I don't own CSI. Rated K - all audiences.

This is it. Believe me, I am sad to see this end too but I suppose 83 chapters pretty much summed up a huge piece of our characters' lives, right? I thank the faithful reviewers again for reviewing my story; it made me want to keep going.

*I have continued on and on in a new story...go check it out. It is long so you'll have plenty of Nicky and Jules to keep you busy. Look for "An Affair to Remember"

Well, without further ado...I leave you with the final chapter ff You Found Me...

Chapter 83:

She wasn't expecting to see him this afternoon but apparently something must have happened on the water or at least on the pier because there he was, standing with Sara, on the end of the dock. He was pointing to something in the distance and the two nodded their heads in agreement to whatever it was they were figuring out. She smiled when she saw him standing there wearing his CSI vest. Lord knows she still loved seeing that on him even after being together for years. She rolled down all of the truck's windows so the cool breeze would blow through. Truthfully, she wanted her window down especially so she could get an even better look at her sexy man.

He was so handsome in his black cap, vest, and blue jeans. She smirked knowing she always loved the way his butt looked in those jeans. She shook the desire from her head but it wasn't an easy task since she still thought he was the hottest man she ever laid eyes on and had the physique of a Greek god. She smiled at the school girl crush she still had on her husband. She continued to watch him and smiled with pride. She was proud of him. Proud of who he is, and proud of what he stands for. She felt truly blessed to have him in her life. She adored him. They went through a lot together. They fought hard to get where they were today. Sometimes, back then, she wondered if people were supposed to have it so rough. If people were supposed to have to fight to be together. But she never doubts anything about him now. They got through everything hand in hand to see it to the end. They really were written in the stars. They really were meant to be. They proved it with their undying love, their hot chemistry, but mostly they showed it through the dancing eyes of the little girl in the backseat.

"It's Daddy!" the little, blond, girl with pigtails screamed and pointed from the car window.

"Shhh, Honey! Daddy is working," Jules told her daughter.

Nick's head jerked up, and she saw him look up and around until he spotted her SUV across the way. His smile lit up the sky. She could see it all the way from the docks. Nick heard his daughter from across the parking lot and that made Jules' heart melt. She loved how much he absolutely adored his little girl.

Jules thought back to when she found out she was pregnant. They were very happy with the news. They had been married a little over a year when they found out she was pregnant. She and Nick were planning on waiting another year, but somehow their little girl decided a surprise would be fitting for both of them.

Jules smiled as she looked in the rear view mirror at her daughter getting so excited to see her daddy. The two of them were crazy about each other.

Nick thought for sure she would be a boy, and Jules decided if it was he could name him, especially since Nick told her there was no way "Warrick" was in the running. In fact, he insisted, there was to be no "W" names either. She smiled thinking about it.

"Okay, okay, well, if he's a he, then you get to choose the name...but may I just add that your father's name begins with a "W" for William!" she pointed out proudly thinking of it at the last minute.

"Well, then maybe we will both be happy and just go ahead and name him William!" Nick gave a nod at the possibility.

"Hmmm," Jules wasn't too sure about that. "Well then, if she's a she then I get to name her!"

"Hmmm," Nick was a little nervous about that.

By the end of their conversation, they both agreed that BOTH of them had to at least like the name each other picked and agree.

When the two of them found out that the baby was a girl, Jules remembered worrying he might be disappointed that "he" was a "she". Of course he wasn't. He loved his daughter instantly and Nick's reaction was like nothing Jules had ever seen before.

As Jules sat in her car watching her husband walk up the docks, she inwardly smiled thinking about how she reminded him that a deal was a deal, and she wanted to pick the her daughter's name. Jules let out a little chuckle thinking about Nick's reaction to the name she chose. Not because he didn't like it, but because of the reasoning behind it. Jules could see his face just like it were yesterday.

"Wait, say this again?" he said squinting his eyes and tilting his head. "WHY do you want to name her Emma?"

"Because, Emma Perry Carr was a pioneer for women in chemistry in the 1800's. In fact, Mr. Stokes," she smiled giving him the "knowing look", "Emma Perry Carr made it possible for women to study chemistry right along with the men and…"

Nick cut her off.

"I know who she is, Darlin'. I am just surprised you want to name our daughter after a woman from the 1800's," he said laughing.

"No, I do not want to name her after just a woman from the 1800's, I want to name her after a woman chemist who paved the way for women like ME!" she grinned proudly.

"Well Sunshine, I happen to really like the name," He smiled and pulled her into his chest as best as he could with a big belly standing in between them.

Jules smiled just remembering his comforting arms around her.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy, it's ME, it's ME!" she squealed with delight as if her father wouldn't know that it was his daughter screaming "Daddy'," Jules smiled wide at her through the mirror.

Emma's eyes met her mother's in the mirror and she yelled, "Look Mommy, Uncle Wick is here too!"

Jules was surprised when she said that and looked over into her side view mirror and saw her brother heading to the window. He stopped at his niece's window first.

"Well hello there, Tiny!" he reached in and pressed the tip of her nose before going to the driver side window

"What are you doing here, Baby Girl?" he asked his sister.

"We were coming back from Swim Class and we thought we would feed the ducks before heading home…looks like today wasn't a good day, huh?" Jules squinted from the sun in her eyes.

"Yeah, not a good day. Didn't you see the tape?" Warrick gave his sister a look as if to say it was an obvious crime scene down by the docks, but he was careful not to mention anything in front of his niece in the backseat.

