though I didn't give them much choice." Kikyo told him. "As we speak the tank is being readied to remove the command, and papers are being made up for both of us."
Inuyasha scrubbed his face with his palms, and then asked, "Then why are you both so angry?"
"It seems myself and I don't see eye to eye with my reason nor what I did." Kikyo said.
"I'm not you, and never was past a second of my waking life. Get that through your head, you self-centered bitch." Kagome retorted curtly.
Inuyasha looked at Kagome. He had never heard anything like that out of her before. Hell, he'd never seen her pissed like this. He knew how Kagome felt about himself and even Kagura. He doubted that she would have made the same choice as Kikyo. Despite their shared past the two were nothing alike. They were still similar enough to get just as passionate about two sides of the same coin. Inuyasha sighed.
"So when are you going to explain to me what you have decided for me without my consent?" Kagome asked with venom lacing her voice.
"You're property remember? You don't need to be consented." Kikyo replied hotly.
"Enough both of you!" Inuyasha nearly yelled. He sighed again. Inuyasha couldn't handle both these women in his life that was for sure. "Kikyo had negotiated an agreement with her parents-"
"Extorted is more accurate." Kikyo cut in.
"Had it coming with how they tend to play god." Kagome said. Kikyo nodded.
"At least you two can agree on something." Inuyasha said earning a glare from both women. "As I was saying, the agreement is that Kikyo will continue in her new identity with Kagura. Kagome, you will take Kikyo's name, and live as her in the public eye." Inuyasha explained.
"What?!" Kagome demanded. She sat up straight in her bed. "I'm not her, nor will I ever be. You know how much I have struggled with all this, and now you want me to live as her?!"
"At least you still get to live, and I can have the life I want too." Kikyo told her.
Kagome glared at Kikyo. "You think you're so much better than your parents because you're letting me live, but you're just the same. You are using someone you have control over to achieve your own end regardless of their feelings or wants."
"I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree meaning you're just the same." Kikyo sneered back.
Kagome laughed darkly. "You and I may be the same body, and the same past, but I will never be like you."
"Maybe not, but you'll marry my fiancé since you are pregnant with his child." Kikyo told Kagome with satisfaction.
Kagome felt like she had been struck. Pregnant? She was pregnant?
"Just one more reason that you can't be fractured." Kikyo told her before turning and walking toward the door. She paused half way through the door. "Have a nice life Kikyo, Kagura and I will keep in touch."
Kagome gaped at Inuyasha whom was trying his best to look innocent, but he couldn't meet her eyes. "I didn't mean for it to be told to you like that."
Kagome slumped back into the bed. "I'm sure."
Kagome stripped nude, and climbed into the blue gel once more. She laid back, and gulped the fluid into her lungs. Kagome closed her eyes as the fluid around her charged with electricity, sending it dancing on her skin. She let the dance sooth her, and thought of a life of her own. It was what she had wanted, and now she had a shot at it.
"Sir, the supplemental desire and commands were never triggered." The tech told the doctor.
The doctor turned to the man surprised. "Erase it anyway."
The tech nodded, and did as told.
-Betaed By ShadowInuATR