A/N: Wow guys, thank you all so much for such a warm response to the last chapter. It was a lovely surprise to see the amount of reviews that filtered into my inbox after updating this. I'm so, so, so glad you guys are all still interested in my mindless stories, even if I neglect them terribly. I think this chapter will make up for it a little. We're about to meet someone very special, if you catch my drift ;)

So, I better had start on thanking you all. I genuinely and wholeheartedly appreciate all of your wonderful, kind comments. They're a pleasure to receive (honestly, Fred's a review whore...) so thank you all so very much. Special mentions to: sweetlilloz, csifan1101, mckenzie, MesserFamilyFan100, CTI-Jenn, Thorne Lockeheart, 18lzytwner, brendanakai, LoveShipper, Gigglesforcsi and finally afrozenheart412.

Hard to Love – Lee Brice.

Girl you've given me a million second chances and I don't ever want to take you for granted, but I'm just a man; I'm just a man. I'm hard to love, hard to love, no, I don't make it easy and I couldn't do it if I stood where you stood. I'm hard to love, hard to love and you say that you need me. I don't deserve it, but I love that you love me good.

"You'll be alright, ten… nine… eight…"

Gritting her teeth together, Lindsay listened to Stella counting down the remaining seconds of her latest contraction.

"Three… two… one… okay, you're done. See, we're getting good at this."

Lying back on the bed, Lindsay let out a sigh of temporary relief. "Uh, we're done for now," she finally mustered up the energy to mutter the smart remark. "Until the next one…"

"Just think of the end result though," Stella smiled before turning back to the magazine she'd been reading to Lindsay. On her way up to Lindsay's private room, Stella had stopped by the Hospital gift shop and picked up a stack of things to keep Lindsay occupied over what Stella expected to be a long wait in the Maternity ward.

"So, what's next? Please let it be something mindnumbingly stupid."

"Oh this could be good," Stella glanced up from looking at the magazine. "An article about whether it's a good idea to get back with your ex."

"Hmm," Lindsay nodded as she twisted in her place uncomfortably. "And what's the verdict?"

"The jury is still out." Stella smirked. "The writer thinks it's a good idea, the other members of the office aren't so sure. What do you think?"

"Well, obviously I think it's a good idea," Lindsay laughed as she laid her hand on her stomach. "But I think it depends on the circumstances and the couple. Everyone's different."

"Yeah but kiddo, were you and Danny ever really broken up?"

"Oh yeah," Lindsay nodded. "We definitely were broken up for a while there."

"Were you though?"

"Yes." Lindsay said simply. "When Danny slept with Rikki, I can assure you that we definitely weren't together. At least, in my mind I tell myself that now. I mean looking back, we weren't even speaking; so that's hardly the grounds for a relationship. Plus, it makes it easier to stomach. I mean, I've totally forgiven him, but it doesn't stop it from hurting, you know?"

"Yeah well," Stella paused for a moment. "Who's laid in this hospital bed, sporting his ring and giving birth to his daughter?"

"I know," Lindsay offered Stella a smile to her pep talk as she rubbed her stomach. "I mean, that's a chapter that's closed now. Onwards and upwards... back to the article; obviously I think that it's not such a bad idea to get back with your ex. I mean, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be, right?"

"Absolutely," Stella nodded. "And I mean, you both let each other go and you ended up finding each other again, so that has to stand for something, right?"

"Exactly," Lindsay smiled. "And anyway, have you seen his ass? That ass is too hot to let go without a fight."

"How can you be in labor and dishing out comments like that?"

"I've gotta keep myself occupied somehow," Lindsay winked playfully. "My stomach's getting tight again. I'm predicting a contraction in about fifty – ow, ow,"

"You're fine, breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth," Stella soothed automatically. "Ten, nine, eight…"

Taking the countdown and momentary silence from Lindsay's part as a moment to just watch the scene playing out around her, Stella felt goosebumps attack her arms. A year ago, she would have never, ever thought that she would have seen her co-worker and friend pregnant with Danny's baby. With the way that Danny had treated Lindsay, Stella had thought Lindsay would have cut all ties and had nothing more to do with the guy. But just like usual, Lindsay had proved her wrong and had come out of the whole situation stronger than ever. Although their relationship was rocky to begin with, Stella had watched them develop from a shell of what they used to be to a supportive and loving married couple in just a matter of months; and it astounded her.

"-two, one. You're okay. Deep breath."

