Okay, this was sort of inspired by a dream. Now, admittedly, in the dream Reid was wearing Clone armor from Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but that's beside the point. The idea of Reid and ice and falling on his behind come from that dream. My mind took the three and ran with it. If only there was a way to take what you put together for a fanfiction onto a computer straight from your mind. Or anything for that matter. XD Meantime, I'll do the best I can to get it all out the way I want. So I give y'all this and hope it matches your standards. If anyone is Out Of Character, lemme know and I'll fix it. Thanks much!

Disclaimer: Dr. Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan and the BAU Team belongs to...Whoever created it and CBS. Jessie Marco belongs to me. "You've Never Been This Far Before" by Conway Twitty belongs to Mercury Records.

[In Spencer Reid's voice]

Love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other.

- Rainer Maria Rilke

Spencer Reid grunted as he hit the ice in the parking lot outside the grocery store. At least he kept his eggs from breaking. Checking the carton he sighed when he saw the wet cardboard. So much for that. With another grunt, Reid tried to get up, but wound up on his back, staring up at the snowing sky. Muttering something along the lines of "-glad Morgan's not here. Wouldn't let me hear the end of it.", Dr. Reid tried again with the same results. He resolved to lay there until either someone came looking for him or the ice melted. The analytical portion of his mind retorted that he was likely to freeze to death before the snow melted. A stern "shut up" silenced the little voice.

"Hey, there cowboy. Need some help?" a female voice asked and he looked over to see a young woman kneeling next to him.

"I, uh, seem to have fallen." he said and she laughed. She straightened and took his grocery bag before offering him her hand. He smiled at her as she pulled him to his feet.

"I take it you're not from around here?" she asked and Reid rolled his eyes.

"I've been living here for several years. I just haven't gotten the hang of winter." he retorted.

"Okay, cowboy." she laughed amicably. "Come on, I'll help ya to your car. This parking lot is kinda of treacherous. By the way, I'm Jessie Marco." she said.

"Spencer Reid. My car's the red toyota over there." he said. Jessie laughed and Reid couldn't help but smile.

"That's great! My truck's parked right in front of it. So what do you do, Spencer?" Jessie asked as they walked cautiously.

"I'm an FBI agent with the BAU. Um-" he paused as she broke in.

"Behavior Analysis Unit, I know it. I'm studying to be a pyschologist at the local college." she said and Spencer nodded.

"How old are you?" he asked. Jessie laughed.

"Haven't you been told not to ask a lady her age?" then Jessie laughed again. "Well, it's a good thing I'm not a lady. I'm 25." she answered. Spencer smiled and almost slipped again. Jessie caught him, almost slipping herself. Reid realized that he was only a little taller than she was. Jessie had an arm around his chest.

"You're three years older than I am." he said and Jessie smiled. Spencer blinked as he realized how warm she was.

"How well do you slide, Spencer?" she asked. Reid looked at her.

"What do you mean?"

"How well do you slide? The lot kind of tilts here and if we slide, it'll be easier to get to your car and my truck." Jessie asked and Reid nodded, shaking his head.

"O-okay, yeah. Let's do it." he said and Jessie gripped his hand with her leather gloved hand.

"Hang on." she said and showed him how to slide. Taking a couple steps, they tried to stay upright long enough to bump into Reid's car. They were both laughing as they hit it.

"That was fun!" Reid said, kind of breathless from the adrenaline rush. Jessie was bright eyed, redcheeked and smiling.

"It was. Hey, why don't I give you my number and you give me yours, that way if I have a question about becoming a psychologist and the FBI, then I can give you a ring and get my answer." she suggested. Reid nodded and pulled out the notebook he always carried.

"Here...You...Go." he said, scribbling out his home number and his personal cell. Jessie took what was left of the page after he'd ripped the paper off and wrote her home and cell numbers, putting her name at the top like he had on his.

I'll call you later." she said, pressing a quick peck on his cheek. She slid over to her truck and climbed in, smiling as he put his grocery bag in his car and started it. After watching him pull out, Jessie turned the opposite direction.


Knock on wood, Reid thought as he sat down at his desk, the BAU had been quiet lately. Derek came over and sat on his desk. Jessie's number was sitting out in the open and before Spencer could grab it, Derek had snatched it.

