Hello there! This is Haya-chan, penname being Hayate-chan~ This is a nifty little joint account between me and HappyGothChan aka Go-chan for our even niftier roleplay fic :D We've both been wanting some Germancest for a while... and Haya thought it'd be fun to try out writing a fic together! And so it has begun! XD Enjoy! :D

Disclaimer: Neither Go-chan nor Haya-chan own Hetalia, despite wishes of such a thing. This is completely for the heck of it and for no profits. There are no relations between real-life countries and APH charries x3

Extra notes: Rating is M because A) Prussia and Romano's foul language B) France C) Planned man on man sex in later chapters x3 You are warned! ALSO! This is GermanyPrussia. Meaning uke!Prussia. Have a problem, read and be converted ;D Because uke Prussia is the best x3 Translations are pretty self explanatory but if you fail like me, there are translations on the bottom. Also! Human names are used, but surely you all know them! Anywhos, R&R, da? :D

Chapter One: Strategic Operations

Chirp. Chirp-chirp.


Ever so slowly, a pale, slender arm snaked out from beneath a pile of blankets. Murmuring incoherently, Prussia gently gabbed a small yellow bird and pulled it into the abyss under the covers.

"Hey you little shit, what're ya doin' waking me up so early?" he asked as he uncurled enough for his white locks to peek out from under the sheets. Glancing to the clock sitting on the nightstand, Prussia groaned and nuzzled his cheek against the chick in his hold.

Really, 6:45 was way too early for any sane person to be waking up. Hell, the sun was barely up yet, time to go back to sleep. Before he slid back under the covers, red eyes lit up with joy as Prussia sat up abruptly. When did West wake up anyways?

Prussia threw off his covers and jumped to his feet. He looked down to his little bird with a maniacal grin. Placing the chick, creatively named Fritz, on his head, Prussia charged out of his room. Clad only in his specially made Prussian flag boxers, the former nation skipped down the hall to barge into his brother's room.

"Weee~eeest!" he called joyously upon seeing his brother still asleep.

Fritz swiftly flew off of his owner's head as the albino threw himself onto his brother. "Kesese, just gonna sleep all day, huh West? You know it's a bad thing when I wake up before you!"

Like most any other, human or nation, Ludwig did not especially like being greeted as thus. Waking from a long night – or rather, long night that turned to early morn – to the uncomfortable sensation of a full grown male launching themselves at you is not the best manner to do so in the least. For a former soldier, it was only made worse. Instantly his heart jumped to overdrive and adrenaline was pumped through his veins, though hardly at the speed it would have in years prior. There hadn't been any fighting for a good while, after all.

From below cornstalk bangs that just barely managed to brush past stern brows a pair of icy blue orbs were revealed in part with the rising of fleshy lids. A few blinks were required to bring the fuzzy image of his brother into clarity. Even then, he was hazy around the edges.

Only a short moment was needed for his breathing to return to him. "Bruder… This is not a pleasant morning greeting, to say the least," the large blond German growled, glaring sleepily at the Teuton atop him. "And you didn't spend a night and good portion of the early morning running to help an Italian tie his shoes… Only to then be pulled into helping him with a great bit more in the form of paperwork he didn't want to do himself."

"Awww, but West," Prussia whined as he snuggled into his younger brother. "How can waking to see my face not a pleasant morning greeting?"

He rolled off the blond to lay next to him with a sleepy grin. "Ugh, speaking of morning, it's too early," he said, snuggling into Germany's side. "I'm going back to sleep."

Had he been in a state more in likeness to that of being actually awake Ludwig may have retorted with a long list of reasons for his not wanting his day to be started with the sight of his brother. One being it often led to him dragging him away, unconscious, from a run-in with Elizaveta. Or unconscious from a very different sort of battle from one of his outings with his friends Antonio and Francis. But now, fatigued as he was, Germany gave no such reply and gave in to the weight pulling his lids down to again veil his blue eyes.

