Hi this is just something I like had an idea for. Mostly AlvinXBrittney but includes SimonXJeanette TheodoreXEleanor and other charactors too! XD I hope you guys like enjoy!


Chipmunks and Chipettes all round Daves/Chipmunks with Claire (Lets say Mrs Miller is on hoilday eh?)

"Its f-freezing!!" Brittany said through chattering teeth.
Alvin hugged her, trying to warm her up, "I k-know, but Dave's back with wood for the f-fire n-now."

"Good - hold on when did you loose he-" Brittany started. Alvin cut her off.

"Gas is gone remember? Won't be back until next week!" He sighed.

"Oh, y-yeah." Brittany chuckled to herself quietly, before the door bell rang.

"That'll be Dave." Simon said as Claire got up to get the door. There was a small gasp.

"DAVE? CLAIRE?" All 6 chipmunks/ettes gasped. What had happened? Was he all right?

Alvin was first to bound over to the door. Nothing seemed wrong. Dave looked fine.

"You've got some new friends to play with." Dave said, as 4 heads popped out from his pocket. Chipmunks? No, chipettes...

They all hopped out. One was wearing glasses, another was small and looked like butter wouldnt melt, another looked confident and the last looked... well thats it. you couldnt put ypur finger on it. they were so much...

Instantly Alvin jumped up the the confudent looking one and held out his paw. "Alvin. And this is Brittany," He smiled. He would be dead if you didnt include Brittany. After all, they had just started dating.

"Cathy." She smiled, shaking Alvin's paw. "Nice to meet you Alvin and er...what was it?"

"Brittany." Brittany said camly.

"Oh yeah, Brittany." Cathy smiled.

Simon and Jeanette were talking to the one with glasses. "Simon." Simon smiled.

"Jeanette Miller."

"Nice to meet you both. I'm Rachel."

Theodore and Eleanor were talking to the one who was about their height and looked like butter wouldnt melt. "Hi im Theodore."

"Eleanor." Eleanor grinned politley.

"Henny." She smiled.

Meanwhile the other one was talking to Claire and Dave.

"Awsome. My names Hope." She smiled happily. "Its great to be here. Thanks for givin' us a place to stay."

"Your welcome Hope." Dave smiled, "Let me introduce you to everyone, as they're already introducing." Hope chuckled lightly. "Alvin, Simon, Theodore, Brittany, Jeanette, and Eleanor."

"Wix, everyone seems cool." Hope smiled, remembering the names. "Thats Cathy, shes just, well, maybe a bit too confident for her own good, then theres Rachel quite smart, the brains of our group really, and theres Henny, makes good food but then sometimes i leave a bit of sicky on the floor so have to be carfull around her and food." Hope laughed. "And then theres me. Hope. I guess im a bit of a peace maker who can get along with almost everyone!"

(2 days later)

"Im sick of that stupid Cathy!! Urg! Shes so...grr!" Brittany grabbed thin air and twisted it.

"Rachel is so smart! She beat me as Sodako and everything!" Jeanette whinned.

"Henny gave me some recipes!" Eleanor smiled kindly, as normal. She was so nice. "Her food is rather good...some of the time..."

"I know you guys." Hope sighed, "I've lived through it. Don't worry. Cathy acts tough, but she can be really weak. Thats not always a good thing though. Rachel is quite smart with the games, but gets so stressed out with tests and sometimes work that she forgets all the answers. Henny? Good cook? I guess shes better than me so she must be quite good but not my taste really. Its too like posh sort of thing. Like all those people have on Come Dine With Me and you see on those adverts and everything. Yuk! give me a veggie burger, chips, peas, ice cream, and im fine!"

"Finally!" Jeanette said suddenly.

"Finally what?" The other 3 asked.

"Well I know the others personailty but I couldn't work out yours. But I think I have it. Kind, caring, funny, laughs a lot, smilie, peace-maker, fight until the battle is won, brilliant with combacks, honest, loyal, open-minded, original, differnt, can be hot-headed, mysterious and simply-"

"Brilliant?" Hope grinned, and then laughed with everyone.

"Basically." Jeanette smiled. "But your like everything good."

"Thanks. Would that go in my looks too, or do I look that bad?" Hope asked, pointing to her messy ponytail.

"It would go in looks too!" Brittany smiled happily. "Hmm..."

"What is it?" Eleanor asked.

"Here, take these, I think these will go well with your outfit, and they sort of show your personailty. Quirky! Add it to the list Jeanette," Brittany chuckled, pulling out some legwarmers. A sort of pale yellow, like hers. But they were nice. "Perfect!"

"I guess you liked Barbie Dolls when you were little? Cant get out of the habbit of dressing them up but had to chuck them away...experiment on others instead..." Hope said with a sly smile. "We could do a bit of make up experimenting on a few others...don't you think?"

"I'm in, if it means doing Cathy's make up to make her look awful," Brittany smiled, standing next to Hope.


Thatsit for now people x!