"A girl's number, huh? Where'd you meet her?" he asked, grinning as he handed it back.

"At the parking lot of the grocery store. I tripped and fell and she helped me to my car." Reid said, attempting not to blush. Derek grinned wider and clapped him on the back.

"Good for you, kid." he said and walked away.

Reid groaned softly as he collapsed into a chair. Even though the BAU wasn't really busy, thankfully, there was still a ton of paperwork to do. He glanced at his phone and reached into the pocket of his shirt to retrieve Jessie's number. He was nervous about calling, but just as he reached for the phone, it rang. Answering it, he was pleased to hear it was Jessie.

"Hey, Spencer. Am I catching you busy?" Jessie asked over the phone.

"No, no. I just got home from work. What are you up to?" he asked. Jessie sighed.

"Oh, just another night in the house. Hey, why don't we go out for dinner? You know, talk a little more." she suggested.

"I don't... I don't really go out much after dark alone. I guess I'm still a little afraid of the dark." he admitted. Jessie laughed.

"That's okay. You're in Quantico, Virginia, you're supposed to be afraid of the dark. Tell you what," there was the faint sound of paper rustling. "Give me directions to your house and I'll come see you. I'll make dinner." she offered. Reid leaned back in the chair and chuckled.

"No, no. I can make it." he said. Jessie scoffed into the phone.

"Oh, no. You, what, just got home? I can imagine you're tired. So sit back, relax and I'll make you dinner. Take it as a thank you for coming information on how the FBI works. Now gimme the directions and I'll be over shortly." she said. Giving off the directions, there was a brief moment of silence as Jessie processed that information, then she laughed. "I think we live across the street from each other." there was another brief pause, where the phone was obviously set down, then a second later when Jessie picked it back up. "Yes, indeedy, I'm across the street. So, neighbor, shall I come over to cook dinner?" she asked. Reid sighed and rubbed his eyes. He didn't really want to make dinner...

"Okay, come on over. I'll try to clean up a bit." he answered. After saying goodbye, Reid glanced around and heaved himself out of his comfortable chair. Throwing the few morning papers that had piled up into a plastic handled bag, then throwing his messenger bag into his closet, the living room was a bit better than before. Walking into the kitchen, Dr. Spencer Reid of the BAU, who had seen some bad stuff, flinched as he glanced at his "kitchen". Take-out containers everywhere, the waffle iron, a christmas present from Garcia that had burnt bits of batter stuck to it from Gideon's attempt at waffle-making, was hidden beneath a McDonalds bag. As dishes went, Reid kept them done and put away, so as not to attract flies in the summer or mice in the winter. It was just the take-out he scarfed down when home for an hour to shower, shave and change clothes while working a case that might present a bad picture. And Spencer wanted to make a good impression on this young woman. So, with the frenzy of those expecting guests at inconvient times, Reid disposed of the take-out containers and the kitchen was a marked improvement, with good luck and timing as the door bell rang. He slipped off the sweater, since it was warm inside, and tossed it onto a chair. He opened the door and welcomed his guest and her large bag of...Whatever it was, inside from the D.C. cold.

"I have...cheddar, pasta, parmesean, french twist bread, and enough chicken to satisfy thirteen chicken hawks and a hungry hound dog. I hope you're hungry." Jessie said teasingly as she set the bag down. Hanging Jessie's coat up, rather worn cashmere he noted out of habit, he followed her into the kitchen. If she noticed all the take-out bags sticking out of his garabage can, she didn't say anything. "Don't use this much, huh?" she asked, noting the nearly new pans hanging from the rack. Spencer shrugged.

"No, not really. I'm not home that much. Things have, knock on wood, been quiet lately." he replied as he watched her pull item after item out of her bag. "That's all italian food. Where did you get that?" he asked. Jessie chuckled.

"I'm a resourceful person. I have a friend who runs a specialty italian store and he gives me a 50% discount off of most of his items. Ever seen those Librarian movies?" she asked, setting the bag down. Reid grinned. Flynn Carson was his hero.

"Several times."