Lindsay let out a deep breath once again and settled against her cushions. "You'd think that this would get easier. I can't see that happening for some reason though."

Stella offered Lindsay a brief smile before sharing the thoughts she'd just been processing as she counted Lindsay through her contraction. "You know Linds; it astounds me at times that you and Danny are still together. You guys haven't had it easy; but somehow you've made it through."

Lindsay shrugged as she collected another ice chip from her collection within the cup and popped it in her mouth. "I was always raised with the notion that if something was broken, your first step was to fix it, not just throw it away. I guess I've carried it with me. Danny and I might have had a broken relationship at times, but it's nothing that we couldn't fix. It's a shame that more people don't try it rather than moving onto the next person without really spending time in fixing what they already have."

Stella, rather than offering a reply simply sat back in her chair and nodded thoughtfully for a moment. Confused by the reaction to her somewhat simple explanation of why she and Danny were still together, Lindsay pursed her lips together. "Did I kill the conversation?"

"No," Stella shook her head. "There's just nothing I can say to that."


"Because it's exactly the reason why I know for a fact that you're going to be just fine, Linds."

"Do you really think so?" Lindsay asked seriously, relating back to their previous conversation where Lindsay had confided in Stella about her worries of the impending motherhood that was about to be bestowed onto Lindsay.

"I absolutely know so," Stella said as she took Lindsay's hand. "Kiddo, that right there tells me that this little girl here is going to be under the greatest care going. You've got absolutely nothing to worry about, okay? Whatever is thrown at you, you're going to be just fine in handling it. Trust me."

"I just… I'm used to being able to do research and making sure I know exactly what I need to do and there are no books or research papers telling me exactly what to do once the baby is here."

"Because," Stella paused, "Nobody can tell you how to do it. Everyone is different and your daughter right here is different to the little girl that's being brought into the world right now just down the hallway. Things that will work for your daughter won't work for somebody else's. Not to mention you'll have different ways of raising your baby. Seriously, Lindsay – I've watched you grow these past few years and I couldn't be prouder of you. You're going to be an outstanding mother."

"I don't know whether it's the hormones or what," Lindsay said as she wiped her tearful eyes, "But that's sweet of you, Stel."

"We've come a far way since you were spilling your coffee in the break room on your first day."

"Yeah," Lindsay smiled at the memory. "We sure have. Some things don't change though; I still swear by comfortable shoes… and hopefully I'll continue to have at least four hours of sleep a night."

Before Stella could laugh in response, a knock sounded at the door. "Can I cut in?"

"But of course," Stella smiled as she stood from her seat next to Lindsay's bed. "Did you manage to track Mac down?"

"Yeah, he somehow managed to get himself lost. I found him by the third floor Nurses' station. Go figure," Danny shrugged as he settled on the opposite side to where Stella had been sitting with a muffin in his hand.

"What do you think you're gonna do with that?" Lindsay inquired, gesturing to his muffin.

"Um, I was thinking about eating it," he smirked at her. "Why? You want in? It's blueberry. I'll even give you the top bit of you want it; I know how that part is your favourite."

"No!" She implored, "Danny, I don't want to eat anything."

"Alright, well that's okay because it isn't yours. More for me," he commented as he broke some off and shoved it into his mouth.

"No, that's not the point. I'm starving but I don't want to eat anything."

Danny furrowed his brow before casting a glance in Stella's direction. He swallowed the muffin in his mouth before he smirked towards Stella. "Think you can translate that?"

"I don't want to eat much while I'm in labor," Lindsay explained. "I did research and…"

"Lindsay, for God's sake." Danny rolled his eyes as he shoved the muffin into her hand. "How long have you been hungry for?"

"Since before I was admitted."

"Do you see what I have to deal with?" Danny implored to Stella as he gestured towards Lindsay. "You're going to send me into cardiac arrest if you carry on. How the hell are you supposed to deliver a baby if you're starving and have no energy Linds?"

"Because I can drink energy drinks. I can have small, light meals… just not big stuff."

"Oh my god, eat the damn muffin," he grumbled. "I'm gonna have to watch you like a hawk."

"And I do believe this is my cue to leave," Stella excused herself before the domestic developed between her co-workers and friends. "He's right though, Lindsay. You need to make sure you have something to keep you going. You're in for a long, tiring journey… and it'll be even worse with nothing in your system." Stella pressed a kiss to the top of Lindsay's head. "We only fuss over you because we care."

