This is Chapter 5...
watch out for chapter 6.
Sorry i haven't been updating daily, been busy.
Anyways enjoy!!!
Chad's P.O.V
Lunch time.
Melissa and I were sitting down at the restaurant waiting for Sonny.
I glanced at the watch.
Then I saw her through the window running.
"She's here," I kept my arms around Melissa.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late." Sonny was out of breath.
I wonder what happened.
"Oh it's ok Sonny, so what do you want to eat?" Melissa smiled.
"Im full, waters fine." Sonny sat in front of me and Melissa.
I ordered water and soon Sonny was breathing normally.
"I can't wait! Today's going to be so much fun." Melissa giggled.
I felt uncomfortable holding my sister like this and seeing Sonny right there.
"Neither can I." I could see Sonny's smile was fake.
After eating Melissa hoped into the front seat while sonny was at the back.
We drove for a good 15 minutes till we reached a wedding shop.
Sonny and Melissa got out.
"Well girls I leave you here, I have to go to set. Have fun." And with that I drove off.
Sonny's P.O.V
I can't believe Chad just left me here.
Melissa dragged me inside the shop, she was almost jumping.
I could see that she was really happy
"I can't wait for my wedding!" she stated as the dresser was measuring her size.
I just gave away another smile.
After that the dresser asked me to stand up and started to do the same.
After that Melissa asked me to choose the material.
Why was she making me do all the work? But at least I was having fun.
She was picking out a wedding dress; I looked at myself in the mirror and back to Melissa.
She was really beautiful compared to me.
I looked down at my shoe till she was finally finish.
She rush to me happily. "Chad is on his way."
"Where are we going next?" I asked patiently.
Every minute I spend with her killed me because each conversation we have always include Chad. I was dying, can't she see it?
Chad's car was now waiting outside.
We went back in out normal position.
"Thanks a lot for helping Sonny" Chad glanced at me from his rearview mirror.
I just gave away another fake smile that was the only thing I could do.
"No problem." Then I looked over to the mirror.
I know this road. "Hey Chad why are we going to the mall?"
"Oh, shopping." Melissa giggled.
I seriously didn't know why I had to come with but I had nothing better to do.
As we walked through the mall everyone was staring at us. Well mostly at Chad and Melissa.
I felt like the third wheel. It was agonizing.
We went to a shop and started to try on things.
"This would look good on you Sonny!" Melissa was holding up a bikini.
"I don't plan on going to the beach." I shrug,
"But, Sonny c'mon. It's their last piece." She was holding it on my face.
I didn't know why it mattered so much but I just agreed.
We bought a lot of beach clothes which was weird.
Chad decided it has been a long day and took me home.
Before I could open the car door he stopped me.
"Sonny, wedding is in two days." He reminded me.
"I know."
"Just remember ok."
I nodded "How could I ever forget."
He shrugged and finally said our goodbyes.
Chad's P.O.V
I woke up with the sunlight shining on my face.
Melissa opened the curtains already and is now pacing around my room.
I rubbed my eye and looked at her.
"Uh… Good morning to you too."
She looked directly into my eye.
Hers was full of excitement.
"C'mon sleepy head! Your wedding day's today!!" She pulled me out of the bed.
"What are you doing?" She was dragging me to the bathroom now.
She pointed inside and ordered me to take a bath.
I did exactly what she said.
I got out with a bathrobe wrapped around my body.
She pushed me harshly into a chair.
I was pretty shocked.
She claps her hands and a bunch of make up and hair artist came rushing in.
Everything was going too fast.
"What the hell!" I screamed.
Melissa just smiled "Go with it." She looked at the clock.
I looked at it too. It says 8:15 am.
I couldn't believe I was awake this early in the morning.
She headed to the door.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"Well the bride needs to get ready too!" she giggled and rush down stairs.
I heard a car engine zoom of quickly.
"And there she goes." I hissed to myself.
My wedding was in 2 hours!