"Remember the third movie when Flynn was in New Orleans and the taxi driver said he had cousins for everything? Think of me like that. Mostly." she said and Spencer laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. I can see that." he said and ducked as a hand towel came flying at him. Jessie was grinning however when she turned back to the contents on his counter. He took a moment to take in her appearence. Worn jeans with the back pockets beginning to tear loose, a pair of black and white running shoes and a low cut deep turquiose shirt. Her body language spoke of easy confidence, like that of a person trained to defend themselves. She handled the knives in his kitchen with great precision and a keen eye for detail. She moved gracefully and quietly, making fast, fluid movements. "Have you ever been in the military? You look like you were trained." he asked and she froze for a moment.

"I, uh, no, I haven't. I get asked that a lot though. Generally from thugs who think they can rob me. My knife takes care of that." she said, chuckling. Reid nodded and decided to let the subject drop. He was having fun so far and didn't want to ruin it. "Do you have a radio or something? Italian cooking takes music and since I didn't bring a radio with..." she trailed off. Reid nodded and moved towards his stereo. An italian opera began to play and he turned to grin at her. Jessie's eyes were closed as the music swept over her and her head tilted to the side, a slight smile playing over her face.

"I take it you like it?" he asked and Jessie's sparkling blue eyes opened to look at him.

"I do." she said and turned to her cooking with gusto. Reid was assigned to finding the pans she needed. With dinner bubbling, roasting, and warming away, the two sat down to talk. "It must be great working for the FBI." Jessie said. Spencer shrugged.

"It's okay, I mean, I wouldn't want to do anything thing else, but, uh, it's pretty gruesome work." he said. Jessie nodded, nibbling on the wedge of cheese she'd sliced from the wheel of cheddar she'd brought over. "These unsubs-" he broke off at her confused look. "It means unknown subject. A portmanteau if you will." he said. Jessie's look went from confused to thoughtful.

"But isn't portmanteau combining two words? Like combining 'Megaton' and 'Electronic' to get Megatron?" Jessie asked and Reid nodded.

"Well, yes, but it's better than saying 'unknown subject' all day long. And believe me, we say Unsub alot." he said with a roll of his eyes. Jessie grinned.

"Very true, excellent point. So tell me," she paused and looked around at the diplomas. "Dr. Reid, where do you hail from?" she asked, guesturing around. Reid shrugged.

"Las Vegas. What about you?" he asked. Jessie swallowed the last of her cheese and grinned at him, before getting up to check on dinner.

"Cold, snowy Michigan. Nowhere near as nice and hot as Las Vegas." she paused and guestured at him with the spoon. "If you grew up in Vegas, is that why you have a thing for sweaters? 'Cause you like the cold weather better?" she asked. Reid shrugged again.

"Hadn't really considered it. I guess... I don't know, I've been dressing like this for what seems like forever. What about you, have you always worn jeans?" he asked, getting up and walking over to where she was standing while stirring the rosemary sauce.

"Ah ha, the gentleman finally asks about pants, I see where this is going." she said teasingly and laughed gently when Spencer blushed.

"That's not what-" he paused as she let him taste the sauce from the spoon.

"I was teasing you." she said, then grinned widely. "Yes, as a matter of fact, given the choice I will always wear jeans. I'm a country girl at heart, Spencer, and you can't take the country out of the girl." she said and wiped sauce off the corner of his mouth. "Need plates." she said and walked past him. He was still for a moment, his heart pounding, then he walked over to a drawer to retrieve forks.

"I can't tell you how long it's been since someone cooked for me." Spencer said as they sat down. Jessie laughed as she cut a slice off the bread, passed it to him, and cut one for herself.

"Hah, I know how long it's been for me. Three years, two days and fourteen minutes." she paused as she put the breadknife down. "I've counted." she said and sat down. Reid cocked his head to the side.

"Three years? You haven't gone out to eat once?" he asked. Jessie shook her head.

"I mean real food, not the fast food crap. No, It's been years since I tasted Mama's lasagena or Dad's special hamburgers. No, Spencer, I don't go out to eat at fancy resturaunts much. Don't have the right clothes for it." she flashed a grin and changed the subject. The night wore on and Reid loathed to say goodnight.

