A/N: One more chapter after this and this story is over. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter!

*Dora goes off to Hogwarts*

"Mummy, when do I get to go to Hogwarts?" Remus Harry asked his mother as they made their way to Platform Nine and three quarters. Teddy ruffled his sons brown hair.

"When you turn eleven, pup. You only have a year to wait." Teddy told his son. Remus sighed, and glared at his older sister, who got to go to Hogwarts while he was stuck at home with their parents, their little sister Andromeda and their stupid cousins. At least his second cousin Draco R. Malfoy (Which stood for Ronald) would be going to school with him next year.

"Remus Harry Lupin, stop with your glaring," Lily scolded. Remus nodded sadly, "Yes Mummy."

It wasn't long before they ran through the brick wall and made it to the platform. "Mummy, I see uncle James," Remus said as he pointed to where his uncle stood, waving. Lily rolled her eyes.

"Go on," she said. With that, Remus and Andromeda (who was now nine) ran over to their uncle. Dora stayed with her parents. She looked scared out of her wits and sad.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Teddy asked his daughter as he got down to eye level with her. She wiped a tear a way, her pink hair going back to its natural red color.

"What if I don't make any friends, Daddy? What if no one wants to be my friend, or the sorting hat puts me in the wrong house?" she hugged her father, "I've never been away from home before, what if something happens while I'm away?" Lily joined in on the hug.

"Sweetie, nothing like that is going to happen," Lily whispered softly. Dora didn't look convinced.

"How do you know," She asked. Teddy kissed her head.

"Dora, you'll be fine. Just remember to be yourself and you'll make a ton of friends." This seemed to calm her down a lot. It wasn't long before Dora got onto the train. She stuck her head out the window and waved to her little brother and sister. "I promise to write!" She yelled. Lily was crying.

"We love you, sweetheart! Don't forget to do your homework," Lily called. Teddy wrapped his arms around her waist as the train left the station. Andromeda and Remus ran after the train until it was out of sight.

"I can't believe she's going off to Hogwarts." Lily whispered later that night after making love. She had her head on Teddy's chest, and Teddy was playing with her hair. "I know," Teddy whispered, "the time had flown right on by, hasn't it?" Lily nodded sadly. She couldn't believe that her youngest daughter was already at Hogwarts. Just then, a tap came from the window. The couple looked over to see Dora's new owl, Hank, at the window. Teddy chuckled before he threw on a pair of pants and walked over to the window.

Lily got up, put her robe on and got the bird some treats and some water. Teddy sat down on the bed and opened the letter, but waited for his wife until he read it. Lily sat down next to him, "I'll read it," She said, snatching the letter out of his hands.

Dear Mum and Dad,

I know that by the time you get this, it will be late at night and you may be sleeping, but I couldn't wait to tell you the news.

I'm a Hufflepuff, just like Dad and Grandma Dora. The sorting hat said that I would also do well in Gryffindor, but in the end it made me a badger.

I made a friend on the train, a Muggleborn boy named Josh. He almost fainted when I changed my hair color, but then I explained to him about everything. He said read all about Grandpa Harry, but I told him how Grandpa Harry isn't just the Harry Potter, he's just a normal Grandpa who likes old people music like the Weird Sisters.

Josh was sorted into Hufflepuff, just like me.

I miss you all, and I don't know when I'll be able to write again. Please tell Remus and Andy the news, I promised them that they would know what house I was in as soon as possible. Could you also tell Remus and Andy to stay out of my room, every time they go in there they make a large mess for me to clean up, and I won't be home until Christmas.

I can't wait until I can play Quidditch; I want to be a chaser, like Grandma Ginny.

I love you, and I miss you.


Nymphadora Ginevra Lupin aka Dora

P.S. Tell Uncle Albus says hello!

Teddy was grinning from ear to ear. Lily rolled her eyes at him.

"She's a Hufflepuff," He bragged in a sing-song voice. Lily stuck her tongue out at her husband. Teddy's grin didn't leave his face.

"You just jealous because Hufflepuff's rock," he said. Lily straddled his lips and smirked.

"What about Gryffindor," She whispered. Teddy gulped. "Well, Mr. Lupin, I guess I'll have to show you which house is better," She said before her lips met his.

*In Heaven*

Tonks was doing a happy dance.

"She's a Hufflepuff, she's a Hufflepuff!" She cried. All the Gryffindor's (Which was everyone in the room besides Tonks) glared at her.

"Oh shut up, Tonks,' Sirius snapped. Tonks stopped dancing, her cocky grin didn't leave her face.

"You're jealous because Hufflepuff's are the shit." Tonks stated.

"Your right, they are shit," Sirius said. He was always a sore loser, Remus wacked him alongside the head.

"Stop it, Padfoot. You're being a git." Lily I snorted.

"When isn't he a git?" she asked.