a/n: Yeah, this is just a random poem that I wrote for an assignment in English a while back, that pretty much reflects upon the feelings that Sakura harbours for Sasuke, but the intense gap in both their experience and their feelings leave much to be desired; there is a slight glimmer of hate and contempt on Sakura's part, but it mostly reflects upon the never-ending turmoil and suffering that Sasuke had inflicted upon Sakura during his absence.


The theme I have used to base my poem on was "undying and never-ending love," which was portrayed through the pain, suffering and heartache Sakura had to endure when Sasuke left her, and her sorrow and slight resentment resurfaces when she finally encounters him again after that fateful night two and a half years earlier.

Enjoy, and arigato gozaimasu! XD

(NOTE: This poem has full rights to the one who brought it to life; meaning me.)

~Never there~

Nothing can stop this never-ending ache,

Even whilst you of all people are in my wake.

You know why, you started it all;

I feel like I was shoved off a cliff, nothing to break my fall.

All the damage is done, can never be repaired,

Even whilst you are here, you're standing right there!

My heart is in tatters, torn into shreds,

Like the tearing apart of adjoining beds.

Yet all you do is stand there, almost as if you really don't care...

And maybe that is the truth you were trying to explain to me all along,

Even resorting to breaking my heart,

Stepping on it like it was being repeatedly trodden on,

Even though I swore we'd never be completely apart.

Why did you do it? Why did you leave?

Just thinking about it makes me want to heave.

My eyes are completely filled, many tears of mine have spilled,

Yet do you care?

After all, you weren't there.

My heart lives for you, I wish you could feel the same way too.

But I know this could never be,

After all, you weren't there for me.

Written by yours truly!! XD

a/n: How was that? Was it okay? It was a bit rough, but at the time, all I really cared about was getting this (along with the other four assigned activities; what a drag!) finished, but hopefully it gets the message across! XP

My English teacher at the time seemingly loved it, but since I hated her, I didn't buy a word of her crap!

Domo-arigatogozaimasu for reading, and please review, even if it is only to say that it was an alright poem!! Much appreciated; I'll post an earlier update on my other story 'Chasing your Shadow' if you do! XD