"Do you maybe want to watch a movie?" he asked, guesturing at his little used television. "I've got a pretty good collection." he said. Jessie glanced at the clock and shrugged.

"Sure, let's see what ya got." she replied. After arguing back and forth, Spencer managed to get her to agree on "The 40-Year Old Virgin" only if he promised to watch the new "Star Trek" with her. Jessie ran across the street to get it and when she came back, she was carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses along with the movie. "If you're going to make me watch that movie, I get to be drunk through it." she said and grinned as he rolled his eyes. "But don't worry, I don't drink that much anyway. A few sips and I've got a good buzz for a while." she said when a worried look crossed his face.

"Well, at least neither of us are driving." he replied as she opened it.

"Good point. I hadn't thought of that." Jessie said and from the mischevious look in her eyes, Reid could tell she had thought of it. Jessie let the wine breathe as Reid had a short argument with the DVD player that it really did want to play and could she show him how to get the "thingy at the bottom with the words to go on?", prompting ten minutes of helpless laughter followed by intermittent bursts of giggling as the opening credits rolled. Then she poured a bit of wine in the bottom of a glass and offered it to Spencer, who accepted it nervously. With the same amount in her glass, the pair settled into the movie, Jessie still sniggering occasionally. After two and a half hours, the ending credits rolled.

"You were laughing at parts, I could tell." Reid said, feeling a little more relaxed now.

"I was snickering, I was not laughing. There's a difference." she said. Reid snorted.

"No, no, there is no difference. You, you were laughing." he accused and Jessie chortled, stretching. Reid flushed slightly and looked away.

"Wow, look at the time. 10 o'clock already." he said nervously. "I, uh, I should go to bed... Um, I have work tomorrow." he said. The couch creaked and the carpet hissed softly as Jessie walked over to where he was standing by the DVD case.

"It's friday night, Spencer. Tomorrow is saturday, so unless you have an emergency at work, you don't have to go in." she said and there was a softness that made Spencer more uncomfortable than before.

"Oh-oh, really? I guess, I, um, had, you know, forgotten." he stammered, swallowing hard. Jessie looked at him and backed away.

"It is late. I'll go." she said and grabbed her "Star Trek" DVD, turning to leave. The words tumbled out before Spencer could catch them.

"Wait, don't-don't go." he said, trying to shrug off the awkward, boyish feeling.

"We don't have to. It was a friendly evening, and it's probably the wine anyway." Jessie said as she turned to look at him. Reid breathed deep, moved over to her, and hesitated.

"I-I...Oh, dammit." he muttered and kissed her as gently as he could. The plastic DVD case gave a soft "thump" and the wrap to protect the cover crinkled as it hit the carpeted floor.

Humming the third measure to Bach's fifth symphony, Spencer made sure the eggs were completely broken and mixed together before dumping them into the buttered pan. The sausage sizzled as he turned them and he tried not to grin too hard as the second step above the bottom stair creaked slightly. A pair of warms arms slipped around his waist as he tilted the pan slightly to even out the eggs.

"And here I thought you couldn't cook." Jessie said as he turned to put an arm around her shoulders.

"I am a man of many talents." he said, kissing her. Jessie chuckled and kissed back, before pulling away.

"Plates." she said at his confused look. He watched her walk away, absurdly pleased to see she was wearing one of his pink shirts and the Snoopy boxers from Garcia. Then he yelped as the grease from the sausage spat and hit the back of his hand. Muttering darkly about pigs under his breath, he turned the heat down before attending to the eggs.

"I'll want those back, you know." he said, scraping the eggs away from sticking to the side of the pan.

"The shirt or the boxers? I get to keep one of them." Jessie said, reaching into the fridge for the cheddar left from last night. "Do you have a... Never mind." she said as she got the cheese grater. Spencer moved over to let her into the pan.

"Keep the boxers, but I get my shirt back." he said, pulling her hair aside to nibble on her ear. She giggled and stepped lightly on his foot.

"You'll have to take the shirt back." she teased and he would have if his cell phone hadn't gone off.

"Ugh, hold that thought." he said and went to answer it. "Dr. Reid." he said, recongizing Morgan's number.