"At least go back to your own bed, Dummkopf Bruder." Ludwig murmured, though gave no such actions to make it so. Instead he turned onto his side, back now to his elder brother that was the Prussian now occupying his bed instead of the more usual occupation by an Italian male, and promptly fell back asleep. It was surprising how easy this feat became in the presence of the albino. On most any other occasion it took this man a good amount of time to calm his mind and so forth. Ludwig dismissed this realization in his failing thought activity as something natural to siblings. No matter how stupid, annoying, and essentially worthless one may be.

It wasn't a considerably long stretch of time that the brothers slept like this. Maybe an hour? A few minutes more, less? All Germany knew was that it was enough to sustain him through the remainder of the day. Standing from the bed, he tossed around the idea of getting to bed just a tad bit earlier this night to make up for lost sleep. In his leaving of the sheets the tall form was revealed. Rolling muscles were unrestrained and prominent even beneath the black tank top he had worn with the pair of metallic gray boxers.

Crack. Pop. He stretched there, in his room. Once satisfied blue eyes rested on the still slumbering nation. Brows furrowed, a pink tint painting his cheeks in mild annoyance as well as awkward embarrassment, Ludwig leaned over to poke Prussia in the cheek. "Wach auf, Bruder… Oi, Bruder," he spoke. He was not about to let this white haired male overstay his welcome. Germany needed to make the bed, get everything cleaned up…

Groaning, Prussia grabbed the attacking finger and pulled the arm it was connected to into his hold. "Weeest," he whined, pulling down on the arm in his possession to drag Germany back onto the bed. "This isn't sleeping in genius."

With one last tug, he succeed in dragging his brother back into the bed. Snickering, Prussia opened a red eye to smile smugly up at the blond. Really, Germany simply could not relax, even if for just one day. The guy was constantly working himself into exhaustion, even to the point of making the Amazing Prussia worry, sometimes. A little extra sleep would do him some good!

Although he had every intention of forcing Germany to go back to sleep, Prussia's resolve was battered down as his stomach growled rather loudly. Oh damn, had he even had dinner last night? Both eyes open now, the albino smiled innocently to his brother. "Make me breakfast and I'll get up."

Any further tugs were to be fended off by Germany's hold on the edge of the mattress with the hand that was not currently being held captive by the Prussian. The faintly flushed, narrow eyed, brow furrowed look of annoyance that he was known for appeared at this point of his morning. Was it a new record? Hell if he knew.

"… I need to make the bed," this male grumbled in futility, losing yet another fight in this war he constantly participated in between he and his elder brother. If Ludwig said no Prussia would simply whine and make his life quite a bit more difficult than it already was. There was no point in argument with small things such as this. With ease Gilbert had won, as shown by his siblings standing and exiting the room to make a quick breakfast. He needed to make the bed, damn it…

Potatoes, a starch ever present in German cuisine. With these, bacon, eggs, cheese, and so forth Ludwig successfully prepared an amount of Bauernfrühstück that both he and Gilbert would be satisfied with. Both plates were dished up and set on the table. But he would not eat yet, oh no. Not be a long shot. Germany would not have his daily routine ruined.

"Bruder, it's finished," was said in a muted bark by our blond German male as he stood in the doorway of his room, glowering at the leech of an albino that had remained in his bed.

When Ludwig stalked off to the kitchen, Gilbert grinned to himself and spread out across his brother's bed. He didn't feel like getting up just yet and he knew his brother would come get him when he was done making breakfast. Sure enough, before he could fall back asleep, Ludwig was back.

"Kesesese. Have I ever told you that you rock?" Prussia jumped to his feet and ran up to his brother. He wrapped his arms around Germany's shoulders to pull him down to a level where he could give him a playful noogie.

Upon letting go of the blond, Prussia danced away to the kitchen. Eyes alight with a hungry joy he practically threw himself at the kitchen table. After several large mouthfuls, barely chewing each, Prussia sighed contently. He needed to get Ludders to cook for him more! "Hey West! You should make pancakes tomorrow!"