That thought gave me an adrenaline rush.
Soon everyone was gathered around me and started doing what they were supposed to do.
I sighed and stared at the mirror.
I hope things would work out the way I planned.
Sonny's P.O.V
The doorbell woke me up from the slumber I wished to never be awakened.
I looked at the clock; it was 8:35am.
I jumped out of my bed and rush through the door.
It was Melissa.
"Melissa, what are you doing here! Aren't you supposed to be getting ready by now?"
She smiled "Im here because your going to help me out." She smiled.
"Yes you, now c'mon." she pulled me into her car.
I was shocked by how fast she was driving.
She stopped in front of a house.
I haven't been to this side of town before.
It was so grand.
She stepped out of the car and I followed her.
I felt very awkward just wearing my pajamas.
A guy came and greeted the both of us.
Melissa nodded and the guy took me into a room while Melissa went to a different one.
They started to do my hair and make up.
Then after I was done they took out a beautiful most amazing dress I have ever seen.
It was white with some golden prints in it.
It was a tube gown.
They told me too put it on.
I smiled "You got it all wrong, im not the bride, the girl on the other room is."
They insisted that it was supposed to be mine.
Maybe Melissa got a much more beautiful gown so I agreed to put it on.
It looked like a wedding dress but without a veil or flowers.
The moment I went out Melissa was just wearing a plain golden dress.
It had silver prints on it and it wasn't fluffy like mine.
She said that she liked it that way and smiled.
We both glanced at the clock.
It was 9:45am.
Wedding was in 15 minutes.
She dragged me into a white hummer stretch.
It was so extraordinary and we were driving faster now.
I grabbed onto my seat.
It was 9:58am when the limo finally stopped.
I let out a big sigh looking outside the window.
Were outside the most amazing church.
I tried not to break down crying,
The man I love is getting married and not to me.
Chad loved someone else and after this day Chad can never be mine.
It was the end.
I faked a smiled.
Melissa got out first which was very odd.
Everyone was already inside except for Chad's dad.
I could see my mom somewhere in the crowd.
All the flower girls went into the aisle and did the ritual.
It was soon Melissa's turn.
I deeply sighed feeling my heart breaking.
I felt someone putting something on my hair.
It was Melissa veil.
"What are you doing? Your next!" I whispered.
She handed me the flowers and hugged me.
I was so confused.
She pulled away and looked into my eyes and broke into a smile.
"You didn't think I would get married to my own brother did you."
"Your own brother?" I said loudly. "Chad's your brother!"
She nodded and patted my shoulder.
"Now go out there and make your dream come true." She smiled as she took another way to sit in her assigned place.
I walked down the aisle.
Everything was blurry,
Like it was all a dream.
I didn't want to wake up from it.
My eyes were teary.
Soon everything became clear.
I could see mom crying,
Other people were staring at me.
I looked straight and I could see the priest.
Waiting there patiently.
Then a figure that I longed to see appeared.
Chad Dylan Copper was standing straight staring at me.
He looked incredibly handsome.
When I got on at the end of the aisle I quickly hugged him.
Chad stroked my hair and whispered "I love you so much Sonny Monroe."
I held back my tears as he continued "Will you marry me?" he kneeled down holding a ring on his hands.
"Yes!" I said proudly.
He slipped the ring into my finger and smiled.
"Great! Now let's get married!" He took my hand.
I couldn't help but smile as we walked up to the priest.
Sonny's P.O.V
The reception was just magical.
I was so glad it was over,
And now here I am in Chad's arms.
I looked into his eyes.
"What?" he asked gently.
"What's the bathing suite for?" I asked.
"Wedding without a honeymoon? That wouldn't be right." I giggled and so did he.
"So where are we going for our honeymoon?" We intertwined our hands.
"You'll see" he pulled me in closer and kissed my forehead.
Chapter 6 coming soon.
Thank you for reading.
Please Review.
Shout out to my viewers!
Love you all!