"Hey kid, what are you up to?" Derek asked. Reid was a second late in answering as Jessie caught his attention and smiled as she tugged at the shirt.

"Oh, uh, just enjoying the morning. Something going on at work?" he asked. Derek laughed over the phone.

"No, I was wondering if you want to go out tonight? You can tell me about your...new friend. Is something wrong?" Derek asked as Reid's breath hitched. Jessie tugged shirt back down and grinned wickedly as she kept working on breakfast. Swallowing again, Reid turned to look out the window and focus on his conversation.

"Nothing's wrong." he replied and cursed the squeak in his voice. Clearing his throat, he tried again. "No, nothing's wrong. It's...pretty great actually. We had dinner last night and... Can I bring her with tonight? I, uh, I think you'll like her." he said and there was a chuckle on Morgan's end of the phone.

"Sure. I'll call you later when you aren't so busy. Talk to you later, Reid." Derek said. Spencer said goodbye and hung up the phone. When he turned around, Jessie was innocently holding two plates and smiling.

"I believe I asked for my shirt back." he said and Jessie put the plates down, backed away and squealed before darting for the stairs, the youngest member of the BAU hot on her heels.


Derek grinned and waved from his car as the red toyota Reid normally drove pulled up. The vehicle came to a halt and the grin widened slightly as a red headed woman stepped out of the passengers side.

"My man." Morgan muttered as he walked over to greet his friend and his girlfriend. Reid greeted him enthusiastically and guestured at his companion.

"Jessie Marco, Derek Morgan." he said and two shook hands. Her firm grip threw him a little, but he grinned anyway.

"Nice to meet ya. What do you say we go in? There's no wait or cover charge here." he said and herded the younger pair inside. It was a well-lit, if slightly smoky bar that had elements of a honky-tonk and a more eastern-type club. The live band alternated between country and pop, playing the occasional slow song between the high-beat faster paced songs.

"This is nice." Reid said, taking Jessie's coat. Morgan nodded and took a moment to observe the woman his friend was dating. She cut a nice figure, he'd give her that, and she was a sharp dresser. The jeans weren't the highest of high quality but they fit and looked good, the gray shirt flattered her torso and the bright necklace shined in the lights of the bar. Jessie Marco had good taste, Morgan decided and by the way she smiled at Reid, she had impeccable taste in men.

"Can we get something to eat? We, uh, missed dinner." Jessie said as Spencer flushed.

"Sure, there's a table over there." he said. Yeah, I'll bet you two missed dinner. But if Reid's happy with you, so am I. Morgan thought, keeping a tight leash on his mouth. "It's my treat tonight, guys, so don't go overboard." he said. Spencer laughed and leaned over to Jessie.

"Derek's generous with his time, but a little tight with his wallet." Reid teased and Derek made a face.

"Yeah, just because I've got it, doesn't mean I have to spend it." he retorted and looked at Jessie, who was smiling slightly.

"There's nothing wrong with saving your money. It just means you have more to spend on something later." she said and Derek shook his head. Finally they decided on their order and a half-hour later, the food finally appeared. Derek made a mental note not to come back to the bar if he hadn't had dinner. The food was good though, making up for the wait.

"So what do you do for a living?" Derek asked. Jessie shrugged.

"I work at a bookstore and take a nightshift at a Starbucks every other week. The bookstore pays the bills and Starbucks helps keep everything balanced. I put some of the money away to help pay for college." she replied and Derek nodded.

"I didn't know you worked at a bookstore." Reid said and Jessie shrugged.

"You didn't ask." she said, a grin tilting onto her face. Derek blinked. Reid was, by all appearences, serious about this girl and he didn't know what she did for a living?

"So, where do you live?" Derek asked and Reid grinned.

"That's the funny thing. She lives across the street." he said and there was a pleased air to him that Morgan hated to burst. A song came on and Jessie's face lit up.

"Ooh, I like this one. Wanna dance?" she asked. Reid flushed.

"Oh, no, I don't dance." he said as Jessie got up from her chair.

"How can you not dance?" she asked and there was a twinkling in her eyes that Derek was familiar with. Spencer's flush deepened and he looked to Morgan for help, who only shook his head.

"I just... I've never danced before." he replied and Jessie laughed.