"No!" Ludwig tossed back instantly from his position in the bathroom. While Gilbert ate to his heart's content the bigger, taller… Mature-er of the two spent the time to fix his now horribly messy hair into its signature look. Clean cut, out of his face, and uniform. Damn… He needed more hair gel.

A cool feeling spread through his chest. Pausing, Ludwig reached a hand down the collar of his form fitting black T-shirt to produce the Iron Cross pendant. For a time he just stood, staring down at the item in his bare palm. The underside of his thumb ran along its length. Over the years the black paint that decorated its surface had faded, but Germany didn't have the heart to reapply the coloring. He could remember how often he would rub the thing during the separation. Rubbing it until the paint chipped and faded… That all stopped when the wall fell and his brother was returned to him. Life had been rather calm for him since, and the need to do this action as means of solace was hardly ever found these days.

"At least put your plate in the sink when you're done, ja?" Was the only greeting Prussia got from his brother when he graced him with his presence, now fully dressed. From there Ludwig sat and ate in silence. Or began to. This just wasn't his morning…

"Germany~!" Ludwig didn't even have the initiative to stiffen. There was no point in running from what was to come. All at once a blue-clad Italian boy of brunet locks and russet eyes appeared and hugged the large German mans neck. "Good morning, vee~"

"Guten Morgen, Italia," he spoke in reply, not even stopping in his eating of breakfast. Still the fork was trained, poking into a piece of potato, then brought back up to meet his lips. Or it would have had it not been for an interruption in these plans. Feliciano took it upon himself to then lean forward and eat the bit of food himself, taking the whole head of the fork into his mouth.

"Neeeeh," Italy whined, sticking his tongue out once he had chewed and swallowed. "This German food tastes like shit… I want pasta."

When around his childish friend Germany was surprisingly calm and patient. With most anyone else he would most certainly go off on them for insulting his nation's cuisine. "Well, I don't have any pasta," he replied simply, showing no obvious sign of discomfort in utilizing the same fork to continue serving himself.

Prussia grinned as Italy came flying out of nowhere, expect that kid to barge right in and insult Germany's cooking without so much of a scolding. Fritz came flying in and started peeping for some food. Stabbing some potatoes on his fork, Prussia offered the food to his chick, uncharacteristically silent as he stared at his brother and the young Italian.

Why was it that Germany was always to calm and patient with Italy? He got mad at everyone else, even Prussia himself! But with Italy? Everything was accepted with a sigh and most of the time, a small smile. What exactly did that mean? Maybe France or Spain could figure it out… They were the relationship masters after all…

Pleased with his decision to see his friends later, Prussia's trademark cocky grin spread across his face as he leaned back in his chair, arms crossed across his chest. "You aren't gonna give me a welcoming hug Ita-chan?"

"I'm sorry!" The Italian apologized profusely, totally dropping his hold of Germany in favor of running over and hugging the Prussian instead. Italy nuzzled his cheek against the head of pale hair affectionately. "Veeeeeee~"

Only in his being tossed aside like a used candy wrapper did Ludwig glance up from his meal. Unconsciously his eyes narrowed at the scene across from him. How unpleasant… "Italy," he murmured under his breath while glancing away, "is there any specific reason you came? I finished all of your work with you last night."

A soft whimper was emitted from a now hurt Italian. Did he really have to have a reason for visiting his best friend? "Germany," he whined, hugging Gilbert for emotional support, "Ita-chan just wanted to come see his friend… Was I not supposed to? Did I do something wrong?" Tears began to come alive in the form of small balls welling up in the corner of his caramel eyes.

Damn… Was he making him cry? No, no, not good. Ludwig appeared quite panicked, frantically searching for the right words. "Hey, now, don't-" What was wrong with him? "Did you have anything… In mind?"

This was all it took. These words were the medicine Italy needed to return to his normal self. "Vee~ First we can go get some gelato, then play some soccer, and then…" The rest of his plan for his and Germany's day was unheard, for at its start he had departed from Prussia's side to instead lead the German male away, receiving such little protest that it was virtually negligible.

