Elizabeth's Pov
After waking up in the hospital Mrs. Hale brought me some food. I tried my best not to just scarf it down, but to eat a slow pace as not to anger anyone. When Daddy feeds me he says I have to eat like a proper lady or no one will want to eat around me. The mac and cheese didn't taste the best but it was better than anything Daddy ever gave me.
Once I was done eating I was surprised that Mrs. Hale was still around. She told me earlier that I would be staying at her place for a couple of days but I wasn't sure how to react to that. Daddy tells me every day that I have to be nice a do as my teachers tell me. He also say to listen to what he tells me to do, and I'm supposed to be home every day right after school or I'm to be punished. I'm not sure whether to listen to Mrs. Hale or my Daddy.
Mrs. Hale mentioned Daddy going to jail. Will people hurt my Daddy in Jail? Will he be able to hurt me while he is in jail? Do I still have to do everything he says? Will he still be telling me what to do? I look down at my hands while I think about all the questions going through my mind.
After what could only be a few minutes a hand touches my shoulder. I jump but contain my scream. The hand falls from my shoulder. After I'm sure I'm not being punished I look to see where the hand came from.
Mrs. Hale is standing behind me looking shocked and upset. Knowing that there is still a chance of her hitting me I started to cry and shriek hoping someone would hear me. Mrs. Hale backs away from me with a look of terror on her face. I'm not sure why she's scared but it terrifies me more. The tears turn to sobs as my screams calm down to a whimper.
The huge doctor from earlier comes in with a couple nurses trailing behind him. He comes toward me with a needle. Seeing the needle I start screaming again. The nurses restrain my arms and legs as someone sticks me with the needle.
Once the needle is removed I start to feel calm. My eyes feel tired, and like I can't keep them open any longer.
Rosalie's Pov
When Elizabeth started screaming because I touched her shoulder I couldn't take it anymore. All I wanted to do was go beat the motherfucker who scared this little girl so bad. I wanted to see his ass rot in jail for all eternity.
At that point I knew that I would adopt this little girl no matter what the cost. I could not bear to part with her just to have her end up in another situation like this.
As soon as Emmett and i were out in the hall way I buried my face into his lab coat. I sobbed tearlessly and hoped no one would notice. Emmett put his arm around me and tried to sooth me. I was beyond that point. I wasn't sad or upset anymore; I was pissed and ready for revenge.
"Emmy," I said looking up at him. "Can we please adopt her?" As soon as I asked his gaze shifted to the door and grimly nodded his head.
"Alright Rosalie, I'll get the paperwork arranged."
I stood outside with Emmett until it was time for him to go home. I left with him as to not cause any suspicions.
"Will she still be able to go to school tomorrow?" I asked.
"I don't think so." Emmett said shaking his head. "Let's give her the rest of the week to get herself together." All I could do was nod in response.
"Where do we go from here?"
"In a day or two we will take her home and get her settled in. I want to get her started in therapy. The therapist will help her work through everything she has been through and we can get a statement from her when all this goes to court." He replied.
"And what will she do about school? I really don't want to keep her here in Forks."
"After the trial and we get custody, we can move."
*************************************************************************************So it has been awhile since I've updated last. I have decided to start to finish this story. I thought about going back to the beginning and completely redoing this story but I'm not sure if I will yet. Right now I think I am going to focus on finishing it then redo the first five chapters.