"There's a first time for everything, mi amor, now come on. I'll help you." she said and Reid reluctantly allowed himself to be pulled out of the chair.


Jessie covered her mouth as, moments later, Reid moved stiffly to the music. She caught his hands and shook her head, stifling the laughter with sheer willpower.

"First, don't ever do that again. Second, relax, just go with the music." she said as her hips moved side-to-side with the beat. Spencer shook his head.

"I don't... I can't do that." he protested. Jessie shook her head.

"Close your eyes." she instructed and Reid looked around at the other dancers. All four of them.

"The other dancers..." he trailed off as she cupped his face.

"Don't exist. On the dance floor, the only one who matters is your partner. When you dance with someone, you create your own little world where no one else exists. No one." she said and the band struck up a slow song. "Good, a slow song. Here, let's try it this way." she said and slipped her hand in his, while her other hand guided his hand to rest on her lower back, while she put her free hand on his shoulder. "There, now move with me." she said and the steps weren't professional, they moved in circles and Reid was stiff and straight as a board, but their own little world began to weave around them. As the beat continued, Spencer relaxed enough for Jessie to move closer without endangering her toes.

"This is...much better." Spencer murmured after a moment. Jessie smiled, resting her head against his chest.

"Agreed." she said and the song ended. The beat picked up and Spencer was confident enough to follow her advice to go with the music. Their little world was interrupted as an unwelcome presence in the form of King Kong's third cousin on the slightly more evolved primate scale butted in.

"Hey, honey, why don't you leave the pipsqueak and dance with a real man." the bruiser said and Jessie grinned at Spencer.

"Sure." she said and pointedly moved away to continue dancing with Spencer, who looked like he was almost ready to bolt. Bruiser didn't like that.

"I said, leave the pipsqueak and dance with me." he growled and grabbed her arm. Jessie snarled and landed a right-hook on his jaw, releasing his grip as he toppled to the floor. His buddies stared at her, as did the other patrons. Spencer was wider eyed than all of them.

"You baboons wanna try it?" she growled and the two grabbed their friend and hustled away. Jessie closed her eyes, letting the anger and adrenaline subside and managed a grin as she turned to find Spencer staring at her. "Spencer, I-" she broke off as he hurried off the floor. Sighing in frustration at having her evening rudely interrupted, she glanced at the band and grinned as an idea blossomed. She hurried over to the band leader and requested a song and asked them to play it immediately. Thankfully at the end of a song, the music took on a softer sound, with a melodic tap to it that caught Reid's attention. He turned to see a familiar figure backlit with the spotlight.

I can almost hear the stillness

As it yields to the sound of your heart beating (bum, bum, bum)

And I can almost hear the echo

Of the thoughts that I know you must be thinking. (bum, bum, bum)

And I can feel your body tremble

As you wonder what this moment holds in store (bum, bum, bum)

And as I put my arms around you

I can tell you've never been this far before. (bum, bum, bum)

Jessie moved and spun in the light, silently wishing that the brute had never interrupted them, but what was done was done and she hoped this little stunt worked. Glancing over, she saw his eyes were fixed on her as the words and music of Conway Twitty filled the air.

I don't know what I'm saying

As my tremblin' fingers touch forbidden places (bum, bum, bum)

I only know that I've waited

For so long for the chance that we are taking. (bum, bum, bum)

I don't know and I don't care

What made you tell him you don't love him anymore (bum, bum, bum)

And as I taste your tender kisses

I can tell you've never been this far before. (bum, bum, bum)

Morgan had to give the girl one thing, she didn't give up easily. Slowly, Spencer took one step, then another, until he was crossing the floor to her. The woman Morgan was chatting with, watched the spectacle with a half-sneer.

"Why would she want that scrawny, little..." she trailed off after turning to see Derek walking away. "Where are you going?!" she demanded shrilly.

"That 'scrawny, little' is my friend, lady." he snapped and walked over to another lady who had been giving him smiles all evening.

And as I take the love you're givin'

I can feel the tension building in your mind

(Bum, bum, bum) (bum, bum, bum)

And you're wonderin' if tomorrow

I'll still love you like I'm lovin' you tonight

(Bum, bum, bum) (bum, bum, bum)

You have no way of knowin'

But tonight will only make me love you more

And I hope that you'll believe me

'Cause I know you've never been this far before...