And then there was one… Prussia rested his head in his hands with a sigh, watching the retreating backs of the two nations with a fond look on his face. Goodness, that little Italian had his brother wrapped around his finger. It was as if… Prussia burst into laughter to the point tears started streaming out of his red eyes. Fritz peeped quizzically and flew onto his hand. As if the bird was asked for clarification, Prussia held Fritz eyelevel and said in a very serious voice, "West is Ita-chan's bitch!"

While the bird showed no reaction, his owner burst into another fit of laughter. Fritz pecked at Prussia's hand in annoyance, there was no more food on the plate and he was hungry. Grinning, Prussia rolled his eyes and placed the chick on his shoulder. As he rummaged through the cabinets for some sunflower seeds, promptly forgetting his dishes on the table, Prussia continued talking to his bird. "But you know, it's for the better, y'know? West would never get out of the house with the exception of the occasional beer with me if it weren't for Ita-chan! Who knows how that kid got past his defenses!"

Fritz chirped, whether it be in agreement or the fact Prussia just pulled out the sunflower seeds was not dwelled upon for the former nation continued rambling. "Exactly! Which is why I gotta go see Antonio and Francis! They understand this shit!"

Feeding Fritz as he headed back to his room Prussia continued rambling about going to see his friends. Just as he reached his door, the albino froze as a thought occurred to him. He had just been ditched by Italy and Germany to be alone. Now he was excited to be going to hang out with others. "No no no!" He shouted in a fury, running his hands through his hair rigorously, making Fritz fly off of him in a fit.

"I'm not going to see them cause I'm lonely! Of course not! I love being alone, right Fritz?" Prussia looked down at his yellow companion with a crazed look in his eyes. The bird chirped and he took it as a yes. Grinning, Prussia scooped the bird into his hands and entered his room. "Yeah, exactly! It's not like that at all! Those two are just losers that aren't awesome by being alone all the time, so they understand other un-awesome people better than I do! Hell, I'll just come right back home if they don't throw themselves at my feet to stay! A ha ha!"

Satisfied that there was no misunderstanding about his greatness with Fritz, Prussia threw open his closet. It didn't take long from him to pick out his outfit and head out the door. Clad in sexy leather pants, a badass skull tee, awesome chains, belts, and combat boots, this Prussian was ready to ride. He opened the garage and rolled out his cherry red motorcycle.

It had taken a lot of whining and begging to get Germany to allow him to get it. Of course the killjoy would be against a motorcycle, never mind it was the most awesome mode of transportation. The condition upon buying the bike was that Prussia had to wear a helmet and goggles at all times. Wasn't that big of a deal. His silver locks were always messy, so helmet hair wasn't much of a problem. Not to mention he got to pimp out his helmet with badass stickers and stuff. Hell, he even went to far as to getting Fritz a matching helmet and goggles combo, which he was currently putting on the bird right now.

Although it was rather hot out, Prussia grabbed his leather jacket off a hook in the garage before locking up the house and jumping on his bike. Any exposed skin would be regretted if he ever got in an accident. He zipped the jacket up to his neck and left just enough space for Fritz to comfortably squeeze in. "Let's ride!" He whooped as he revved up the engine enthusiastically and took off.

His first stop was France's house, seeing as it was practically next door. Parking his bike in front of the door, Prussia ran up the steps. He grabbed the door handle simultaneously with the action of ramming his body into the door, expecting it to swing open. Instead, the door stayed stationary and Prussia found himself flattened against the piece of wood. Cursing, Prussia peeled himself off the door and gave it a kick.

Well, France obviously wasn't home. He never locked his door when he was around, not even when having sex, which had led to some awkward situations thanks to Prussia's tendency to barge in. The only time the Frenchman actually secured his house was when he was out visiting another country. Time to go see if Spain was home!

Breaking every single speed limit and several traffic violations later, Prussia was pulling into Spain's driveway. Once more he parked his bike. This time, the albino pulled off his and Fritz's helmets and stored them in the small storage compartment. Just as he had at France's house, Prussia let himself in; thankfully the door was unlocked this time. "Oooiii~! Your day has just become officially awesome!" He shouted into the house as the distinct smell of tomato sauce filled his nostrils.

