I don't own transformers they belong to Hasbro!!!!!!!!!! :(

I just write the stories. Yay! =D

I only own Jackie Carter, Megan Weis, Tira Evans, Vanessa Fates

And if my friends are reading this you are;

TW = Jackie Carter

MP = Megan Weis

TT = Tira Evans

VF = Vanessa Fates


Chapter 1: We get . . . transported?


It all started when my friends got into a fight over Edward Cullen and whether he was ugly or the most gorgeous thing to ever grace the planet, (as quoted by Jackie). There's four of us, used to be five before Anna moved away.

There's Megan Weis, she was the tallest of our group, standing at a towering 5'9. She had soft mouse brown hair that barely made it to the middle of her neck. She was the middle child with a big brother and younger brother, it didn't seem to bother her that she was the only girl. I had met her when I had joined choir in the seventh grade, she was the only one who even welcomed me into the grouped. She had a bright personality that could cheer up the crankiest moments in our lives. Her smile was simply dazzling, she was fifteen, and she had the brightest blue eyes that seemed to twinkle in the sun, she also wore glasses.

There's Vanessa Fates, she was about fifteen years old with curly blond hair that stopped at her shoulders. Her face was almond shaped with freckles on her cheeks and nose, her eyes were blue with long tan eyelashes. She was without a doubt the comedian of our group, always trying to get us to laugh. I had met her at church when Megan showed me our class. Apparently there had been a ward change earlier and almost no one knew anyone so I said hi to Nessa and we just clicked.

There's Jackie Carter that had come with Nessa. She and Nessa were almost attached at the hips just like I was with Megan. I had met her in choir also, we were going on a field trip and Megan had ended up sick with the flu so I had been stuck with no one I knew that I could sit with. So I plopped down in the nearest empty seat and stared out the window for half the trip until she offered me a bag of M&Ms when my stomach rumbled. That broke the ice and we started asking each other questions and I learned that she went to the same church as I did. We've been friends ever since. She has brown hair with high lights. Her hair came past her shoulders and stopped at the blades, it was also layered from the shoulders down. She had a button nose, brown eyes, and was in love with Edward Cullen. She was also the smallest of our group. At 5 feet she was tiny but mighty.

Then there was me. My name's Tira Evans. I was the oldest of our group. Almost sixteen and stood at 5'7. I had brown, mid-back long hair, oval face, and gray blue eyes. I was the quiet one and the one who was always the shoulder to cry on. Never the opposite. I also have an addiction to transformers. End of story.

Currently we were at Megan's house having our monthly sleep over. I was sprawled on the couch reading my new transformers comic book I had bought at the nearest Block Buster. Megan was on the couch opposite of me reading a western book. Jackie and 'Nessa were behind me on a L-shaped couch watching Twilight. A Linkin Park sound track was playing from Meg's room.

"I don't know why you like this stuff, Jackie." Sighed Vanessa. She thought Edward was ugly and therefore, hated twilight. She loved the book but hated the movie. How she got along with a twilight addict was beyond me.

"Shhhhh! They're about to kiss!" Whispered Jackie. I could hear her squealingfor Edward to kiss Bella. And her sigh of jealousy as the actors lips met. "Oh Edward, your too good for her. Wish you could see me. That would be the best thing ever."

I sighed. "Jack', you think Edward's the best thing since sliced bread."

She gave me a look."Well that's because he is the best thing since sliced bread."

I put down my comic book to look at her. "There is such a thing as being too addicted. You know that right?"

"No there isn't."

"Yes, there is." I shot back. I was rewarded by a flying candy bar come at me. Good thing she's the worse thrower in the universe. Instead it smacked the window with a, thwack!

Outside a dust storm raged with fury. Sage brush and tumble weeds flew by with amazing speed and bumped into the house. We lived in Pasco Washington, or El Pasco as my dad joked to us. His partner at work had made that comment. My dad was a Franklin county deputy and had to deal with all the nut jobs that had decided to settle down here. Last week they had to deal with a riot at the TRAC. A huge stadium that was used for monster truck stunts, the circus, and the latest, mariachi bands. Worse idea ever.

I'm not racist, far from it. I thought their culture was cool and I loved their food, when it wasn't spicy.

It was the problems the bands caused that I didn't like. Anyway back to the subject. It was a couple weeks ago that the TRAC was selling tickets to see a mariachi band. Well they said that the women could get in for free. So all these men that bought tickets brought their girlfriends, wives, daughters, mothers, ect, ect. That they filled up the whole stadium with the other 700 people outside trying to get in and it exploded into a riot. It took hours for police to break it up. There hasn't been a mariachi band concert ever since. I'm enjoying the silence while it lasts.

"Oh, you should talk. Isn't that the eighth TF comic book you bought this year?" Vanessa chided. She and Jackie high fived each other.

"Everyone has an addiction. It takes skill to keep it from becoming an obsession." Megs remarked.