(Bum, bum, bum.) (bum, bum, bum.) (bum, bum, bum...)

"Am I forgiven?" Jessie asked as Spencer relented and pulled her into his arms. He was silent as he spun her away, then back.

"I was never angry, just... I guess frightened. I'm still not used to dealing with bullies." he said. "I'm an FBI agent and I help track down and catch serial killers, but dealing with..." he trailed off as he tried to think of the word.

"Ruffians?" Jessie suggested with a giggle. Spencer raised an eyebrow at her.

"I don't say that. Oaf, maybe." he said and Jessie laughed.

"I'm sorry, I can just imagine you saying 'ruffian'." she said and giggled harder when he huffed and spun her away, then back.

"Do I look I come from 1800's britan?" he asked. Jessie took a few minutes in answering, taking advantage of the song ending to pull him off the floor and back to their table before she answered.

"You do, sometimes." she said and Reid rolled his eyes as the waitress came up. Placing an order for drinks, they watched as Morgan and the woman he was with, take the dance floor.

"Okay, so where did you learn to throw a punch like that?" Spencer asked after they had something to drink.

"Four brothers and self-defense class." Jessie answered and Reid shook his head.

"Will I ever learn everything about you?" he asked rhetorically. Jessie stood, turned and sat down in his lap.

"If the universe were to learn the inner workings of a woman's mind, it would go insane. Sir Terry Prachett. Now figure that out, Doctor."

Stretching under the covers, Reid groaned softly, feeling an ache from all that dancing. He glanced over and saw Jessie was gone. This didn't bother him, he'd gotten up first the morning before anyway. As he rolled out of bed and stumbled towards his bathroom he paused for a second as he heard singing coming from down stairs.

"I don't know what I'm saying as my tremblin' fingers touch forbidden places (bum, bum, bum)..." came the voice drifting up from the kitchen. He smiled slightly and completed his trip to bathroom. The hot shower felt good and washed away the rest of the cobwebs from his mind. As he dressed, he heard the bedroom door open and he sniffed, catching the smell of fresh coffee.

"Mmm, coffee." he said, a near-perfect imitation of Homer Simpson.

"You forgot to drool." Jessie said teasingly and Spencer rolled his eyes.

"I don't drool." he retorted and Jessie giggled.

"The pillows would like to object." she said and began to sit down when he pulled her into his lap.

"The pillows can stuff it." he replied grumpily before taking his first sip of coffee. The ensuing smile was unmistakable.

"Whoo, note to self, don't be snide to boyfriend before first taste of coffee." Jessie said, slipping her arms around his neck. When he kissed her, she tasted the fresh coffee.

"Sorry, I just love my coffee." he said and let her up. Jessie giggled as he downed almost half the cup in one gulp.

"Obviously. Well, walk this way, sir, and I'll refill your cup for you." she said and lead him towards the door. When they were almost there, Spencer had a sudden thought and put the coffee down on the dresser, then looped his arm around her waist.

"Oh, I have a better idea." he murmured and Jessie laughed.


The day passed without incident as they spent it in the house. Only once did Jessie leave and that was to get clothes from her place. Sitting together on the couch, they watched a movie.

"It's too bad tomorrow is monday." Reid murmured. Jessie shrugged.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean it still can't be a good day. Long as you don't get called out on assignment." she said and Reid nodded.

"True. What did you think of Morgan?" Spencer asked. Jessie leaned back against him.

"I liked him. Who else do you work with?" she asked. Spencer shook his head.

"Well, my boss Aaron Hotchner, the supervisiory agent David Rossi, my fellow special agents Emily Prentiss, Derek, and our tech guru Penolpe Garcia." he said. "Then there's the police departments we work with." he said and Jessie nodded.

"Makes sense. Have you ever had a girlfriend before?" she asked and Reid hesitated before answering.

"I, uh, no, no I haven't." he said and Jessie smiled happily.

"Then I'm happy to be the first." she replied and Reid looked down at her. He was silent as he kissed the top of her head.

"So am I." he whispered.


