Second chapter and now it's starting to get a bit thrilling ;)
"Nooooooo! I don't want to die, please no!"
I woke myself up by screaming out loud, scaring myself to pieces. I was sweating, my hands trembled and I felt sick in my stomach. I couldn't even get up from bed, I just lay there, unable to get up. I was terrified and it felt like I was going to die. I hyperventilated and I didn't get enough oxygen down my windpipe to my lungs, it felt like I was getting ripped apart.
It took about one hour before I could sit myself up in the bed and light a lamp on my nightstand. My breathing had finally slowed down but my hands were still trembling with the fear and I was still sweating like I had runned a marathon. My top and pants were wet and I wanted a hot shower to calm my mind and body down. I looked over to my watch, it was 5,30 am and I knew dad was already out with Billy on the lake. Edward weren't there yet and my body and mind wanted his presence now! But there was only me, alone in my room, alone in the house.
Half an hour later I could finally get out of bed, trying to let the bad feelings go away. I didn't succeed. I made my way to the bathroom, it felt like I was drunk, my head was thick and my legs didn't want to carry me. Luckily the bathroom was just outside my room and I could go, slowly by the help of the walls, to keep my balance and not fall over.
In the bathroom I sat down on the toilet and got rid of all my cloths. I took a big breath and forced my body into the shower cabin. I turned the shower on and chose to get the water as hot as possible. Finally done, I sat down in the cabin, trying to think of the dream that gave me such a massive panic attack.
It had started as usual, me standing on a road, alone. All I could hear was tires screaming, in a distance. I couldn't move, it was like the sound made me paralyzed on the road and I was stuck, just waiting for the car to come. I heard the engine roar as the car got closer and closer, but I still couldn't move, I wanted to scream to my leg, "MOVE", but nothing came out from my throat. I just stood there, waiting for the unavoidable. The car to hit me in high speed. Just as I realized my destiny I saw the cars headlights a couple of hundred yards before me and it got closer and closer. The panic started to rage my body. Where were Edward, why wasn't he here, to save me? And where was Alice, didn't she see this coming?
I closed my eyes and I felt the car hit me hard and I suddenly left ground. Everything was slowing down as I flew in the air from the cars impact on my body. During these brief seconds I saw my future with Edward. The future I now knew I didn't have. I lost everything in some seconds, I lost my Edward and I felt my body giving up. I didn't feel the serenity as I usually did in the end of this dreams, and it scared me the most. Is this whats it feels like dying? Being in agony, crying my heart out of sorrow but unable to get it out? Feel my soul leave me, to a unknown place without my best friend and love of my life?
I hit ground hard and couldn't get my eyes to opened, I wanted to scream in pain, my whole body was sore and acing, but nothing came out. All I could think in my mind was, No, I don't want to die, please no!
"Bella?" Edwards voice sounded like usual and in a split second I decided not to tell him. I've been in the shower for a while and my mind and body had calmed down enough for me to get up, and out from the shower.
"In here, can you wait downstairs, maybe fix me some breakfast?" It would give me time to get myself ready to face him, to try to calm down and not to show how bad this last couple of hours been.
"Of course. Take your time." He left the hallway and got downstairs. I wrapped the big purple towel around my body and waited a couple of minutes before I got out and went into my room.
I looked at myself in the mirror, it wasn't a nice look. Big bags under my eyes and my hair was messy and all over. I took out a pair of jeans, panties, bra and a yellow top from my drawer. I hurried up dressing myself and when I was done I took my sweaty nightclothes and put them away in my hamper in the corner.
I smelled eggs and coffee, from the kitchen but I didn't really have any appetite. Edward turned around with a apron on himself. "I know I look funny, but Alice would kill me if I got stains on my cloths. She can a bit annoying when it comes to things like that."
"I think you look cute. The apron suits you!" Actually he worked the apron good, but he could wear anything and rock it and I was a bit jealous of that.
"Well, I thank you love. Sit down and I will be you're servant for this morning. Milk in your coffee today?" He already knew I always took milk in my coffee, but as always, he gave me a choice.
