A/N: Thanks muchly, your reviews were so sweet (: This chapter is sort of a filler, just to give you a little insight into the planning process that everyone goes through.

Tony watched as Ziva sped away in her Mini Cooper before taking off himself. He couldn't wipe the grin off his face, not even when he stepped out of his Mustang, or when he entered his apartment. He walked into his bathroom and studied his appearance before suddenly realising. Oh crap. What do I wear? Damn, I really should have listened when Abby rambled on and on about the place we were going to. Tony closed his eyes and tried to remember. Something about a bar... 'Frozenfire' I think it's called. He gave up and decided he would go half casual- half formal.

Ziva had gotten home faster than Tony. Not surprising, seeing as she drove like a 'maniac' according to Tony and McGee. She headed straight for the bathroom, deciding that she needed a shower before she even tried to decide what to wear. Ziva would have liked to just go in her cargo pants and a comfortable t-shirt, but Abby had made her promise to wear a dress. For what reason, she had no idea.

McGee was pleased with himself. He had worked up the courage to ask Abby to be his date for the night -if you could call it a date- and he was not disappointed. Abby had said yes immediately. He combed his hair then walked to his wardrobe. He smiled slightly. Deep Six has brought me a long way. McGee's wardrobe was filled with designer-brand suits, expensive shoes and good-looking ties, enough to make even Tony drool a little. McGee thought back to his university days when he wore cheap pants that made him itch (he had a skin condition) and ugly woollen sweaters. He cringed at how much of a loser he must have looked like. He resumed looking through his wardrobe and finally saw something he knew would be perfect.

Abby rushed into her room and turned on her light. Her outfit was already sitting on her bed, waiting. She had picked it the night before and knew that it was 'the one' the moment she saw it. Abby couldn't hold down her excitement. Tonight had to be perfect. She and McGee had been planning it for a while and now it was time, time for the fun to begin. She had bet a lot of money that Tony and Ziva would hook up by the end of the night and over half of NCIS had also placed bets on the two as a couple. The prize pool was currently one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-three dollars. Only Gibbs, Tony and Ziva weren't in on it. Gibbs, because he still had the whole "Rule 12- Never date a co-worker" thing going on; and Tony and Ziva, because they would definitely get mad and she was sure that Ziva would have no trouble killing anyone who participated in the pool. What they didn't know wouldn't harm them.

Gibbs sighed and stood back to admire his work. The Jenny was coming along quite nicely. All he wanted to do was spend the evening in his basement, working on his boat with the occasional sip of bourbon. Unfortunately, this would not be the case because Abby had other plans. Gibbs sighed again and looked down at his watch. 19:04. Just half an hour more then I'll head off.

Ducky straightened his small bow-tie. He called out to his mother, telling her that he would be back later. Ducky knew that Palmer would want to drink and he had so kindly offered to drive the young man to the bar. After making sure that his mother was fine, he walked out to his vintage Morgan.

Palmer posed in the mirror, flexing his muscles. Lookin' good, Palmer told himself. He was wearing faded blue jeans and a green striped t-shirt. After taking a final glance in the mirror, Palmer headed out of his apartment, locked his door, and walked down the street to where Ducky was supposed to pick him up.

Let's get this party started!

A/N: LOL, Palmer is so cute. Cute and nerdy! I hope you enjoyed the update [: Please don't bash.