"Oh!" I grinned.

We went back to our business. Jackie squirming at the screen when Edward appeared. Nessa laughing at her obsession, Megs reading, me staring at the ceiling.

I turned to Megan. "Hey, Megs?"


"If you liked a transformer, who would you like?" I asked. Megs tore her gaze away from her book and looked at me with a question mark over her head.

"Where did that come from?" She questioned.

"I'm bored and transformers are on the brain again." I answered her with a small smile. Jackie had paused the movie to listen with Nessa to our conversation.

"Hmmm," She tapped her chin while grinning from ear to ear. "Megatron."

I smiled. "Megatron. Dangerous, dark, deadly, evil. Perfect!" I laughed, they chuckled with me.

Jackie cocked her like a curious child. "Who do you like Tira?"

"Starscream!!!" Screaming, I bounced up and down. "And I know how to spell it. H-O-T."

Jackie and Nessa looked at each other. Jackie mouthed "wow" and Vanessa giggled.

I raised an eye brow at them. "Who would you like, Jackie?"

Her eyes brightened. "Is there any robots that look like Edward?" She asked.


"No . . ." I frowned.

She grimaced. "Then none."

I turned to Nessa. "Nessa?"

"Hmmm . . ," She turned her sapphire eyes skyward. " Oh, I don't know. Sideswipe, maybe."

"He is awesome. It was cool when he took out Sideways in Shanghai." I agreed.

Everyone giggled at me.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows at them.

There was knock at the front door and I walked over to the door. Jackie frowned.

"Who's that, Ti?"

I smirked. "You know how you're always complaining how a certain someone never does anything fun and that certain someone needed to do something fun with us? Well me and the girls took the liberty of asking him to come over."

Jackie's mouth dropped down clear to the floor. "You didn't." She gaped at me.

I grabbed the door handle and shrugged. "We did." And I pushed open the door.

Gage stumbled into the house coughing on sand and sage. I quickly slammed the door shut making it rattle the whole house.

Gage went to our high school and had most of our classes. He was funny, sarcastic, kind, and athletic. He was a Junior. He was sixteen with dirty blond hair that almost covered his blue eyes, he was one inch taller than me. Which bugged the heck out of me. And he was in track.

Today he was wearing a pair of faded, baggy jeans that bunched at the bottom and a silver blue shirt with bold print letters saying Go River Hawks on it.

"Sorry I'm late guys. Coach was really working us today." He explained as he kicked off his Vans into the pile of our shoes. He kept babbling until he sat on the couch and saw Jackie glaring at me.

"Did I miss something?" He asked looking back and forth.

I shooked my head. "Nah, Jackie's just surprised to see you."

He looked at Jackie and sigh as if in annoyance. "What did I do this time?"

She rolled her eyes. "Nothing. It was just Ti' and her stupid surprises."

"So I'm a stupid surprise?" He inquired.

Jackie's chocolate brown eyes widened. "What, no!"

"Sure sounded like it."

Jackie started waving her arms around wildly in panic. "N-n-no! I-I-I-I."

He smiled at her. "I'm just messing with you." And gave her a hug.

"Hey guys," Megs spoke. "You want to see what my grandpa gave me from his trip to Africa?" Her eyes were sparkling with excitement.

Nessa's face brightened with curiousity. "Yeah. Come on show us!" She exclaimed.

Megs walked into her room and reappeared with a strange metal box with a lid and weird symbols on it. The symbols glowed a brilliant then faded and then glowed agian.

We all walked closer to get a better look at the strange box.

"Wow Megs." Breathed Jackie.

I frowned at the strange box. If I didn't know better I would have said those symbols were cybertronian. "What is it?" I asked.

Megan kept her eyes on the strange box. "The guy that sold it to him said it was a dimension box. Able to take anyone to a world different than ours." She explained to us.

"Have you tried opening it?" Gage questioned.

Megs shook her head. "No, grandpa said I shouldn't, plus he lost the key."

"Don't you have a crowbar in the garge?" Gage was thinking. Not good.

Megs nodded. "Yeah but da doesn't want us to-"

Gage raced into the garge and back. He was carrying a rusted crowbar. He crossed the room and jammed it into the space between the lid and box.

My eyes widened. "Wait. Gage, bad idea!'"I cried out waving my arms around.

I was a little too late.

With a grunt Gage pushed down and the lid flew off. Inside pulsine like a heart was a glowing orb of energy. It was so beautiful like a glittering blue, jeweled, miniature, moon. We all were so mesmerized I didn't notice Nessa's hand reaching for the orb.

Her fingers merely brush the surface when a flash shot out of the orb.

And we winked out of existence.

. . . San Fransisco CA . . .

I was dimely aware we were on a hard surface when we came too.

We were all five feet apart from each other and in some kind of parking garge like those kinds you see at the airports.

It only took second before our world erupted into gunfire and falling depris.

Whoo hoo it's done. Review please. Flames expected. =)