Following his nose to the kitchen, Prussia threw open the door with a cocky grin. "Hey, did you hear m-" Standing at the counter was Spain, chopping some tomatoes to put in the steaming pot on the stove. But, pressed right up behind him was France, nibbling at the Spaniard's earlobe as he was working on the brunet's belt. Judging from the disheveled state of Spain's shirt, Prussia had a feeling he had already been felt up all over above the waistline and France had gotten bored… "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"Heehee, hola mi amigo! Heee…" Antonio greeted between breathy giggles. Deep green eyes were half lidded with tears balling in their corners, a small blush painting his cheeks. Francis was being so mean, tickling him like this. While he was trying to cook, too! But he had made no move to stop this onslaught. It was hard enough keeping his laughter low enough to not send his hands shaking. He would occasionally give the Frenchman a playful elbow to the middle though.

Spain wiggled a little in his friends arms. "Oye, Franny, por favor. Gil's here now, ? Heee… Parar!" Now that he had turned away from the pot and no longer had any food or utensils in hand, he broke into a fit of giggles. Brown curls bounced lightly in his tanned face in the motions of his laughter.

Sending a wink to Prussia, France let go of Spain and sauntered over to the albino. He pulled Prussia into a hug, sliding his hands into the back pockets of his leather pants. "Rode your bike here, hm? You should wear these pants more often," he whispered huskily into Prussia's ear.

Scowling, Prussia elbowed the rapist and growled lowly, "And you should stop molesting your friends. Christ, you better be happy it was me that walked in, not Lovino. Antonio would be beside himself as to why his little tomato was mad at him."

Taking the hint before anything got hurt, France released the smaller man with a smirk. "Aw but Gilbert, he's just so easy to play around with. It's so much fun!"

Prussia pushed the blond away and sat himself in a chair, a troubled expression on his face. Fritz flew out of his shirt and landed on his head with a chirp. Chewing the inside of his lip he muttered to himself, "Jeez, why the fuck did I come to you two of all people?

"Ah, and what do we owe to the pleasure of la présence de la grande Prusse?" France asked sarcastically, returning to hang on Spain.

With a small pout and light pink tinge to his cheeks, Prussia avoided eye contact with his friends as he muttered, "I was wondering if you guys could help me out with something about West…"

Instantly the Spaniard perked up. Chocolate curls moved to follow the motion of his head being tilted to the side in thought. Back in the day it had been no surprise to find his friend questioning him about raising a child. Then Gilbert would come to him with a number of questions about what to do with little Germany. "Qué? Gil needs help with Luddy? When was the last time this happened?" Blinking, clear, innocent green eyes turned to Francis in questioning. "Was it puberty? I think it was puberty… Hee, Gil thought Luddy had a sore throat when his voice changed. Era tan adorable, all worried," Antonio giggled, though it soon died down and morphed into a tiny frown. Gilbert appeared serious… Whatever could be wrong? For years Germany had been just fine…

Paying no mind to the near presence of Francis, Spain finished up with his work, placing a lid on the bowl atop the stove to let it simmer. From there our token dark skinned male of the three moved to sit across the table from his friend.

A smile and a tilt of his head. "So what's the problem, amigo?"

Prussia sighed and propped his elbow on the table, his chin placed in his hands. He shot a glare to France, who was about to pull Spain into his lap as he sat. The blond smiled innocently and raised his hands in the air as if to say, 'I wasn't doing anything.' Rolling his eyes, Prussia looked back to Spain, his blush darkening. Fuck this was awkward…

"Well, this is probably gonna seem pretty random and out of nowhere, but I've been kinda thinking about it for a while… Probably since the Wall was torn down… Back during World War II when West became friends with Ita-chan, I was so happy! It seemed like he was finally loosening up! In the midst of all the stress and work of the War, Ita-chan was a much better means of cheering up than beer. But I only got to see the beginnings of their friendship because some people thought it best to dissolve my nation and separate us, sending me to the deepest pits of hell." He paused to shoot a glare in France's direction; the blond started whistling casually and avoided eye contact. Sighing once more, Prussia looked back to Spain before continuing.