"Alright, alright," Lindsay sighed as she picked up the muffin. "But I'm not eating it all."

"So long as you eat something," Stella offered a reassuring smile before excusing herself quietly from the room.

"So where have you been?" Lindsay inquired in between mouthfuls of muffin. "I was looking for you earlier."

"Where were you looking for me?" he smirked. "You couldn't have been looking for me very far?" He paused for a moment before his smirk dropped. "You didn't need me, did you? Everything's okay isn't it?"

"Everything's fine," she smiled. "I was just wondering where you were. I was looking when Stella and I went on my hourly walk."

"I was with Adam. He was calming me down. For some insane reason I'd convinced myself we were having twins."

"Well, I can't say it'd be much of a surprise," Lindsay paused. "I mean, I'm surely big enough to be carting two babies around."

"That's what I said."

"You said I was fat?" she implored. "Danny!"

"What?" he spluttered. "You just – you said-"

"It doesn't mean you have to agree!" she scowled at him as he leaned back in his chair, rolling his eyes. "God."

"Alright, alright," he smiled. "So, how are you feeling? How are your contractions coming along?"

"Painful," she sighed sadly. "I'm due one any minute now."

Taking her hand, Danny squeezed it tight and offered her a supportive smile, "I'm ready for it, let's do it together."

Watching Lindsay sleep, albeit restfully was somewhat of a comfort to Danny. She'd been awake for a good seven hours, constantly battling the pain of contractions and her labor, and while he was proud of her for being so strong; he knew she was utterly exhausted. She'd been asleep for about fifteen minutes and he was beginning to hear the small sounds of her snores, telling him that she was drifting off into sleep; giving him time to reflect on the day so far.

It had been an absolute whirlwind of a day. One minute he was processing a scene with Hawkes in the Bronx and the next minute he had thirty missed calls from Lindsay with about ten voicemails, begging him to make it to the hospital in time. Seeing the thirty missed calls from Lindsay had initially sent his heart plummeting to his stomach – and fast. A million and one terrible things had sprung to mind, instantly making him fear the worst; but as he gathered the courage to listen to the voicemails she'd left him, he'd realised that it was exactly the opposite. The most magical thing in the world was about to happen.

Getting to the hospital was a complete and utter blur now. He couldn't remember which roads they took and where they made their turns. He couldn't even really recall navigating his way from wherever Hawkes had dropped him off at to the Women and Child unit of Trinity. The one moment of clarity was however, Lindsay being wheeled in the wheelchair with Adam by her side. The smile on her face had made him feel like the most important person in the world. It was clear that she was utterly relieved to see him there… and Danny figured that Adam was pretty relieved too for that matter. The poor guy had probably been seconds from a break down at the thought of being there during Lindsay's delivery without Danny there to take over.

Although there had only been a short distance between him and Lindsay, it had felt like miles as he tried to reach her. He hated the fact that he hadn't been there when her water had broken in the lab, but seeing her only just being moved into her room filled him with a sense of relief that he really hadn't missed much at all; which was quite the accomplishment, all things considering.

And now as he sat by her bed almost eight hours later, he realised that he wouldn't have missed any of waiting for anything in the world.

He licked his lips as his phone vibrated on his thigh where he had placed it about twenty minutes previous. The 'surprise' that he'd had in the works for the past month or so was finally coming to light and he couldn't wait to see Lindsay's face when she finally realised what it was he'd been planning. He hoped she had no idea, but knowing Lindsay, she would probably have an inkling of his plans… either way, it was the thought that mattered the most. He knew that she'd appreciate his efforts and love the fact he'd gone to such lengths for her.

Although he was doing better as a husband, he tried to keep himself aware of the fact that he wasn't ever really the best boyfriend. He had the most perfect of timings; just when Lindsay was comfortable in trusting him again; he'd shatter her trust all over again by another dick move. He often cursed himself when he thought about the things he'd done and said, but rather than dwell on his regrets, he tried to focus on the future – something that he could make a conscious effort to change. He wasn't easy to love – in fact, he was pretty sure he was the hardest person on earth to love. He was stubborn, awkward, hot-headed and the biggest pain in the ass going sometimes… but he had nothing but absolute adoration for the woman lying in the bed in front of him. The amount of chances she'd given him over the years astounded him and he hoped that he'd never have to ask her for a second chance again. He knew wholeheartedly that if the tables were turned, he wouldn't be able to do what Lindsay did. He knew that although she was physically incapable of doing so, but if she'd ever hurt him in the way that he had hurt her, it would be the hardest thing in the world to be able to open up to her and trust her again. There wasn't anything he could ever give her which would repay her for the way he'd treated her... other than proving to her that opening up to him and trusting him again after everything wasn't a mistake.