"Why not a good day for ducks? Why?" Emma asked Warrick.

"Well, um, I think they went home already to take a nap," he smiled at her.

Warrick looked back toward the docks and when he saw Nick walking up the pier, he quickly reached into Jules' window and hit the unlock button.

Jules rolled her eyes at him knowing full well he was going to grab Emma before her father arrived and had the chance.

"Hey, Tiny, wanna come out?" he asked her.

"I do! I do!" she smiled with excitement.

Warrick smiled back at her just as excited to see her as she was to see him.

Emma reminded him of Jules all over again. It wasn't so much because she looked like her, but it was her personality that he recognized so well and, of course, those eyes that sparkled and danced just like his sister's. But she also had her daddy's nose and his wide smile; both of those features she definitely got from Nick.

Warrick opened the back door and unbuckled her. Lifting her up and out of the car seat, the little girl looked even smaller next to her uncle's huge frame. She wrapped her arms around Warrick's neck and giggled when he pretended to drop her.

Although Jules could hear Nicky's feet on the gravel as he walked into the lot and up to the car, it was mostly her daughter's squeal at the sight of her father that made her know he was coming to see them. Emma's little legs swung back and forth from her Uncle's hip and she bounced with delight.

"Hey! How's my pretty girl?" he smiled and put his arms out to his daughter who jumped into them with excitement. "Whatcha doin' here, Sweet Pea?" he asked her before walking over to Jules' window.

"We wanna feed the ducks, but Uncle Wick said no ducks today... Ducks went to take a nap." Emma wrapped her arms around Nick's neck and tilted her head and squinted her eyes just like he does, "Why ducks go home today, Daddy? They sleepin'?"

"Well, I don't know if they're sleeping, Princess," he shoots Warrick a look before continuing, "I just think today they wanted to go swim somewhere else," Nick smiled his perfect smile as he looked into her daughter's eyes. He couldn't lie to her, but he couldn't tell her there was an unidentified body that just floated under the docks either, so technically the ducks did need to go swim somewhere else.

Nick held his daughter on his hip as he leaned into the window and kissed his wife.

"Mmmm," he said enjoying her soft kiss, "Hi, Babe."

"Hi Cowboy, it's good to see you," she smiled at him with desire in her eyes and raised an eyebrow at him. "You look very handsome today, CSI Stokes." she gave him a lustful look.

"Oooh you been checkin' me out over here?" he smirked. "Why you dirty, little…" he began to say knowing how much she loves him in his CSI gear.

"Uh, HELLLLO, brother and daughter here!" Warrick cut Nick's comment off as he leaned over and grabbed Emma from Nick.

"Come on, Tiny, let's go learn how to count cards…" Nick's head jerks back and then he rolls his eyes as he saw Warrick jokingly laugh and walk towards a police car to show his niece.

Nick leaned over and kissed Jules again.

"Ooooh, you just slipped me the tongue, Texas! While on duty? For shame!" Jules laughed.

"Guilty. I couldn't help it," he winked at her. The two of them still had that chemistry.

Changing the subject, Jules looked down toward the dock.

"What happened here?" she asked as she unbuckled her seat belt, preparing to get out of her car.

"DB under the dock, that's all I got until we collect everything," he nodded as he spoke.

"Aww, I was hoping your second shift would have been quieter," she gave him a crooked smile.

"Darlin' my job is nevvver quiet," he opened her car door for her.

As Jules got out of the car she said, "Well tonight's your night off so we can make it nice and quiet for you, Cowboy."

"Now Darlin', I don't wanna have quiet with you…With you I wanna make some noise."

Nick reached over and held her hand as she got out of the car. He smiled as he looked down at her belly.

"Hey, you're starting to show a lot more now, Darlin'," he happily announced.

"Ya know, I thought so too!" she said rubbing her baby bump.

Nick pulled her into him to steal another quick kiss before he turned her around in his arms. She leaned her head back onto his chest and he rested his hands on top of her belly. He leaned his face into her hair and loved the feeling of it on his face. Jules put her hands over Nick's and together they just stared silently out at Emma holding her uncle's hand.

"How about Wyatt?" she said out of nowhere.

"What?" he chuckled as he said it.

"Wyatt…if we have a 'he' in there?" she smiled and Nick knew she was smiling even though he couldn't see her face.

"Why Wyatt, Babe?" he began to shake his head.

"Well, because it's Texas-ey."

"Texas-ey? What the hell does THAT mean," he was laughing now.

"I don't know, it's…it's cowboy-ish" she grinned.

"OH NO! OH NO! You are slipping a "W" name in there you dirty dog, you!" he said catching her trying to give homage to Warrick in some small way.

Jules bit her lip so she wouldn't laugh but it didn't help. She laughed and then laughed harder as he buried his face into her neck. She squealed from his tickle and it made Warrick and Emma turn around and look back at them. Nick and Jules both could see Warrick's exaggerated expression of disgust and they laughed. Emma, seeing her parents both out of the car, ran toward them. Nick removed his arms from around Jules' waist and knelt down to his daughter's level. Emma ran right into his arms and he lifted her back up with a toss in the air.

Jules looked over at the way Nick was looking at his daughter and it filled her with emotion. She knew that look.

She might not have had a father growing up but she had Warrick. And he looked at her that way her entire life.

Jules looked away from her husband and daughter and over at Warrick who smiled at her. She smiled back at him and, remembering what she used to do with him as a child, she kissed her hand and blew it to him. And…

he pretended to catch it.