A/N: Ok so i have been officially sucked into the world of Addex!! I've recently posted two one-shots about them and now i'm heading into a full blown story! This chapter doesn't really do the story justice to be honest so make sure you read the second before you give up on me! Aha!

Hope you enjoy, oh and reviews would make my day =) iam-kelly.

She stared up at the familiar building in front of her, every feeling, every memory seemed to hit her at once, she sighed heavily and turned to face the little girl she had balanced on her hip "Can Mommy have a kiss?"

The little girl grinned and kissed her mother on the cheek "Mama" she babbled.

"Thank you sweetie, I needed that"

She took the final steps through the doors and strode through the hallway, she had almost reached the elevator when she heard a familiar voice shout her name.


"Callie hey!"

"What are you doing here? Who's this?"

"I'm here for a consult, this is my daughter Lucy"

"Your what! You had a kid! Why didn't you tell me!? Wait how old is she?"

"She's 15 months"

"Oh my….but doesn't that mean…."

"I know"

"Does he…."


"Are you going to…."

"I don't know, my plan is to avoid all contact"

"You do know he's gynae now right?"

"Really? I thought he was going into plastics?"

"You changed him Addison, he's going to be quite a star in the field the way he's going"

"So avoiding him isn't an option is it?"


"God I'm a terrible mother"

"What? I seriously doubt that Addison"

"I'm keeping my daughter away from her father, he doesn't even have a clue about her, I'm a terrible person"

"You're not a terrible person Addison. Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Well I didn't know when I left, I had no idea and when I found out I just, I don't know, I'd put Seattle in this teeny box in the back of my head and I didn't want to open it, he said he didn't want me Callie, he wouldn't have wanted a child"

"I know he hurt you but maybe this is your chance to give your daughter a father, he's a good guy"

"I know he his but I'm nowhere near ready to see him, look I have to go and see Richard, can you meet me in the cafeteria at 12?"

"Yeah I have some time"

"Good, I'll see you later Cal"

"See you later, oh and Addison"


"She has your hair but those eyes, they're his eyes"

"I know"

"Good luck"

"Come in" Addison heard through the Chief's office door.

"Hey there stranger" she smiled.

"Addison! And a child?"

"My child"

"Your child?"

"Yeah, her names Lucy, she's 15 months old"

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I've just had this conversation with Callie Richard, can we save it for later, I'm exhausted"

"Sure, come, sit" he said gesturing towards the chair "She looks just like you Addison"

"I know, she has her fathers eyes though"

"Who is the father?"

"He's not in the picture anymore"

"Oh, ok, sorry to hear that"

"Its fine, its always been just me and Lucy so its fine really"

"As long as your ok"

"I'm ok Richard, I promise"

They sat in his office for a while, Richard explained the ins and outs of the case to Addison while Lucy played with the toys Addison kept with her at all times to keep her occupied in situations like these.

"So, I'm staying for the week, I'll do the surgery and then I'm going back to LA" said Addison as the meeting came to an end.

"Are you sure I can't tempt you with a job offer"

"Richard" Addison protested.

"I know, I know, you love that practice of yours, go enjoy your lunch with Dr Torres, I'll see you soon Addie"

"Bye Richard" she said kissing him on the cheek "Come on Lucy honey" she said crouching down and putting the toys back into the baby bag, she picked up her daughter, gave the Chief one last little wave and left the office.

"Addison!" Mark exclaimed "Callie told me you were back, who's this?"

"This is my daughter Lucy"

"Your daughter!?"

"Yeah, so how are you Mark?"

"Wait, wait, wait, you have a daughter?"

"I think you can see that for yourself"

"Who's the Dad?"

"Its irrelevant, he's not in the picture anymore"

"Oh so I still have a shot"

"You don't change do you?"


"Well I'll see you later manwhore, I have a lunch to get to"

"Bye bye"

"Addison?" Derek said to himself seeing a familiar flash of red hair walk past him, he ran a little to catch up with her and shouted her name, she didn't hear so he ran a little faster and caught up with her.

"Derek Hi!"

"I was shouting you" he panted.

"Sorry, daydreaming as usual, how are you?"

"I'm good, so are you going to explain who this cutie is or am I going to have to guess" he smiled.

"This is my daughter Lucy"

"Your daughter?"


"Well, I, I, I don't, why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Its complicated, I know I should have done but, oh it doesn't matter it was a long time ago now"

"She looks just like you"

"She does doesn't she"

"Well, congratulations Addie"

"Thanks, I'm here for a week so if you want to get some coffee or something"

"Yeah, we'll catch up, it was nice to see you"

"You too"

"Hey Cal, ready for lunch?" Addison smiled as she approached her.

"Yeah lets go" Callie smiled.

"People have been staring at us all day" Addison grumbled as they made their way to the cafeteria.

"You can't say you weren't expecting it, you disappear for 2 years and come back with a baby"

"I know, I know, I've already bumped into Mark and Derek"

"How'd that go?"

"Good, Mark made a pass at me as per usual and Derek seem genuinely happy for me"

"Mark hasn't changed" Callie laughed "But its good that they're happy for you"

"Yeah, I still don't know if I can tell 'you know who' yet"

"Addison I know you're scared but you need to tell him"

"I know, I know I do"

"Right, lets grab some food" Callie smiled as she pushed the doors to the cafeteria open.