He'd taken her for granted; of that he was absolutely positive. It was undeniable that was an undeserving jackass and Lindsay could do much better than him. But somehow, she'd argued against the truth as she laid in front of him, currently in labor with a daughter that they'd created together.

Seeing her stir in front of him, he smiled softly at her as he tucked his phone away in his pocket.

"Hey," she murmured.

"Hey baby. How you feeling?"

"Like shit," she sighed. "How long was I asleep for?"

He glanced at his watched and a smile tugged at his lips. "About twenty minutes."

"Ugh, I was hoping I'd been asleep for an hour or six." She closed her eyes for a moment before throwing the sheets from her body and throwing her legs around the edge of the bed.

"Where you going?" he asked, edging off his chair, ready to accompany Lindsay wherever she was going.

"Bathroom, wanna come?" she smirked playfully over her shoulder.

"No thank you." He replied. "Although, do you need a hand?"

"No," her tone displaying a little frustration. "I'm not disabled, Danny; just pregnant."

"At least keep the door open," he asked.

"I know we're close, but I don't feel like you need to hear me peeing."


"Fine," she sighed heavily as she disappeared into the bathroom. "But I want you to know that you owe me big time for today."

"Already well aware of that, sweetheart," he said as he grabbed the remote and turned the TV in Lindsay's room on.

"What have you been doing while I was asleep?" she called from the bathroom.

"Thinking," he replied cryptically.

"About what?" she asked.



"Just stuff Montana."

"Yeah, but what stuff?" she replied as she emerged back into her room with wet hands. "The soap here smells pretty good considering we're in a hospital."

"I thought that earlier," he agreed. "And just stuff baby, okay? You don't need to worry about it." He stood automatically and made his way quickly to Lindsay's side as he helped her back into her bed. His hand instantly fell to the small of her back, supporting her as she walked steadily but slowly. "Honestly; it's nothing bad."

"I'm just curious." She said before gripping his hand tightly, "Contraction. Danny… contraction."

"I know," he said, as he took hold of her other hand and stood behind her as she leant forwards. "I got'cha baby, I won't let go."

"It hurts," she wailed as she squeezed his hands. "It hurts really bad Danny,"

"I know honey, I know." He pacified her with a calm and soothing voice. "Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. Come on, you know what to do…"

"They forgot to tell me about the pain-" she trailed off with a scream. "I can't believe you did this to me."

Pressing a kiss to her temple, he sighed heavily as she began to relax her body into him as the contraction began to even out. "I know baby, I'm sorry I did this to you too, but just imagine; in a few hours we're going to have a beautiful little girl. Surely that's gonna be worth it in the end. It might hurt now, but after that, we've got so much to look forward to. Just focus on that."

"I can also focus on the image of you having a vasectomy with no anaesthetic beforehand."

"Whatever gets you your kicks," he smirked as he helped her into bed. "How about I track down this Doctor of yours and see if we can get this show on the road here?"

She nodded miserably as she reached for her cup of now melted ice chips. Passing them to her, Danny looked in the cup and offered her a small smile. "You want some more ice?"

She nodded with a smile on her face. "I love you,"

"I love you too," he said as he leant down and pressed a lingering kiss to the top of her head. "More than I think you'll ever know."

"I know how much you love me," she turned her head upwards to face him before sealing her lips together with his. She left a lingering kiss there before finishing her train of thought. "Just like you know how much I love you."

"Hmm," he said softly as he reached for her lips again. "Maybe," he said. "I guess neither of us will ever know properly how much we adore each other, huh?"

She offered him a smile as he gave her one last parting kiss before heading out the door with her cup of melted ice chips.

"Hey Danny," she called out right as he shut the door. He opened it once again and poked his head through.


"I'm really glad you're here," she said softly. "I'm glad you wanted to be a part of her life."

"There's no-where else I'd be." He said softly before shutting the door behind him.

The beginnings of Lucy, ladies and gentleman! Hope you enjoyed this one. Thoughts are, as always, welcomed and encouraged. Thanks for reading! :)