"So of course it came as no surprise that they were much closer when I got back. And it's great! I know West would hole himself up in his office if it weren't for Ita-chan constantly bugging him. But lately… Lately there's just been something bugging me every time I see them together! And I just couldn't place my finger on it! But… but I think I figured it out…" His voice trailed off as he tried to think of the best way to explain his revelation.

During Prussia's monologue, France's jaw consistently dropped lower and lower. In his moments of silence, the blond looked to Spain with wide eyes. No words were voiced, but his expression made his thoughts obvious. 'Do you really think he figured it out all by himself?"

"Gott, I can't believe I'm talking to you idiots," Prussia muttered under his breath before finishing. "The only explanation I can come to as to why I'm so pissed off is because they aren't together! I mean, fuck, West had like, 30 years without his cock blocking older brother to make a move. But they're still just friends! West obviously feels something for the kid cause he treats him like no one else! But how the hell do I go about fixing that?!"

"Mon Dieu," France sighed, burying his head in his hands. "And he called us the idiots."

The grin of building anticipation turned into one held up only by his own volition, an awkward sort of smile. Sad, pitiful laughs were formed. "Heheh… Heheheh…" To comfort his friend as well as receive some of his own, Antonio reached over to hug Francis. "Es bien, es bien," he soothed. They were used to their friend's stupidity. Might as well continue playing along. Until he finally moved past that gargantuan ego of his.

"Triste, isn't it? That they're," Spain swallowed, willing himself to continue along, looking down to the Frenchman in his arms for support, "not together… But… What are you doing to do about it, amigo? What can you do?"

"Well fuck if I know!" Prussia yelled, throwing his arms in the air in exasperation. What were these two going on about, acting so weird? "Why do you think I came you two for help! I have no fucking clue!"

"Oh Antonio je ne peux pas le manipuler," France all but cried into Antonio. "I just cannot handle this level of stupidity. You handle this, you handle this!"

Spain really had Lovino to thank for being able to withstand high levels of ignorance. He'd be sure to hug him later that day. Laughing at both the thought and what was to come, he dismissed the yells of the Prussian and continued down the path of a forever happy optimist. Even with what he was going to say and consequently do, things would turn out fine. "Amigo, it isn't that hard. You've seen those películas romances, ? Maybe you can start doing things to bring them together! Drop a hint allí, a well planned coincidence aquí."

At this point something just short of a sigh left Spain's lips. No use in stopping now. His grin grew. "And we'll help you, mi amigo!"

Chapter One End

Go-chan here with the translations! While I'm in my third year of German and Haya-chan is in the same year with her French, neither of us knows Spanish. I questioned a friend of mine on a few things, but if anything is wrong, do feel free to correct us. And hey, we may be wrong with the German and French too! Just tell us, neh?

Bruder = Brother

Dummkopf Bruder = Dumb-head (stupid) Brother

Wach auf, Bruder… Oi, Bruder = Wake up, Brother… Hey, Brother

Bauernfrühstück = A traditional German breakfast item consisting of potatoes, eggs, cheese, the works. Literally translates to, 'farm breakfast'

Guten Morgen, Italia = Good morning, Italy

Gelato = Italian ice cream. Actually has a lower fat content than ice cream, 3.5% to our 10-12%. On the other hand, it's sugar content is higher, 24% versus 14%... Explains Italy's constant state of hyperactivity, ja? While still managing to keep such a cute little figure~

Gott = God

Hola, mi amigo = Hello, my friend

Oye, Franny, por favor = Hey, Franny, please

Parar = Stop

Qué = What

Era tan adorable = It was so adorable

Es bien, es bien = It's okay, it's okay

Triste = Sad

Películas romances, sí = Romance movies, yes

Allí = There

Aquí = Here

La présence de la grande Prusse - The great Prussia's presence

Mon Dieu - My God

Je ne peux pas m'en occuper - I can't handle this