So here's the kinda sorta sequel to Saturday. Dedicated to JusyYourAvarageCrazyGirl for suggesting a sequel and giving me the bath idea. Here we go!

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO!!!! Or the plant channel…. If that exists…..

Zetsu dragged a hysterical Deidara into the living room and left him rolling on the floor. The plant man then took the wailing Tobi to the bathroom and ran bath water for the masked nin. After turning off the water he turned to Tobi. "Get in … and call me when you're done."

Tobi looked up at Zetsu. "Ducky?" he asked in a small voice while trying to stop his tears.

Zetsu sighed and went to the cupboard that the Akatsuki used to put their bathroom necessities in. Upon opening the door a mountain of junk fell out onto the irritated plant. Heaving another great sigh he began to search for the yellow rubber duck Tobi favored.

As he dug through toothbrushes, soap and other unidentifiable objects he silently cursed Kakuzu and his cheapness for not buying the things needed to keep the bathroom in order. "Damn Miser" his black half muttered, earning an agreeing grunt from his white half.

When the confounded duck was found, -next to some nasty green goo might he add- Zetsu turned to give the yellow toy to the nuisance behind him only Tobi wasn't there anymore. In his place were all the masked nin's clothes –minus the mask of course.

Zetsu paled at the sight. That could mean only one thing.

Tobi was running naked through the house… Again.

Zetsu backed out of the living room slowly. Deidara was having a spazz attack on the floor. Apparently too much laughter can give you seizers.

After Zetsu's eye stopped twitching he headed to the kitchen by taking the path through the dining room. He heard some noise in there and figured it was Tobi. But he was wrong and quickly found out that coming this way was a BIG mistake. Upon entry he got a face full of Itachi's 'meatloaf' thrown via fishstick. He wisely turned and headed for the longer route to the kitchen. After washing his face of course.

There he found Tobi amongst a colossal mess. Letting out a great sigh he picked the still naked Tobi up in the towel he had brought and took him back to the bathroom for his bath. After setting the masked nin in the water he gave the yellow duck to Tobi as he walked out the door, locking it from the outside.

He headed back for the living room and turned the TV onto the plant channel, completely ignoring the comatose Deidara in the corner. After a moment his day caught up to him as he fell asleep on the couch.

Tobi was forgotten in the tub. But hey, at least he had Mr. Quackers!

Review please! Mr. Quackers demands it!

Mr. Quakers: QUACK!