This has been flying around my head for a while now (no pun intended! haha)
Please don't read if you don't like slash (or if you don't know what that is)
This is Figgy (Fang x Iggy from Maximum Ride) I don't own them.
"You know, when someone tells you they like you, you usually believe them, Fang." Iggy stared crossly at the place he knew Fang was. He couldn't believe the reaction he'd gotten for that one!
"Ig, you—" Iggy could hear the hesitation in Fang's voice, which increased when he came to sit beside him on Fang's bed.
"And not only that, Fang, but I know that you like me too." Iggy leaned in closer over Fang, causing him to lean back as well until he was practically on his back on the bed.
"H-how can you say that? How can you know?" Fang was scrambling to form his sentences, Iggy could tell. "A-and how can you like me? You can't even see me. You hardly even know what I look like!"
Iggy paused for a second to sigh in disgust. "Fang, maybe this hasn't occurred to you, but, for me, what things look like?Isn't really a huge concern of mine." He smiled down at Fang.
"And as for knowing how you feel? I don't need my eyes for that either. For example," he leaned in closer, placing his hand on Fang's clothed chest. "I can feel your body temperature's raised: there's heat waves just rolling off you," he purred.
Iggy bent down, breathing against Fang's neck. "I can smell the extra sweat on your skin." He smiled against the now remarkably heated skin.
"And I can hear you heart pounding in your chest from what I'm doing, Fang. And, well, without sight that only leaves one other sense, doesn't it?"
Iggy felt Fang tense under him as he realized what was being implied, and a second later Iggy's mouth covered his softly and hesitantly, waiting until he felt Fang relax into him before continuing firmly and confidently.
He didn't need to see the smile he felt on the other boy's lips.