Beckett sat at her desk, on her chair and looked bored at the elevator. Everyone was out of suspects and she was in a bad mood. Then, suddenly, the elevator opened. Nothing special of cause, but the one in the elevator was. It was a woman. Beckett guessed her around twenty years, her hair was black and she had a pale skin. She wore a beautiful red dress with a red cape over it. She looked like she just came out of a fairytale. Her eyes opened widely. Fairytale!

She walked to Esposito' desk and took a seat in the chair next to his desk. Then she looked at him.

Esposito noticed her and stopped writing.

"Yeah?'' He looked curious at her.

"Look at the girl next to the elevator.'' She turned her head to the girl and then back to Esposito again.

Esposito looked at Beckett like she was crazy. "It's a girl?''

"Good job, Esposito.'' She grinned a little and looked serious again. "Don't you notice anything?''

"Like what?''

"Her clothes.'' She looked at the girl again.

"What about it?''

"God.. You aren't paying attention, are you?'' Her eyes were trying to make something clear.

Esposito looked into her eyes, but he didn't understood her. "I give it up, tell me.''

"Our victim was murdered at a musical. A fairytale to be exact.'' She looked at him.

The victim was a young woman. She probably directed the musical because she was found in her own clothes. She was found behind the scenes, someone hang her. The musical was about a fairytale. It wasn't a special musical. They were supposed to have a rehearsal but they didn't had that, of cause.

"You think that she'd been there? We interviewed everyone!''

"I can't remember her.'' She looked at Esposito. "I'm going to talk to her.''

And as she said, she walked to the girl next to the elevator. The girl looked confused around.

Beckett didn't understand what she was doing.

She looked at the girl and smiled polite.

"Hi, I'm detective Beckett. Who are you?''

The girl looked at Beckett and frowned a little.

"I'm the lady Morgana Pendragon. Where am I?''

Beckett knew her history good enough to know that Morgana was family from the Pendragon'. The famous king Arthur Pendragon included. She didn't believed that she was Morgana, but she was nice though.

"You are in New York.''

"Where is that?''

"It's here. Would you like something to drink? Water perhaps?'' She looked curious at her.

"A water, please.'' Morgana smiled and was polite. She looked curious around. The department was big. There were a lot of people as well. But she wondered how she came here. The only thing that she knew was talking to Merlin about something, and then, suddenly, she stood in the elevator.

Beckett walked to the coffee room and made one coffee and filled another cup with water. While she was waiting for the coffee Ryan and Esposito came into the same room.

"She claims to be Morgana Pendragon..'' Beckett looked confused to her co-workers.

"Morgana Pendragon?!'' Ryan looked confused at the both of them.

"Oh, yeah, she's that girl of that family, right? That history thing?'' Esposito looked at Beckett.

"Yeah. Can you check on her? I'm going to give her a cup of water, maybe you can take her fingerprint on that way?'' She looked at Ryan and at Esposito.

"Sure.'' Esposito looked at Ryan. "I'll search now, can you do the fingerprint?''


They both walked with their coffee to their desks and talked to each other. Beckett grabbed her coffee and the cup of water and walked to the girl. She was patiently waiting.

"Here you go.'' Beckett gave her the cup water.

"Thank you.''

Morgana smiled and she drank some of the water. Beckett looked surprised at her. She really looked like she was royal. Wow.. Beckett thought She really goes into her character!

"Can I ask you something?'' Beckett looked curious and wanted to know if she was involved in the murder case.

"Sure.. Why not?'' Morgana looked curious and raised one eyebrow up.

"So, we have this murder case..'' Beckett looked at her, if she understands it. "And you are dressed like this.'' Beckett tried to smile at her. "Were you involved?''

"Me?! In a murder case? This is the funniest thing I have ever heard!'' Morgana laughed and Beckett noticed her Irish/English accent.

"Are you.. English?'' Beckett looked curious and thought This case is getting interesting by the minute.

"Yes. But I have a bit of a Irish accent.'' She looked curious. "Why?''

"Nothing.. It just came into me.'' Beckett smiled a little and saw that her cup was empty. "Do you want to sit?''

"Yes.'' She smiled and looked around.

"Come.'' Beckett walked to her desk and Morgana followed her. Then Beckett pointed at the chair next to her desk. "You can sit here if you'd like.''

"Thank you.'' Morgana took a seat in the chair and looked at the modern things, like the telephone and the computer.

"I have to talk to my friends for a minute, just stay here, alright?'' Beckett grabbed careful the cup.

"Sure.'' Morgana stayed in the chair and looked around at all the working people. She noticed that she was the only one who was wearing a dress.

Meanwhile Beckett walked to the desks of Esposito and Ryan and handed them the cup.

"Here, please find out who she is.. She does have an English accent.'' She looked at the both of them. "Esposito, did you found anything about her?''

"No.. Nothing. It's like she doesn't exist.'' Esposito looked at Beckett and they were all confused.

"Ryan?'' Beckett looked at him, curious if he found something.

"Yeah?'' Ryan looked up from his computer.

"Did you found something on the cup already?''

"No. Not yet.''

When Ryan said that, they heard a sound from the computer. Whether they had found something or not was up to the computer.

"And? What does it say?'' Beckett looked curious.

"Yo, bro. Tell us what the results are.'' Esposito looked as curious as Beckett.

"It says that she's dead. That she even might be a myth..''