"Yes please." I sat down by the kitchen table, trying to enjoy the food and Edward being there.
I ate my food and drank my coffee in silence. Edward payed me no attention, witch I was glad over. He had todays newspaper in his hand, and read all the news before he turned to the next page.
"Movie night, tonight?" He asked and I almost swallow the coffee in the wrong throat. I coughed and Edward leaned over to rub my back.
He looked anxious, "Is something wrong? You seem so edgy and quiet."
"No, just a bad night, thats all. Movie night sounds good!" I tried to sound cheerful.
"Yeah, I'm sure. So what movie?" I hoped this question could make him think of other stuff than me being a bit edgy.
"Well, the thing Emmett wanted me to help him with, was to build an outside movie theater. So I helped him set up a big screen in the back of the house, we moved out some couches and put the projector and sound equipments in the right places. Almost like being in a real theater, but at home and outside. You'll love it!" He sounded so eager and happy and I felt his excitement about this.
"Wow, cool! It would be great to watch movies like that! So, what movie did you have in mind?" Concentrating on this event made me feel more at ease.
"Well, we have them all, but I was thinking about some action movie first and after that, something dramatic and romantic. Maybe some movie version of a Jane Austen book?"
He was spot on with my wishes for a movie night. "Edward, you know me too well."
I finished my breakfast and brushed my teeth upstairs. Edward was waiting for me downstairs.
"Is it okay if we take you're car? I ran here, the sun was almost out so it felt good on my skin."
"Of course, but it's my truck, I'll do the driving." He sighed in answer, but just held the front door open for me.
In no time he had locked the front door to the house and unlocked my truck and held the car door open for me. "You know you don't need to to that, this actually is the twenty-first century." I said and rolled my eyes.
"Sorry, but I am a true gentleman, Bella, get used to it." He winked and got in the passengers side. There he tipped his head back and closed his eyes. He was so stunningly gorgeous that I forgot to start the engine.
"Bella, are we going to sit on the parking lot outside your house all day or are we going home to my house?" He said the words with a enigmatic smile on his lips.
"No, of course not." So I took a deep breath and started the engine. I pressed down the clutch twice and put the gear box in reverse. Looked properly in the mirrors and backed out.
A good thing with Edward was that we didn't feel insecure when it got silent. We could hang out but not talk, it was like we knew what the other was thinking, and no words were needed. A single look, and I understood if something was wrong, or right. I hated to fill out time with words and I often stumbled on them, saying the wrong things in the wrong times. Sitting in the car, Edward by my side, quiet was nice.
I parked my truck beside Edwards shiny silver Volvo and Alices canary yellow Porsche. She adored that car, and I thought it was nice. I loved my truck, and after that, Edwards Aston Martin Vanquish. He had actually let me drive it once, but he was reluctant when he handed me the keys. "Be careful," he said, "they don't make these kind of cars anymore." Of course I was careful, I wouldn't dream of being careless about his things, on the opposite. His things were dear to me, and when I borrowed his book I treated them like holy artifacts.
We got in the house, all I could hear was music from outside. Edward went before me, leading me out to the back.
"Hallo love birds!" Alice shouted as she danced around in the back yard. She looked like an angel with the sun beams shining on her body. The sun reflected and she glistened like her skin was built of diamonds. The long white dress caressed her body perfect and the train floated in the breeze. I was mesmerized by her.
Edward did not act like me, he had seen this a thousand times and didn't care. "Well, hallo to you too. Where are the others?"
"Gone shopping for some more cosy furnitures for this evening. I wanted to stay at home and listen to my music." I recognized the music, she had given me a mp3 player a while back filled with this kind of music. It was good and I felt drawn into it, was Jasper around to manipulate my head? No, I didn't see him.
We spent the afternoon in the back, listening to great music and talking about our future. And when the others came back, Edward helped them to get all the new furnitures to the back, in front of the big, white screen. Alice directed them, and after some movings of the couches she got satisfied. They had even picked up some popcorn and chips for me, they were so considerate when it came to me.
