Disclaimer: I do not own X-men Evolution just the words below.

This is something I reckon should've happened in mainstream...well sorta.

Read & if possible review


No More Hiding

Kurt cautiously peered round the corner of the hallway he was in to see another hallway devoid of any of his teammates or his exgirlfriend. He had found a note in his locker from Amanda that they could not stay together due to her father sending her to a different school in another state. Whether it was besause of what had happened or more personal matters Kurt did not have the time to care as he was actually relieved to be out of the relationship; she had become clingy every time Kitty said hi between classes and it was starting to annoy him to no end. It did not stop her from being clingy so he hoped that when she slipped the note into his locker it was only passing by on her way home.

He breathed a quick sigh of relief seeing as the coast was clear before he made his way down it casting nervous glances over his shoulder every now and then as if he was about to get attacked. When he felt someone's hand on his shoulder he nearly teleported but instead managed to only jump several inches off the ground before whipping round to see who it was.

"Chill man" The student who had put a hand on his shoulder said. "If them mutties are making you nervous you can hang with us 'til Kelly throws them out"

"Nah it's okay!" Kurt said in an over cheerful voice. Whilst backing away. "If we stay in groups it just proves ve're afraid of zem"

The student looked thoughtful as he mulled Kurt's words over in his head before nodding. "You gotta point there. Well, take care man"

"You too" Kurt called back before turning round only for his usual pale complexion to go even paler as he found himself face to face with Kitty. Oh man, out of ze frying pan und into ze volcano.

"So you're not afraid of me are you Kurt?" Kitty asked whilst glaring at the teen she one called her best friend. "If you're not then why are you avoiding me? Or should I say your friends?"

Kurt gulped audibly as he took as step back from the girl. He knew, out of all his friends and teammates at the institute, that Kitty was the only person whose temper could come even close to the Wolverine's which was why he was trying to avoid her for at least the rest of the school day.

"Sorry Kitty gotta go" Kurt said in a fake cheerful voice as he tried to walk past her only to be shoved into the wall by said girl making him quickly look about the corridor to see if anyone had spotted them. Fortunately the hallway was empty. "Vhat are you doing? Are you trying to get us into trouble?"

"It'll only be me getting into trouble because my best friend is not letting everyone else see the real him!" Kitty seethed as she grabbed the front of his shirt. "I thought you were the one who said we should all stick together, that we were one big family, but when it comes down to it you're nothing but a coward!"

The next thing she knew Kurt had grabbed her wrist and spun so that she was with her back to the wall with Kurt pinning her to it.

"You know nothingabout my past Kitty" He whispered angrily as he leaned in close to the girl. "Just be zhankful you vere able to have a normalchildhood unlike zose less fortunate vith ze gene"

Kitty forcefully shoved Kurt away from her. "Well maybe if you told us about it then we would understand more about why you're turning your back on us"

"I didn't vant your pity" Kurt replied before walking away ignoring the girl who was glaring at his back. Only once he was round the corner did he drop his facade revealing a saddened elf. Guess zat vipes avay any chances of us getting togezzer.

Little did he know that when he had turned the corner Kitty's anger had also disappeared leaving a look of sadness as well as one of slight desperation. She knew that his past had been horrible so she was hoping that he would have stuck by her to help her get through the day seeing that he was probably the only person she knew who could cope with something like what they were going through just now. Sighing heavily she walked off in the other direction towards her next class.


When the final bell rang Kitty sighed with relief as she grabbed her books and left the classroom whilst ignoring all the glares and whisperings about her. All she wanted to do was get back to their bunker of a home until the mansion was repaired, have a relaxing shower since there was no bathtub then find Kurt and try and get him to talk about his past so that she could hopefully understand things from his point of view.

Fate apparently had other things in store for her as she was suddenly grabbed from behind and dragged down a side corridor before being slammed into a wall to see the very same jocks who she had rumbled with the previous night, although to be honest it was Kurt who did most of the fighting taking on two of them whilst she got a piggy-back ride from the third.

"Remember us freak?!" the jock in front of her said whilst his partners held her arms.

"Well the face doesn't look familiar but the stench of your breath is!" Kitty spat back as she tried to free her arms.

The jock's eyebrow twitched at the insult before he grinned evilly at Kitty before reaching for the buttons of her red top making girl's eyes widen to the size of saucers as she realized what was about to happen to her. The next thing the jock knew, or rather felt, was Kitty's leg swiftly coming up and striking him in the crotch making him double over in pain whilst his partners winced in sympathy. Kitty took the moment to try and break free from their grip but despite being surprised the jocks had not slackened their grip on her in the slightest.

"Bitch!" The jock who just had his family jewels rearranged gasped before standing up and moving up against Kitty so that she could not do an encore.

