Disclaimer:The whole 'will own soon' plan isn't going very well, so *sighs* I don't own any of the characters mentioned in this story, nor do I make a profit from this.

Rated M for language.

.:Orochimaru's Jutsu:.

Chapter 2: The One Falls

Jiraiya and Kakashi were almost falling to tears. It was such an emotional blow to them, seeing these people alive, but for Sakura and Naruto, it wasn't as bad.

"Orochimaru… how the heel could you do something like this?!"

Orochimaru tried to laugh at the pain and grief his best friend was feeling, pain and grief he had caused, but he couldn't. he started heavily breathing and coughing until he fell to his knees.


"I'm… fine, Kabuto!"

Suddenly, Orochimaru collapsed. Both Kabuto and Sakura, with the natural instinct that comes with being a medical ninja, ran to aid the fallen shenobi. Jiraiya, Naruto and Kakashi turned to face the three. Each one looked healthy, like they were in the days before their coming death; Obito hadn't been crushed and his eyes, like Kakashi's were mismatched. Sakumo had no wound and Minato looked bright, like he always used to. From looking at them, you wouldn't have been able to tell they were dead.

"Ero-sannin…? Kakashi-sensei…?" Naruto had been halted by his sensei's reactions, who were these people that his teachers were acting this way?

"Ero-sannin… who are these people…?"

Jiraiya ignored Naruto's question, he didn't think he could answer it just yet. Instead, he shook himself out of his shocked state and walked over to beside Sakura.

"Jiraiya-sama… he…he's in a coma."

Jiraiya's face fell, but not as far as it could have, Sakura noticed: She knew that he was glad to hear his friend wasn't dead, but she knew he would still be worried that he was in a coma. At that moment, Tsunade and Shizune appeared

Me:: Okay… that was really short!! But it's only there to take you from part a to part b so….REVIEW AND I SHALL GIVE THEE (cyber) COOKIES!!!