When the night fell we all sat together in the sofas. Edward and I shared one, Jasper and Alice in one, and of course Emmett and Rosalie in one. Rosalie had her arm around Emmett and he had a satisfied look on his face.
The first movie was a action comedy, Men in Black. Kinda okay, but not more than that. The sound and the screen was really cool, and I liked that a lot.
By the second film, Edward got back in house to get me some blankets. I thankfully gave him a kiss and he started the second movie, Sense and Sensibility, one of the most beautiful books ever, and it had one of my childhood crushes in it, Mr Edward Ferrars. He and my Edward had some resemblance, they were strong willed and had they promised something, they would stick to it. They never meant any harm, but now and then it could mean that someone got hurt, but not deliberately.
Edward had his arm around me and I leaned against him, crying when Willoughby turned on Marianne and when Elinor finally got her Edward. Happy against all odds, could it be better?
When the movie was over I felt very sleepy and it was time to go home. "I wish I could spend the night here instead of going home."
"Yes, I wish that to. But soon Bella, this house will be yours too. Be a little bit patient and all your wishes will come true." He kissed me on the tip of my nose.
I said good night to the others and Edward walked me to my car.
"Is it okay it I'll meet you up at your home in one hour or so? I want to help the others to take everything down."
"Yeah, sure. Just hurry up, I don't want to go to bed alone tonight too." I swallowed down my now growing panic who was building up in my body.
"Of course I will hurry, I want to spend the night with you as always. This wont take long, I promise." He helped me up in my truck and buckled the seatbelt. I knew he didn't like my old truck, it wasn't safe for me, as he had said a couple of times before. But this time he just adjusted the seatbelt with care, making sure it wouldn't unbuckle itself.
I leaned over and whispered, "Love you, hurry back home, please."
"Love you too, and I will." So I started the engine and put one gear in. I waved to Edward and put on the headlights.
It was pitch black outside and I drove very carefully and slow, concentrating hard on the road. When I finally got out on the main road a accelerated a tinsy bit, still driving too slow.
I had Edward on my mind and didn't see the deer by the road. The deer decided to cross the road exactly when I saw it in the corner of my eye. I tried to avoid it and skidded over the road, trying to stop the truck. I felt how I lost control over the truck and it got over in the wrong lane and out in the forest, hitting a tree.
I was chocked rather than hurt. I had been driving slow, but the deer scared me senseless. It was smoking under the hood, and I knew better than trying to start the engine. My head hurt a little bit, but wasn't bleeding. I felt through my body, but not even a bruise, I felt lucky despite of my car being broken. I had always thought it wouldn't die...
I got myself together and tried to figure out exactly where I was. Could I go back the the Cullens or home? I made a mind note to myself, buy a cellphone. I am a danger magnet, thats it. The more I thought about it, it sounded best to walk home. Edward would soon enough understand what happened and get me, if Alice hadn't already seen it. So I started to go, pulling my jacket tighter around my body, the night was cold even if it was summertime.
When I had walked for about fifteen minuted I stumbled over big branch, by the side of the road. So clumsy, and so me. I fell on my back, and at the same time gotten my ankle to bend in a strange position. I recognized the sour feeling and cried out. This really did hurt and when I tried to feel it, it was all swollen. It was broken, stupid, clumsy me.
I had no choice but to stay on my butt, hoping someone would come by and help me. So I pulled myself from the darkness by the side of the road, to the middle where the moon was shining. It was a long straight stretch and a driver would see me long before he even came close to me.
So I waited for help, and waited. It was a bit scary, sitting on the cold ground. But I thought about lighter days, Edward and I in the meadow, holding hands. And it actually helped!
I got thrown out from my daydreams when I heard a car approaching. Finally, I thought. But the feeling of finally get help wasn't sweet, instead I felt danger, something was wrong and I could almost touch the feeling.
I heard the car getting closer and closer. Suddenly I understood why it felt wrong. The dreams, it was exactly like the dreams!
I was paralyzed in mind and body, couldn't move away, I just sat there, waiting for my destiny to hit me.
Then everything went black, the only thing I heard was someone screaming real loud.
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