Kitty tried to pull her head back so that she did not have to smell the jock's breath yet because she was against the wall she could only turn her head one way or another.

"What's the matter girl?" The jock leered. "Why don't you use your powers to escape?"

"Why would I waste my powers on creeps like you?!" Kitty asked trying to keep her composure yet she knew what was happening to her; she either had to use her powers to escape but let down the Professor and all her friends at the institute or let the jocks have their way with her. Either way, it was a no win situation and she was too scared to do anything at the moment.

"Then we'll just have to show you what your kind are good for" The jock said as one of his hands went to Kitty's waist and started to unbuckle her belt. "Or at least the females are anyway"

"Or you can let her go und valk avay" Said a familiar voice in a low dangerous tone.

Turning round the jock saw Kurt standing at the entrance to the hallway glaring at the three thugs with such intensity that it would not have been surprising if they did not suddenly fall over dead. Kitty herself would not have been surprised if she had suddenly relieved herself when she saw the look on her friends face; it was a scary change from the usual look he normally sported whenever she saw him.

"Don't tell me you're a supporter of these freaks?" The jock asked disbelievingly.

Kurt walked towards them raising his left arm whilst doing so. He looked at the watch as if thanking it for all it had done. Kitty gasped as she realised what Kurt was about to do but before she could say anything to stop him Kurt had closed his eyes before swinging his arm hard against the wall breaking the watch and deactivating its hologram revealing his true form to the three jocks and Kitty who was now crying silently.

"You-you're-" one of the jocks stammered as he let go of Kitty's arm as he remembered the blue demon from last night.

Kurt opened his eyes and the three jocks stepped back as his yellow glowing orbs seemed to glow with an unparalleled rage that hid behind them.

"Get out of here" Kurt growled letting them see his fangs.

The jocks needed no second telling as they scrambled to get away from him tripping and falling over one another in the process. Once Kurt could no longer hear their retreating footsteps he turned to look at the remains of his image inducer.

"It vas fun vhile it lasted" He whispered softly before he heard the sounds of someone approaching and managed to turn round in time for Kitty to throw herself at him burying her face into his chest whilst her arms locked in a death grip around his waist.

"You stupid elf!" She cried into his chest as she gripped him tighter. "You stupid stupid elf!"

Kurt just let her carry on wrapping his own arms round her smaller frame whilst the rest of the team came running round the corner after hearing the jocks scream something about a blue demon attacking them.


"Are you sure about this Kurt?" The Professor asked. Both Kurt and the Professor along with Storm, Beast and Wolverine were in a small room of the makeshift home they had until the mansion was repaired discussing what had happened not an hour earlier. "I can easily make you another one"

Kurt shook his head. "I'm sure Professor, I vould razzer be exposed for vhat I am vith ze rest of us zan hiding. Nozzing lasts forever as zey say, und I hope it's true about our new fan club"

The Professor nodded at Kurt indicating he was allowed to leave. Only after the door closed behind him did the Professor smile proudly at what had just transpired and he was not the only one.

"I've gotta admit" Wolverine muttered. "I never thought the elf would've had the guts to do what he did"

"Are you saying you would ignore someone you love than reveal yourself whilst saving her?" Beast asked quirking an eyebrow at Wolverine.

"I'd rather kiss the weather witch here square on the lips before turning my back" He retorted.

"Then maybe you'd best start using mouthwash just in case" Storm suggested in a teasing manner whilst Wolverine growled softly.

"Don't count on it"


Kurt sighed in relief as he began walking down the hallowed halls of the bunker. He thought he was going to get an earful over what had happened yet instead he was offered another inducer which he managed to turn down.

"So how'd it go?" Kitty asked from right behind him making him jump slightly.

"I turned down ze Professor's offer of a new vatch" Kurt answered as Kitty walked along side him. "Vhich means I'm going to be attending school as ze true blue fuzzy dude zat I am"

Kitty smiled happily at him before leaning in and kissing him in on the cheek causing Kurt to blush slightly. "And I'll be there for you, as will the rest of us"

Kurt turned to look at Kitty. "You don't know how much zat means to me hearing zose vords"

"About this much?" Kitty asked before quickly kissing him on the lips stunning the elf for several moments.

"You...overshot ze amount" Kurt said before shaking his head as if trying to rearrange his brain after the kiss disarranged it. "But it vas deeply velcomed"

Kitty's smile, if possible, got even bigger. "And I haven't even thanked you yet for saving my life earlier"

Kurt felt nervous he had managed to find the courage to reveal himself but now he was beginning to wonder if his new relationship with the girl of his dreams was going to be the death of him instead.

Better an oven zan a volcano he thought cheerfully to himself as he wrapped an arm round Kitty's waist whilst the two of them headed off towards the mess hall both of them feeling as if they could take on the world together.



& 'til next time

Watch this space & peace out