A New Life:

A Chipmunk Story

Chapter 1: Breakfast Anyone?

Eleanor awoke an hour before the alarm and quickly woke her sisters. "Hurry, you guys, before the boys wake up," she whispered.

"Okay, okay, I'm awake," Brittany snapped.

Jeanette pulled herself out of bed. "It is our day to make breakfast."

All three girls walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

"Yea, yea, I know," Brittany grumbled. "Mornings would be better if they started at noon." Her two sisters giggled. "Alright, girls, enough laughing at my expense."

After they finished washing up and dressing for the day they made their way to the kitchen to start breakfast. When it came to cooking, Eleanor was the boss, giving orders to her two sisters. Eleanor was a sweet girl, but for her cooking was serious business.

Brittany hated taking orders from anyone, especially her baby sister and screamed at her for her criticism. "That's enough, Eleanor. You make the Pancakes. I'll set the table."

"Okay, Sorry, Britt, but pancake making is an art form."

Jeanette giggled as Brittany gave Eleanor a snide smirk. "Yea, right."

A half hour later, most everything was done. "Wow," Jeanette said. "It looks great."

Yea," Brittany said. "The table looks good, but it's still missing something." She thought a moment. "Wait a minute. I'll be right back." Brittany flew out the back door and into the yard.

Jeanette and Eleanor looked confused, both shrugging their shoulders in confusion. A few minutes passed until Brittany returned, carrying a pretty bouquet of flowers.

"Those are very pretty," Eleanor said.

"What's a set table without a center piece?" Jeanette said.

Eleanor hopped up on the counter and reached for the top cabinet to find a glass vase for the flowers. She climbed down and brought the vase to the table. Brittany placed the flowers in the vase. She stepped back observing the table.

"Prefect," she said. All three girls giggled, proud of their hard work.

At that moment Dave walked in. "Hmmmm. What smells so good?" He asked, breathing in the aroma.

"Breakfast is ready," Eleanor said. "Are the boys awake?"

"If I know Alvin," Brittany began, "he's still snoring away. I'll get them, even if I have to throw them out of bed myself." She meant that more for Alvin than the other two chipmunks.

She entered the bedroom to find Simon's and Theodore's beds both empty, but Alvin was still sleeping as usual. He looks so adorable, she thought. She stared at him for a few seconds.


"Okay, that's it!" she shouted. "Get your lazy bones out of bed!" She yanked the covers off him which startled him awake.

"Hey!" Alvin croaked out as he rolled out of bed and onto the floor. "What's going on?" He looked up to see a chipette vision in pink.

"Breakfast is ready," she said, and she walked out of the room. It secretly made him smile watching her walk away, not that he would ever let her know that.

Brittany walked back to the dining table to see Dave enjoying his breakfast. He looked up when he saw her walk in. "Are the boys awake?" he asked.

"More or less," she said with a smirk.

At that moment Simon and Theodore appeared. "Breakfast. Yumm," Theodore said, and jumped up for joy.

"I made a plate especially for you, Theodore," Eleanore said in her sweetest voice.

He sat in the seat next to her. He dug in almost immediately. It made her happy watching him enjoy the food she cooked with her own two little paws.

Finally Alvin entered the room in his usual way. "You can all breathe easy. Alvin Seville has entered the room."

"Well, isn't that great," Brittany said, jumping right in front of him. "It's about time."

"Yea, yea, I know, Brittany," he said, putting an arm around. "Can't go ten minutes without seeing this handsome face."

She pushed his arm away. "Dream on, furball." She stuck up her nose and returned to her seat to finish her breakfast. Alvin sat next to her. She would occasionally glance his way when she thought he wasn't looking, but he knew. And she knew that he knew and that's what infuriated her.

"Great breakfast," Alvin said. "We should eat like this everyday."

"Then learn how to cook," Brittany said, sarcastically.

"I could say the same to you," Alvin said, leaning towards her.

"Okay, you two," Dave said. "Hurry and finish. You don't want to be late for school.

"Yes, Dave,"Simon said. "How would it look to be late on the first day?"

Within a few minutes they all piled in the car and drove off for their first day of the new year.

Hey! Everyone. This idea just came to me. I don't know where this story is going. Any suggestions.