Secret Relationship with a Star

Update so please re read if you already have read it something changes with Gabriella and is crucail and if you don't re read you won't get the following chapters

Chapter 1

"Oh I'm sorry" says the person

"No no its ok it was my fault" says the girl and looks up and is speechless.

"What" says the lad

"Oh my you're your Troy Bolton" gasps the girl

"Yeah nice to meet up and please it was my fault please let me pay for the dry cleaning bill" says Troy

"No its ok this top was going to go in the bin anyway on its last legs so to speak" says the girl

"Well then let me take you out to dinner um er" says Troy

"Gabriella, Gabriella Montez" says Gabriella

"Gabriella let me take you out to dinner" says Troy

"What no I um the-----" trails of Gabriella

"Paparazzi is a problem so it will have to be at mine but I can order out to the best restaurant in town and they will deliver for me" says Troy

Gabriella doesn't say anything.

"How about we swop numbers and you can think about it" says Troy

"Yeah ok" says Gabriella

They swop numbers and go there separate ways.

"OMG I have Troy Bolton's phone number" thinks Gabriella

2 days later.

Troy gets a text.

I would love to have dinner with you.


Troy texts back

That's great.

Is 7pm tonight.



He gets the reply.

Yeah but I don't know where you live.


Troy texts back.

I meet you on the corner of Rose Street


Gabriella sends back,

Ok see you at 7.


"What to wear Arrrrr its 6" screams Gabriella

Taylor, Gabriella's flatmate comes out of her room.

"What's up?" asks Taylor

"Got date don't know what to wear" says Gabriella

"Casual or fancy?" asks Taylor

"Dinner at his" replies Gabriella

"Smart casual" says Taylor

They find an outfit, do Gabriella's hair and make-up and Gabriella leaves when she gets to Rose Street she finds Troy waiting.
"Oh gosh am I late?" asks Gabriella

"No I'm am early" says Troy

Gabriella looks at him.

"Yeah 15 minutes" says Troy

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry" apologizes Gabriella

"It's ok" says Troy offering her his arm.

She slips her arm in his. They walk to his apartment.

"So where do you want to order from somewhere fancy or just plain KFC?" asks Troy

"Um" says Gabriella

"KFC?" asks Troy

Gabriella smiles and nods.

They order over the phone and there meal soon comes and they start eating. Gabriella just picking at the food.

"What's up?" asks Troy

"Nothing" replies Gabriella

"You don't have to eat daintily I'm not going to report you to the papers if you eat like a um---"trails off Troy

"Pig" suggest Gabriella

"Yeah not that you are and I won't report it because I don't tell the media my private life though they still try and work it out" says Troy

"Must be hard" says Gabriella

"Paparazzi that's the downside of being a Laker's player but aside from that I've meet some great people and I love basketball" says Troy

"It's your passion?" asks Gabriella

"Yeah yours?" asks Troy

"Children birth to 3" says Gabriella

"Teaching or a nursery nurse?" asks Troy

"Don't know yet not found my calling I'm training" says Gabriella

"So how old are you?" asks Troy

"um17" answers Gabriella "You?" she asks

Troy looks shocked

"23" replies Troy

They continue eating.

"So where do you live?" asks Troy

"Block of flats Floor 3 Flat 12 the new block that's been put up in the centre of the city" says Gabriella

"And of course I live here Apartment 5 Miller's House Hurst Street" says Troy

Gabriella nods.

"What?" asks Troy

"I just expected you to live somewhere else like where all the over Laker's live in the posher places" says Gabriella

"Nah" says Troy

(By the way they live in L.A. If you hadn't guessed at the reference to the Lakers)

"Too crowed?" asks Gabriella

"Yeah plus the paparazzi hang around there like flies" says Troy

"So they'd rather find out what most of the team are up to then the star Laker?" asks Gabriella

"I guess most of the team live in the same neighbourhood so more news" says Troy

"Why did you invite me here tonight?" asks Troy

"Well I felt really bad for spilling coffee on you and um you're really pretty" says Troy

"What time is it?" asks Gabriella

"10:30pm" replies Troy

"Oh gosh I've got to get home I've got college tomorrow" says Gabriella

"On a Saturday?" asks Troy

"Yeah some coursework to do in the and I want to get it done so I'll get up early so I can still enjoy the rest of the day" says Gabriella

"Do you want to do this again sometime?" asks Troy

"Yeah I'd love to" says Gabriella

"Cool I'll call you in the week" says Troy

"Ok" says Gabriella

"Pop around anytime or phone if you need help ok" says Troy

"Ok" says Gabriella

There's silence.

"Um can you walk me home?" asks Gabriella

"I'll drive you home but you'll have to duck you never know where paparazzi is and I'm pretty sure you don't want your picture all over the biggest newspapers in the city" says Gabriella

"No I don't" says Gabriella

They get to Gabriella's flat undetected

"Night" says Troy

"Night says Gabriella

Gabriella gets out and Troy drives off.


This is the first chapter of this story.

There will be a second chapter it is written out and just needs to be typed up.

So maybe tomorrow and later tonight

Gabriella Somerfield