A/N: Hi girlys! So, while I was listening to music the other night, I realised how many of my songs would make super little stories; so for the past two nights - in celebration of handing in two of my assignments, I've been writing a bunch of oneshots. They're super random and will probably jump in time, but I will try and make it so that it isn't that confusing. The oneshots will just be tiny little things. I've tried to make them relate to the song I note at the top of the oneshot; and hopefully you'll all know the songs I use!

I really hope there's some of you still out there, and you're not fed up of all my stories nowadays!

So, I hope y'all enjoy this little mix of fluff, angst and general DLLness.

This one is set somewhere in season 2.

Don't Stop Believin' – Journey.

"Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world."

"Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit."

Lindsay Monroe let out a sigh as she threw her bag down on her floor.

Working side by side with Daniel Messer every day was slowly going to drive her insane. She was positive. She understood that yes she was from Montana, and he had all these visions of her country lifestyle and blah, blah, blah.

It did not however give him the permission for him to be an absolute moron 24 hours of the day, seven days a week.

She was sick to her back teeth of hearing the word Montana being used as a nickname. She felt like her pigtails were being pulled on the playground.

Mac overlooked Danny's advances and teasing. Sheldon kept himself to himself; likewise with Stella. The ME, Sid, encouraged him by going on that he had a crush on her. Adam? Lindsay was positive that he and Danny sat down to come up with ways to wind her up. It was days like this that left her feeling like the small town girl that she was, living in a lonely city all on her own. Which was funny; how a city of eight million could leave you feeling like you were alone in the world, was beyond her.

She snapped up as her kettle boiled, not even realising that she'd turned it on. She poured the steaming water as she made herself a cup of tea, desperate to unwind and de-stress.

What wound her up the most was that Danny was perfectly pleasant. All day.

All day she had to put up with his 'Montana'. All day she had to put up with him bringing her cups of coffee. All day she had to put up with him... She settled against the counter for a second.

Why was she mad again?

Her cell phone vibrated in her pocket, and she was filled with dread. She couldn't bear another ten hour shift; if she was lucky!

She pulled it out of her pocket and rolled her eyes at the caller. "Monroe."

"You always answer the phone with Monroe?"

"What do you want, Danny?" she sighed. "You're missing me at work already?"

"Ha-ha," he laughed sarcastically. "Yeah, that's why I'm calling."

She rolled her eyes, despite their locations on opposite sides of the city. "Seriously, what's up?"

"I miss you at work," he said as if it was completely obvious. As if he was completely serious.

She stopped mid-step. "I'm sorry, what?"

There was silence for a minute or two before she heard some embarrassed shuffling. "I don't know; it seems that you're not here now... I just wanted to check in and make sure you got home alright."

"I got home fine," she smiled, her tone becoming friendlier. His genuine concern, although random, decompressing her previous mood.

"Good. No trouble on the subway?"

"The usual drunken hobo stumbling around, the cat lady rushing to get home to feed her eighty seven cats, but what else is new?"

Danny chuckled.

A bubbling rose inside of Lindsay. She could feel her mouth opening and the words spilling out of her, but she couldn't stop them. "What time are you finishing?"

"Eight," he sighed. "Two hours."

She hesitated for a moment. "Well, I rented a movie last night and didn't get chance to watch, you're more than welcome to come watch it if you want when you finish work."

"You sure, Montana?" He asked, surprised. "I mean, I'd like that but can you really handle me at work an' then at your place too?"

"I'd like the company." She smiled down the line.

"Alright, sounds good. I'll bring a pizza or something?"

"Sounds great."

"See you around a quarter to nine?"

Despite his inability to see her, Lindsay nodded. "See you then,"

They both disconnected the line and Lindsay blinked at her messy apartment.

Suddenly, she didn't feel like that small town girl, alone in the city of eight million.

She felt like the girl that was beginning to see a different side to that city boy.

Thanks for reading - I hope you tune in for the others! Your comments are muchly appreciated - they always make my day!! :)